<'I ,', r, / Local Motion Overh By MICHAEL CASTLEMAN Local Motion (LM) will be launching a full-tilt membership drive at its first biannual Com- munity Fair. The alternative community funding cooperative and an array of local musical talent will be on hand to cele- brate the kick-off of LM's vol- untary fUnd raising February 15 from noon until 5 p.m. at Community High School (Old Jones School, N. Division be- tween Ann and Lawrence). The non-profit, non-partisan corporation's members work co- operatively to raise funds and ensure that oft-neglected human auling services such as legal aid, child care, health care, crisis inter- vention, youth, gay, and wo- men's services can prosper and grow in Ann Arbor. Duringthe Fair, memberships to LM will be sold and individ- ual members will elect an at- large community board. The 29 LM member organizations will present booths displaying their activities and entertain- ment will include a LM slide show and musical acts featur- ing the Skunk Misery String Band, Autumn, Rachel Glad- stone, Dede Palazzola, the Har- desty Brothers and Catherine community service } ,' t .% 1 , , r l s Dietkoff. Child care will be pro- vided and food will be sold. LM raises its money through a strictly voluntary 2 per cent surcharge on retail goods and services. Participating busi- nesses collect the surcharge from customers who would like to support the organizations they consider in their interests. Businesses convert the re- venue into grants or loans which they present to LM on a bi-an- nual basis. Local businesspeople are pre- sently being contacted concern- ing arrangements for actual col- lection of the surcharge. If you work at, or own a local busi- ness and would like to serve as an LM collection agent (or help out in any way), contact the LM office Tuesdays or Thurs- days from 1 - 5 p.m. A broad base of community participation is vital to the suc- cess of LM. The organization does not ask that businesses contribute any of their own money, but to serve as acollec- tion vehicle for their customrs who want to recycle funds into organizations they consider im- portant. FME MILWAUKEE JOURNAL TIM 0 All rights reservedt Publishers-Hlall Syndicat "The non-profit, non-partisan corporation' members work cooperatively to raise funds and ensure that oft-neglected human serv- ces .. . can prosper and grow in Ann Arbor." dv To:. r : ...... .......:.... .. .i.":::::v::a. .: a...? .....n.ro::.: "::%"?S"r. . r.. A .... } State Of The Educational Union Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Army keeps wraps on silicone strategy By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - No sensible person would quarrel with the concept of civilian control over the military establishment, but' this arrangement does present certain difficulties. Chief among the problems is the fact that the civilian over- seers are not always well versed in military affairs. Things that through civilian eyes appear unrelated to the defense effort may from a military viewpoint have strategic significance. Face-lifting and bust-enlarging operations, for example. In a recent news release, Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., reported that plastic surgeons in the armed forces are performing almost 800 such operations a year. Beneficiaries of the beautification program are, for the most part, wives of admirals and generals, he surmised. Aspin indicated these findings had left him disquieted if not aghast. He said, "I thought military surgeons were supposed to practice military medicine." AS A MEMBER of the House Armed Services Commission, Aspin should have known that face-lifting and bust-enlarging have a direct bearing on national defense. I can't get into too many details because classified information is involved, but two facts may be noted without breaching security: -The material used in bust-enlargement operations is silicone. -This is not the only reason silicone is a strategic material. It also is used by the military to seal rocket boxes on aircraft and tank engines: it stays flexible enough to reseal bomb-bay doors after they open at high altitude; and it is used to insulate communications cables on naval vessels. Now suppose the Pentagon decided it would be prudent to stockpile a certain amount of silicone for emergency purposes. And suppose it wanted to do this in such a way that the Soviet Union would not know the stockpile existed. WELL, THE WIVES of our admirals and generals unquestion- able are highly patriotic and undoubtedly could be counted on to volunteer as silicone repositories. And what of the face-lifting? Well, if large numbers of middle-aged military wives suddenly turned up exceedingly