Wednesday, February 12, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 11 12, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February Pane Seven , I GYMNASTS FACE MSU, IOWA I :Blue By MICHAEL WILSON 1 Taking into acount the fact1 that the worst half of the sea- son is over, and that the Big, Ten championships will be held at Crisler Arena, things are looking bright for the Michigan gymnastics squad. Coming off last week's im- pressive triumphs over Illinois and Indiana, an ever-increasing o p t i m i s t i c outlook reigns1 amongst the tumblers.x Michigan completely dom- inated the double dual, amas- sing 208.6 points in the op- tionals and 208.1 in the com- pulsories. The only other score to even come close to the Wolverines' was Indiana's 200.1 in the optionals.i Coach Newt Loken, acknowl-1 edging Michigan's exceptional performance, insisted that there is still much room for improve-1 ment. "We are hoping to breaki 210 team points in our next twoC schedule I Mformation eases home meets," Loken said. "The pommel horse team has pledged a score of 34 or better. There's no reason why we shouldn't get a 34." The two home meets Loken mentioned are the dual with Michigan State this Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and a February 22! dual meet against Iowa.. This weekend's meet with Michigan State doesn't promise to be a particularly close match. Two weeks ago, the Spar- tans could manage just 196.35 points against lesser known Illinois State, which bested the Spartans with a score of 199.45. "That score doesn't seem to indicate their true potential," Loken warned. "They've got some good boys."' Two of Michigan State's more prominent tumblers are all- rounders Jeff Rudolph and John Short. "Both of these boys are 11, d e c e n t performers," Loken all-arounder Jean Gagnon seems maintains. to have drifted into obscnrity. Other Spartan standouts are Bob Holland, Glenn Himes and Jim Tuerk. Tuerk can consis- tently score over 8.5 in the vaulting and according to Loken, Holland shows signs of being a particularly exception- al performer on the rings. Outside of these five individ- uals, Michigan State's gym- nastic squad is nothing to write home about. The Spartans lack the depth to earn consistently high scores. Typical of most collegiate gymnastic teams, the pommel horse is their weakest event. In the Illinois State-! Michigan State meet, the Spar-' tan pommel horse team could manage only 28 points. For the Michigan squad, improvement will be the prime motivator against Michigan State. The lineups will be essentially the same for the Wolverines, but Loken said that there may hb nhnna b. f Rnt t The senior tumbler is appar- ently still plagued with shoulder tendonitis and Loken said that he has no idea when and if1 Gagnon will return to action, before the season ends. Libels set a record The Michigan Daily have set yet anotheri uncovering a scandle process. Libelsj record, in the When Libel hoop coach H.0. "Fritz" Glazer admitted that he "only had a 3-1 record," it marked the first time in re- corded history that the Libels had publicly acknowledged a defeat. t . -. t7'^ f 1 }t full court PRESS Post-season tourney... .. seems likely for Blue By RICH LERNER NORTHWESTERN'S surprising win over Purdue, Monday night, coupled with Indiana's not so surprising win over Minnesota, has set visions of an NCAA tournament berth dancing in Michigan basketball coach Johnny Orr's head. "They left us in there to have a chance," said Orr, "we just got to win. That's the big thing." This year the NCAA has expanded its tournament to include a maximum of 32 teams, allowing for conference runner-ups to participate in the tourney. Add this number to the eight teams that will take part in the Conference Commissioner's Association tourney and the 16 squads in the NIT and one finds that 56 teams will be involved in post-season play. The Wolverines have a reasonable shot at an NCAA spot and are a strong bet to go somewhere. Indiana will win the Big Ten championship, just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning.. However, the race for second place is logjammed. Purdue and Minnesota presently stand tied for second with four losses, while Michigan and Michigan State have suffered five league setbacks. Schedule favors Blue The schedule favors Michigan down the home stretch. Of the first division teams, Orr's crew must only play Purdue and Minnesota, both at