Page Six 1 HE MICHIGAN DAILY I uesday, February 25, 1975 j FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday FOR RENT MUST RENT immediately. Excellent location, Maynard House apart- ments, Maynard & William. Large, furnished efficiency, $168/mo. in- cluding water, heat, air cond. 761- 0993, Rick, keep trying. dC0228 AVAILABLE March 15-1-2 bedroom apartment in older home. 10 blocks from campus. 2 bathrooms, large basement, suitable for workshop or study. Garage and space for garden. $190/monh. 665-9688. 360228 LOOKING for a Jewish place to live? Hebrew House (Kosher Co-ed Coop). Prospective Fall members meet at 800 Lincoln Wed, night, 7:30 p.m. or call Debbie, 763-6416. 31 C0226 SINGLE in Bursley. Take over lease. Available immediately. 763-2769. 12C226 HOUSE: 3 bedrooms, furnished, campus location, 1 year lease start- ing Sept. 1. Only for male Seniors or grad students. 663-5930. 68C0313 1 BEDROOM APT. Village Green, Plymouth Rd. $180/mo. Lease ends July, option to renew, 7 min. to UM bus. Call 665-3560. 99C0225 FEMALE assume lease. Own room in 2-bdrm. Completely furn. Ap. A, good deal avail. Mary 764-1564 or 668-7114. 91C228 NEXT FALL watch the football crowds from the Edinberg apart- ments. 1 block from Hoover and Green, 2 bedroom furnished modern apartments. Call between 6 and 7 p.m. 994-0475, 769-7587. 59C0228 1-BDRM. to rent in 2-bdrm. flat, $110/mo. $50 security deposit. No lease. Fully furnished except for bedroom. Call after 6 p.m., 761-3439.1 07C2281 NO LEASE. Rent own bedroom in large house, near State and Packard. Immediately. 812 Sybil, 769-3215. 790225 FREE RENT for February. $50 se- curity deposit plus $250 rent for March moves you into a modern bi- level furnished 2-bedroom with air conditioning, dishwasher and gar- bage disposal. Call 994-9191. 760313 FALL 418 E. WASH I NGTON Modern, and large 1 bedrooms. Furnished, balconies, air, security system. 521 WALNUT STREET Hospital Area Modern, 3 and 4 man units Dishwasher, air, security system 911 fS. FOREST Modern 3 and 4 man units. Furnished, air, near Hill Street Please call us for listings of old and new buildings not listed here. MODERN APARTMENTS Office of 418 E. Washington! Basement 10-5 668-6906 Or 663-3641 FOR RENT TWO-BEDROOM, 4-man apartment, 1 block from hospital. Call 663-6549. 520312 LARGE EFFICIENCY, campus loca- tion, assume lease April. 663-8691. 510226 JUST ON THE MARKET FOR FALL. Houses, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms $320- $525. Three bedroom Apts. olders buildings $340-$400. Two bedroom modern buildings $270-$320. Two bedroom older buildings $240-4284. One bedroom modern buildings, $210-$212. One bedroom older build- ings $170-$240. Efficiencies older buildings $145-$180. Rooms, older buildings $95-$30. Stop in and pick up a list. 512 Packard. 750313 TWO FEMALE roommates needed for fall., very close to campus, $84/ bo. 665-9261. 05C227 SINGLE ROOM in North Campus{ Co-op. Immediate occupancy. $125 per month room and board. Call Charlie (663-6676) or Stephanie (663- 6036). 2400227 FALL RENTALS start Mon., Feb. 17. Come in and pick up a list. Trony Associates, 512 Packard. CC313 FOR RENT TWO GRAD students, 1 man, 1 wo- man, want 2 students to share large (250' sq. ft.) bedroom in 3 bdrm. apt. near campus for Fall. Call Tom or Kid, 994-4341. dC228 AVAILABLE Immediately - Own room for woman in a 3 person house in Burns Park. No lease. Rent is $66/month plus utilities. 761-8940. dC227 jFOU RMONTH WINTER TERM LEASE AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. 536 S. Forest 761-2680 ctc 4-ROOM furnished apartment for 2 (only) quiet persons, no pets, ref- erences. 973-0643, 764-2594. 