bosomy, the Soviets might get suspicious. But if they had simultaneously fact-lifts to make them look younger, the bust line expansion would not seem so unusual. For reasons already stated, I dare say no more on this subject. And if Aspin has any regard for military security, he will drop it too. Dick West is a columnist for United Press International. The LM officers are located at 225 E. Liberty in the same building as sister organizaton her-self, the Feminist C re d i t Union, Lesbians Opening, Sun- structures, and the Free Peo- ple's Clinic. In an effort to min- imize overhead costs, LM woulJ greatly appreciate donatians of unwanted furniture,plants, and filing cabinets and other office equipment. Concerned citizens will s e e that LM makes sense for the entire community. Those sml amounts of money which are contributed add up to big bucks when recycled into organiz-rins which provide for basic hum-rn needs at little or no cost. The LM logo symbol, a switt Friday, February 14, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 multi-seater bicycle pedae by women, men, young, old, olack, and while, highlights LMs im- portant concepts - the bicycle, a vehicle that eases the load of local survival since it is ecologically sound, is powered by the united energies of many different kinds of people. So watch for LMs leaflets an- nouncing the fair and come cele- brate this cause with friends. Local Motion is working to make social change, not just collect charity. Michael Castleman is a Local Motion volunteer and former co-ordinator of the Free Peo- Ple's Clinic. Strike: Agonizer 's nightmare By BILL PERRY By WEDNESDAY morning, my mind w a s made up: I had to cross the picket lines. So I preteended it was like any other Wednesday morning and went through the routine motions of pulling myself out of bed and 'trudging off to class. I would not see or hear the strikers. Not that I didn't sympathize with the G.E.O. that morning. I always had a feeling for the underdog. Deep down inside Iasupported them, for a number of personal reasons. But there were other considerations - there always are- that had to take precedence. Other priorities, you might say. I am an undergraduate. I pay good money to go to this school. I want a degree. Most of all, I love the theatre concentration I'm working on. I really enjoy what I am doing at this university. I supose a lot of students can't hon- estly say that. And there was a girl waiting for me in the Frieze Building. We we-e suppsed to do a skit together for a Radio-T.V. class. I felt obli- 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Wanted: Students at polls gated to her. If I did not show up, she would have to take the loss as much as I. I tried to hammer this into my conscience as I walked to class. I am a bit of a "softie" on things like this, and I knew that I might back down and walk away if they tried to talk me out of crossing the lines. They might get at my conscience. I STOPPED when I saw the strikers. They were doing a good job of covering all the en- trances. I walked around the building once, just to make sure. One came up to me and asked if I was planning on going in. I told him I was sorry, but I simply had priorities to keep in mind. There was a girl waiting for me inside. He suggested that perhaps she didn't come. I was beginning to hope he was right. So I waited outside for a while, looking for her, looking at my watch, looking at the strikers. I think a few of them were talking about me. They knew I was having trouble. I realized in a few minutes that the girl was probably already inside by now. She did say she was going to class. I wasn't waiting any longer. So I turned around, looked at the strik- ers and headed for the doors. "Please support the G.E.O. Please don't go in- side. Please honor the picket lines." I DID support them. I wanted them to win. But I had priorities. I closed my mind to them, and went inside. I hope this thing is over soon. Bill Perry is a junior with a double major in Speech and American History. FOR MOST OF US, primary elec- tions just don't inspire great feelings of civic obligation. Primar- ies don't elect anyone, at least not directly, and they usually confuse voters with a plethora of little known candidates from which they must, in their infinite, and usually ill- informed wisdom, choose. On Monday, city-primary elections will be held. There hasn't been a lot of publicity or fanfare about the bal- loting. Only three wards are hav- ing races; the Democrats in the first ward, The Human Rights Party in the second, and the Republicans in the third. The bright spotlight of publicity hasn't illuminated these candidates, and voter turnout will probably be dismal. If past elections are any sort of a guide, voting stations in student precincts will be the lonliest places Editorial positions represent consensus of the Daily staff. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Susan Ades, Gorden Atcheson, Stephen Hersh, Andy Lilly, Pauline Lubens, Jo Marcotty, Stephen Selbst Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, S t e v e Ross, Steve Stojic Arts Page: George Lobsenz Photo Technician: Sue Scheiner in town three days from now. THREE YEARS AGO, the politics of this city were transformed by the newly introduced factor of student voters. The possibilities for change appeared limitless at the time. Pri- orities and budgets, the nuts and bolts of city politics were opened to student participation for the first time. The early glow of enfranchisement wore quickly, though. Succeeding elections began to show a pattern of student apathy. Voter registration rolls in campus precincts fell as in- coming freshpersons either did not care to vote here, or did not even bother to try. The pattern of apathy reached a low in the November elections, when it was revealed that turnout in non- student precincts outweighed stu- dent turnout two or three times over. THE PROCESS of deterioration must be reversed, and the time to end it is on Monday. Primaries may not be very exciting, but they offer a real chance for basic input into the policies of our community. Vote in the primary elections next Monday, and if you aren't registered to vote, take that necessary step. There used to be an oft-repeated slo- gan that went "Vote-use the power". Unless you want to see that power vanish, go to the polls. Letters: Anti-GEO article short-sighted ,MAKI PS ULLISH ON 4.4EfRtCA response To The Daily: AS A GROUP of GSA's and student supporters of GEO in the Economics Department we would like to respond to the hypocritical and self-serving let- ter of Everett Ehrlich and Jer- ry Caprio which appeared in to- day's Daily. They assert t h a t GSA's derive from the most privileged strata of society and will occupy high-paying posi- tions of power in the future. While they may characterize themselves it is hardly an ac- curate characterization of most GSA's. Strike support for GEO varies inversely with the likelihood of graduates from a particular de- partment becoming professional of management personnel. It is strongest in those depart- ments whose members are most likely to occupy proletar:anized positions with little power such as Romance Languages, Pis- tory, etc. It is weakest where people are mostly likely !o be- come professionals or other high level positions, such as in the Engineering and Business Schools. Economics occupies a half-way house and support for GEO is split down the middle. It is extremely distasteful for in- dividuals such as Ehrlich and Caprio who will soon be oc- cupying high-paying p'ofessin- al jobs to presume that others are as privileged as tnry. To pose their arguments in pseudo- radical guise is even more dis- gusting and sophistic, espec- ially if they undermine the or- ganizing efforts of others who do not expect to get or even go after high-paying jobs when they graduate. Low pay and high tuiti)n for GSA's makes it difficult and even impossible for those with of the white, the male, and the middle-class, GEO is bargain- ing for affirmative action. It is true that, as students, GSA's are not part of the work- ing class but, with some excep- tions, neither are they capital- ists. As GSA's these same grad- uate students are workers - they form part of the wage earn- ing class. In any community there exists a multiple of con- tradictions but there is always one principal contradiction in the relationship between classes. In this cast the principal con- tradiction is that between the University as capitalist em- ployer and graduate employee as worker, one of the many ex- ploited groups of worke:s with- in the University. To the extent that GSA's, whatever their fam- ily class origins, align t h e m- selves on the side of labor they should be supported, just as one would always support an in- dustrial union against a capital- ist employer, even when one might oppose many of the ur.