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February 18, 1975 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-18

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Tuesday, February 18, 1975


Fags Five

Tuesday, February 18, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five

this week
Hancock at midcareer
has own special sound



8m m


J ,___

This Saturday night the University Activities Center (UAC)
will present jazz innovator Herbie Hancock and the Lyman
Woodard Organization in concert at Hill Auditorium. Hancock,
arriving on the heels of his first gold album Headhunters and the
much-acclaimed sound-track for Death Wish, brings with him
a five-man band for a concert of improvisational jazz.
Born on the south side of Chicago in 1940, Hancock took up
classical piano as a youth, and at 11 years of age performed
with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. At that time, modern
jazz was in its primitive stages (be-bop), and its superstars
were the likes of Dizzy Gillespie and Thelonious Monk.
In :high school, Hancock was introduced to jazz and soon
became hooked. He shut himself in closets with Oscar Peterson
and George Shearing records, reproducing solos note for note.
From this practice Hancock developed an amazing analytical
ability to dissect musical structures.
After having been awarded an honorary doctorate in music
at Iowa's Grinnell College, Hancock performed with all the big
jazz names who used local back-up musicians while on tour.
Donald Byrd (of Black Byrd fame) was especially impressed
with the young man's piano work and took him under his wing.
Herbie Hancock's first solo album for Blue Note Records,
Takin' Off, featured the jazz classic "Watermelon Man", which
expressed vividly in words and music the black experience.
Hancock left Byrd's band soon afterward to join the Miles
Davis Quintet. For years (1963-1968), he worked with Davis,
mastering improvisation on solo bits and becoming an expert
back-up to Davis' trumpet.
As a solo artist again, Hancock recorded Maiden Voyage,
an important and successful jazz album, which resulted in of-
fers to perform for all the major jazz combos. His versatility
was evidenced in his composing of jingles for Chevrolet and
Eastern Air Lines, and in his score for the Michelangela Anto-
nioni film Blow-up.
Mwandishi ("composer") marked Hancock's first effort as
leader of the Herbie Hancock Sextet. By this time, the pianist
had become involved in every step of his music's recording -
writing, arranging, and production. Accolades streamed in, and
soon Hancock was named the world's top pianist on both Play-
boy's and Downbeats' jazz and pop polls.
In 1973, Hancock moved his innovative self to Los Angeles
and added to his achievements by recording Headhunters (fea-
turing the hit single "Chameleon"), and the Death Wish sound-
track which certainly warrants Oscar consideration. A recent
tour took Hancock and his band from Tokyo to Carnegie Hall.
Hancock's entourage at Hill Auditorium this weekend will
consist of Hancock himself, Bennie Maupin (bass clarinet), Paul
Jackson (various instruments), Mike Clark (drums), and Bill
Summers (woodwinds).
Once again, UAC stresses the need of complying with Hill's
prohibition on smoking and beverages. Should the concertgoers
not cooperate, the Hancock concert may well prove to be the
Auditorium's last.

By JAMES VALK and the People
With the tuxedos returned and was technically
the red carpet rolled up, t h e lent, although
Fifth Annual Ann Arbor 8mm voice was not su
Film Festival came to a close tent.
Sunday night. The actual pre- Fortunately,
sentation of the publically ex- overlooked by th
hibited films commenced Sa- was apparent th
turday night, but Sunday t h e suited to 16mn
winners were shown, and it and could not be
was officiallythe last day of the sonable competit
festival. arena.
The final program of the fes- The shoddy en
tival consisted of over 40 f:lmns trum, technically
from a field of over 110 sub- sent. The Fight
mitted. Although the attend- the better films
ance was mediocre at beat, the marred by poor
audiences were generally re- weakly compose
sponsive to the entries. Some the difficulty du
films received prolonged ap- imposition techn
plause, while others parted with in the film. Slip
deserved hisses. was an animated
Aside from the technical prah- bed sheets laid
lems that are to be incurred creases intact. It
with 8mm and the various mod- a hard problem
es of sound that accomwIny it, it looked tacky.
the festival was handled fairly ILogistics asid
fluently, although a short film consider the ac
entitled Prime Rib had to be the films, which
started over due to sound prob- primary factor
lems, a move that proved fa the winners. It
tile in the end. pick a single fil
The films, as a whole, were field of entry
impressive, if one considers tne called the "be
taboo status of 8 mm. It noth- this in mind, th
ing else, the festival esta)lished and third prize
that there is much that can be ally see them, a
accomplished through the film than just a sing
gauge, and that depending on First Place:I
how much time, eff:t and three minute fil
money is spent, the result can ler that is rema
be generally comparao1e to concept, but de
some of the better 16mti. work. fective in execu
The quality of the films wvere pits a tower of.
markedly determined by the re- portions agains
sources available to tha individ- and man-madel
ual filmmaker. Tamara Negara sulting in geom