Crisler Arena. The Gophers, comparatively, battle Michigan, MSU and Purdue, all on the road. Gus Ganakas' Spartans play Minnesota and Purdue at home, like Michigan. However State must still travel to Bloomington to play Indiana. The Boilermakers play both Michigan schools on the road and host Indiana and Minnesota. Thus if the Maize and Blue win their remaining games (by no means an easy chore!) they are guaranteed of finish- ing no worse than tied for second with either Purdue, MSU or Minnesota. This does not take into account the distinct pos- sibility of Michigan State or Purdue losing to Indiana. The Wolverines enter the home stretch coming off their most .impressive performance of the league season. In Saturday's ,96-84 win over State, they finally put everything together. C.J. Kupec continued his outstanding play in the pivot, Joe Johnson ran the team with authority, dishing out six assists, while o scoring a career high 28 points. Steve "Cincinnati Kid" Grote, apparently spurred by his being benched in favor of Dave Baxter, "played exceptionally, and his hustle sparked the team. Wayman Britt's flypaper defense was definitely a major factor in the win, and John Robinson turned in a stellar all-around performance. "We were not playing well during the first ten games of our conference schedule, but we came back last week, worked hard and I think we're on the way," said Orr. "I feel, right now, very confident of our progression about having a tournament bid," said Britt. "My reason is because of the game Saturday." "We've got to put together some sort of winning streak," said Orr. "We have to beat the teams that are ahead of us in the standings." While Michigan's, Michigan State's Minnesota's and Purdue's games against each other are of no doubt the utmost importance, what may ultimately decide the fight for second place is who is upset by one of the second-division teams. No team can afford to make the mistake of looking ahead to a big game and in the process be dumped by a weaker team. This can happen easily if the game is a road effort. Road games arduous Road games have traditionally been arduous in the Big Ten. The Wolverines have three away games remaining, against cellar dwellers Northwestern and Wisconsin, and in the season's finale at Ohio State. Before the season, Northwestern was considered to have a strong team. The Wildcats had not lived up to that expectation until this weekend, though. Right now, winning at Evanston may be more difficult than it would have been a few weeks ago. Wisconsin has improved tremendously since the return of its leading scorer, Dale Koehler. Ohio State is a curious case. Coach Fred Taylor mysteriously suspended four starters over the weekend, yet the Buckeyes still beat Iowa, in Iowa City. Michigan has won only once in Columbus since Cazzie Rus- sell's graduation. Even if the Wolverines do manage to win the rest of their -games, there is no guarantee of a spot in the NCAA tournament. The conference runners-up are pooled together with the in- dependents and will be picked "only if they merit selection." They may be sent to any regional, except the one their conference champ is in. CCA, NIT also loomi Teams from ten conferences are eligible to fill the eight available slots in the CCA tourney. Because the Southern Conference sent no representative last year, it is guaranteed of a berth. Despite the NCAA's expansion, the CCA should field some strong teams. The Pacific-eight, Big Ten and Southeastern conferences all sho"ld send good teams. te some cnanges oeU Loatur At a national news conference, day. Glazer went on to say that he Co-captain Bruce Keeshin is had been instructed to "keep certain to compete in the all- hdbe ntutdt ke quiet" about the defeat by the around, after copping honors now deposed corrupt adminis- with a 50.70 performance last taino .."o"Flmn week. Jbat artHR obte ldG.G, The other co-captain, high deb Stuart Rossiter and G. Gor- bar specialist Carey Culbertson, don Kahler. is still bothered with wrist prob- Under the new regime of lems. "He can't rotate it around "Earnie D" Deming and M. like he has to in order to com- Shinty Merker, though, Glazer. pete," Loken explained. Cul- released the news. He has ask-j bertson will not see action on ed the FBI to protect him from Saturday. "whatever Feldman loyalists The other ailing performer, are still living." SWANSON'S POTENTiAL GREAT: AP Photo SCOTT MAY (42) of