- ion's specific policies. To not support labor against capital is to be on the side of capital! The issue of control over one's own work environment is of vital importance. Can the ad- ministration autocratica~ly, ar- bitrarily, and high-handedly iun the University in the interest of its comporate masters of do other groups within the Unitier- sity such as students, clericals, service workers, faculty, and GSA's have a legitimate input into University decision mak- ing? Thus, those who oppe the GEO strike implicitly want to maintain this University as a bastion of privilege and movied class, since in doing so they op- pose increased wages, joo crn- trol and security for the GSA's, they oppose affirmative act on, they oppose the improvement in Bruce Steinberg, Lipda Lim, Larry Herman, Judy Gordon, Mark Browning, Andy Mason, Jesse Hall, Bob Miller February 12 undergrads To The Daily: AS AN undergraduate, strong- ly and actively supporting the GEO strike, I would like to re- spond to Daily editorial writ- er Wayne Johnson's statement for undergraduates not to sup- port the strike. Mr. Johnson's attitude is based on a very com- mon, but unfortunate, misunder- standing of the issues. His back- ward mentality has been condi- tioned for years of social pres- sures designed to divide a n d isolate us from one another. The division between graduate sl1u- dents who have jobs as TFs aiid undergradutes is, in fact, an artificial one, ignoring our real solidarity as students togeiher trying to force this university to respond to demands fir an improved educational life. AN UNDERSTANDING of what the strike is really all about will clarify the issue of undergraduate support. T7h e GEO economic demands ara so moderate as to be almost in- significant to the University - amounting to something under 0.5 per cent of their budget (of their publicized budget), which, if granted, would still place U of M GSAs 8th in the Big Ten in economic benefits. The U has never pled povertv to GEO economic issues, they hve never claimed they don't hlve the money. Rather, the Univer- sity claims its priorities 1 i e elsewhere; that is, elsewhere from supporting reduced class size, quality GSAs, and quality undergraduate education. The concern many undergr ad- tion fees by a tuition strike cr other action. GEO has offered its TF support, its power, its entire organization to support an undergraduate effort to low- er tuition. THE OTHER GEO demands are equally moderate. Non-dis- crimination of gay people, to which the university principafly agrees, but simply refuses to write into the contract. Class size maximum of 20 to ?5, de- pending on the class. Four-term job security guaranteed w 1 i1 e other universities have e Ig h t terms. Affirmative action, a pro- gram that the University has already instituted in every ,-her hiring effort under the govern- ment's HEW guidelines. GEO, the only university program (in- cluding hiring of professers, clericals, tradespeople, etc.) not now in affirmative ac'ilm, asks merely to be included under the same guidelines. So why is the university deny- ing these obviously supportable and moderate demands? Cvary the issue is not the demands themselves. The University is making a deliberate attack against organized student activ- ity. The University nw lu'ds the power on campus, and is squaring off against student at- tempts to have some influence on their own lives -- toe Uni- versity, plainly, is threaiened by and wants to destroy the newly- formed union. UNDERGRADUATE sirlpcrt now appears justified and r.e- cessary. We are all students engaged collectively ini a str!.g- gle to control our ewn lives while at the University. TFs may get the wage in;rease, but we all get the personal cons-ol that comes from our collective victory against a Ui'rersity that is doing everything it can sure the University - it hurts. Yesterday at least two classe with 300 peple in each voted tc close for the strike. Wher classs close, students can re spond by refusing to pay tuition by calling and writing the ad- ministration to settle the strike quickly so that we can all gee back to our education. When we return though, it will be as i slightly stronger, more unified more self-determined studen body, better prepared for t It i many struggles against mstitu tional repression yet to come Undergraduates, join the strug gle, join the picket lines! Sup port your own education, sup port GEO! --Jay M. Goldman February 11 disruptions To The Daily: AS A RESULT of several iso- lated disturbances in the En- gineering Buildings today, the Engineering Council approved the following statement of pol- icy: "Whereas it is the principal aim of the Engineering under- grads to further their educa- tion, and Whereas the disruption of classes is inherently contrary to that principal aim, Be it resolved that the En- gineering Council is firmly op- posed to any persons or organi- zations attempting to disrupt Engineering classes, be it through harrassment or ph;s-cal disruption." This policy statement is rot to he construed as being in op- position to GEO or to toe cur- rent strike. We merely cppose the disruption of Engi peer'ng classes. -Gary Goodykoontz -... . ,