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January 12, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-12

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See Inside

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Ten Cents

See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 12, 1975

/ol. LXXXV, No. 85

Eight Pages

' _


T ake that, Vic
In the struggle for sexual equality, two local
women caught a number. of men with their pants
down-literally. The paddleball courts at the Vic
Tanny Health Spa on Washtenaw Ave. are reserved
strictly for male members. The reason: they are
in full view of the men's dressing room. On Friday
night, however, two female spa members decided
to test the validity of this sanctuary. The women,
Chris McBride and Cathy Deffenbaugh, were
escorted from the area by three county sheriff
deputies after a brief, ten-minute stay on the
;ourt. They were not arrested. McBride said that
she and Deffenbaugh are considering legal action
against Vic Tanny's because, though they pay the
same amount as male members of the spa, "We
can't use all the facilities."
Spare change?
Starting March 1, a platoon of state investigators
will check hotels, bars and restaurants to make
sure they are complying with a new law banning
pay toilets in establishments selling liquor for on-
the-premises consumption. Any business failing to
comply with the measure faces the loss of its
liquor license. So leave that change as a tip instead.
Happenings . .
. . . are sparce today. They lead off with the
annual intercollegiate bridge tournament regional
semi-finals which will be held in the Union's
Assembly Hall. Registration is at 2 p.m., and play
begins an hour later. The competition is open to
full-time 'U' students . .. later, there is a benefit
for the Human Rights Party beginning 9 p.m. at
Mr. Floods Party . . . things pick up somewhat
on Monday. At' 7 p.m., the Michigan Association
of Gerontology Students is sponsoring a forum on
"Political Lobbying for Nursing Home Patients"
which will be held in Rackham's East Conference
Room .. . the local Common Cause chapter will
hold a meeting at 8 p.m. in the 4th floor con-
ference room of City Hall . . . Irish folk singers
Gerry O'Kame and Noel Lenaghan will present a
benefit concert for Clonlara School. The festivities
get under way at 8 p.m. in Schorling Aud., in the
School of Education . . . beginning lessons in
square dancing will be offered free at Barbour
Gym from 8-11 p.m. . . . and for a quick bite to
eat, drop in at the brand new "Vegetable Union"
inside the Union Station. The cafeteria-style res-
taurant, featuring natural foods, is. open from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.
Crap out
The Bahrain government yesterday denied re-
ports that it was buying thousands of tons of cow
manure from a United States firm to turn their
desert into pastures. But Norman Siebens, vice
president of R.J.B. Export, the firm which had
previously announced the sale, said that the deal
was still on as far as he knew. He declared that
the company would send 50,000 tons of liquid
manure each month to Bahrain. The three year
plan will cost $1.2 billion.
Space junk
A large section of the Saturn V rocket which
boosted the May '73 Skylab into orbit apparently
fell back to Earth early yesterday morning, ac-
cording to U.S. space officials. But they didn't
know exactly when the 83,000 pound hunk of metal
re-entered the atmosphere-or, for that matter,
where it landed. The reentry area, they said,
stretches from the Azores across Africa to the
Indian Ocean.
Lard to get
Police yesterday stormed a dilapidated chateau
near Montauban, France, and ended the two-year
siege of a baroness. The 49-year-old baroness,
Anne-Marie Portal, refused to pay family debts
and barricaded her family in their home with her
husband's unburied body. A court had ordered
the family out of their mansion for failing to pay
debts and property taxes totaling $33,600. Police
moved in after two agricultural workers, sent by
the mansion's new owners, were shot. The baroness
and her daughter were arrested.

Alas, poor D.l.
A skull found near a weathered parachute in
Oregon's'Mt. Hood National Forest is the newest
clue in the three-year search for the infamous
skyjacker "D. B. Cooper." A man calling himself
by that name parachuted from a low-flying jet-
liner on Thanksgiving Eve, 1971, with $200,000 in
ransom money strapped to his chest. Neither he
nor the money was ever seen again. The state's
medical examiner yesterday said his department
believes the skull might be Cooper's. The FBI,
however, has downplayed the likelihood that the
skull is that of the mystery man.
On the inside .,.
Today the Sunday Magazine takes a long look
at the Red scare of the 1950's with Howie Brick
writing on the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
. ,. The Sports Page details yesterday's basketball
game between the Wolverines and arch-rival MSU.
(n theip t idpi.1. .

