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February 13, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-13

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

/ol. LXXXV, No. 112

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 13, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

GOP and pot
Garrod Post, Third Ward delegate to this week-
end's state Republican convention in Grand Rap-
ids, said yesterday he will seek to bolster party
support for the legalization of marijuana. While
Post conceded that he expects minimal backing
for the move, he observed that veiled support
might exist within the party.
Housing limit?
With the rate of housing construction outstrip-
ping Ann Arbor sewers, the City Planning Com-
mission has approved a policy limiting new build-
ing approvals. The Commission decided to limit
new construction to about 300 single-family dwell-
ings or 435 apartments during the next six months.
The new policy must now be approved by City
Council to take effect.
Happenings ...
are filling in for strike-stymied classes today.
Local 2001 of the Concerned Clericals for Action/
United Auto Workers is hosting an informal coffee
hour at 11:30 at 711 N. University . . . at noon
Emery George will read his poetry in the Pen-
dleton Arts Center, Union . . . at 1:30 attorney
Bruce Leitman talks on "Censorship and Free
Society" in the Law Quad main lounge . . . bus
tickets for the National Conference Against Ra-
cism,; slated for this weekend in Boston, go on
sale in 4001 Union at 1:30 until 4 p.m. . . . French
feminist and author Christine Rochefort lectures
on "Born a Female Writer in France" at 4 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre . . . at 5 p.m. the
Ann Arbor Street Railway Museum sponsors of
fundraiser with Friends of Roadshow at the Pret-
zel Bell . . . a workshop on sexuality, sponsored
by the anti-sexism resource center will be held at
7:30 p.m. in 2426 Tyler, East Quad . . . and at
7:30 Lawrence Joseph will read his poetry in the
Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Dope notes
A survey released yesterday by the Drug Abuse
Council indicates a narrow margin between the
number of adults who favor reducing criminal
pqnalties and those who favor imposing stiffer
ones. Thirty nine percent favor the elimination
of criminal penalties for the sale, possession, and
private use of small amounts of the weed, while
40 per cent would like tougher laws for posses-
sion of small amounts. Only 13 per cent favor
retaining the present laws. The private, inde-
pendent council also learned that 18 per cent of
adults have tried marijuana, and eight per cent
are current users.
Dog days
A Munising dogcatcher has pulled off the final
stunt in his demise as Alger County dogcatcher.
Earl Rowley tied a German Shepherd dog to a
bench near the meeting room of the county
Board of Commissioners last night, telling the
commissioners. "You can take care of that dog's
problems yourselves." The board earlier fired
Rowley in a dispute over expense accounts he
filed while working as the county's dogcatcher.
Rowley was given his walking papers when he
submitted a $30 medical bill, claiming he was
made partially deaf in one ear by the sound of
gunshots. The German Shepherd was sent off to
the dog pound.
The usual suspects
When police in Nashville, Tenn. were unable
to determine who stole a school bus driver's
purse yesterday, they rounded up the usual sus-

pects - the entire busload of 35 high school stu-
dents. The super arrest occurred yesterday after
the regular bus broke down on its morning route
to school. When students streamed-onto the new
bus, driven by Jewel Curtis, someone grabbed
the driver's purse, removed a few dollars, re-
turned the purse and threatened both the driver
and a mechanic if they interfered. Police ordered
the bus and all the suspects aboard shipped off to
Juvenile Court where they were searched for
the missing bills and charged with disorderly
On the inside.. .
the Editorial Page features an official
statement from Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion (GEO) spokesperson David Gordon . . . the
Arts Page includes Jim Valk's campus flicks
. . . and the Sports Page features previews on
diver Don Crline's upcoming showdown with
Ohio State's NCAA champion Tim Moore by Jeff
On the outside ...
Another nice winter day. A slow moving fair
weather svstem will continue tn dominate oir skies



rege i

The eight members of the University Board of
Regents spent $15,774.08 for expenses in 1974, accord-
ing to figures released yesterday.
Of the total, nearly $11,000 was spent by individual
regents for expenses, while the remaining $4,775 was
paid by the University for general costs related to
regents meetings.
THE BIGGEST individual spender was Gertrude
Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills) who retired in January.
She listed expenses of $4,312 last year. Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) did not bill the University for
any individual expenses, the only member who did not
make a claim.
The bulk of Huebner's expenses consisted of a $3,150
charge for a driver to transport her between Ann
Arbor and her home in Bloomfield Hills.
Huebner said last night that she needed a chauffeur
because, "I don't like driving a car, and I'm a rotten
driver." She explained that her membership in several

