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February 09, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-09

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See Inside


Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 9, 1975


High- Si
Low- -7
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 109

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Hearst hassle
The former fiancee of kidnaped Patricia Hearst
has won a court order halting publication of a book
which he co-authored with ex-Daily Editor-in-Chief
Roger Rapoport. Steven Weed, who was engaged to
Hearst when she was kidnaped just over a year
ago, now contends the book would sensationalize
certain aspects of the case. "We had promised the
publisher nothing would be left out," Rapoport said
after the-ruling Friday. "The book is very candid
about drugs and sex. But Steve got cold feet."
Rapoport was ordered to return notes and source
material to Weed but has filed a counter lawsuit.
Happenings .. .
. . . East Wind sponsors an Asian American
Literature workshop at 11 a.m. in the Angela Davis
Lounge of Mary Markley hall and two hours later
in Mosher-Jordan's main lounge there will be an
Asian American History workshop. Refreshments
will be served at both . .. from 1-3 p.m. Discount
Records is holding a free concert with coffee and
donuts at its South University store . . . "Baha'i
Faith as the Foundation for World Civilization" will
be the topic of a talk to be given by Dr. David Earl,
an EMU history professor. He will speak at 2 p.m.
in the Village Green Clubhouse on Packard . . .
the local Student Committee Against Racism will
sell tickets to the National Conference Against
Racism in Rm. 4001 of the Union from 2-4 p.m. and
sales will continue tomorrow in the Fishbowl from
12-3 p.m. and from 6-8 p.m. at the Union location.
The conference is scheduled for Feb. 14-16 in
Boston . . . there will be an opening reception in the
Union Gallery from 4-6 p.m. for the drive to
publicize the re-opening of the Juliusand Ethel
Rosenberg 'case. At the gallery will be their son
Robert Meeropol . . . tomorrow's happenings begin
with the University student Blood Bank to be held
in the Union Ballroom from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It
also will continue on Tuesday . . . at high noon in
Conference Rms. 4 & 5 of the League the Career
Planning and Placement Office will present a pro-
gram on Career Opportunities for Women in Phar-
maceuticals and Banking . . . the state Association
of Gerontology Students will hold a forum on "So
Who's Going to Hire You?" in the E. Conference
Rm. of the Rackham Bldg. at 7 p.m. . . . the
University Council meets at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 2056
of the Frieze Bldg. . . . and the University square
dance club will be having a hoe-down for those
who have been regularly attending the meetings
at 8 p.m. in Barbour Gym .. .
Ford's follies
Nearly two thirds of the people interviewed for a
Harris poll still believe that President Gerald Ford
was wrong in pardoning his predecessor Richard
Nixon, according to the survey results realized
Friday. Just as many also believed that the coun-
try's system of justice failed with respect to Nixon's
involvement in the Watergate coverup. In other
aspects of Watergate, however, the poll of 1,532
Americans showed a majority in favor of the way
the case was handled.
Old tricks
Police uncovered a brothel for senior citizens
during a raid on a building in Marseille, France,
the gendarmes reported yesterday. The raid turned
up two prostitutes in their 50's and eight clients
whose ages ranged from 60 to 77. The establish-
ment was opened several months ago by a 63-year-
old madam. The prostitutes said that they charged
about $10 for their services.
Doomed dentists
Dentists die young and have the highest suicide
and divorce rates of any profession because they
are burned out by the emotional trauma of dealing
with fearful patients, according to Dr. Omar Reed,
director of the Amprican Society for Preventive
Dentistry. The strain of treating people who mis-

understand dentistry is one reason why the average
American dentist dies at the age of 52, Reed said.
Labor pains
In three years of marriage, an Englishwoman
from Nottingham failed to become pregnant, so
she wrapped towels around her stomach and pre-
tended to be expecting. Then she stole a seven-
week-old child and claimed it was her own. For
this hanky-panky, a judge last week sentenced her
to two years in prison on kidnaping charges. But
the case against her husband-for harboring a
stolen child- was dropped for lack of evidence.
On the inside .. .
.. the Sunday Magazine features a personal
look at the Gradziate Employes Organization writ-
ten by Daily staffer Ann Marie Lipinski and a
graphic history of Campus Corners drug store
done by Debborah Chesney . . . Jeff Schiller's
analysis of the Michigan-Michigan State basketball
game graces the Sports Page.
On the outside .. .
A good day to stay inside. As intense arctic air

