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February 20, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-20

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Cobb affair demands probe

erning board of Regents gathers
here for its two-day monthly meeting
in an extraordinary atmosphere.
Since January 17, when the board
held its last regularly scheduled ses-
sions, waves of turmoil have washed
over the administration. Its main of-
fice has been occupied by protesters;
its campus has been decorated with
picket signs. As the graduate em-
ployes' strike and the revived struggle
of the Black Action Movement dom-
inate, the Regents hopefully will not
overlook their essential role in at-
tempting to resolve the controversy
surrounding Jewel Cobb's tumultuous
selection and rejection for the literary
college (LSA) deanship.
As we have stated before, the Cobb
decisions reflected a dangerously in-
adequate sense of moral and legal
responsibility on the part of powerful
men like President Robben Fleming
and Academic Affairs Vice President
Frank Rhodes. In failing to offer
Cobb an acceptable contract and
handling the pursuant negotiations
with an air of secrecy and ill will,
the University's highest officers over-
stepped their authority by mishan-
dling and aborting the Regents' wise,
unanimous choice of the black woman
educator for the deanship.
IN THE COURSE of the Cobb ne-
gotiations, one of the University's
highest officials said the administra-
tion feared that the Regents, now
controlled by a 6-2 Democratic ma-
jority, might be playing politics with
education by choosing Cobb and ig-
News: Gordon Atcheson, Barb. Cor-
nell, Mary Dempsey, Trudy Gayer,
Jo Marcotty, Rob Meachum, J e f f
Ristine, Cary Schiff, Jeff Sorensen,
Herb Trix
Editorial Page: Peter Blaisdell, A I a n
Gitles, Paul Haskins, Debra H u r-
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technlician: Stuart Hollander

noring Acting LSA Dean Billy Frye,
the inside candidate strongly pre-
ferred by Fleming and Rhodes.
Ironically, it is these two men's
actions that must now be carefully
investigated for possible violations of
legal and ethical bounds.
Regent James Waters, a black Mus-
kegon Democrat, has prepared a reso-
lution for the board to begin such an
examination. He has expressed deep
dismay about the administration's
role in the Cobb crisis. Top officials
have made extreme efforts to keep
the Cobb decisions secret, but on the
basis of what we have learned in-
dependently, we share Waters' fears
and strongly support his call for a
TRADITIONALLY, the Regents have
tended to take the administration
at its word and rarely make decisions
that run against the advice of men
like Fleming and Rhodes. But when
the board voted unanimously for
Jewel Cobb, it took a most wise and
timely step toward an active policy of
racial and sexual equality on this
The Regents must now make it
clear that they will not allow any
high-level efforts to circumvent their
decisions-regardless of the motives
of those efforts.
Editorial Staff
LAURA BERMAN.......Sunday Magazine Editor
DAVID BLOMQUIST . .. Arts Editor
DAN BORUS ...........Sunday Magazine Editor
BARBARA CORNELL ....Special Projects Editor
PAUL HASKINS .... ..........Editorial Director
JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY ........Features Editor
SARA RIMER .................. Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELBST...............City Editor {
JEFF SORENSEN ..............Managing Editor{
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor

