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February 21, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-21

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See Editorial Page

i I

.Hin gan


See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 119

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 21, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

It .


Eastern rate hike
This University isn't the only one with dorm
rate hike problems. Next fall Eastern Univer-
sity resident housing costs are going up $130 for
students paying room and board on the Ypsi cam-
pus, and $135 for those who are renting only.
Eastern's board of regents approved the hike to
cover increased utility prices and improved main-
tenance. Sound familiar?




Bldg. sit-in
: Talks on demands
~to continue Monda
The occupation of the Administration Building by
150 University minority s t u d e n t s officially e n d e d
yesterday at 4:00 p.m. -- after nearly 60 hours.
The protesters, who began their sit-in early Tuesday
morning, agreed to leave the building only after Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming vowed to do his best
"to alleviate the problems of minority students."
IN HIS STATEMENT, Fleming promised to use his "influence
with the various departments in finding ways to respond to the



* Yesterday's Curriculum Committee meeting
yieldedrno final agreement on the proposed guide-
lines for independent studies, experiental courses
and directed reading courses. There was, however,
considerable controversy, and Student representa-
tives on the committee objected to the severe
limitations for obtaining experiential course credit.
One University official insisted that "we're saving
the student from himself or herself." Approval of
the proposed guidelines will probably come at
next week's meeting.
Makin' music
WDET listeners will get a chance to help com-
pose a musical masterpiece Saturday night. By
phoning the station, you can indicate what kind of
music you'd like to hear like strings or woodwins.
Or you can talk to a tape recorder and give an ac-
tual demonstration of the music. Then a dozen
composers and musicians from the University will
whip together an improvisational piece from the
suggestions and play it on the air. The show
gets underway at 8 p.m. and the call-in numbers
are 577-4146, 47, and 48.
UAC changeover
The University Activities Center (UAC) chose
it's new chief officers yesterday for the year May
1, 1975 through May 1, 1976. Bill Powers, Produc-
er of last year's Musket, will be President, the
chief financial officer will be Greg Hughes, who
worked with Mediatrics last year, Michele Becker,
producer of the Children's theatre and Soph Show
'74, will be the Co-ordinating Vice President, and
Noreen Lark, a journalism major will be the Pub-
lic Relations Vice President.
Police of Dover Township N. J. raided a cock-
fight early Sunday, arresting 83 persons and con-
fiscating $15,000 in cash. Officers said an esti-
mated 90 men and women were attending the
G cockfights when the raid was staged. Police said
they seized 20 roosters, the bodies of three others
killed in the fights, 20 knives, a loaded pistol,
cards, dicerooster medicine, and hundredsof'
plastic or metal spurs which are strapped to the
fighting cock's legs. Authorities said the cockfights
have been held every Saturday night for a number
of years.
Happenings ...
are varigated today, beginning at noon to-
day with a luncheon discussion featuring repre-
sentatives from GEO, and homemade soup and
sandwiches at Guild House on 802 Monroe St.
They are asking for 50 cents to pay for food .. .
At 3 p.m. there will be a meeting to discuss plans
for an energy, food and population conference in
the Colliquium Rm. of the P and A bldg., spon-
sored by the center for Student Development . - -
And at 6 p.m. there will be a Sengalese dinner
for $1.75, proceeds going to the Sahel Famine Re-
lief, also at Guild House. Call 662-5189 for reser-
vations .. . The Ann Arbor Libertarian League is
presenting a talk on the Economics of Free So-
ciety at 8 p.m. at 1015 E. University . . . Also at
8 p.m., the U of M Folkdancers will present a
Balkan Folklore workshop in Barbour Gym for
charging $2.00 per session . . . While we're on the
subject of dance, the Dance Department will pre-
sent a dance concert called "Shutters and Tears"
at 8 p.m. in Schorling Aud. . . . And to finish off
the day, there will be a poetry reading by Jim
Grondin at 10 p.m. in the Bursley W. Lounge.
Third party?
Alabama Governor, George Wallace, says there
is a distinct possibility he would switch to a third
party if Democrats don't change course from their
1972 presidential campaign. Asked if he would
join a third party next year if the Democratic
Party pays him no heed, he replied, "Not just
necessarily for those reasons, but if they do what
they did in 1972, that could be a distinct possibil-
ity, yes." He also added, "The people who want
me aren't going to go away."
On the in,4de ...
.the Editorial page has a variety of features
on birth control and the problems connected with
it, and since h's Friday the Arts page presents

Cinema Weekend, and Fred Upton previews to-
night's hockey game aw-inst Denver.
On the )>utside...

