Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 13, 197 II -- ________________---..---.--,-_________________________________ ------------. _________________________ - _______________________________________________ ,. I ORNMA-p - ---------- FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY FOR RENT FOR RENT ONE WOMAN for three-person apt. TAPPAN: 2-bdrm., 2 or 3-man fur- Own room. Cheap Good location. nished apts. Fall occupancy. $250/ Call persistently. 663-2015. 67C215 mo. 663-4101. cCtc CAMPUS AREA. Furnished efficien- STRATFORD APARTMENTS is now cy, includes all utilities except "Edi- taking applications for fall and son". 1 mit, walking distance, $160. summer rentals: one bedroom apts.,i Available immediately. 663-3902. $175-$190. Modern 2-bdrm., $254- 87C216 $309. See Apartments at 629 S.I - - Forest, No. 1 or call 994-5917 or? LARGE, furnished efficiency, inc. 663-2709. Very close to campus. heat, A/C, water, full bath, kitchen. 79C0215 Corner Aaynard and William (cam- --------- -- ---- pus area) $168. Immediate. 663-3902. 315 CATHERINE, 2-bedroom furn-I 8800216 ished bi-level, A/C, dishwasher, dis- posal. Assume lease $235. 769-3806. IMMEDIATE. Apt. $100. Excellent C214 location. Call 663-9166. 45C217 NOW RENTING FOR FALL, Medical FALL '75 Center location, modern flats. Call L McKinley Associates at 769-8520, ext. L IV E I N A STYLE 41. cCtc SINGLE ROOM near campus avail THAT SUITS YOUR able immediately. 994-3222, 662-2632 P E RSON AL I TY T RCin4 Fine Campus Apartments ROOM TO RENT in 2-bedroom apt.a Large living space. Furnished except and Houses for bedroom. $110/month, $50 se- CAMPUS RENTALS curity. No lease. Female preferred.C 761-3439 after six. 860218 1335 S. University LARGE EFFICIENCY with campus 665-8825 location. Lease starting April. 663- Monday-Friday 9-5:30 8691. 680214 Saturday 0-25 OWN ROOM, large 2-bdrm. No S r 0 c t lease. $82.50. Senior 'or grad. 729 S.S---85-4-,-e Seventh. 665-8597, 764-0486, leave message. 36C213 FOR RENT 8 MONTH LEASE Single Liability Lease Roommate Placement Service 2 Blocks to Campus $50 Security Deposit 24 Hour Security 536 S. Forest 761 -2680 University Towers Apts. rCtc FALL '75 One, 2, and 3 level apartments available on campus Viscount Apartments Model now open. 1316 Geddes Apt 5 M-F, 11-1 & eves, Weekends 2-4 CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. 665-8825 FOR RENT MALE for co-op double. $130 month. 665-0568, 980215 Where TENANTS COME FIRST For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features Cal MAIZE & BLUE Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 (Ctc FALL 2-BEDROOMS Large, furnished, clean, quiet, park- ing. $300 mo. Year lease-927 S. Forest. Appointment after 5 p.m. 662-6156. eCie MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MARANTZ 2270 Receiver, 9 months old, with walnut case, $400. Recli- linear.I's 10 months old, $350. Pickering XV 15-1200E cartridge, new. $50, or best offer on any item. 764-8715. 69X216 SUPER STEREO: 2 McIntosh MC-30. 2 Sony TC-366, 2 Dynaco PAT-4, Thorens TD-150, EPI-202 speakers, 25" color scope, built into elaborate cabinet. Much, much more. 764-1 8797. 38X214 VOX ORGAN with cases. Low price. Apollo Music Center, 322 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cXtc GUITARS. New and Used. Steel string and Classical. Lessons. Re- pairs. 