28C0225 TAPPAN: 2-bdrm., 2 or 3-man fur- nished apts. Fall occupancy. $250/ mo. 663-4101. cCtc FOR RENT ROOMMATES QUIET PERSON for room in house near campus. No pets. Lease thru August. 994-5210, 4-6 p.m. 98025 Where TENANTS COME F IRST For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features Call MAIZE & BLUE Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 cCtc NOW RENTING FOR FALL, Medical Center location, modern flats. Call McKinley Associates at 769-8520, ext. 41. cCtc IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 2 bdrm. completely furnished apt. in older home, good campus location, $220. Call 769-8520 ext. 41. cC311 FALL 'OLDER BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS We have 2 and 3 Bedroom Furnished Apts, in older buildings near cam- pus and the Hospitals. Also modern Two-Bedroom, 3 and 4 man Apts. Campus Management, Inc. 335 EAST HURON 663-41O 1 ~CAMPUS Next Fall is not ROOMS* far away. Excellent rooms for girls. Spacious The best campus completely furnished in a modern, clean, safe, brick building. Available now. Regular single, $105; large apartments are single. $125. Call for appointment, 761-1932. cc renting right r i i 's I i i i FEMALE WANTED to share 2 bed- room apartment. Pittsfield Village. Call1971-3905. 29Y0226 THINK SUMMER: One-two female' roommates wanted to share house in country, 20 minutes from campus. Fireplace, private beach. Low nego- tiable rent. No smokers. Fall option. 1-229-4067 very persistently. 82Y228 FEMALE to share apt. with 2 grad women for fall. 994-6374. 13Y226 WANTED: One female for Fall '75. 2-bedroom apt. Good location. 764- 1888, 764-1896. 86Y0227 MALE GRAD STUDENT, recently "de-married", seeks unattached fe- male roommate for spacious 2-bed- room apartment, mile from campus. $97.50/mo. Jeff, 769-3527. 00Y0225 FEMALE WANTED for 2-man, 1- bedroom apartment. Good location, nice apartment. Call soon, 665-5935. 92Y226 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Own bedroom in modern apt. Parking and laundry. 665-9374. 81Y228 WANTED: 1 female for Fall '75. Own room, 4-bedroom apartment. $95. South U. and Church. Call 764- 1868. 73Y225 WANTED TO RENT $25 REWARD for information lead- ing to rental of 4-7 bedroom house. Call 764-4940. 27L227 WOMAN looking for room in Apt. (prefer near U Hospital) from March 1st to end of August. Call 764-0193. 97L225 $50 REWARD for information lead- ing to signing of fall lease of 3- bedroom, 3-person apt. near campus,' w/parking. 663-3101, 994-6374. 14L226 $50 REWARD for information lead- ing to rental of 6-8 bedroom house starting May or Sept. 764-3675 (per- sistently) 763-2791. 22L225 TRAVEL SPRING EAK ride wanted to St. Louis, Columbia. 763-1786. 46P216 EUROPE April ,29-June 11-Tor/Ams. $291 May 4-Aug. 21-Tor/Lon. $302 May 5-Sept. 9-Tor/Ams. $324 May 6-Sept. 26-Tor/Frank. $344 Additional flights available from the Midwest and East, 'LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1-2-3 bedroom Townhouses avail- able, immediate occupancy. Stove, Refrigerator, Heat included. Low down payments. low monthly pay- ments/ Hrs. 9-5. Danbury Green Cooperative, 484-0371. cCtc FALL '75 One, 2, and 3 level apartments available on campus Viscount Apartments Model now open, 1316 Geddes Apt 5 M-F, 11-1 & eves, Weekends 2-4 CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. 665-8825 cCtc FALL 2-BEDROOMS Large, furnished, clean, quiet, park- ing. $300/mo. Year lease-927 S. Forest. Appointment after 5 p.m. 662-6156. cCtc FOREST TERRACE 1001 S. FOREST FALL RENTALS MODERN 2-BEDROOM FURNISHED, AIR CONDITIONING, CABLE T.V., 8 OR 12 MONTH LEASES, BURGLAR ALARMS, LIVE- IN RESIDENT MANAGERS. SEE DON OR COLLEEN, APT. 211, 769-6374. 