of the Jungle
close to exrei-
the nacrater's
uited to tne con-
this film was"
he judges, as it
at it was etter
m competition,
considered rea-I
tion in she 8mm
,nd of the :pec-
y, was ams- pre-
Game, one oft
presented, was
r lighting a n d
d shots, part of
re to the super-
nique employed
Me Some Skin
d film done with
I on the floor,
I may have been
to avoid, bu:
e, I :an ncw
tual con'ont ofj
h shouid be the
in deteiwining
is diaticult tol
m from s ich a
that could be:
st film." Withj
he first, second
s, as I person-
re open to more
gle film: Thici:
Tower Film, a:
Im by Mike Hal-
rkably crude in
evastariiJlv ef-
tion. The f i 1 m
staggei Iipro-
t both natural
landcape:, . r e -
netric and phil-

Chamber season c
an impressivei

osophical intimidation of these dividual shots of a dreger att
minute entities that exist with- the audience. Using his cam-f
in its jurisdiction. era objectively yet pe-sonally, L
The tower is presented as a from being merely ano her exi
mysterious, looming giant that the filmmaker saved the film
peers over hills and fills in val- perimental blunder.
leys: it is an omnipresent force Second Place: Thise Cate &
that watches over the world be- Ting Rink. This clever film byn
low it, and symbolizes virtually David Fair rates as the moatt
anything you perceive it to be. original approach to co-neal in
It is an almost frightenng film, the festival. Lingering with ani-
and one which plays on a h d mated titles that gave credits
den fear of an uncovrcTh'b4-eI where credit wasn't de, thet
dominance. i film proceeded to dwll on a
First Place: La Ficelle. This gentleman aborbing his lun:h
4%/-minute film by Rose Dabbs with great flair, and ul imatelv
proved how much can be :n joined him with his we in thet
complished with so little to work most unique sequence in 3nim.
with. Using just a few pie-es of Third Place: Leaf: By Nig-f
yarn and a crude background, gle. This ambitious 40 minute
this animinated film added effort by Joachim Blunck de-
more life to its "ch-racters" serves recognition despite itst
than sore of the liu action flaws. Working from a story by
films. The yarn took o roove- J. R. R. Tolkien, Blunck a t-
ments with incredible sn:oo'h tempted to recreate a series
ness, with Ms. Dabbs ili:strat- drama with a fantasy overtone,
ing her talent as bot, a fix refusing to compromise the to-
maker and an innovator. tality of the work.
Second Place: Amnazing Excellent cinematography and
Grace: A trite little film that scenic backgrounds made the
was nevertheless well conce v-quasi-epicwatchable, but th e
ed and delicately pe ;ented. casting of 20-year olds as 70-
Dealing with the subjet of year olds was a hinderance in
motherhood and childbirth, the allowing the audience to take
film carefully blends a kinrsrat the film seriously.
ic effect with actual fuootige of Honorable Mention' The Two-
a live childbirth. T3re was Minute Film: The prologue in-
remarkable feeling for thp oar- formed us that this is a two
ents involvel. 'Ihe filmn pias minute film that is divided into
to one's inner emotions, whichh
to ne' iner motons x i 1three equal parts. We then see
may be an argument ag-iit it, the hands of a clock tediously
but still ranks as sinc re~ nd tick off forty seconds. T h e
effective effort by Nia ''x'n. hands stop. Another forty se-
Second Place: Peerless rer- conds elapses. Unfortunately,
ger. A quicK film by Carl conds. elapses..Unfortunately,
Christiansen that threw w h a t ,
seemed like thousands (f in-h "
difference!!, !
o m es to * PREPARE FOR: Over35years
S MCAT of experience
MI A ~~and success BTSml cI
'inish ~DAT Sm~~:e
LSAT mious home
American composer Al rii Et GRE
ler, a student of Hinde.muth s Courses"that are
at Yale University and late' a ATGSB costntlyuee
faculty member at Smi'h Ca("ii u
lege, I1I$A$ Tae clte o
* esreviews of class
Etler's concerto features 12 A lessons and for use *
instrumentalists, with emphasis : A of supplementary "
on the clarinet, but 't mst be : FLEX mteil
confessed that the performances F Make-ups for
of Professor Charles wea and ;.ECFMG
twotstudentassociate, Terrv A 'M0
Smith and William Moersc'han "0NATMED DS "
a great variety of per.ussio i i- THOUSANDS HAVE
struments (including vira- e RAISED THEIR SCORES
phones, xylophones, marimba, wta
and castanets) was most out- " 313 354-0085
standing. * 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. :
This concert represe ited t h e0 Southfield, Mi. 48015
end of a most su::eisful se * ez. "Lj
cond season in the Faculty
Chamber Concert Seinas. lit is
hoped that the series will be "
continued by the School of M isic E ATIONCETR
next year, and that th enthus- *L SPECIASTSSINCE938
iastic audience support will :on-
tinue as well. u s m