665-7348 or 429-9241. cXtc WANTED TO RENT $30 REWARD for information lead- ing to rental of 5-7 bedroom house, starting May or September. 663-$ 4910, Lou or Karen. 64L216 $50 REWARD for information lead- ing to an apartment for two peo- ple next fall. 2 bedrooms, within 15 minutes of campus, max. $230/ mo. 663-7264. 05L216 WISH TO SUBLET or lease two one- bedroom apts. in same bldg. Must have fall option, allow pets. Start any time. 764-7509 days; 665-8314 or 761-0084 after 5 35L213 PETS AND SUPPLIES FREE GENTLE female cat, black and white, long hair. 761-0977. 35T213 STEVE for ho all day rolls. t BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES Enroll now to prepare for upcornind MCAT * DAT 0 LSAT " GRE ATGSB board exams. For informa- tion call: (313) 354-0085. c~tc OUR PRICES are sensible and our SERVICE is a pleasure. The Villaae Apothecary. cFtc UPTIGHT? Relax, use whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, inexpensive. 971-6867 or 971-14.9. Campus Pinball South Universit PERSONAL PERSONAL I'S LUNCH -ComeVALENTINE'S SPECIAL for coul -- Oe Gprice Friday, 11 a.m.-1 a.m. Bil me cooking, breakfast j liards at the Union. cF21 y, areat soups and egg PASSPORT and application picture 1313 So. UniversitS. taken at Michigan Daily on Wec cFtc fro n6-7, call 764-0552, ask for Kar en. dF21 ARB BASS AMP-Piggy-back unit. CAR SERVICE ACCES 769-1400. cXte FOR SALE--1 Olds clarinet good SAVE DOLLARS!!! Tune-ups, oil condiion. $50 or best offer. 662-2870. changes and minor auto repairs. 23X214 482-0771 after 2 p.m. 50S213 THIS VAL ENTINE'S DAY make it a special clay with a gift of Russell Stover canciies from the Village Apo- thecary, 1112 S. University. cF214 2001: the in-Union. 20F213 I r S L 1 E 3 I %S SHURE MIKE in stock-up Music Center, Arbor. SALE-most models to 40°> off. Apollo' 322 S. Main, Ann eXtc cte SUBLET BARGAIN CORNER FOR YOUR Valentine's HAND MADE Unique, Beautiful Gifts, Jewelry, Copper, Onyx (Alavaster). & China Work Tapestry, 'and many other unusual items. VERY REASONABLE PR ICES TURKISH ARTS & GIFTS 215 E. LIBERTY (near Sam's) 761-5554 cW215 Excellent rooms for girls. Spacious completely furnished in a modern, clean, safe, brick building. Available now. Regular single, $105; large single, $125. Call for appointment, 761-1932. ctc UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. 0 Four month winter term lease. * Security System 0 Recreation Room Weekly Housekeeping 0 Roommate Placement Service 536 S. Forest 761-2680 LOW MONTHLY - PAYMENTS 1-2-3 bedroom Townhouses avail- able, immediate occupancy. Stove, Refrigerator, Heat included. Low down payments, low monthly pay- ments/ Hrs. 9-5. Danbury Green Cooperative, 484-0371. cCtc FALL RENTING Furnished, efficiences, one and two bdrm. apts., both modern and in older houses. Best campus and hos- pital location. Modern Apts. 418 E. Washington (Bsmt,) 668-6906 or 663-3641 HOUSE FOR RENT May or Sept.' lease-5 bdrm., sleeps about 8. 662- 9709. 940219 FALL: 4-MAN Campus-Hospital area 521 WALNUT Modern, extra large, dishwasher, air, security system. MODERN APARTMENTS 418 E. Washington (bsmt.) 668-6906 or 663-3641 cCte' FURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOM AP1TS. AVAILABLE 662-2952 or 434-0550 SANS SOUCI ACROSS THE STREET FROM MICH. STADIUM cCtc SUMMER SUBLET: 2-man, Air- Cond. Apt. Hill and State. 