Court to
rule on
DETROIT (UPI) - A state
Court of Appeals panel will rule
today on 'an appeal by Crest-
wood school officials trying to
block the return of dismissed
teachers to their desks.
A court spokesperson said a
decision is expected about noon.
EARLIER, there were reports
the appeals court might not take
up the case until tomorrow after
186 fired teachers return to their
jobs in the Crestwood district
under court order.
But the court said it would
accept a legal brief today at
10 a.m. in response to the
Crestwood appeal and then take
up the case in an unusual week-
end session.
Judge Vincent Brennan will
preside over the three-member
panel, which also includes
judges George Bashara Jr. and
Michael Kelley.
THE SCHOOL board filed its
appeal at 5:14 p.m. Friday, a
few hours after a three-member
Wayne County circuit court
panel refused a Crestwood
school board request that would
have delayed the return of the
fired teachers.
T h e s a m e three-member
Wayne County panel one day
earlier ruled 2-1 that Crestwood
officials illegally dismissed 186
teachers Dec. 27 and ordered
them to return to their desks
Lawyers for the Crestwood
district appealed that decision
to the state Court of Appeals.
A COURT spokesperson said
See COURT, Page 2




By AP and Reuter
SAIGON, South Vietnam-American sources said yes-
terday that U.S. planes are flying reconnaissance missions
over Indochina, but the U.S. Embasy dismissed as "non-
sense" North Vietnam's charge that American planes are
guiding bombing raids.
A Defense Department spokesperson in Washington
said he had "no comment" when asked to confirm the
reconnaissance flights. Asked about Hanoi's claim that
U.S. planes directed South Vietnamese bombers against
the Viet Cong capital of Los Ninh, 75 miles north of Sai-
gon, the spokesperson said: "We just don't respond to
North Vietnamese propaganda."
In Cambodia, military sources said U.S. planes have doubled
munitions runs into Phnom Penh from six to 12 daily. Associated
Press correspondent Matt Franjola reported the planes were
unloading their 15 tons of munitions, in a few minutes without
shutting off their enginges. Phnom Penh's main economic life-
line, the Mekong River, was cut by the insurgents early in their

New Year's dry season offen-
sive, making the increased mu-
nitions flights more urgent.
Meanwhile, the Saigon com-
mand said yesterday it needs
more American B-52 bombers
as South Vietnamese air force
planes made more heavy strikes
against Communist positions
north and east of Saigon.
In excess of .100 sorties were
flown yesterday, most against
Provisional Revolutionary Gov-
ernment (PRG) territory to the
north but some about 75 miles
to the east where a major con-
frontation is under way, mili-
tary sources said.
The question of U.S. flights
in Indochina was raised when
the official Hanoi paper Nhan
Dan said that "manned and
pilotless reconnaissance planes
from U.S. bases in Thailand"
guided South Vietnamese bomb-
ing runs against Loc Ninh. The
PRG say those runs have
caused heavy casualties and
The Nhan Dan report was of-
ficially denied by the U.S. Em-
bassy. But sources acknowl-
edged that American planes
have been flying reconnai sance
missions along the North "Jet-
namese coast and over South
Vietnam and Cambodia ever
since the Paris cease-fire a;ree-
ment two years ago.
Hanoi further charged that
U.S. reconnaissance planes flew
over Hanoi and "many other
localities" yesterday in "brazen
violation of the Paris peace
The U.S. sources said Ameri-
can planes do not actually fly
over North Vietnam, which is
prohibited by the agreement,
but high-altitude SR71 planes
fly along the North Vietnamese
coast with cameras that can
peer far inland.
The Paris agreement says
nothing about flights over South
Vietnam or Cambodia. The
Pentagon acknowledged last No-
vember that U.S. planes fly
over Cambodia and pass "items
of interest" along to the Cam-
bodian command.

M cCartly

THE BROWN JUG was picketed yesterday by r oughly 20 people who were indignant over the
Crestwood school board's firing of the district's striking teachers. George Paron, the restaurant
owner, is a member of the Crestwood school board.


