Sunday, February 23, 1975 -i HE MICHIGAN UA'1LY Page Seven Sunday, February 23, 1975 I MICHIGAN UAILY Page Seven FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday l Y IP A oft ! IF 1 tT FOR RENT FOR R ENT _ SINGLE in Bursley. Take over lease. TWO-BEDROOM, 4-man apartment, Available immediately. 763-2769. 1 block from hospital. Call 663-6549. 120226 52C312 TWO FEMALE roommates needed LARGE EFFICIENCY, campus loca- .for fall,,very close to campus. $80/ tion, assume lease April. 663-8691. bo. 665-9261. 050227 510226 1 BEDROOM APT. Village Green, JUST ON THE MARKET FOR FALL. Plymouth Rd. $180/mo. Lease ends Houses, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms $320- July, option to renew. 7 min. to $525. Three bedroom Apts. older UM bus. Call 665-3560. 9900225 buildings $340-$400. Two bedroom modern buildings $270-$320. Two NEEDED FOR FALL: Person who bedroom older buildings $240-$280. needs room, address, phone to ap- One bedroom modern buildings, pease parents while living some- $210-$212. One bedroom older build- where else. Rent bedroom in our ings $170-$240. Efficiencies older apartment. 663-6543. Pete, Loran. buildings $145-$180. Rooms, older 09C0223 buildings $95-$105. Stop in and pick up a list. 512 Packard. 750313 FEMALE assume lease. Own room in - ----_ 2-bdrm. Completely furn. Ap. A, I-BDRM. to rent in 2-bdrm. flat, good deal avail. Mary 764-1564 or $110/mo. $50 security deposit. No 668-7114. 910228 lease. Fully furnished except for ----bedroom. Call after 6 p.m., 761-3439. NEXT FALL watch the football 070228 crowds from the Edinberg apart- ----- ments. I block from Hoover and HOUSE: 3 bedrooms, furnished, Green, 2 bedroom furnished modern campus location, 1 year lease start- apartments. Call between 6 and 7 ing Sept. 1. Only for male Seniors p.m. 994-0475, 769-7587. 5900228 or grad students. 663-5930. 68C0313 ENTIRE HOUSE two blocks from 4-ROOM furnished apartment for campus. Summer sublet with Fall 2 (only) quiet persons, no pets, ref- ,option. Pets welcome. 668-6376. erences. 973-0643, 764-2594. 28C0225 940223 ______ ___-- FALL RENTALS start Mon., Feb. 17. QUIET PERSON for room in house Come in and pick up a list. Trony near campus. No pets. Lease thru Associates, 512 Packard. cC313 August. 994-5210, 4-6 p.m. 98025 __- NO LEASE. Rent own bedroom in Imeitl.82Sbi,7931 7I"CAM\PUS large house, near State and Packard. 79C225 ROOM FREE RENT for February. $50 se- March doves you into a modern hi- Excellent rooms for girls. Spacious level furnished 2-bedroom with air completely furnished in a modern, conditioning, dishwasher and gar- clean, safe, brick building. Available bage disposal. Call 994-9191. 760313 now. Regular single, $105; largej single, $125. Call for appointment,j 761-1932. cCtc FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED FOREST TERRACE 1001 S. FOREST FALL RENTALS MODERN 2-BEDROOM FURNISHED, AIR CONDITIONING, ---------_---------_-- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 2 bdrm. FULL-TIME experienced bookkeeper{ completely furnished apt. in older (some secretarial). Salary negoti- home, goodcampus location, $220. able. Call 761-1842 afternoons. Call 769-8520 ext. 41. cC311 11H225 F AL L DSUMMER JOBS IN SWITZERLAND OLDER BU LDoINGS Your summer working in Switzer- land: An experience you will benefit ON CAIM PUS from as long as you live. GUARANTEED JOBS: minimum We have 2 and 3 Bedroom Furnished working 2 months. Minimum salary Apts. in older buildings near cam- per month $300.-plus food and lod- pus and the Hospitals. Also modern ging. Excellent working conditions. Two-Bedroom, 3 and 4 man Apts. REAL ESTATE BIKES AND SCOOTERS PERSONAL EXCELLENT 2-bdrm. starter home. PROFESSIONAL mechanic work, DON'T PAY for a store's overhead AA's west side. 761-1784. 04R0228 Honda 4, Kawasaki 4 tune-ups, per- via high mark-up. For the area's S- formance work also. Storage avail- lowest prices and finest qualities TRAVEL able. pick-up and delivery. Special possible on an engagement ring, Projects, Inc. Bill Smith, 994-0999, shop Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Uni- SPRING BREAK ride wanted to St. Paul Napier 665-0282. 83Z228 versity, 663-7151. cFtc Louis, Columbia. 763-1786. 