920222 now. iGive us a call. DAH LMANN APARTMENTS 545 CHURCH 76 1-7600 tc FALL '75 LIVE IN A STYLE THAT SUITS YOUR I PERSONALITY Fine Campus Apartments and Houses CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 Monday-Friday 9-5:30 Saturday 10-2 FURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. AVAILABLE 662-2952 or 434-0550 SANS SOUCI ACROSS THE STREET FROM MICH. STADIUM cCtc U FEMMI SUBLETI SUBLET - May-Aug. 2 bedroom, 2 man apt. in house. 3 min. to Angell Hall. Reasonable. 665-2239. dU227 LARGE EFFICIENCY, corner State and Packard. Sublet May thru Aug. 663-5108 after 5:30, 21U226 CHARMING campus efficiency May- August, fall option. 665-3597 persis- tently. 28U0227 SUMMER SUBLET-Two places (sin- gles and half double) in spacious apt. in house. Parking, good loca- tion. Price negotiable. 763-6311. LOST AND FOUND FOUND - German Shepherd pup.I Male, approx. 7 weeks old. In vi- cinity of Chemistry Bldg. Call 764- 2910. dA227 LOST PUPPY - White with blacki spots, female. Answers to "Katie." Collar. 971-1071. 22A227 FOUND-Black, furry puppy. Sun- day, Feb. 23 at State and William. Call 994-4943. dA227 LOST: Wallet in Dental School. Please return, valuable identifica- tion. No questions asked. Call 665- 7115. 83A225 USED CARS '67 VOLKSWAGEN Bug. 27 MPG, solid transportation. $600 or best offer. 663-9834. . 33N0228 '65 VW, needs new brakes, runs OK. $80. 668-6561, after 5 p.m. 19N227 1966 VW, 59.000 actual miles, one owner, sunroof, radio. 1-525-4063. 16N228 '72 VW BUG, red, 28,000 mi. 764- 4159, 8-5. P. McMann. 06N0228 FOR SALE QUAD SYSTEM for sale. Receiver, speakers, turntable and deck. 481- 1632. 35B228 SR-50, practically new. $100.00 or best offer. Call Myles, 763-4005. 03B225 WEDDING DRESS-With long hood-i ed cape. Worn once. Size 10. Very reasonable. 973-9473 persistently. 20B226 MANUAL PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ER, Smith-Corona Classic 12, $45 firm. INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER, Dynaco, SCA-80, $85 firm. Call 663- 5812 or 663-3135. 66B0228 LARGE ADVENT Loudspeakers, wal. nut, like pair, $185.00. 994-6588. 8B225 CLAY POTS AND SAUCERS At the Greenhouse Liberty at Division 63B0313 PLANTS AT LOW COST: Large, tro- pical, exotic plants and large selec- tion of hanging baskets. Life-Unit. Call 665-6050. 21B0311 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1974 CB 360 G HONDA, mint condi- tion, 3,000 miles. Must sell, low winter price. Call Kent at 971-1977 (before 9:00 a.m.) or 668-7652 after 6:00 p.m. (Ask for Kent only). 34Z0228 PROFESSIONAL mechanic work, Honda 4, Kawasaki 4 tune-ups, per- formance work also. Storage avail- able, pick-up and delivery. Special Projects, Inc. Bill Smith, 994-0999, Paul Napier 665-0282. 88Z228 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENT 2-bdrm. starter home. AA's west side. 761-1784. 04R0228 HELP WANTED ANYONE interested in officiating IM volleyball should come to a meeting and clinic tonight at 7:30 at the Coliseum (5th and Hill). No experience necessary. 43H225 FULL-TIME experienced bookkeeper (some secretarial). Salary negoti- able. Call 761-1842 afternoons. 11H225 SUMMER JOBS IN SWITZERLAND Your summer working in Switzer- land: An experience you will benefit from as long as you live. GUARANTEED JOBS: minimum working 2 months. Minimum salary per month $300.