663-6538. 82U0219 SUMMER SUBLET, nice 1-bedroom. furn, apt. Close to campus. A 'C, parking, dishwasher, balcony. Call Steve at 668-6907 Keep trying. dUO215 TO SUBLET from March 1: Y2dou-. ble in E. Quad at 2 3 remaining rate. 764-3631. 68U220 PERSON NEEDED for own room in house. $75, utilities paid. Move in March 1. Call persistently 994-5808. Desperate. Must sublet by then. dU215 GREAT TWO MONTH DEAL SPACIOUS ROOM IN HOUSE Good location near campus, IM building, cheap and negotiable rent. March 1-May 1, possible option af- ter. Live vith two roommates in 3 room house. Call Tony, 662-9424 persistently. dU216 NICE 1-2 PERSON APT, for sublet HELP WANTED GRADUATE STUDENT in Soils En- aineering or related field for part-' time work with a western Wayne County cnsulting firm. 1-942-0550.1 77H215j TEMPOR ARY HELP WANTED: part-} time daytime and weekends for con- cessionist and usher at Fifth For- um. Please apply Friday afternoon only, at 210 S. Fifth Ave. 84H213 JUNIOR or SENIOR Civil Engineer- in student to work part-time for a' western Wavne County consulting firm. 1-742-0050. 78H2151 3 HOSTESSES WANTED for Satur-. day niaht promotional party at Ann Arbor highrise. 18-24. Wage negoti-I able. Please contact by noon Sat- urday if interested 994-3591. 25H2151 ARTIST WANTED-To draw 6 car- c-icaures for sales meeting. Call 485- :3002 after 6 p.m. 31H216 UNUSUAL opportunity in interna- tional marketin Call 769-9251 eves. for appointment. 30H227 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER for 5 yr. old boy. Tues. and Thurs. a m. 663-8302. 87H213 TICKETS NEED 2 TICKETS for Fiddler on the Roof. Call 769-3016 anytime. 76Q214 MISCELLANEOUS SEAMSTRESS NEEDED to patch jeans want machine work. 769-2099. 80M215 STUDENTS - For a future, buy a business. Harwares, lumber yards, gift shop, party store, manufactur- ing plants, florists' greenhouse, Jan-! itorial supplies, golf course, sports park (skiing, tennis, golf). Call Weir Associates, 769-1615. 97M214 THE STONE SHOPPE announces a 20% off sale on all merchandise. Get your sweetheart an authentic Indian keepsake for this Valentine's Day. Wed. thru Sat., 11-6 p.m. 1103 S. University, Ann Arbor, 662-6054. 96M214 STRIKE RUMOR CONTROL CEN- TER: Accurate, independent verifi- cation of rumors concerning GEO strike, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 763-1155. 85M214 USED CARS 1968 DODGE VAN, automatic, win- I AM A MALE seeking a fe open to creating a relation Write Daily Box 5. 9 WOULD YOU and your partner to participate in a couples' w shop this weekend? Bob and1 garet Blood, 769-0046, 21 "GREEK" & PITCHER NIGF "Greeks" admitted free. Spec prices on pitchers at Chances 994-5350' STUDYING EFFICIENCY can improved by self-hypnosis. Call ArborHypnosis Center. 761 -044 77 CONGRATS to Tom Clark, wi of ACU-I pocket billiards tou ment at CMU 2875. cF BOWLING at 50c per game Union Lanes - open 11 a.m c. 1 PROMISING ARTISTS like DUC serve the happiest birthdays, Cl knows. 