Sunday, February 23, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fags Five Sundy, ebrury 3, 175 HE MCHIAN DILYPageFiv Finding the men who can put the ball in the basket i (continued from Page 3) en - this is what Schembech- next home game. If it's an out- down to decision time, John lard smoking marijuana on ler has called a form of prosti- of-state kid, you tell him (Orr) went in to see him. John the Diag, "We lost the kid be- tution. you're going to get in touch also visited his mother in the cause of that," Frieder says. "When I go to a high school with him again soon, remind! hospital. "I'm sure the Michigan State game, I get there early," Fri- him when your team's going to Thompson remembers how incident this year will hurt their eder relates effusively. "That be on television, tell him of how hard the sell was. "I told Cen- recruitment of white kids. way, if I know anybody there, your season's gone to date, re- tral Michigan that I'd decide Things like that can hurt you. or if anybody knows me, I can mind him that you're highly in a week. Frieder came up "One of the advantages the visit with them. I might find an interested in him. When we get that Sunday, and visited my Southern schools have on us is alum there who might be help- back, I always follow it up mother who was in the hospi- their weather. Boy, the cam- ful. Then I usually look for the with letters to everyone I talked tal - she was really sick at puses are nice, and the kids parents of the kid I'm recruit- to - the parents, the coach, and the time - and he signed me who visit in March or during ing If I know them, it's a the players. I usually send let- there." ~~heg season whenwt'sewarmit e the season when it's warm chance to visit with them; if 1 ters congratulating them on It was not so many years enjoy it there. We just don't don't know them, it's a chance their victory, reminding them ago that Frieder wasn't as en- have that advantage. Like Ber- to get acquainted and make we'll be back to see them, and thusiastic about recruiting and nard Rencher. (the top high our wishes known. that Michigan's interested in recruiters as he is now. When school player in New York City, them. I usually follow it up he was coach at Flint North- a guard). We could lose him I make it a point to con- with a phone call, also." e he had strict guidelines to Maryland because he thinks gratulate both of the coaches FRIEDER'S FIRST C A T C H about approaching his players. it's warmer down there. That's at the game; to go up to them, was Joel Thompson, a 6-7 d not necessarily true, I don't wish them good luck, and so forward from Flint Beecher I think. We wrote him the other forth. After the game - it's who is now the top forward re- ered by college people, but I day, and I told him that Dutch not legal to go into the locker serve. "The big thing with Joel, was pretty courteous, Frieder and I had just got finished with room to talk with the kid, but that he liked me," remem- in bers., If a coach called a set of tennis. I didn't say whe- you can wait outside the lock- bers Frieder. "He was in advance, I would let him ea romtadotentvsitock-.erIFridern"Hewasgoing italk to the kid and watch him ther it was outdoors or in- er room and then visit with to transfer to Flint Northern ate doors.''athe coach and the player you're todtranyfr to F ore practice. HEN A KID expresses in- recruitingt hand play for me before I went " I/E I xrse n eriig to Michigan. Central Michigan "Britt (who played under i t I I r terest in Michigan Frieder keeps the prospect's interest alive through visits and pub- lic scouting forays to high! school games. Here is where the salesmanship, slick talk,j and constant pushing come to the forefront. Here is where the connections are made, the egos flattered the hands shak- "It's a matter of spending a lot of time - getting there early and visiting with the player's friends or relatives or! girlfriends, or parents - peo- ple who might be beneficial -, and then talking with the coach and the player after the game.j "If it's a Michigan kid, you usually invite him up to your was recruiting him very heav- ily. The day after he went to, Central, we asked him if we. could come in and see him.' He said yes, we went in, and' we signed him. If we had waited a week, Central might have come in and signed him. "It was a case of strong fol-' low-up with him. When it came' 'Laying on of the hands' for fun and profit in Ann Arbor (Continued from Page 3) office on West Stadium, "and3 Chiropractic magazines can that's why it has survived all be even worse. The Digest of the abuse and the AMA's anti- Chiropractic Economics, sent to quakery committees and ev- over 20,000 people, carries ads erything else." like this: "Why settle for less, Chiropractors certainly are Get the Best!! which touts the surviving - and quite nicely., "1974 Sacro Occopital Home- Average price for an office call} coming Seminar". The copy: is $10. Average net income is{ "The utopia of Chiropractic - well over $30,000 a year. the ability to utilize 100 per A ND THEIR FUTURE just: cent of man's nervous system. gets brighter. They hold the 80 per cent of man's nervous system lies within the cranium ultimate hope of serving as a: and using cranial procedure the full-fledged members of the: S.A.T. (Sacro Occipital Tech- health care system. "If we're nic) doctor is able to arrest and not an entry point, then we're control chronic neurological nothing at all" John Grostic conditions that exist today. IE: says slowly, analyzing the situ-, retardation, epilepsy, cerebral: ation as he speaks. "We shouldt palsy, arthritis, etc. . . Due be consulted at the point where to the intricacy of this proce- a patient first seeks health care duce, this class must be limited like the old General Practi-' to 250 doctors." 