Indiana drives past a bewildered Flip Saunders (14) of Minnesota, while fellow Gopher Mark Landsberger falls back to avoid a foul. Indiana's Hoosiers appear to have locked up the Big Ten crown, but Michigan still has NCAA tournament hopes (see Full Court Press, left). Basketball finals . . I .. nearing in all leagues By JEFF LIEBSTER ILFORD HIGH is heading for the championship. They are led by no, not Jerry Pulver or J.J. Judd, but by junior forward Gray Gilfillan. Gray is a member of the hottest team in the IM co-rec basketball league. She is the campus' leading scorer averaging an unbelievable 53.3 points per game. In the Residence Hall division 'A' playoffs, Adams House, led by freshman gridder Dwight Hicks, defeated defending champs Huber, 52-43, in an overtime thriller Monday night. In other action, Chicago downed powerful Allen Rumsey, 48-43, and will meet Adams in the finals at the Open House. In the other divisions, finalists have not yet been deter- mined. The Graduate league is still quite up in the air with the demise of the powerful Law Gold teams of yesteryear. Favorite SAE of the Frat league will run into some tough com- petition against the winner of the Delta Upsilon-Fiji gAme played on a west court late last night. Eight teams are left in the tough Independent bracket, including pre-holiday champs the Nets, Al Kelly's Has Been, all-sports leaders Ubermensch, and last year's semi-finalists the Half Moon Can Co. A gala Open House The tournaments will culminate at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, February 20, as the IM department presents it 44th annual Open House. Along with the basketball finals, the other activities will include: the all-campus championship swim met, women's gymnastics club competition against WMU, men's water polo vs. Michigan State, and exhibitions by various sports clubs. Some of the clubs which will present exhibitions will be: Volleyball, Kayak, Fencing, Frisbee, Bicycle, Folk Da0ce, Boxing, Lacrosse, and Squash. In addition to activities at the main IM building several events will be occurring at the Sports Coliseum (Fifth and Hill) and at Yost Ice Arena. Everyone is welcome to attend even if they are not affiliated with the University. For further information please call 663-4181. Last night, the Fraternity, Graduate, Residence Hall and Independent Divisions preliminary swim meet was held. It will continue tomorrow night with the final five events. Quali- fiers for the finals will meet next week. Participation by all is encouraged, especially in the independent division, even if you were not involved in last night's competition. Jumper eyes seven feet I- --l r--- I By TOM DURANCEAU . *.. The most simple and natural sport of all is probably track. Running and jumping are learn- Iil athletic skills are. They were S vital skills in man s early sur- NIGHT EDITOR. vival, and have now taken on a more formalized role in ath- ANDY GLAZER letics. Jumping the highest has al- ways been a goal of man. Just can utilize more speed in this how high can he go? The hig way," he said, "and it is also jump as a modern event in easier to learn. Your center of track and field has evolved gravity is below the bar at the from these early times until the crucial part of the jump which best men in the world are nowgive you lass to worry about." capable of.jumping over seven The Mictitiantrack team has feet. The best, Dwight Stones, three practitioners of the "ech- is able to go seven and one-half nique. Juniors Doug Gibbs, who feet. has cleared 6-10 this season, and THIS COULD not have hap- Jesse Myers, who has leaped' THISCOUL nothavehap-6-6, both jump the Fosbury. pened without an improvement BUbthEptersbud in techniques since the first BUT THE person who could man hurdled a stream. Hurdl- be described as having the nest ing was first, then the primi- potential among the triumvirate tive scissors technique, then the of Maize and Blue jumpers is Western Roll, and finally to- red-headed Jeff Swanson. day's modern and most widely Swanson is a freshman fr. m used technique, the Fosbury Battle Creek and a graduate of Flop. Pennfield High there. Swanson The flop was made famous by has already cleared 6-10 and its developer, Dick Fosbury of made seven feet in practice. Oregon, who perfected the tech- "My brother was jumping, so nique of jumping backwards to I did and made 5-10 just goof- such an extent that it gained ing around so I