$3 50-$4.50-$5.50
Tickets available at: EMU McKennv Union, Mr. Music
(Briarwood), Huckleberrv's (Ypsilanti), and J.L. Hudson's.

the rhythm and spirit of t h e amoeba birthday party.
film is completely lost when the Festival judges included Bar-
ast forty seconds of the film bara Morris, lecturer at the
is excerpts from Leave it to Residential College, W i 1 1 i a in
Beaver. ' Thompson of Cinema Guild,
Honorable Mention: The Two- Jane Praeger of Cinema II, and
of Fishing: Just because it was David Blomquist, Arts and En-
not a Mort Neff treatment of tertainment Editor of T h e
the subject, I am thankful. Daily.
Honorable Mention: Lambing Official winners were:
Time: Barnyard olympics with First Place ($100)-301 idirected
sheep, perhaps the most unin- by Jerry Scott): Nimbus (J. P.
tentionally hilarious film of the deck-
decae. est ineof te flm: Second Place ($75) - Unleashed
decade. Best line of the film: -Tom Cappels): Tower Film (Mike
"Sheep love the presence of peo- Haller); Pereless Dredger (Carl
ple, and these people really love Christensen) ; La Ficelle . (Rose
their sheep." Dabbs).
Third Place ($40)-Stepping Out
Dishonorable Mention: Crown- on the Boardwalk (Sara Bolder):
fire. A collage of images that Leaf: By Niggle (Joachim Blunck);
appeals (I guess) only to a cer- Dog Catcher Marvin (Andy Mosier;
Marathon (Ambrose .Salin i).-
tain band of experimental film- Honorable Mention-The Fight
makers, of which I am not one. Game (David Renwick); The First
The entire mess looked like a Days (Richard Geisler).
cross between scratched film, Animation Award ($40 and Ox
animation stand-The Musician (L.
close-ups of Jupiter, and an Frenkel).

Sunday afternoon the Faculty
Chamber Concert Series com-I
pleted the final concert of its
second season. As usual, the
musical works were profession-