campus organizations, including the Alumni Associa-
tion and the League board of directors, necessitated
frequent trips to Ann Arbor.
"I SERVED more often, and I went to Ann Arbor
more often than other Regents," Huebner said. She
claimed that a University car was never used to trans-
port her on non-University business.
James Waters (D-Muskegon) claimed the second
highest individual expenses. University Secretary Rich-
ard Kennedy said that Waters' total of $2,653 included
the cost of special extra meetings he held while in
Ann Arbor for monthly Regents meetings.
Other individual expense listings were $1,720 for
Paul Brown (D-Petoskey), $750 for Gerald Dunn (D-
Livonia), $615 for Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo), and
$165 for Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge).
INDIVIDUAL claims were made public in such
categories as car rentals, lodging and meals, and
travel expenses on a monthly basis. However, actual

Ital expenses
expense vouchers were not released to reporters.
Kennedy said that the expense claims were not
audited. "As long as the requests are legitimate ex-
penses in regard to the discharge of their duties,"
Kennedy said, "the University will accept them."
Kennedy added, "In general, they (the Regents)
follow the reimbursement guidelines set out in the
University travel manual," a booklet distributed to
GENERAL Regental expenses paid by the Univer-
sity were spent mainly on food. On days that the Re-
gents meet, catered meals are provided.
Other general expenses included trips to the Dear-
born and Flint campuses for meetings, a breakfast
with President Robben Fleming, and other dinners.
Expenses for Michigan State University trustees
were higher than those claimed by University Regents.
The eight trustees spent more than $20,000 on personal
expenses, including trips to out-of-state football games,
travel expenses for spouses, and automobiles. Hueb


Senate attempts

AP Photo
Whoa, Silver!
Roland Stroscher of Vancouver attempts a one-point landing on the backside during his run on
Little Mountain last Sunday. Snow is fairly unusual for Vancouver and Roland took full advant-
age of it.

islation to block the first
part of President Ford's
energy program won Sen-
ate committee approval yes-
terday but it appeared that
if the bill passes, the Sen-
ate may have trouble over-
riding Ford's expected veto.
The bill, already passed
by the House, would sus-
pend for 90 days Ford's $3-
per-barrel special tax on
imported oil, giving Con-
gress time to write its own
energy program. The Presi-
dent's plan is intended to
discourage energy use by
driving up prices.
WHITE HOUSE press spokes-
man Ron Nessen said after the
12-2 Finance Committee vote:
"The President just believes
Congress is wasting time trying
to delay action" and should be
working instead on his eco-
nomic-energy legislation.
Although 54 of the 100 sena-
tors are sponsors of the delay
bill, up to 67 votes would be
required to override the veto.
Democrats hold 61 Senate seats
and could be expected to pick
up eight or 10 Republicans on
an override attempt, but there
is doubt enough Democrats
could stick together to enact
the delay over a veto.
At least three of the 12 Fi-
nance Committee members who
voted to send the bill to the
floor will vote against it, in-
cluding Chairman Russell Long
THE President's program will
become less popular as it be-
comes more clearly under-
stood," Long told reporters af-
ter the committee session. "But
it has the advantage of moving
us towards solutions to a prob-
lem that has been plauging us
for over a year."
Sen. Carl Curtis of Nebraska,
ranking Republican on the Fi-
nance Committee, voted to send

on Ford's
the bill to the full Senate but gradually rising gas
will oppose it, as Sen. Clifford but said for a tax to b
Hansen (R-Wyo.), who voted it would have to inci
with Curtis in committee, is ex- by 55 or 60 cents ag
pected to do. tentative DemocraticI
Curtis said he had promised provide a 10-cent hike
he would not try to bottle the The bill allowingt
bill up in committee. delay is expected to
Senate floor for de
SEN. Robert Packwood (R- Monday, but it is
Ore.), who with Sen. Robert can be passed witho
Dole (R-Kan.), opposed the five days of discussit
measure in committee, said he plans for a filibuster
favors Ford's energy plan, dropped.
based on higher fuel costs, be-
cause it is better than rationing. SUCH a filibuster
Packwood noted Senate Demo- lay a vote on a bill
crats are working on an alter- Ford, to raise the cei
native that would include a See SENATE, P