thought I'd try him an Olympic gold medal in it," explained Swanson about 1968 at Mexico City. how he got started in the event. The Flop is now in general "I was running the half mile use throughout the world by the my sophomore year in high best of the w o r I d ' s high school and got sick of it. So I jumpers. concentrated on the high jump." Michigan's head track coach Jeff must have really con en- Jack Harvey explained why trated because that year he Fosbury's creation is so popular leaped 6-4 and was seventh in and so successful. "The jumper the state in Class B. I i c t Ej t i a r 1 { i 1 1 I I i 3 l t F f Y ' 4 ' WHEN SWANSON was a sen- is also the qualifying height for ior he was the top high jumper the NCAA National indoor meet in the state in any class as he at Cobo Hall on March 14-15. won the Class B State champion- Coach Harvey is very high shin with a leap of 6-8%. on Swanson and feels he has the After that he was recruited potential for a Big Ten champ- by almost every college in~ thtI ionship and 'maybe more. state. With Jeff's attitude and his "I had letters from Western history of success, we can re- and Central and a bunch of two call a few lines from Shake- year colleges," Swanson stated, speare's Merchant of Venice, "also Indiana, Kansas State, "I will not choose what many Michigan State, Arizona State, men desire, because I will not and, of course, Michigan." jump with common spirits, and Swanson continued, "J a c k rank me with the barbarous Harvey (the Michigan cach) multitude." seemed the most interested in --. me as a person and kept calling so I came here. Besides MSU acted like they just didn't care." World Community Food Bank Jeff has a strong positive feel- presents ing about that magic barrier that separates mediocrity and A BENEFIT FOR greatness in the high jump- STARVING CHILDREN seven feet. "I'VEDONE it in practice STARRING and there's no reasonwIiti h Dramatc ment excent that I've canked so far. I think I can do it, and '24-Carat Black' if I do, it showld be at the Rig and "JUNE" of the Ten or the Western Collegie'nU." The Big Ten meet is at In- OHIO PLAYERS diana on March 7-8 and the Western Collegiate at Kal i-na- Valentine's Day zo' on February 22. Seven feet, it may be noted, February 14, 1975 i I r i, i 0 !i eti 0 aT Remember your loved one THE DAILY o 'VALENTINE GREETINGS' COLUMN DEADLINE: NOON I THURS., FEB. 13 SPECIAL RATES j Sorry, no phone orders doomfoooo oooo eo o SCORES 4 ! t . i i I' Gal cagers impress, down Delta, 46-39 NBA Cleveland 100, New Orleans 86 Chicago 101, New York 84 NHL N. Y. Islanders 2, Pittsburgh 1 St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1 WHA Houston 5, Baltimore 2 Toronto 4, Edmonton 3 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Michigan 46, Delta College 39 hi E1 Show starts 7:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM DONATION: $5.00 advance $6.50 at door Sponsored by: Spiritual Committee of the Sun Special To The Daily The Michigan Women's Bas- ketball team put on what may have been its finest performance of the season last night in de- feating Delta College 46-39. Michigan never trailed in the game 'and led by as many as 13. THE WIN was the second straight for the women, bringing Billboard In 1975, the University of Michigan will field another championship football team. If you would like to be a member of this team, have fun, and travel, then you qual- ify as a Michigan football manager. For details call Jeff Young at 665-0583. their record to 2-7. The improve- ment is timely, as the cagers' next game in is the State Tour- nament at East Lansing on February 27. Michigan coach Carmel Bor- ders was understandably proud! of her team. "This team has jelled. We played tenacious, ag- gressive defensestonight and showed a lot of hustle."t Colleen Woodbury was a shooting star in a game that featured otherwise balanced scoring. She had 22 points, 13 more than any of her team- mates. Woodbury was far from a one-woman team, though. Terry Conlin, with 16 rebounds, and Roberta Zald, with 14, gave the Maize and Blue the board strength they needed. 11 SCIENCE FICTION FANTASY FESTIVAL FEB. 13-16 ONLY Community Newscenter 1301 S. UNIVERSITY - III 11 f' "I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC FACULTY CHAMBER CONCERTS FINAL PROGRAM (1974-75) ROSEMARY RUSSELL, mezzo soprano JOHNF GUSTAVE ROSSELLS, violin ARNO) AIfuencrV U I AA 1 MOHLER, clarinet MARIOTTI, oboe I I