'HE FUTURE OF THE entire world hinges on
America. God has a very great stake in America.
Someone must come to America and stop God from
This message comes not from the U. S. Census
Bureau, but from the Reverend Moon Sun-Myung. Rev.
Mooi is a 55 year old Korean theologist, political ac-
tivist, and millionaire businessman.
On October 21, 1973, Moon declared toat "drug prob-
lems, juvenile crime, racial problems, the threat of
Communism, and the economic crisis are all signs
that God is leaving America". He concluded by say-
ing, "I know that God sent me here to America. I
came to America not for my own purpose, but be-
cause God sent me."
The Moon story, is not simply that of another re-
ligious fanatic. His organization has contributed funds
for the jailing of Korean senators and students, con-
vinced countless numbers of young people to abandon
their families in order to work for the "Moon family,"
and contacted several Michigan students in the pro-
cess of soliciting donations for candles in dorma-
tories - an act which, according to Housing Director
John Feldkamp, is "absolutely prohibited".
MOST OFTEN, DONATORS have no idea that their
contribution has gone to the Moon organization, which
is camouflaged by a maze of titles: Federation for Vic-
tory over Communism, The Freedom Leadership
Foundation, and the Unification Church. In addition,
on a recent visit to California, this writer's telephone
call to the Berkeley chapter was answered by an or-
ganization member identifying the group as Interna-
tional Business Management Associates.
Moon's ability to interweave politics and religion
rivals the efforts of Carl McIntyre and the medieval
Roman Catholic Church. His followers, "the family,"
as they refer to themselves, actively work to enlighten
the world of their beliefs.
The sect's bible, the "Divine Principle", suggests
that Rev. Moon is the new messiah. Parts of the
Principle sound alarmingly like a political commentary
from the late Senator Joseuh McCarthy, referring as
they do to Communism as representing the forces of
not as developed as in South Korea, where, according
to John D. Marks of the Center for National Security
Studies in Washington, "he operates a training school
to which the government annually sends hundreds of
thousands of civil servants, local officials, and mili-
tary men for a course in militant anti-Communism."
Moon has also been a major contributor to Korean
President Park Chung Hee, who recently declared him-
self President for life and has jailed senators and stu-
dents who disagree with his policies on charges of
Communism. It is mind-boggling to think that an un-
suspecting student buying a candle in Ann Arbor has
contributed to an organization that is affiliated with
a subsidizer of the Korean dictator!
Amazing as it may seem, many of the young peo-
ple who have joined "the family" and have made
a full-time commitment to it have no idea that their
group is politically oriented or has connections with
the Korean President. After an introductory lecture at
the Berkeley chapter for potential converts, this wri-
ter asked the lecturer, who would identify himself
only as David, why he did not inform the audience of
the group's political activities. Surrounded by sever-
al, impressionable, first-time listeners, he refused to
Store-hop to
By SUSAN SCHINDEHETTE three at Ulrich's and
at Follett's), Ulrich's
GO YOU'D dearly love to help $2.50 more for two of ti
your President and country In other words, sell
by "biting the bullet"- b u t books at two stores h
you're having a heckuva time one could have raised1
finding one you can sink your price to $14.75-ase
teeth into? $8.60 difference in th
Each of the three major book- value of only five boo:
stores in town - Follett's, Ulf
rich's and the University Cel- Follett's usually pays
lar - can offer substantial sav- half the publisher's liP
ings to students who are willing for used books. The st
to spend time "comparison resells textbooks at thre
shopping." The only real trick list prioce, and trade
to the game lies in checking in- paperbacks not used e
dividual book prices at all three ly as texts -- their s
stores before making any final retail price is printed
resale decisions, cover) at two-thirds li

For example, a random col- The store buys back on]
lection of five used textbooks that are in good condit
brought three different offers sequently there are fe,
from the stores: $6.15 at Fol- discrepancies for indivi(
lett's, $11.50 at Ulrich's, and les at Follett's.
$12.25 at the Cellar. Although Ulrich's claims no
the Cellar offered to buy back ' buy-back policy, and tf
four of the texts (compared to who offered $11.50 forI

admit knowledge of any such activities. In response
to continued questioning, David "requested" our de-
parture. Such actions are by no means atypical of
the family's hierarchy, as they fear that informing
potential members of their political affiliations will
hurt their expansionary goals.
NEWCOMERS TO THE group are usually dishear-
tened, unhappy, and lonely college-age persons who
are in search of a meaning to life. In Berkeley, group
members stand on street corners and on campus,
handing out leaflets inviting all to attend a free din-
ner. Afterwards, an introductory lecture is presented,
after which the first-timers are invited to dinner the
following night, and for a weekend at the family's
farm in northern California. During the weekend, the
newcomers attend seminars in which the group's
philosophy is explained.
Throughout this indoctrination period, the converts
are "informed" of the evils of the outside world, and
are encouraged to dedicate themselves to spreading
the "goodness and love" of the family. The event-
ual goal, they are told, is to build a model city on
the farmsite where the family will live together, away
from cruel and sinful outsiders.
The members, who are forbidden to smoke, drink,
use drugs, or have premarital sex, find full or part-
time employment, and turn all their earnings over to
the group. These funds, they are told, are to be used
for construction of the model city. While not a single
permanent building has been constructed, the Moonies
as if brainwashed, continue to hand over their in-
comes to the group.
REV. MOON'S EMPIRE is estimated to be worth
in excess of $10 million, and the Moon family has
recently bought 281 acres of land in Westchester Coun-
try, New York, and an 258 acres in upstate Barrytown,
New York.
The family has also opened a tea house in downtown
Washington and intends to expand to other cities. Tea
houses appear to be an ideal investment for the fami-
ly. They not only make money, but also lure cus-
tomers into a relaxed, informal atmosphere where
members can make initial contact with potential con-
verts. To the lonely or disheartened, this approach
is successful. Returning for additional visits, the re-
cruit has now been made to feel like part of the
NOW ONE WITH the family, the convert under-
goes an orientation that amounts to brainwashing.
When told of Moon's connection with the Korean dic-
tator, the converts do not seem to be bothered.
In one case, a new convert was prevented from
seeing his natural family. Despite this restriction, the
convert continued to turn over his earnings to the
organization. Later, he was only allowed to see his
parents in the company of a fellow Moonie, whose job
was to constantly reinforce the convert's belief in the
face of his parent's opposition.
NOT ONLY DOES Moon hope to attract and influ-
ence more converts at his tea house operations: he
is also interested in monetary gain. In Korea. Moon
controls a virtual conglomerate. His business interests
include air rifles, oharmaceuticals, titanium, and tea.
The tea houses, therefore, can serve as an outlet for
the einsene tea which is exnorted by the Korean ten
co"'nanv that Moon controls.
This writer has recently learned that the Moon or-
uanivation in Michigan nlans to begin onerationn in
Ann Arbor within a few months. The Unifittn
Church affiliate of the Moon groan recently finilh-.