By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President
Ford's proposed budget will deal
a stunning blow to urban Amer-
ica, spokesmen for the nation's
cities charged yesterday.
"If his 1976 budget is a head-
ache for President Ford, it is a
concussion for the cities," the
U. S. Conference of Mayors and
National League of Cities said
in a 90-page budget analysis.
THE REPORT said local gov-
ernments are being forced to
increase their taxes while the
federal government cuts taxes
as an economic stimulus, to fire
employes while the federal gov-
ernment is creating public ser-
vice jobs, and to cut back on
public services for those hard-
est hit by the economic crisis.
Instead of coordinating feder-
al and local attacks on the
country's economic ills, the re-
port said, "The budget would
force local governments to take
budgetary action that could
work at cross purposes with na-

tional econom
The city lea
the budget cut
federal servi
delivered by c
time recession
employment an
"THE budg
cent in 1975 an
1976, which m;
rate among th
norities andi
members of th
tend to livei
drawn to them
search of wor
The city le
would be for
those throwno
they are faced
help and their
er has reache
"In short,
pounded byi
cession at hor

dget will
ic recoverystra- and insensitive federal policies
in Washington," the report said.
ders charged that "Hence the conclusion. It will
s back money for take more than aspirin to cure
ces traditionally it."
ities at the same M E A N W H I LE, union
n is boosting un- leaders are demanding that the
nd welfare rolls. government take action on the
high rate of unemployment as
get projects an the powerful Teamsters Union
rate of 8.1 per called an emergency economic
nd 7.9 per cent in conference here for next week.
zay translate into Top administration and congres-
t five times that sional leaders have been invit-
e young, the mi- ed.
other vulnerable AFL - CIO leader George
ie work force who -Meany said "the nation must
in cities or are have job-creating programs"
in hard times in because the unemployment rate
rk," the analysis was tragic for Americans and
the economy.
eaders said they Democratic Presidential can-
ced to care for didate Henry Jackson yesterday
out of work while accused ' President Ford of
with less federal gross mismanagement of the
own taxing pow- economy.
d its limits. "NO ONE knows who's in
the cities are charge of the economy," Jack-
inflation and re- son told a Washington Press
me and by inept See MAYORAL, Page 2

SENIOR CO-CAPTAIN Joe Johnson rises to the occasion in a one-for-one confrontation with
Spartan Benny White in Michigan's impressive victory, yesterday. "Little Joe" turned in one of
his finest performances at Crisler Arena, collecting a game and season high 28 points.
B-'lue darm Sp rtan.

By BILL STIEG came after that
Senior co-captains Joe John- early in the s
son and C. J. Kupec combined Kupec canned
for 53 points yesterday as the ers in a five-m
Michigan basketball team re- keep the Spar
vived its faltering post-season distance.
tournament hopes with a solid "We looked
96-84 victory over intra-state the last game,"
rival Michigan State. gan coach Johr


was five points
econd half, but
five long jump-
inute stretch to
tans at a safe
at the films of
explained Michi-
rnny Orr, "and

Joyce Yukawa teaches the art of Origami to hur young audience at East Wind's Children's
Workshop. Other activities included Gyotaku, or fish printing, Chinese calligraphy and story-
telling. The workshop was one of many events sponsored by East Wind yesterday as part
of their Asian-American Awareness Week.
Ethiopia headed for wr.

JOHNSON scored 28 and Ku-
pec 25 to lead the Wolverines to
their highest loint total of the
season. Teammates Wayman
Britt and Steve Grote held Ter-
ry Furlow, the Big Ten's lead-
ing scorer, to one field goal
in eight attempts.
Michigan's win left both
teams with 6-5 records in the
Big Ten, and 13-6 overall
marks. Each club is fighting to
stay in contention for a post-
season tournament berth.
"Michigan played extremely
well," said State coach Gus
Ganakas after watching his
team play its fourth road game
in eight days: "They were fast-
er, quicker-in every facet of
rthe game they were better."
State carried a five-game win-
ning streak into yesterday's
contest, but was forced to play
without starting guard Pete Da-
vis, who was suffering from
the flu. Benny White played in
his place.
M I C H I G A N also started
a new lineup, with freshman
Dave Baxter at guard in place
of Grote. Baxter played nearly
thirty minutes, scoring only five
points, but turned the ball over
just once, and notched six as-
The Wolverines offset a fairly
slow start by outscoring the
Spartans 20-6 in the last six and
a half minutes of the first per-
iod, to take a 49-38 halftime
Included in the spurt were
seven points by starting for-
ward John Robinson, who finish-
ed with 17, and three-point
plays by Grote and Johnson.
The closest Michigan State

saw that Lindsay (Hairston,
MSU center) didn't come up
and guard C. J. out there:We
were hoping he (Kupec) could
go out there and hit."
H A I R S T O N provided
the Spartans' only offensive
punch of the second half, scor-
ing 17 of his 27 points in
State's futile comeback at-
tempts. The 6-8 senior captain
hit 12 of 18 shots in the game.

