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February 21, 1975 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-21

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Friday, February 21, 1975


Page Seven

2 motions.
Student Government Council
last night was unable to main-
tain the necessarybquorum of
12 voting members from the
seated 23 and adjourned two
hours early after dealing with
three motions and postponing
Two of the motions dealt with
came during Craig Cummins'
official report from the com-
mittees to Study the Legal Ad-
vocate Program and the Com-
mission to Study Student Gov-
ernments. Council passed
unanimously a motion to re-
search the hiring of third yearI
law students and retain an Ann
Arbor lawyer to continue the
Legal Advocate program.
THE OTHER motion passed
6-5 1/4 in founding the first an-
nual Reductive Ad Absurdum
Award to be given to Carl Co-
hen, president of SACUA. "It
was Carl Cohen's tremendously
illogical arguments at the Re-
gents' meeting that prompted
the motion", claimed Cummins.
Council also defeated a mo-
tion to require a candidate for
the vacated position of Execu-'
tive Vice President SGC to he
limited to voting members on
In onnosition to the motion
David Fave charged, "It would
bar qualified persons from of-

Board holds meeting Racism allegations in nursing

(Continued from Page 1)

The HRC also quoted parts of
its report claiming the Univer-
sity is holding too much money
in its reserve housing fund. Ac-
cording to committee member
Richard Munson, the fund now
contains $4.7 million as opposed
to the ideal figure of $800,000.
THE REPORT suggests that
no money be placed in reserve
finds next year, and the money
saved be used to reduce the
projected increase in housing
Director of Housing John
Feldkamp rejected this notion
claiming, "Only through hus-
banding some portion of current
student's fees can the residence'
halls he adequately maintained.
It is shortsighted to insist that
funds to sustain reserves be
withheld to keep current room
and board charges from in-
Feldkamn suggested a com-
promise where painting costs
for the current year be funded'
out of reserve money, thus de-
pleting the reserve fund by 33
per cent.
THE HOUSING Director was
wiestioned closely by several
Regents. Lawrence Lindemer
(R-Stockbridge) asked Feld-
kamn to account for 28 addition-
il administrative p o s i t i o n s
creat in the Housing Office
dilri'1 the past several years.
Fels!kamn could account for
only ??. i'ustifving those through
dni strative reorganization
that nt aiministrntors pre-'
vin'siv in different offices on to
'us navroll.
Reent Thomas Roach (D-
Grosse Pointe) asked for clari-
fi-ation on the issue of the re-


serve fund. Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer of the
University Wilbur Pierpont ex-
plained that the reserve fund
was composed of two parts:
THE BULK of the reserves
are assigned by law to indi-
vidual dormitories, and cannot
be transferred from one to the
other. $1.7 million is unassigned,
however, and Feldkamp ad-
mitted it was "legally possible"
to finance some of next year's
dorm rates out of that sum.
Both Pierpont and Feldkamp
defended some reserve fund as
necessary. Feldkamp s a i d:
"The dorm system won't col-
lapse tomorrow on any recom-
mendations you've heard today,
but five years from now ...
The Regents also heard com-x
ments on the CSSG motion.
Philosophy Professor Carl Cohen,
was the chief speaker in opposi-
tion to the report's recommen-
dations, representiing the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs (SACUA).
COHEN presented the results
of a SACUA vote resolving to
oppose the report. According to
Cohen, "this resolution will re-
sult in the destruction of the
quality of the institution at this
University," adding he had
"many phone calls from faculty
members approving the resolu-
Members of student govern-
ments from several schools and
colleges within the University
were heard in support of the
motion. Amy Berlin, represent-
ing the Literary College's stu-
dent government council said:
"Student support is greatest
in parts of the college where
student input is greatest, and
where faculty support for that
input is greatest:"

student's removal bring denial

(Continued from Page 1)
was involved." Assistant Dean
of Nursing Norma Marshall
adds: "Lyons has been guilty
of unsafe practice, she is not!
eligible to continue."
Lyons claimed there was no
reason to expell her and
charged that she did not re-
ceive due process in her case.
LYONS admits that she pre-
pared insulin for a diabetic
when ordered to by a doctor,
even though nursing students
receive written instructions
stating they are not allowed to
take orders from anybody other
than an assigned nursing school
The doctor's order should
have been cleared with Lyon's
instructor, Carolyn Burdin, ac-
cording to Dean of Nursing
School Carolyn Davis because
"students often do not know
exactly what they are doing
and should first check with their
Burdin discovered Lyons pre-
paring the insulin and after
telling her to stop gave the or-
der to another student.
"By preparing a medication
a student shows that she is
getting ready to administer it,"
stated Davis. "Nursing students
cannot give medications with-
out permission from their in-
structor, this is written pro-
ceedural orders."
LYONS HAS stated that her
previous record is without simi-
lar incident and emphasized, "I1