not so


Rev., Moon
training a representative in Detroit who is expected
to arrive in Ann Arbor this week.
Before attending the free dinners or performances
planned by the Unification Church, Michigan stu-
dents should be aware of the political connections of
the group's leader. Leaders of the Korean opposition
against Park, for instance, describe Moon as an op-
portunist who supports the present government for
personal gain.
Alan Resnick. is a regular contributor to the Edi-
torial Page.



too can


dom stack of books did not con-
sult a catalogue when pricing
them. As manager Bob Foster
says, "It's nothing written dowr,
nothing that cut and dried."
The University Cellar, a ncn-
profit corporation founded in
1969, also has a fairly arbitrary
buy-back policy. Manager Den-
nie Webster says that the store
pays approximately 50-55 per
cent for used texts in good con-
dition, and about 30 per cent
for trade books. Webster also
admits that although the Cellar
may not always offer the high-
est price for individual books,
the store usually buys back a
wider variety of texts than the
other stores do. The Cellar also
accepts books in less than ex-
cellent condition.
Webster apparently feels that
the "gambles" take:n by the
Cellar are worthwhile, simply
because students stand to save


Letters to The Daily


the most money by purchas ng
used, rather than new texts.
The wide range of nri.. s ot-
fered by the three sirves is a
direct result of the oil law f
supply and demand.
Webster explains that book-
store operators must first of all
decide whether a boo is "up"
or "not up", dependini on its
potential re-sale value. It is 'i-
ten difficult to predict what ibe
demand will be for a particular
textbook in the fall, even as late
as the preceding April. Retail-
ers must also take into account
such factors as a cliss' project-
ed enrollment, the number of
copies of the text that the store
has in stock, and whether or not
a new edition is expeed from
the publisher.
And of course if bo ils can't
be resold to students, retailers
must "unload" them elsewhere.
One error in judgment can ccst
a store considerable amoun: of
money: for example, in the first
year of the Cellar's operation,
Webster recalls, that the store
lost $3000 to $4000 on lavr text-
books alone. (It .seems that
while law students were only too
happy to sell their used texts,
few incoming students were in-
terested in buying themn.)
In the event that used conies
of textbooks are unavailable,
students can still save monex
by comnaring bookstore policies
and prices for new books.
Of the three stores. 'nlv the
UniversitytCellartof' "sa flat
5 per cent discount off manufac-
turer's list price for bo new
hardbound texts and new pper-
backs. The Cellar also discounts
general school supplies 15 per
Follett's gives a 5 p.;r cent
discount on hardbouni t e x t s
purchased "in sub.e:antiul quan-
tity," but according to manager
Robert Graham, "of c.)rse we
are not able to do the same
for paperbacks." Nev- Theless,
Graham feels that Folle~t' pric-
es are "competitive, and that's
why the students continue :o do
business with us."
Ulrich's discounts selected art
supplies 10 per cai, for stu-
dents and faculty, b'it offers
no blanket discount on textbooks