U', GE
A contract settlement be-
tween the University and the
Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion (GEO) apparently remains
at least several days away.
Three hours of negotiations
yesterday did not result in an
agreement, although Univer-
sity bargainers asked for a
quick resumption of talks.
Negotiations are scheduled
to begin again at 9 o'clock this
A L T H O U G H negotia-
tors from the parties would +
not comment on details of yes-+
terday's bargaining, represen-

soline tax,
be effective
rease taxes
gallon. The
plan would
the 90-day
reach the
rbate next
doubtful it
out four or
on although
have been
would de-
, asked by
iling on the
Page 2



tatives from the two sides
disagreed on the progress
"Let me say we're no closer
to an agreement than we were
48 hours ago," said GEO
spokesman Dave Gordon after
negotiations last night. "Even
the things we were close on
we still don't have cleared up,"
he added.
University negotiator William
Lemmer objected to Gordon's
"I DON'T think that's true
at all," he declared. "When-
ever people meet they get
closer together."
Lemmer went on to claim

that Gordon was misrepresent-
ing the situation and that his
s t a t e m e n t was a "pro-
grammed" union-type position.
"His statement is obviously
not correct," Lemmer said.
"If that's true, .that Gordon
actually made the statement)
then they weren't playing it
straight with us. How could
they possibly say, 'We're close,'
when they're out on strike?"
WHILE Gordon openly ad-
mitted that the University has
not been brought to a halt by
the strike, he claimed, "This
whole thing isn't doing them
any good. There's going to be
considerable pressure on the
University in the next few
This could mean that GEO is
contemplating the picketing of
dormitories. This move could
be drastically felt if Team-
See 'U', Page 10

Wayne State strike
empties law classes
Nearly 1,000 Wayne State University law students boycotted
classes yesterday to protest the faculty's refusal to change the
grading curve.
Both students and administrators discribed the strike as
nearly complete, with percentage estimates of students boycotting
classes ranging into the upper 90's. Students also picketed the
law school.
ACTING DEAN Martin Adelman stated, "More than 75 per
cent of the students boycotted classes," with figures in the 90's
"In most classes there were no more than three or four
students," he admitted.
The strike was called after three years of student pressure
failed to achieve a change in the grading norm. Currently students
are graded on a C curve. In order to be able to compete with
other law grads in the current tight job market the strikers
would like the average raised to a B.
LAW STUDENT Dave Hornstein complained: "Someone from
Michigan has an advantage to begin with, then the curve adds
insult to injury."
According to Pete Plummer, president of the law school Board
of Student Governors, the law schools at Minnesota, Michigan,
Indiana and Illinois all use a B average.
"With leaping unemployment law jobs are one of the most
competitive. One major factor in getting a job is grade point
average," Plummer stated.
See WAYNE, Page 10

Housing Office takes
control of U' club




After months of bad manage-
ment, increasing debt to the
University, a n d decreasing
membership, the University
Club is now under the manage-
ment of John Feldkamp, Direc-
tor of the Housing Office.
The University a d v a n c e d
money to the club as it 'needed
it over the past three years, and
as of December 31 the debt
totaled $67,000.
As a last resort the University
Club's board of directors de-
cided to put the club under the
management of the Housing Of-
fice, which will receive five per
cent of the club's gross profit
as payment.
"WE HAVE a contractural
agreement with the board of di-
rectors f6r six months to see
t-- t in< in nr the [ hh "}


food stores, and did not
sufficient inventory con-

New editors chosen for Daily staff

"We now hope to provide the
benefit of an on-going organiza-
tion with the University, ' he
HE ALSO believes that the
new managers will run ta din-
ing facility in a more efficient,
cost saving manner. "There's
hope it will stem the continuing
loss," he added.
The Board of Directors does
not expect to pay back the
$67,000 owed to the Univer-ity
within the six month conu act
period. As board member Shar-
on Yoder explained, "I thiik the
finan-ial situation will impr(ve,
but that's not saying they can
pull off any miracles. The pont
is, can we keep our hgad aove
The club's only l~ne nt t'd

Nine editors have been named
to fill the top positions of the
news, editorial, and arts staffs
of The Michigan Daily, the
newspaper announced yester-
Heading the 50-member news-
side operation will be new Co-
Editors-in-Chief Gordon Atche-
son and Cheryl Pilate. They,
along with the other editors,}
will serve a one year appoint-
ATCHESON, a p o l i t i c a l
science major, and Pilate, an
American Studies concentrator,
will be responsible for the over-
all management and co-ordina-
tion of the paper.
Executive Editor Sara Rimer
carries the responsibility of or-
chestrating coverage among the

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