have received no negative feed-
back in the past."
But Davis denied only one1
incident is sufficient grounds
for expulsion. "It is generally
more than one thing alone, cer-
tainly one incident is not
enough to make a judgment on.
We understand people have,
their bad days," she said. c
Davis emphasized that Lyons
should have been aware of her:
past record saying, "we havei
regular evaluations on actual'
performance which are open to1
students at all times," Neither'
the dean nor Lyons allowed The
Daily to review the records.
Marshall denied Lyons was
given unfair treatment, "we
give every student very careful
consideration, we encouraged'
Lyons to appeal her case."
Davis said she met with Lyons
for 45 minutes last week to dis-
cuss the case and that Lyons
then filed an appeal last Friday.
LYONS STATED, "I didn't re-
ceive any written document,.. .
it all happened in one day.".
Later Lyons said that on
January 31 she was told of her
expulsion and a week later re-
ceived a letter stating the same,
but claimed she had to ask for
the letter.
Lyons' academic standing 'is
a point-which has been repeat-
edly raised by TWCC. They
claim she has a cumulative
grade point of 2.5 which is in-'
sufficient for dismissal from the
D a v i s countered: "One's
clinical performance is basis
per person quad occupancy
1 0 Round trip air transporta-
* tion via Transair iet, trans-
* fers, 7 nights accommoda-
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1 exciting extras!

for dismissal. It is not unusual
for a dismissal to be based on
this . . . in nursing perform-
ance, not just grade point is
A statement r e 1 e a s e d by
Fleming Wednesday afternoon
which said the decision would
be reviewed through standard
channels for appeal.
Fleming added that all he did
was clarify the appeal proced-
ure for the demonstrators.
The appeal is expected to be
presented within the next week.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa,
built some 700 years ago, tips
approximately one inch every
nine years.
Friday, February 21
1429 Hill

Katy Mellen. Graduated in '71 with a
B.S. in Textiles and Clothing. Doing
well - and moving forward - in Car.
gill's Commodity Marketing Division
Graduating Seniors and M.B.A.'s:
Accounting . Agriculture . Business "
Engineering - Liberal Arts
Cargill-at the leading edge. Active in agricul-
tural, industrial, and consumer commodities
and products, and in a variety of other related
businesses. You could be there! We need top
people for a wide range of positions, careers
that lead to management. Our policy is to
stimulate leadership potential. To encourage
personal creativity. To recognize and reward
individual achievement.And to promote from
A Caroill representative will be interviewing on
campus February 26. Check with the placement
office now for the dates and location. Look
into leadership!


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Friday, February 21
Day Calendar
CCS: "Aplications in Medical Di-
agnostics" 2050 Frieze Bldg., 10 am.
WUOM: Jeff Cohen, writer. As-
sassinaton InformationwBureau
"Decade of Dirty Tricks," part of
UM Pilot Program, "Assassination
in American Politics," 10 am.
Regents' Meeting: Regents Rm.,
Admin., 11 am.
Educ. Media Ctr.: Huckleberry
Finn: Schorling. SEB. noon.
Women in Natural Resources: 1536
SNR noon.
High Energy Seminar: V. F.
Welsskopf, MIT, "The Quark Mod-
el," 11 am; Joint Inst. Science &
Technology; Astronomy Collo-
quium: Dr. A. Schawlow, pres., Op-
tical Society of America, "Spectro- .
scopy with Tunable Lasers," 4 pm;
both events, P&A Coloq. Rm.
Sociology: Howard Becker, North-
western, "Photography and So-
ciology," Rackham Amph., 4 pm.
Wrestling: UM vs. Toledo, Criser
Arena, 4 pm.j
Art History: An Sutherland Har-
ris, SUNY, Albany, "Bernini as
Dictator," Aud, A, Angell, 4:10 pm.
Int'l Div., T. M. Sports: Badmin-
ton, volleyball, tennis, Jogging, Bar-
bour, Waterman, Gym, 7:30-10:30
Hockey: UM vs. Denver, Yost Ice
Arena, 7:30 pm.
PTP: Fddler on the Roof, Pow-
er, 8 pm.
UAC, WRCN, Musi Mcart Sock
Hop '75, Union Ballroom, 8 pm-
ROC'Players: Pinter's The Lover;
Williams' I Can't Imagine Tomor-
row, Ues. Coll. And.. 8 pm.
Ivory Mime: Randy Culp, Burs-
ley, 8 pm.
Dance: Concert, "Tears and
Shutters," Schorling And., SEB, 8
Int'l Folk Dance: Barbour Gym,
8:15 pme.
Career Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, 764-7460
M1A for administrators and plan-
ners of the public sector offered
by Carnegie-Mellon U., 5000 Forbes
Ave., Ptitsburgh 15213.
M. S. in Criminal Justice, at U.
of New Haven, CT., Includes Social
and Behavorial Sciences, the in-
stitutions of the ciminal justice
system, and analysis tools.
Community Information Special-
ists, is a new kind of Librarian.
Master's degree offered by U. of
Toledo, Dept. of Library and Infor-
mation Services, Toledo 43606. Re-
quires 12 mos.
Job Finding Workshops are of-
fered weekly to help with resume
construction, job interviewing and
job hunting strategy. Held on
Tuedasys at 4:00 p.m., Thursdays,
at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Call CP&P
to sign up.
Home of Authentic
Persian Rus
Over 100 Objects of Art &
Apparel from Iran
We Buy. Sell, Appraise
Used & New Oriental Rucs
ANN ARBOR-769-8855
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Fiber and
Weaving Workshops