F'ord to attack
WASHINGTON (AP)-President tion, administration sources
Ford will unveil his top-priority have said.
program to fight the recession
and energy shortages in a State "THE DECISIONS are all
of the Union message Wednes- made," Press Secretary Ron
day, a White House spokes- Nessen told reporters. President
person said yesterday. Ford will deliver the address
The package will include a $15 personally at a joint session of
billion cut in income taxes and Congress at 1 p.m. EST Wednes-
a program to drive up gasoline day, he said.
prices to discourage consump- Rep. Al Ullman (D-Ore.), the
Severe we ater
ravages Michigan
Fierce winds, heavy snow and sub-zero temperatures punished
much of the state early yesterday morning, taking the life of one
Oakland County woman and leaving dozens of others injured.
The National Weather Service in Detroit has issued blizzard, flood
and high wind warnings for the northwest lower peninsula.
The Detroit Edison office in Ann Arbor reported 400-500 homes
in the southwest and southeast sections of the city without
electricity due to trees blown onto power lines.
"THE DAMAGE wasn't extensive," said a power company
spokesman. Michigan Bell Telephone reported 800 customers af-
fected by the storm.
WINDS HIT 70 miles an hour in Traverse City and Rogers
City and the weather service said its wind-measuring equipment
failed at Oscoda when gusts hit 63 miles an hour.
In Detroit, police warned drivers that trees, felled traffic
signals and debris blowing from the tops of tall buildings made
driving hazardous.
IT SAID that more than six inches of snow was likely in the
northern lower peninsula by early today with temperatures
dropping to around zero.
High wind warnings were issued for the lower part of the
state and flood warnings were issued in the Detroit area, where
the weather service said the Rouge River might go two feet above
flood level near Garden City.

ailing economy

Harris to'
run in ''76
By AP and UPI
Two liberal former senators,
Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota
and Democratic Fred Harris of
Oklahoma, announced yesterday
that they would seek the presi-
dency in 1976.
McCarthy,the poet-politician
whose 1968 presidential cam-
paign on the Democratic ticket
helped topple the administra-
tion of Lyndon Johnson, an-
nounced that he would seek the
White House as an independent
The former senator, announc-
ing his candidacy while attend-
ing an Episcopal church confer-
ence in Columbus, Ohio, said
that his former party is so frag-
mented that it is unable to con-
duct party business.
Citing Democratic divisions on
foreign trade and foreign aid,
the economy, militarism and
civil liberties, he said it would
be "pretty hard to reconcile
See McCARTHY, Page 2

prospective chairman of the
House Ways and Means Com-
mittee that initiates all tax
legislation, already has pledged
speedy action on Ford's forth-
coming recommendations for
cutting taxes to spur the sagging
The President previewed his
program for the two top Re-
publican leaders of Congress
yesterday and won their basic
agreement on the broad-scale
package. Ullman, after meeting
Friday night with Ford, also
said Ford's plan "encompasses
much of what I support," al-
though he predicted Congress
will want to make some re-
SENATE GOP leader Hugh
Scott of Pennsylvania and House
Republican chief John Rhodes
of Arizona spent more than an
hour with Ford yesterday morn-
ing, going over details of the
President's blueprint that Ull-
man reported was "wider in
scope that I had anticipated."
Congressional Democrats plan
to unveil their own economic
program tomorrow and there
had been speculation Ford
might try to beat them to. the
punch. But Nessen said the
President "has made no deci-
sion on any presentation" apart
from his State of the Union
message, which will be broad-
cast live.
HERE ARE some of the key
features of the economic-energy
program Ford will unveil,
a c c o r d i n g to administration

* An income tax cut of about
$15 billion designed to pump
added spending power into the
economy in the early months of
the year, probably through re-
bates on 1974 taxes that will be
due April 15. If the plan is ap-
proved by Congress, individuals
would be expected to find their
taxes for last year cut by about
10 per cent.
* Imposition of a tariff of $3
on imported crude oil and a
similar excise tax on domestic
crude. The purpose would be to
discourage oil consumption by
See FORD, Page 2
pleas for.
The women's rights movement
has been occupying its place in
the sun for so long that a male's
plea for equality sometimes
goes unheard.
This is precisely Micnael
Mears' problem. Soon to gain
the distinction of being the first
male to get a masters degree
from the University Dance De-
partment in its 25-year history,
he is finding the distinction
neither glamorous nor advan-
masculinity has been detrimen-
tal to his dance career, spe-
cifically in his pursuit of a de-
gree in Dance Education. He
says that the dance department
is rather apathetic towards its
male dancers, who constivite
eight per cent of the dance en-

The press was sensational,
the government corrupt and
the populace bloodthirsty
when Julius and Ethel Rosen-
berg were put on trial in
1951 for being the ringleaders
of an "atom spy ring" during:
World War II. In the eyes of
the country, their left-wing
political beliefs were enough
evidence to condemn them.a
However, to many, then and
now, the Rosenbergs were
executed as a result of a

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