46P216 DIRECT~pur~~asing~~~lume~~elling -- - - -- - PERSONAL DIRECT purchasing volume selling and marginal profits assure you Last Chance !!IREDUCED RATES TODAY 1-6 P.M. that your diamond will be an in- Billiards at the Union. vestment at Austin Diamond, 1209 SPRIN G B REA KS.cF0223 SUniversity, 663-7151. Ftc March 2-9 ONE FREE BOWL of soup with this XEROX AND OFFSET NASSAU from $239 ad any day this week atTHE VEE- Fast, low cos cating JAMAICA from $332 'TABLE UNION. Live folk entertain-I COPY QUICK ment daily at Ann Arbor's first nat- 1217 S University 769-0560 ural foods cafeteria. Open 10-2 p.m. - __ Monday-Friday. Ground floor of WE'RE NUMBER ONE in diamond from Toronto Michigan Union-behind Union Sta- sales in Ann Arbor. Find out why. April 29-June 11-Ams. $291 tion. 10F226 Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, May 4-Aug. 21-Lon. $302 .-663-7151. cFtc May 5-Sept. 9-Ams. $324 i meet so many people who think May 6-Sept. 26-Frank. $344 there's something wrong with me May 12-June 24-Lon. $302 because i seek companionship. they'- May 20-July 2-Ams. $324 reality is a bleak monday morning. May 22-Sept. 9-Ams. $324 these people mess up my mind-'do ADDITIONAL FLIGHTS AVAILABLE i have to be alone to have freedom FROM THE MIDWEST AND THE { and peace? I am a man who hasn't EAST COAST TO LONDON AND a woman to laugh and sing with. i THE CONTINENT. feel a need for a woman for whom love is- not an idea, but a way of [T R AV EL/klife: religion not a theory, but a 'ou h Un v rst technology of joy; life not a battle- OUt niversty field, but all sunshine, music, color, cFtc jand dance, except for growing pains. W V K L if you are or like the idea of being WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod. or such a person, send me a letter or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. a poem at box 333, michigan daily. cFtc let us see if our warmth can open each other's hearts like sunlight BUMPER STICKERS custom printed opens a flower. what does a flower xhile-U-wait! MBL PRESS. 1217 610 S. Forest Ave., No. 8 fee, when it gets pollinated? 22 rospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942 cFtc cP0223-15F223- CABLE T.V., 8 OR 12 MOI LEASES, BURGLAR ALARMS, Ll IN RESIDENT MANAGERS, SEE DON OR COLLEEN, APT. 769-6374. 92, TAPPAN: 2-bdrm., 2 or 3-man nished apts. Fall occupancy. $ mo. 663-4101. STRATFORD APARTMENTS is taking applications for fall summer rentals: one-bedroom a $175-$190. Modern 2 bdrm., $ $309. See Apartments at 629 Forest, No. 1 or call 994-5917 663-2709. Very close to campus. 720 Next Fall is n far away. The best ca m p apartments a r renting right 'now. Give us a call. DAH LMAN N APARTMENTS ', 545 CHURCH 761-7600 7i FALL '75 NTH JVE- 211, 0222 fur- 250/ ectc now and pts., 254- S. or 0215 -- ots E X PLACEMENT FEE: $60-including Campus Management, Inc. handling of working permit for 335 EAST HURON Switzerland (students only). For students 21 years and less free ad- vice of how to take bus to Toronto, Canada, and purchase youth fare cCtc airline tickets directly from the -- - Airline (Toronto-Switzerland-Toron- SUBLET to $365-roundtrip airfare. Stu- dents muse leave Toronto before SUBLET two bdrm. apt. mad., disp., May 31. 1975 as this airfare will not 2 bale., A/C, short walk to campus., be available to U.S. students (East- 9927 A/s wk c Us.2 bound) in June, July, and August 994-5278. 78U223 1975, (cheapest way). For students, -SUMMER SUBLET: Furnished 1 22 years and more free advice of bedroom, a/c. laundry. 1 block from how to travel on Icelandic Airlines campus. Fall option. 663-4910. and train from Chicago via Luxem-4 93U225 Bourg to Switzerland. SUBLET: May-August. 4-bedroom. Forfurther details and free bro- 4-man apartment in nice house. E. chure (all details explained step by University and Hill area. A GOOD step) please enclose two 13cts. air- DEAL. Call 665-2410. 61U0225 mail stamps (for return postage) I r I i t k tc i i 4 FALL LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS 418 E. WASH INGTON Modern, and large 1 bedrooms. Furnished, balconies, air, security; system. 521 WALNUT STREET Hospital Area Modern, 3 and 4 man units Dishwasher, air, security system 911 S. FOREST Modern 3 and 4 man units. Furnished, air, near Hill Street Please call us for listings of old and new buildings not listed here. BEGINNING March, one-two person furnished apartment. $160/mo., in- ciuding utilities, laundry, and park- ing facilities. 663-6827 or 665-0211. 64U0226 OPEN-ENDED SUBLET: Own room in 3-bedroom Glencoe Hills. 971- 1848. 65U0226 SUBLET:. May-August, spacious 2- bedroom apartment. Convenient to Med Center. Air Conditioned. Park-' ing. 820 Fuller. 665-9846. 72U227 MAY-AUGUST, fall option ft sua- cious top floor, 1-bedroom in Wood-t land Hills. 10 min. to campus Call 971-3828. 74U223 FURNISHED ROOM. Clo;e to cam- pus. Kitchen. Availa'le March 2/ Aug. Lease. 761-3486. 7TU223 ROOM 'AVAILABLE n modern 2- bdrm, apartment for summer sub- let, near Mdicai Cen'?r Sue. 663- 6528. dU223 SUMMER SUBLET: two lplaces (sin- gle and haif