-plus food and lod- ging. Excellent working conditions. PLACEMENT FEE: $60-including handling of working permit for Switzerland (students only). For students 21 years and less free ad- vice of how to take bus to Toronto, Canada, and purchase youth fare airline tickets directly from the Airline (Toronto-Switzerland-Toron- to $365-roundtrip airfare. Stu- dents must leave Toronto before May 31, 1975 as this airfare will not be available to U.S. students (East- bound) in June, July, and August 1975, (cheapest way). For students 22 years and more free advice of how to travel on Icelandic Airlines and train from Chicago via Luxem- bourg to Switzerland. For further details and free bro- chure (all details explained step by step) please enclose two 13cts air- mail stamps (for return postage) and write to: International Worktrips in Switzerland U.S. Representatives c/o J.A.T. Inc. 4319 E. St. Joseph Way P.O. Box 15101 Phoenix, Az. 85060, U.S.A. Tel. 602-959-0887 47HO228 SECRETARY Full time/permanent. Must type 70 wpm, will be tested. Call 662-5575 for appointment. Non-smokers only. cH226 BABYSITTER: live-in or own trans- portation. 25 hours/week. Reply to Daily, Box No. 1. 69H227 UNUSUAL opportunity in interna- tional marketing. Call 769-9251 eves. for appointment. 3OH227 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Sta-Prest Bells HELP WANTED RESPONSIBLE peson to work Fri- day eves, and/or Saturday eves from 10 n.m. to 3 am., also late morning hours available 11 a.m to 2 p m. Please call 761-1932 for more information. eftc HOUSECLEANING help needed 4-8 hours/week. Flexible hours. $2.20/ hr. 761-1932. cHtc PERSONAL SFNSTTIVITY GESTALT AWARE- NESS WORKSHOP, this Friday eve- nine-Sunday noon. Bob and Mar- garet Blood, 769-0046. 37F228 U-M STYLISTS AT THE UNION Open regular hours during Soring break. cF0228 Every day is RING DAY at the Mi- chigan Union. See our display of class rings at the concession stand on the first floor. cFtc OUT-OF-THE-BODY experience workshop with Robert Monroe. Call 764-9119, 761-4569. 49F227 ROBBEN FLEMING $73,000/year. A burning in effigy, Wednesday, Diag Noon. 30F0226 RUSSIAN AND POLISH TA'S ARE STILL ON STRIKE! Classes are NOT being held AS NORMAL. We will require no class attendance until the strike is settled. 26F0226 RESERVE an appointment and learn the facts about diamonds so your engagement ring purchase will be worth your while and a unique experience. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc STEVE'S LUNCH - Come for home cooking, breakfast all day, Great soups and egg rolls. 1313 So. University. cFtc SPECIAL during Spring Break. Re- duced rates for Billiards and M-pn Bowling. Open 1 p.m. March 1-8, Michigan Union. cF0228 THE DISTINCTION of being South U's only drug store belongs to the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univer- sity. cFtc T'N'T SPECIAL every Tues. and Thurs. between 9-11 p.m. Beer and mixed drinks i price at Chances Are. 994-5350. cFtc QUALITY DUPLICATING & OFFSET Fast Copy Service-Low Prices THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State 662-3969 Campus (near Ginos) BOARD EXAM TUTORING S'IANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES Enroll now to prepare for upcoming MCAT * DAT * LSAT O GRE ATGSB board exams. For informa- tion call: (313) 354-0085. eFtp UPTIGHT? Relax, use whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, inexpensive. 971-6867 or 971-1489. PFtc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 EXTRA CARE IN COPYING OFFSET PRESS-CAMERA WORK PARKMAN PRINTING 157 E. Hoover St. 761-4391 cFtc WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE C LO0SE T L EG A TE E E T R0 A RO0MA N0OT LE A ST C ROO N S S POO N SO0R T D Y KE CO0S R E 0W N RACB EAT C E T A 8 0 R E CC W V ER BE NA 0Q TSO0L E A LF RE DN 0 RTH NE V S L UE D D UE T E Y RE A SCO0T YO0N S~ N G E AC RE S H A SH E D L D S T H A D H ER E S PI1RT WE A RER ES SE N E PERSONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED NOW EUROPE '75 * PARIS 0 SPAIN * e VIENNA+ r ITALY. CONTACT CENTER FOREIGN STUDY in ANN ARBOR A Private Educational Organization 216 So. State St. (Above Marti Walker) 662-5575 cF228 Campus Pinball S1217k South University eFtc WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod. or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc BUMPER STICKERS custom printed ;chile-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect. Ann Arbor. 