cent discount offered by Fol-
lett's and Ulrich's, Webster
says, "They didn't do it when
we weren't here, and a lot of
other universities don't do it
(Two of Ann Arbor's oldest
bookstore's - Slater's a n d
Wahr's - did in fact go out of
business shortly after the Cel-
lar opened. Owners of both stor-
es attributed their cloings at
least partially to the non-profit
student store.)
Although each bookstore dis-
counts certain items at least
some of the time, students often
grumble, "Why not more?" The
answer lies in the natura of the
textbook retail business.
Unlike most other branches of
the retail industry, textbook re-
tailers sell their wares at an
unusually small "mark ip," or
orofit margin. As Ulrich's Bob
Foster savs, "We're not in this
business to get rich - if we
were, there'd be ten other
stores in town."
Unlike the clothing industry,
for example, which rums on a
40-50 per cent mark-up rate,
textbook retailers re,; ve books
directly from p'iblisners ;there
are no wholesalers in the text-
book business) at onak a 20 per
cent discount from suggested
retail price. In addido-i to the
smaller discount, bookstores
must nay shinping fees, which
usually average around 2 to 5
per cent.
Thus, bookstores not only op-
erate at a disadvantage profit-
wise, but must also co vpete in
a fluctuating market that can
7e anything from moderately sta-
ble to totally unpred'c'able.
Publishers constantly try to
sell their wares to peofessors,
wvho may understanrlably be
more concerned with the
"teachability" of te~rs than
with student expenses. Not only
does this sales push cause pub-
lishing costs to rise, but it also
creates demands for a wide
range of textbooks. Bookstore
operators must do their best to
"roll with the punc'ies.
Ini the long run. bagain hunt-
ing students should always
'make the rounds" of book-
stores before either ha na nor

To The Daily:
IT IS THE responsibility of
this University to do all that
is necessary to maintain the
quality, effectiveness, and mor-
ale of its graduate student staff.
Their present compensation
scale presents serious in.quit-
ies as a result of increased tui-
tion without corresponding m-
creases in salary in r e c e n t
years. Therefore the undersign-
ed faculty members of the Uni-
versity of Michigan vigorously
urge the University to offer its
graduate employees an increase
in economic benefits substan-
tially as proposed by GEO and
to make appropriate adjust-
ments in budget priorities for
all University operations.
The undersigned authorize
transmission of this statement
to the University administration
and to GEO and publication of
William James Adams, Ralph
Albanese, Herbert Alexander,

Paul Courant, Roy Cowen, Mad-
hav Deshpande, Thomas Det-
wyler, Douglas Dickson, Merle
Ronald DiPerna, Milan Pluky,
C. L. Dolph, Richard Douglass,
Nathalie Drews, Jose Durand,
Armando Duran, Peter Duren,
Penelope Eckert, Anthropology,
Samuel Eldersveld, M. P. Ell-
mann, H. M. Engliso, Erwin
Epstein, Hans Fabian, Paul
Federbush, Peter Fodale.
Charles Fraber, Danel Fus-
feld, Thomas Garbaty, Charles
Garvin, Emery George, F. W.
Gehring, Hans Gerber, Martha
Gizynski, Jack Goldberg, Edie
Goldenberg, Holly Goldman, De-
borah Goldsmith, Jesse Gordan,
Floyd Gray, George Greenberg,
Werner Grilk.
Paul Guyer, Frank Ilarary,
Clement Henry, Frank Henyey,
Bruce Hill, Peter Hinman, Erich
Hofacker, Peter Edwin Hook,
Bert Hornback, V. C. Ilubbs,
Ronald Inglehart, Joel Isaacson,
Robin Jacoby, Louis Jensen,
Nolen Jones, Phillip Jones.

Meyer, W. Mignolo, Dennis Mit-
chell, Richard Mitchell, Hugh
Montgomery, Rhoads Murphey,
William B. Neenan.
R. J. Nelson, Karine Nie-
meyer, Bernard Nietschmann,
John O'Conner, James O'Neill,
Richard Park, Lorraine i. Per-
ry, George Piranian.
Clarence Pott, Thomas Pow-
ell, Charles Pyle, M. S. Raman-
ujan, Richard Randell, Jeffrey
Rauch, Frank Raymond, Max-
well Reade.
Beth Reed, Harvey Reed, Ger-
ard Richter, J. Duncan Robert-
son, J. L. Robinson, D -i n i e 1
Rolfs, Ronald Rosen, Edward
Rothman, M. E. Rucker, Igna-
rio Salazar, Rosemarie Sarri,
Allen Shields, Harold Scholler,
Earl Schulz, Arthur Schwartz,
Ingo Seidler.
William Shepard, Sheldon Sie-
gel, Kuang-Yen Shih, Lawrence
Sklar, Joel Smoller, Norman
Starr, Robert Soloman, William
Steinhoff, Stephen Stich, Tom
Storer, Robert Suker, Tatsuo
Suwa, Thomas Tentler, Clai-

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