'tioner in a sense. But I doubt' 'TOU CAN GET a real sour- any new open-mindedness be- apple grimace out of even: tween MD's and chiropractors. the most even-tempered DC There's no era of good feeling by mentioning these publica- just aroundthedcorner." tions ok."Well, we do have a long dos. ok" says the brash way to go" agrees Theron Bel- but cok.plktys professonah den, "but we're going ahead but completely professionalquky.Orutr esi b- Seltzer, "there's this type of quickly. Our future lies in lob- nonsense. You'll find come-ons byig, in legislation. If the, in ay prfesson."idea of a National Health Plan And Chiropractor Jhn Gros- comes about, then our day has; ti aysCsignerlyorPJopleG-come too. But even if this ideaz tic says resignedly, "People is set aside, clinical evidence hear things, are told things, is ser asidetcncal evgdngetx see one of those ridiculous mag- continue to bring more accept- azines. People know nothing ,neo us." about us they are loaded with;ante forCE N " absolute judgements. It's a '"T H E I R COMPETENCE!" blameless thing, this ignorance. moans Psychiatrist Michael MD's are taught in medical ;Nash. "People come to these. school abouttusg about what we chiropractors with problems do and what they are told is that are largely psychogenic in utterly false, completely wrong, nature - backaches and the' has nothing whatsoever in com- like. And when someone talks mon with what we do." with them, lays on his hands rPHERE CERTAINLY are here and there, soothes them- loads of satisfied custom-- how can they lose? You're going, ers. "I'll tell you" Eugene to get positive results - pcople Stone, a patient of a local are going to be saying that they chiropractor says, authority feel better a great deal of theI crackling in his voice, "I used' time." to think those chiropractors IT WAS THE just-turned-30 were a bunch of nutty fakers New York City born and who'd be singing songs or danc- bred Seltzer who was most elo- ing around me or something. ruent and most determine1.: But it was the only thing that "We have the right to some helped my back. And before: kind of 'rapport with the MD's" that, I couldn't get myself out he says absolutely. "But we're of the bed every morning for still a last resort. Michigan is a the pain." very medically oriented com- "Chiropractic works" says munity but it's very anti-chiro- Theron Belden, D.C., from his practic, very anti-anything that, -i - doesn't have MD after it." He insists that his motives are not for his own benefit. "The patient has a right to seek out his own health care. Chiropractors should be ap- proached to treat the gamut of neuro-muscular skeletal c rdi- tions. The doctors of Ann Arbor should ' work together - it should be a team effort sort of thing - I know that sounds' idealistic - but the health care needs of the community would be better served. qrHE AMA is a villian. Selt- zer's opposition is blunt and bitter. "They're an awfully strong union" he says ruefully. "They spend millions on their anti - quackery committees, knocking chiropractic, wasting money that could go for health care resources. They've got us labeled as a bunch of lunatics singing incantations, delivering babies, God knows what." "They think they have all the answers" he says, sounding! like a resentful little boy, "well, if they had all the answers the hospitals would be empty. We've approached the medical schools asking for help in ad- vancing our education - we're always turned down flat. No post-graduate work is allowed us either. We're asking for help; - and in the end it is the pa- tient who would benefit. HTE WAS QUIET then and verythoughtful. "We are' number two, you know, and we do try very hard. But in a sense our hands are tied." There was a long pause and then, quietly, honestly, "We would love to join them." UNIVERSITY THEATRE SHOWCASE LOVE A LA MODE or Two acts of Passion (in Fashion) 8 p.m., Tues.-Thurs. Feb. 25-27, 1975 Trueblood Theatre $1.00 General Admission Advance Ticket S a I e and information, Ticket Office, Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby, Phone 764-0450 Frieder at Flint Northern) wanted to go to Iowa. Not many people know that. But they (Iowa) sent their tender (the document in which the univer- sity agrees to pay the athlete's expenses) the week of the semi- finals. It had to be in the day of the finals. "I PROCEEDED to call Bill Reed, who was dead - they told me he was dead and I asked for whoever was running his office - and I told them off about Iowa sending Britt a tender during the state finals. I would not let Britt sign that tender. If something could be worked out later, fine, but I would not let him be thinking about that. "We tore that tender up. And Iowa could not issue another one to him. Then it came down to Michigan and Michigan State. I must admit I was par- tial to Michigan - I'm a true Blue - and I felt it would be a better school for him." Frieder's partiality for Mich- igan has not diminished one iota since coming here and to- day he is sending those tenders he once tore up. As is the case with hard workers, his dili- gence has been recognized. "Frieder's done a fantastic job," says Head coach John arr. "He's energetic, devoted, loyal, and really dedicated to what he's doing here. And he's honest. He's so honest it hurts." 1 It Pays to Advertise in The Daily 0 * unlimited weaving and dveina t i m e during th6 week * 10% OFF on all sup- lew h i l e taking the CoUr se IIa i - ---- COMMUNITY QUAD AT LAST: '"I A contemporary progressive-rock station in quad that's geared to and involved in Ann Arbor. COMING SOON ! I vii 0 e.--a I ,.p.,.v A Mai,:,l' Vort! PrOdLJi': 7 A Bin J Fom Dustin Hoffman "Lenny" .Valerie Perrine .. u ,,,,David V Picker H. .,,Julian Barry Marvin Worth Bob Fosse .Unitd Artists MATINEES imited Engagement! EVERY DAY SHOWTIMES: Sun.-Thurs.: 1-3-5-7-9 Fri. & Sat.: 1-3-5-7-9-11 IM 909 I I w Serving at our fireside * Hearty Soups, Fine Omelets, Homemade corn muffins, pastry, cheesecake. I rUI"V c' A KIIAIIlirc 11