761-0942. eFte NEED PASSPORT or application pictures? They're taken at the Daily on Wed. from 6-7 p.m., call 764-0552, ask for Karen. dF225 Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding and Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cFtc REGENCY TRAVEL. 601 E. WILLIAM ANN ARBOR 48104 665-6122 SPECIALIZING in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRI P HOME RESERVATIONS NOW Original, Handcrafted Jewelry. Gold, Silver. Gems. WEDDING BANDS. Jhan. 769-7550. CFtc "GREEK" & PITCHER NIGHT "Greeks" admitted free. Special prices on pitchers4at Chances Are 994-5350 cFtc SUMER - I.coast to London and the SUMMER SUBLET: Furnished 1- continent. bedroom, a/c, laundry. 1 block from campus. Fall option. 663-4910. j 93U225 SUBLET: May-August. 4-bedroom, 4-man apartment in nice house, E. University and Hill area. A GOOD DEAL. Call 665-2410. 61U0225 BEGINNING March, one-two person furnished apartment. $160/mo., in- cluding utilities, laundry, and park- ing facilities. 663-6827 or 665-0211. Also available- International Student Identity Card. Student Rail Pass and Eurailpass.I Intra - European Student Charter{ Flights. Car Lease and Purchase Programs and more . . . TRAVEL WflPI F) FOOD WEEK 1975 (FOOD WEEK MARCH 10-15) Teach-in on the global, national and personal food crisis FINAL MASS MEETING TUESDAY, !FEB. 25 Angell Hall, Aud. C Everyone is urged to attend For more information contact: FOOD ACTION COALITION at 764-6478 64U0226 V V ','1\ SUBLET: May-August, spacious 2- 994-0244E bedroom apartment. Convenient to 610 S. Forest Ave., No. 8 Med Center. Air Conditioned, Park-I cP228 ing. 820 Fuller, 665-9846. 72U227 ROOM WAILABLE nmodernsU RADIOS, REPAIRS bdrm. apartment for summer sub-RA IS RE IS et. near Mdica Cener Sue 6- 12 STRING YAMAHA guitar w/case, - $130 or best offer. 764-5656. dX0226 SUMMER SUBLET. 2-man, air-cond. -__-_ apt. Hill and Packard. 663-6538. KENWOOD KR-5200 stereo receiver, 38U226 perfect condition. 30 w per channel. both driven. 20-20K hz. $200. Call GREAT DEAL-Sublet May-August 764-7660. 18X228 if you see news had pen call 76-DAILY i ; TON4HIES ARCADE presents "THE PIZZA MACHINE" SUNDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS High score for the day scores pizza! 632 PACKARD (fall option). Large, sunny 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apt. Perfect carn- pus location. Ideal for 2-4. Parking. 994-5973. 23U0225 PHOTO SUPPLIES NIKON FTN, 35mm F2 lens, MINT j CONDITION, $400. 994-0251 persis- tently. 96D228 MISCELLANEOUS INSTANT CASH !Wazoo is still pay- ing 75-1 for albums in good shape. Rock-Jazz, Blues. It's working! Wa- zoo II, 314 E. Liberty, 10-6 Mon., Sat. 668-9463. 31M401 OVERSEAS JOBS-Australia. Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all pro- fessions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, over- time, sightseeing. Free information. TRANSWORLD RESEARCH CO., Dept. F4, P.O. Box 603, Corte Madera, CA. 94925. 