Daily rhoto by STEVE KAGAN
THE DEMONSTRATORS who occupied the second floor of the A dministration Building for nearly 60 hours march out in pairs yes-
terday. They left after President Robben Fleming promised to meet with them next week. They presented Fleming with a series of
demands when they first entered the building on Tuesday.
Fe- mn topcon-ten-der-UCal.
narrows finfal slectiont w
se w o

needs ,of the minorities, such as
He also said that since there
were no illegal acts committed
during the occupation, there
would be no penalties and
therefore no need for amnesty.
Despite the "great feeling
of non - accomplishment" ex-
pressed by many of the stu-
dents as they left the building,
negotiations will be continued
Monday morning.
them black, said that a set of
six demands would have to be
met by the University before
they would vacate. They were:
-recognition of the Third
World Coalition Council as the
official negotiating team for all
minority students on campus;
-immediatereinstatement of
Cleopatra Lyons, a black nurs-
ing student expelled for unspe-
cified "academic reasons;''
-establishment of a full-time
Native - American advocate;
-establishment of an Asian-
American advocate;
-establishment of a Chicano
cultural center and
-complete amnesty for "all
those participating in the activi-
ties of the Third World Coalition
Although none of the original
six demands were met outright
by the University, Fleming
agreed to a "fair and adequate
hearing" for the expelled nurs-
ing student.
Rumors circulated earlier in
the week that Lyons was dis-
missed for administering in-
See AD, Page 10

supportive services and financial
j ustified?
Charges made by the Third
W o r 1 d Coalition Council
(TWCC) and nursing student
Cleopatro Lyons that racism
was the cause of her expulsion
from the nursing school has
drawn a strong denial from
school officials, in an incident
neither side has been willing to
discuss specifically.
Lyons ejection from the
School of Nursing was a ma-
jor incident leading to the oc-
cupation of the Administration
Building by minority students
earlier this week. Her imme-
diate re-instatement as a stu-
dent was listed as one of the
TWCC demands.
LYONS has contended her ex-
pulsion "was an incidence of
prejudice" with the TWCC
supporting her claim.
H o w e v e r, junior-senior
nursing school counselor Pene-
lope Paul contends "no racism
See RACISM, Page 7

University President Robben
Fleming is one of two final
candidates for the presidency
of the University of California
system, California sources re-
ported yesterday.
Fleming, who only last week
was supposedly out of the run-
ning for the prestigious post,
has reportedly been asked to
fly to Los Angeles tomorrow for
an interview with the U-C

Board of Regents.
A TELEGRAM mailed to all
26 U-C Regents reportedly ask-
ed them to attend the meeting
to make a choice between
Fleming, and U-C provost Da-
vid Saxon.
Fleming refused last night to
comment on reports of his can-
didacy and would neither con-
firm nor deny that he would
fly to California.

Last week, some California
observers reported that Flem-
ing, who was first interviewed
for the $60,000 a year position
was out of contention.
THE INTERVIEW, according
to sources, did not go well and
Regents were not impressed
with Fleming's responses to
their questions. Fleming was
suffering from the flu at the
time, and the second interview

Fleming, GEO clash; exchange
'bad-faith' bargaining charges

President R o b b e n Fleming
and high officials of the Gradu-
ate Employes' Organization
(GEO) squared off in their first
public confrontation at the Re-
gents' meeting yesterday as
charge and counter-charge of
bad-faith bargaining were level-
Michele Hoyman and M:ark
Kaplan of the GEO ExecAtive
Committee presented the union's
position for 20 minutes in an
spies on
Con r ess
rector William Colby said yes-
terday the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) once kept files
on four congressmen and did not
deny that the agency has used
sex traps to gain information
from foreigners.
But Colby said these and other
activities by the agency have
been greatly exaggerated in a
way that has "placed American
intelligence in danger."
"I WON'T SAY that sex and
intelligence never got together,"
Colby testified before an open
meeting of the House defense
annropriations subcommittee.
B'it he told the subcommittee
in his first public testimony on
alleged domestic spying by the
CTA that he nreferred to with-
hold for a closed session any
f-rther comment on a published
accomnt of sex traps.
Colo mnist Jack Anderson has.