89F XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S University 769-05 male ship. 3F213 like h ork- Mar- 8F214 HT ial DON'T PAY for a store'stoverhea via high mark-up. For the area' lowest prices and finest qualitle possible on an engagement ring shop Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Uni versity, 663-715l. cFt AN IRANIAN GUY wants an Ameri can girl to practice English wit Call me at 763-0726, 8-11 p.m. 14F21 Offset Printing, Xerox. Wedding an Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 eFti Are WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod, o cFte traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFt he Ann' 0 F222 inner irna- TRAVL F0213 601 E. WILLIAM ANN ARBOR 48104 F215 665-6122 de- SPECIALIZING hesca F0213 in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP HOME RESERVATIONS NOW 60 cF42 nted LET US FILL your next prescrip 1217 fion. The Village Apothecary. cFt cFtc - ._ ;ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE-Now k Goad, progress. Sale began- January 1 an NDS will end December 31. Austin Dia cFte mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151 ond T'N'T SPECIAL: Tues. and Thur why. between 8-11. beer and drinks ; sity, price, at Chances Are. 994-5350. cFtc cFt at ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUIZZE Next Fall fa r away. --- --- --May-Aug. 668-8208. dU218 's not 2 BEDROOM modern apt. Great lo- cation. Call persistently-665-7843. 29U216 SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Sto-Prest Bells LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs The best campus apartments are renting right now. Give us a call. DAHLMAN N APARTMENTS 545 CHURCH 761-7600 For all University of Michigan Students, Faculty and immediate family Montego Bay $25 9.Mar. 2-9, 1975 GREAT 2 MONTH DEAL March & April. Possible option or summer and fall. Spacious room Jr great location house. $120 cash take; it all, including utilities. After Ma: you can negotiate for the whole house (3 bedrooms}. Act quick.7 gotta leave. Tony, 662-9294, dU21 SPACIOUS ROOM in 2-man apt AC -, disposal, dishwasher, pool Scenic on Huron River. $95. Cal John, 761-1237 or Frank 663-2901 64U21 LOST AND- FOUND LOST: clearplastic glasses, by State and Packard. I can't see clears now! Eileen, 663-6727. 52A21; FOUND: gold female catkon step of LS&A building. Looks a little like Morris. Call 764-1575, Mariann or Dave, 8-5 weekdays. dA21 FOUND: blac kand white small, fe male dog. Tan leather collar. Four mn Observatory-Ann area. Call 971 3136. dA21 LOST: Gold link bracelet. Reward Call 764-9810. 32A21 REWARD for return of golden wed ding ring "lost" from duffel ba near IM Building this weekend. In scribed "RJW-GSW 8-4-63," Cal 971-8009 evenings. No questions. 89A21 TRANSPORTATION RENT ME new VW's $5.00 a day 10c a mile Pickup and Delivery available RENTABEETLE 994-9300 cGt dows, first $495 buys. Aeschliman Motor Co. 434-0642. 73N216 BUMPER STICKERS custom pri - ------ - - - ---- - .hile-U-wait! MBL PRESS. '73 PINTO Sedan. X000 cc., 4-speed. 'rospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942.c Radio new tires. best offer. 663- WANT' selling Sandy, 2540. TO WORK from your home for a national firm? Call 10 a.rn.-1 pm. only. 439- 91H219 I IF << 9a s, 1, . 8 9720 eves. 45N218 HOUSE in the country, room available in house minded people, near stream. Call 1-878-9594. one bed- of organic lake and 950218, Original. Silver. t Flannel Shirts from 2.00 .aid Pants.......5.00 Corduroys .......3.00 Sport Shirts. 