36M226 I kF men a d, I9ei* FEBRUARY 26, 1975 FEBRUARY 27, 1975 11:00-12:30 Workshops 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:00-5:00 8:30-10:30 Symposium Registration, Office of Ethics and Religion 3rd Floor, Michigan Union, 764-7442 Multi-Media presentation,; "IN THE LIFE OF A WOMAN" (open discussion including all available participants Kuenzel Lounge, Mich. Union "WHERE ARE WE NOW? THE CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S MOVEMENT AND THE MEANING OF FREEDOM?" by Penelope Washburn, St. Johns College, 9:00-10:30 a.m. Workshops (A complete list of workshops will be avail- ablefrom the Office of Ethics and Reliqion at the time of registration) 1:30-3:30 p.m. "THE CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S MOVEMENT AND ITS EFFECT ON BLACK WOMEN AND THE CHURCH" by Sarah Ward, Director, Program for Children with Learning Problems, Education & Training Division of Model City Administration, Boston, Mass. Kuenzel Lounge, Mich. Union VOX ORGAN with cases. Low price. Apollo Music Center, 322 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cXtc ARB BASS AMP-Piggy-back unit. 769-1400. cXtc SHURE MIKE SALE-most models in stock-up to 40% off. Apollo Music Center, 322 S. Main, Ann Arbnr. cXtc GUITARS, New and Used. Steel string and Classical. Lessons. Re- pairs. 665-7348 or 429-9241. cXtc BUSINESS SERVICES MOVING? Get that deposit back! Cleaning done. Benny, 665-5865. 27J328 PAPERS NOTES TH ESES FLIERS COPTIED WHILE-U-WAIT High Quality at LOW Cost THE COPY MILL 211 B So. State (near GINO'S) 662-3969 c320 TAX RETURN/Notary Service, $5.00 up, special business rates. L & T Tax Service. 971-0069, 769-8094. 09J0228 NEED cards keypunched? Call us for fast accurate service. COMDATA Services, 461-1874. 84J225 TUTORING, EE,, Statistics, Math, Computers. Cali Wait, 994-3594. cJte TYPING and EDITING. Olil Jean. 994-3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc TRANSPORTATION NEEDED: ride for two to Florida (St. Pete. preferably) will pay for gas and share driving, Call Jan, 763-6995. dG226 RENT ME new VW's $5.00 a day 10c a mile CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr. '75 Los Angeles Times ACROSS 52 1 City square 57 6 1944 date 10 Boodle 14 Made a start 58 15 White frost 16 Lofty 17 Shakespeare: 59 Phrase 60' 19 Palindromic name 61 20 Depart in a hurry 62 21 Facial grimace 63 22 Greenbacks 23 Bright red 64 24 Wham! 27 Little Helena 1 29 Circuits 30 Cries of triumph 2 32 Coffee shop, in 3 France 36 Ibsen heroine 4 37 Drawing room 38 Maneuver for 5 take off 6. 39 Atom smasher 7 41 Leap lightly 8 42 Active volcano 9 43 Nuisance 46 French "ands" 10 47 " . .. that - are 11 created equal" 12 49 Potato: Colloq. 51 Comedian Jerry 13 Softens 18 Treasury De- 21 partment 23 employee "Humpty 24 Dumpty -:" 25 Phrase 26 Own "And columbines 28 all in --- River to Pamlico 31 Bay Court cry Imagine, old 33 style Attempt 34 DOWN 35 Consumer com- 37 plaint gps. 40 Type of year 44 Fairy-tale 45 character Student at West 47 Point Dumpling: Ger. 48 Approaches Prima donna 50 Chinese port Currency in 52 Japan 53 Quarries Reptile in rivers 54 Take in, as a 55 dress 56 Radiance 58 Temple: Poet Humbug The MacDuff's, for example Judge's bench Seaman's call Hair-do for a nostalgia buff Full and running over Figuratively, places for hard labor Softens, as a photo Departure Overturns Musial Individuals Whirled University in New Orleans Supposing that: Var. Famous Air Force general Coolidge's vices president Shanks' -- County in Nebraska Greek letters Lohengrin's bride Weaver's reed Cut wood 10 IIIZIII 2 13 T 7 r i I i... ... 4:00-6:00 "THE CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S MOVEMENT AND ITS EFFECTS ON TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS" by Jewish Speaker- Ms. Carol Weiner, Dept. Head, Hebrew LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs 20 22 T7- Flannel Shirts from 2.00 36 . 32 23 28 29 33 ----i 38 Plaid Pants S4.00 :) n m~ 3 A0 I i I I i f 141 1 1 1 I