effort to convince the R geots
that the administration has not
made an honest effort to resolve
the ongoing strike.
"WE ARE asking you as Re-
gents to urge the Univecsity
bargaining team to reach a
speedy settlement with GEO,"
said Hoyman. "We feel this can
be done by bargaining in good
When the union leaders had
finished, Fleming responded, '1
don't think it's quite fair fr
you to state all of these things.
They (the University negotia-
tors) would say that you have
not negotiated very seriously
about all of this, that your lead-
ership has changed a great
deal, that your demands have
shifted around.
"There's always a great ten-
dency in your sort of position to
state the case as if someone
working a quarter of the time
o'ight to be able to maxe a
living wage," he added, cl um-
ing the demand was totally un-
reasonable and reminding them
that nowhere else would such a
demand even be considered.
AS STRIKE support from un-
dergraduates has b e g u n to
wane, the GEO planned this ap-
peal to the Regents as a ma'or
tactic to put pressure o~ the
administration to make conc-s-
sions at the bargaining table.
Hoyman recounted the GEO
view of the bargaining histot y,
claiming that the University has
stalled continuously and still
not made the union a reason-
able offer.
"The University bargaining
team has made no economic
pronosal for this year," she
claimed. "They are still main-
taining that they are so eco-
nomically distressed that they
cannot coiigh up any money for
their -rad-ate emnloes."

posal of binding arbi:a.ion is
January, the GEO reiuceantly
agreed to submit the deadlocked
bargaining to the examination
of a state-appointed tac.-finder.
HOWEVER, with several is-
sues of impasse being resolved
since January, the }EO has
become even more relu;rarnt to
move into fact-finding.
GEO reacted with disaopoin.-
ment yesterday upon being n t-
ified that a fact-findcr, Patrick
McDonald, had been IppointeJ
and a hearing scheduied.
"We feel that such a move
would divert the energy of both
sides from the business of bar-
gaining," Kaplan told the Re-
The union also disapproves of
McDonald, an attorney and vice-
president of the Detroit School
Board, as fact-finder.
KAPLAN AND other le;dejs
charged that becanse McDen-
ald's background is solely in
management he is an inappro-
priate selection and likely to be
biased in favor of the Univer-
GEO will propose that fact-
See 'U', Page 10'
RP vo

may have been scheduled so
Regents could get a more accur-
ate picture of his views.
The Daily reported two weeks
ago that Fleming, Saxon, and
David Gardener were the lead-
ing contenders for the presi-
dency, but that Fleming did not
appear to be the favorite.
Sources indicated that Saxon
and Gardener, who have both
served in the nine campus U-C
system, were the front runners
because of their "insider" sta-
However,dGardener has re-
portedly dropped from the
running, and Fleming's name
has been brought from oblivion
to prominence.
U-C REGENTS contacted by
the Daily last night refused to
comment on Fleming's can-
didacy, or indicate whether he
would again go to California.
Another Regent U-C regent,
William Smith of Los Angeles,
said that the matter was cur-
rently in "executive session".
It is believed that Fleming is
the choice of the more conser-
vative regents on the highly
split, highly political board
while Saxon enjoys more lib-
eral support.
Again yesterday, a parody
newspaper called the "Libera-
ed" D a i I y was circulating
around campus. That two-page
sheet has no connection with
the Michigan Daily. We neither
assisted in its production nor
knew about its existence until
it was distributed. All quotes
attributed to Michigan Daily
staff members in the "Libera-
ed" p a p e r were completely
falsified, and were solely the
creation of the authors who re-
fused to sign their work.

Regents deliberate
in lengthy session
Comments on a proposed rise in dormitory rates for next
year and reaction to the report of the Commission to Study
Student Governance (CSSG) were the main business of yesterday's
Board of Regents meeting.
In a long, capacity-attendance meeting, the Regents heard
arguments for and against the dorm rate hike, along with
opposition to and praise for the CSSG recommendations.
ALSO AT THE meeting were leaders of the Third World
Coalition Council who presented a modified set of demands to
President Robben Fleming, and read a joint statement from
Fleming and themselves agreeing to commence negotiations Mon-
day morning.
The public comments session was dominated by GEO spokes-
persons, who discussed the University Administration's conduct
throughout the negotiatinig process.
GEO spokesman Mark Kaplan explained that the union
wanted the Regents to hear both sides of the story, since University
Administration's information is likely to be biased.
THE PROPOSED dormitory rate hike was attacked by the
housing Rates Committee (HRC), four of whose members were
present at the meeting. HRC members backed the report with
data showing the University has higher dormitory rates than
any other school in the Big Ten, and higher rates than any
publically supported college in Michigan, but provides fewer
services for the money than other schools.
See BOARD, Page 7


tes to support 1
The Human Rights Party (HRP) voted overwhelmingly to
support Frank Shoichet over unexpected primary winner Richard
Ankli as its Second Ward City Council candidate, at a mass meet-
ing last night.
Shoichet will run a write-in campaign, if planned party efforts
to have his name replace Ankli's on the ballot through City
Council fail.
"TO CALL ME anything but an underdog in this race would
be foolish," Shoichet remarked after the vote. "But I'm going to
work harder on it than I have on anything in my life."
Shoichet was defeated Monday 47-44 by Ankli, who had cam-



. J J'tnman

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