2/10.00 C.P.O.'s..........7.88 Sta-Prest Jeans . . . 7.00 207 E. Liberty 663-86 1 1 j }r l k a )i3 I' i# ., P.-,. . ( During Spring Break } 7 nights * Round trip jet via Air Jamaica Party Jet " Gourmet meal service in flight " In-Flight Fashion Show . Rum bamboozles in flighi " 7 Night hotel a Jamaican Cocktails s AND MORE Phone: Pete Savoie 764-8738 RENTING FALL '75 OLDER BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS We have 2 and 3 Bedroom Furnished Apis. in older buildings near cam- pus and the Hospitals. Also modern Two-Bedroom, 3 and 4 man Apts. Campus Management, Inc. 335 EAST HURON 663-4101 cctc I r 5 RARE OPPORTUNITY for sales trainee, male or female; car re- . quired. Apply Mon. or Wed. or Fri., . 10 a.m. only. 1933 Pauline, Suite E. 11 cHic HOUSECLEANING help needed 4-8 hours'week. Flexible hours. $2.20/ hr. 761-1932. cHtc FEARS and PHOBIAS treated by e; new and highly effective method. No cost in return for a little effort 3 to help learn how and why thej method works. Write Phobia Pro-j s ject, Dept. of Psychiatry, U of M e I Medical Center Ann Arbor 48104, or e call 313-764-5348. 25H213 i ! INTERESTED in a career in adver- tising? The MICHIGAN DAILY cur- rently has openings for two sales 4 people. Excellent opportunity to learn both advertising and news- paper operations. Apply in person. 4 See Jack J. Mazzara, Sales Man- agerdH214 g SITUATIONS WANTED .1 PIANO TEACHER-Piano major in search of eager students. Any level, 3 low rates. 763-1681. 510213 ROOMMATES FEMALE TO SHARE apartment with 2 grad women, for fall. 9p4-6374. 02Y214 -- .-..--- -.-- ROOMMATE WANTED: Own room c in 4-person cooperative apartment. Modern, A/C. piano, 2 blocks from campus. $82/mo. through August preferred. '665-0242 dinnertime. dY213 URGENT-Female needed to share' room with nursing student in fur- nished apt. Good deal, 994-9056, 994- 4404. 93Y0204 WANTED TO BUY ALBUM WANTED: Master Jack by Four Jacks anI a Jill. Call 668-7543 ask for Karl or leave message and phone number. Be persistent. dK209 BUS NESS SERVICES Need cards keypunched? Call us for fast accurate service. COMDATA Services. 461-1874. 84J216 TUTORING, EE, Statistics. Math, Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. cJtc TYPING and EDITTNG. Call Jean, ,i!4-3594, 10 a.m.-I0 p.m. cJtc FOR SALE- SEWING MACHINE, wicker chair. Good condition. Call persistently. 663-2015. 66B215 ROSSIGNAL GS SKIS with Marker Bindings. $80; and 1 pair Langei highbacked boots, size 9%, used once. 764-5753. 51B216 SWEETHEART IVY for your Valen-; tine. Plants for all budgets at The Greenhouse. Liberty at Division. 43B213 14 FT. FORCE-FIVE SAILBOAT. White hull, new. Must sell. Best of- fer. 485-7378 eves. 99B218' TWIN BEDS; mattresses, box springs, frames, brass headboards, I $75 each, or best offer. Brown GEj electric range, $50. 2 shaggy 4x6 green rugs. 663-1089.- 03B0214 U U ~I I 'tRI I I - '68 CHEVY Nova. Economical trans- Jhan. 76 portation, $395 and it is yours. Aeschliman Motor Co. 434-0642. WE'RE I 75N261 sales in - Austin D '73 PINTO Squire wagon. 4 speed, 663-7151. AM-FM, radials. $2,000. 662-7059. 95N219 WB _..' Get yo '74 MAVERICK, must sell 761-4247. G Wl 04N214 EXT '68 PLYMOUTH. Good tires, brakes, OFFSET battery, and mechanical condition. $400. 971-2810. 