Ensemble l
tight comp

la s show1
?lling work

By MARK DeBOFSKY 1 stage are off when the room is
This past weekend, the Couz- lighted, and on when the room is
ens' Ensemble Theatre staged dark.
its second production: White The story centers upon pauper
Lies and Black Comedy, two sculptor, Brinsley and his fian-I
plays by Peter Shaffer. Al- cee Carol, who are waiting in
though the works are relatively his apartment for Georg Bam-
obscure, they were nonetheless berger, a millionaire art collec-
excellent in quality, and the tor who might want to purchase
overall result was unquestion- some of Brinsley's work. Carol's
ably first rate. father, a Colonel Melkett is also
White Lies, starring Elisa exoected.
Weisman, Scott Hauser and In order to make everything
Lauren Ketai, centers itself look perfect, the sculptor's ratty,
somewhere between Macbeth furniture is exchanged for the
and Cyrano de Bergerac. The elegant furniture of neighbor
story focuses on the tragic and Harold Gorringe who is con-
age-old result of people pretend- veniently out of town. Beginning
ing to be something they are with the blown fuse everything
not. - conceivable goes wrong:
Frank, a member of a singing Bamberger is late, Colonel
group, wants to scare his lead Melkett ends up hating Brinsley,
singer away from the girl he Gorringe returns home early to
loves. To do so, he is able to find his apartment vacant of
bribe a fortune teller, Sophie, furniture, and an old lover of
into acting out a little "practical Brinsley happens in, and throws
joke." a small jealous fit.
The story, naturally, is ex- Paul Quesada, Kathy Straub
posed, and the joke proves and Bary Busch played the lead
cruelly, to fall through. This roles, and Marie Eckert, Mark
crashing emergence of the truth Mikulski and Deborah Pittel
forces the characters to con- rounded out the cast.
front themselves, and to stop the ! It is only too bad that more
pretences. White Lies went over people on campus couldn't have
extremely well, but was only a appreciated these plays. The
warmup for the extremely suc- audience appeared to be mostly
cessful Black Comedy. of family and friends of the
Black Comedy opens with an players, but indeed, the plays
interesting effect. Since most of could have been equally success-
the play is in the dark due to ful with even the toughest of
a blown fuse, the lights on, audiences.

ally executed before a thrilled
and responsive audience in
Rackham Auditorium.
The concert began '%ith a
small ensemble piece )y .J-}h-
ann Christian Bash, a : extet
,which featured violin, cello,
oboe, harpsichord and t w o
French horns. The sex'et is
charming chamber music,
which combined'the mellowreF-s
of Marilyn Mason's harp.3ichord
with the excellent string tone of
Professor Gustave Rosseels on
violin and student asaoeiate!
Debra Fayroian on cello.
The second piece of the con-
cert was Paul Hindemuth's
haunting "Die junge Migd" or
"The Young Maidservant."
Here modern composer Hinde-:
muth has translated into song
cycle the expressionistic poems
of George Trakl which concern -
the life of a young girl who is
trapped in the physical and
moral filth of industrialized
The girl is prone to hallucina-
tions and hysteria and Hnde- -
th' dd ri itrhpan dh d .bs ur

cycle was "esoteric" and may
not "win the plaudits of the lis-
tening audience." Bossart added
that this was the first perform-
ance of the work in Ana Arbor.
Bossart may have been in
some part correct in his predic-
tions of audience respr.,ise to
the Hindemuth piece, bot th e
cello solo by Johann Sebastian
Bach which followed, mere than,
compensated for this lacking.
Professor Oliver Edel per-
formed this extremely virtuosic
and demanding piece as befited
his final public appearance as
a member of the facuhv of the
School of Music. Edel was ap'
plauded warmly for his very
accomplished performance.
The final piece of the concern
was a clarinet concerto by the



mun s oU p ECnes anr UUC r;
meters lend an appropriately
melancholy note to her cries.
Professor Eugene Bossart,
who worked with the six stu-
dent associates as they prepared
to perform the piece with mez-
zo-soprano Rosemary Russell,
said that Hindemuth's s o n g



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A concert of dance, film and music featuring the work of
Milton Cohen, Gay Delanqne and Diane Eilbert.
FRI., FEB. 21 AND SAT., FEB. 22
AT 8 P.M.
Tickets: $2 available noon-4p.m. in
24 Barbour Gym and at the door
CALL 764-6273
Sponsored by UM Dance Department

Feb. 22

8 p.m.

Hill Aud.





Tickets on sale in the Union lobby,
$6, $5.50, $5, $4.50
Call 763-4553 for more info.
UAC and WRCN present:
featuring Frankie & the Fireballs and
Kiss Me Kate & the Ko-eds
FRI., FEB. 21 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
"Ya gotta come greased!!"

"Views of a finite world: man's
use of his resources"

8 P.M.


NEXT MON., Feb. 24
MEDIATRICS presents:
'TI E D #" F'5 I'"lelD


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