Summer Placement
3200 SAB: 763-4117
Interviews: Register by phone or
in person.
Camp Ma - Hi - Ya, MI., Jewish
Community Center of Toledo. Will
interview Tues. Feb. 25 from 10
to 5. Openings: Senior Counselors
20 and up, junior counselors 18
plus, waterfront 20 pius, mainte-
nance & kitchen aids.
Camp Happy Hollow. MT., Men-
tallV Retarded. Will Interview
Weds. Feb. 26, from 9 to 5. Open-
ings: Cabin counselors, Waterfront,
small craft, arts/crafts, music dra-
ma, nature.
Camp Tamarack, MI., Coed, Det.
Jewish Comm. Center. Will inter-
view Fri., Feb. 28 from 9 to 5.
Gen, counselors, waterfront, dra-
ma, arts / crafts, nature, bus driv-
er, other specialists.
Camp Cavell, YWCA Metro De-
troit, MI. Will interview Thurs.,
Feb. 27 from 10 to 5. Opennigs:
Asst. Dir., Unit Counselors and
Unit Leaders. Specialists in many
Camp Dunmore, Vermont-Girls:
Will interview Thurs./Fri. Feb.
27/28 from 10 to 5. Openings: wat-
efrront, sailing, water skiing, te;u
nis, arts/crafts, dance Age 30 VIUS.1

TONIGHT! Fri., Feb. 21
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in concert


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Fifteen years ago, we decided to make our reputation first anhd
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What do we do, and why is it important to you?
BDUM applies modern methods of science and systems technol-
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(Confronting a multitude of tasks involving the worldwide com-
mand/control/communicationssystem knownas WWMCCS. Per-
torming long-range applied research. Defining some of tonor-
row s national goals and priorities. Getting our feet dusty direct-
ng operational tests and evaluations And these are just a few
random examples.
Ye. we perform most of our work for the government and the
defense establishment.- It this turns you completely off, read
no further.
But if you are intrigued by the chance to make positive and sub-
stantive contributions to solving some of todays biggest and
knottiest problems, we can keep you happy and busy. You'll
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with colleagues you can respect, in an atmosphere that may be
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The people we need
lo help meet our growth objectives. BDM is.now seeking:
Among the engineers and scientists, we're looking for education
and career interests in communications, electronics, electro-
magnetics, electro-optics. aerospace, antennas, power, thermal,
fluid flow, and industrial/OR specialties.
We should point out that one-dimensional "purists" will not be
comfortable at BDM. But men and women who have demon-
strated an interest in the world outside the classroom and lab-
oratory-along with superior academic achievement--will find
as rmuch opportunity and challenge as they can handle.
Growth in a matrix organization
Are you familiar with the matrix organization concept? If not,
our organization chart ---and its frequent changes-will look odd
to you. We don't have space to explain it here, but adaptable,
multi-faceted scientists and engineers will find that our matrix
organization constantly opens up new growth opportunities. The
rigid traditionalist, on the other hand won't like it. Don't say we
didn't warn you
Money and all the rest
Naturally we're going to offer you a competitive salary (which
won't be tied to some rigid nomograrn devised by our account-
ants), plus a package of competitive fringe benefits including
educational assistance and the other usual goodies
Where we're at
BDM's two largest operations are in Vienna, Virginia (a pleasant
residential suburb of Washington. DC.) and Albuquerque, New
Mexico. You will spend at least the first year at one of these to-
To recap the reasons why you should think about a BDM career,
consider: (t ) the opportunity quickly to play key roles in nationally
significant programs, (2) BDM's demonstrated technical excel-
lence in ever-widening program areas. (3) your own freedom to
excel, personally and professionally, to grow as quickly as your

IA I11


\ \ I


N Dr. I14\N

February 21 & 22, 1975

8:00 P.M.


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