83N215 PARK . -157 E.I TRAVEL QUALITY F'ast I TI 211 B. C EQUALIT- NASSAU f rom $239 *Bato'FE JAMAICA from $332 MIAMI from $219 gI EUiROPE from $299 ' 4 DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED SIGN UP NOW!... 1 FOR MID-WEST AND EAST COASTr DEPARTURES TO LONDON AND THE CONTINENT. 10 ] CALL 14 TRAVEL 1 WORLD 16 994-0244 17 Handcrafted Jewelry. C Gems. WEDDING BAN 9-7550.t NUMBER ONE in diam Ann Arbor. Find outa Diamond, 1209 S. Univer HY WALK FARTHER? our Levi's cuffed flairsa ILD'S VARSITY SHOP RA CARE IN COPYING T PRESS-CAMERA WO KMAN PRINTINC Hoover St. 761-43 Y DUPLICATING & OFF Copy Service-Low Price HE COPY MILL S. State 662-39 Campus (near Ginosl TY of men and women aith. 668-8993. Please all. c RK G 391 cFtc SE'T es 969 1. feel F216 _ Gn G 0 R I f L CROSSWORD P (.opr ;5 Lot Angeles1Times 610 S. FOREST, NO. 8 PERSONAL cP216 ,r I A COMPLETE LINE of RK products. U-M Stylists at the Union. cF2151 Failing to bargain in good faith, The University of Michigan has for- ced its graduate student assistants to strike for improved working con- diionst and higher pay. We need your help. Support the GEO STRIKE FUND; Send contributions to: Room 9, Michigan League University of Michigan Ann Arbor 48104 50F0214 FREE POCKET BILLIARD exhibi- tion, Paul Gerni. Feb. 20, 4 and 8 p.m. Michigan Union Ballroom. cF0216 CLERICALS - Wondering how to' join the Union? Come to the weekly meeting at the Local 2001 office, 711 N. University (above Moe's Sports Shop) Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. 19F213 if you A T E R I S R A_ V E S S I 19 20 21 23 24 25 28 29" 30 31; 34 351 36 - ACROSS Most extreme 42 degree of badness 43 String 45 Kind of prepared 46 meat "Oh, give me -, 47 where the buffalo 51 roam . . ." 52 Cupid 54 Contemporary of 55 Dumas 56 Very slow rate 57 of movement Willow genus 58 Stouter Man of learning 59 Skein of yarn Acquiesces Llamas' Old 1 World relatives 2 Harmony "It's -l" 3 Place for a wed- ding 4 Slant Cunning 5 Kitchen utensil 6 -- cake 7 marshy ground Jewish legendary monsters Costumed Flatfish "A - the hand Catch or clamp Pointed arch Fuel supplier Dejeuner "- Brute?" Startle Football's Black Knights Entertainer Diana Ill-humored DOWN Hornet's cousin Exclamation of disbelief Burst, as of applause Forge, bellows and anvil Confess: Colloq. Czech playwright General Bradley- Fabulous bird Military or naval, headgear Quake Game played with a teetotum: T SUREST ES COTERIE CA ALAMEDA POI HAMES S W U N G N I E ]IOTERS TA MOS OUTER ID ROPY A REVERTS NOOPER RE SAVES MiNE SEA B A8EL Z E T RA DU CE ES SARANAC UZZLE Phrase 12 Factor 13 Castle defenses 18 Misdeeds 22 Lyrelike instru- m ent 24 Carry out (an action) 25 Cries of birds 26 Exchange premium 27 Waterway in a song 28 Man's name 30 Performed 32 News article 33 An Annie Oakley 35 Device for muf- fling sound 36 Result of overly light make-up 38 Oriental garment 39 Most unfriendly 41 Broadly 42 Item now on sale 43 Huge serpent 44 "The Imperial Animal" by Robin Fox & Lionel - 45 Alone: Lat. 47 Porkpies 48 What a pity! 49 Spanish painter 50 Card 53 American Indian M 10 11 _ 131 37 Man's kni 38 Take part ckname 8 9 39 Gets hard, as mud 40 Hollows of wet, 1 2 3 4 5 14 17 10 11 I 15 7 9 -i-iI 18 as i i - - q. 4 - 4i i- 20 1 22 1?4 25 29 34 31 32 33 36 3A:1 30 0 f3 37 1 38 1 1 I I Il