Kuped's impressive shooting
display helped push Michigan
from a 51-46 lead to a 63-48 ad-
vantage. State came no closer
than 11 after that.
When Michigan s win became
increasingly apparent, the
Spartans changed their strate-
gy. After a time-out with 7:48
remaining, State fouled a Michi-
gan player nearly every time
the Wolverines came down
court, hoping for some missed
free throws to help the Green
and White's cause.
for the visitors, Michigan enter-
ed the bonus situation with 5:24
left, and hit 16 of 22 shots from
the line. In that stretch, Spar-
See CAGERS, Page 8

U.S. army vets ired
to train Arab forces

ADDIS ABABA (Reuter)-Ethiopia appeared to
be heading for full-scale civil war yesterday
after the military government here declared it
would not consider granting independence to the
secessionist northern province of Eritrea.
Within hours of a toughly-worded official state-
ment which accused the breakaway Eritrean
Liberation Front (ELF) of atrocities against the
civilian population, violence flared again n the
Eritrean capital of Asmara, which had been
quiet for three days.
JUST AFTER midnight, Asmara residents re-
ported three explosions in the city followed by
machine-gun and small arms fire. After a lull
in fighting, firing resumed and bazookas were
brought in.
In the last week of open fighting between
government troops and guerrillas, the local power
station and water supplies were hit by seces-

Last night's statement by the provisional mili-
tary government was issued a few hours after
the return to Addis Ababa from Asmara of Major
Mengistu Haile-Mariam, strongman of the mili-
tary council which toppled Emperor Haile
Selassie last September.
RELIABLE Ethiopian sources said the major
had gone to the battle area to take personal
command after his army suffered reverses at
the hands of the guerrillas.
There were also reports here of disciplinary
problems in the army and civilian evacuees from
Asmara have claimed that troops killed civilians
and looted indiscriminately.
The government statement, publicly detailing
for the first time the guerrilla action in Eritrea,
accused the rebels of wanton acts of barbarity.
Security forces had taken appropriate measures
to ensure peace and security and maintain

LOS ANGELES (A) - Several
hundred former U. S. special
forces soldiers and other retired
Vietnam war veterans are be-
ing recruited by a private
American contractor to train
Saudi Arabian troops to protect
oil fields.
The $77 million U. S. Defense
Department contract, awarded
to the Vinnell Corporation of
Los Angeles in January, is the
first ever given to a private
American company to train a
foreign army, the company said.
P R I V A T E American
concerns have often handled
logistics and maintenance
chores of armed forces of the
United States and friendly for-
eign governments. But showing
foreign troops how to fire their
weapons and fight wars has
been the mission of U. S. mili-
tary advisory teams, most re-
cently in Southeast Asia.

The troops to be trained over
the next three years by a 1,000-
man Vnnell Corporation con-
tingent belong to the Saudi Ara-
bian National Guard, the 26,000-
man internal security force
commanded by King Faisal's
half-btother Prince Abdullah
Bin Abdul Aziz.
These troops are primarily
responsible for guarding the
country's rich oil fields and the
petroleum export facilities.
They also provide the key body-
guard units for the Saudi Ara-
bian royal family. Their pur-
pose is also to supplement, if
necessary, the rapidly modern-
izing 36,000-man Saudi Arabian
regular army.
B E G I N N I N G in July,
Vinnell is to train three newly
mechanized infantry battalions
of 1,000 men each, as well as a
105 howitzer artillery battalion

Ethiopian territorial

integrity, the statement said.

U' officials, GEO
resume negotiations

Student housing: orrendu

Representatives of the Grad-
uate Employes Organization
(GEO) and the University ad-
ministration re-established con-
tract negotiations yesterday, as
the rank and file union members
continued their strike vote.
Both sides met for about five
hours yesterday afternoon and
will again today, but in all like-
lihood the union members will

GEO earlier this week re-
ported that the powerful Team-
stems Union would support the
strike by refusing to cross picket
lines-a move that could be very
significant because a wide range
of University services depend on
Teamster members.
CONTRACT talks between the
GEO andtheUniversity ceased
about two weeks ago when an
impasse was reached on certain

Hordes of students are once again
searching for decent, cheap, off-campus
housing, and once again, are complain-
ing they can't find much.
Like many college towns, Ann Arbor
is short on housing and high on rents.
Because the city's vacancy rate is about
four per cent - well below the national
average - nearly every inhabitable
dwelling unit is occupied.
CONSEQUENTLY, many students are

knocking on its door over the past twelve
Cameon Carrington, one of the ten-
ants who turned to Legal Aid for help,
lodged a complaint against Summit-
aImilton for a myriad of alleged vio-
lations -- including a small tree grow-
ing through the living room floor.
"We rented because there was no-
where else to rent . . . we rented it
with a million promises behind it,"tsays

for repairs were ignored a majority of
the time.
"It became obvious that the land-
lord's idea of repair was to do the cheap-
est, quickest job," she says.
CARRINGTON and her two room-
mates have recently moved and now
plan to initiate court proceedings against
Summit-Hamilton asking for' approxi-
mntely $1000 in damages, part of which
includes their security deposit, which
was never returned.

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