'f~ OC FeLL. C. :1" "tpegs 5C!LL6 MRet r v)rriNS S' 4. Ex-Regent Huebner' looks back -~I r1 r. Editor's Note: The following is an interview with Gertrude Huebner, whose term as Regent expired in De- cember. By MARY HARRIS How have things changed since you became a regent? WHEN I FIRST CAME on to the Board of Regents I was told that as the lad v Regent it was more or less a protocol job, and that I would just be attending oficial functions - you know - home- comings, graduations, standing in re- ceiving lines. Within about the year - I came on to the board in '67 - things began to gel. very tense, we had the recruitment strikes, we had the interruption of speak- ers from Dow. The SDS came into full flower, it was very disruptive and very exciting. It was an interesting period for me to live through because it was the students expressing themselves in the only ways they felt that they could get attention. We kept telling them to go through legal channels, but there really were no legal channels at the time. They did what they had to do in their own way, and it was upsetting but it was something terribly important they had to accomplish and something they had to say to us. ALTHOUGH WE didn't always admire their methods, you had to respect the reasons behind what they did, such as the war in Vietnam, which was really at the- base of the while thing. It's changed so totally now that the war is over and the draft is no longer a threat. They go through the proper chan- nels. All you have to do is look through the regents agenda and see the list of class action suits. Much of this change now is not only the lack of turmoil, it's the financial crunch. Protesting and rioting are really sort of luxuries. You have to have a lot of time to devote to them, and now more students are busy working. Also President Fleming inaugurated the policy of open hear- ings. This was very important. People weren't shut out, they were allowed to come in, as they still are, to air their views and to be heard. Much of the frustration of the students in the late sixties was due to the fact they had no audience, they didn't know where to go to tell their troubles. Now they do. They write directly to Regents, or call them. They come in to see President Fleming. I THINK THIS is a very healthy at- mosphere. I don't agree with a lot of people that students are apathetic. They couldn't be because they're better in- formed than they've ever been, and more deeply concerned about things; Famine - look at the fasts they've had. They're certainly concerned about energy, and they're concerned about na- tional politics, they're really no different, they're just responding in a different way. You definitely think the administration is more responsive now? YES, THEY'RE much more respon- sive, they're encouraged to be. I think the Regents are more responsive, there are more open meetings and the o n 1 y things not discussed in public are the obvious ones of finances, property and honorary degrees, and also the selec- tion of deans. It would be very difflcut to choose somebody and then have some- body else discover that he or she was the second choice. As far as I can see, these things wil always have to be fairly pri- vate. Do you think the goals they were after have been accomplished? Take the BAM strike for instance. I THINK everyone has tried. T h e BAM goals were very high, and as you know some schools have made it and some have not. Some of it now is not for a lack of intention or solid honest dedi- cation to the goals. I think it's because it takes money to recruit the minority students, to give them supportive serv- ices such as tutoring to make up for the inadequacies of high school. It sad- dens me to think that right now we're in such a tight money situation, and we won't be able to expand. I think it's going to be at a standstill for quite a while. I don't mean just blacks, I mean women, native Ameri- cans, chicanos, all have their own parti- cular problems. A lot of time and tutor- ial services could help but they certain- ly need more financial backing than we are going to be able to give them. Same thing with student loans. With the unemployment in Detroit, we're going to have to make more loans available to these students who won't be able to come back to school next semester. Do you see the University changing radically as a result of the economic pic- ture? THEY'RE IN A terrible cruznh, and quite frankly I'm grateful that after eight years this isn't going to be my problem. I'm much more at ease with the type of problems I faced than I Gertrude Huebner i ~i~ 3141!rn Daily~ Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan would with this. I just hope this won't erode the quality of the University. I think there will be a lot of belt tighten- ing. A lot of jobs will be let go by at- trition, they won't be replaced. I'm a perpetual optimist, I think there might be some trimming of dead tim- ber, some tightening of courses, a do- ing away with some of the frills, It might really be to the benefit of the University. I just hope this publicity about the 44 million in the auditor's re- port will not in any way hurt the giving. Our development group brings so much money in, and they make the marginal difference in quality. Do you think a student Regent is forseeable? AS YOU KNOW, it would require an amendment to the state Constitution. However, the voting age is now eighteen, and students are entitled to run for of- fice. Students have run for Regent in the past, but they've been defeated. It's difficult for them to get the nomination by a big party. They would need to know some political figure or alumni to get the nomination. I think the sug- gestion by the Commission on Student Governance, recommending a student executive officer to sit on the board is good. I'm, familiar with many of the experiences at eastern schools, where the board is appointive and a student sits on the board, and to my knowledge it has been a very satisfactory arrange- ment. I have thought for a number of years this is important, because t h e y should have some input. The faculty, I believe, would have a conflict of inter- est, but I think the students should be there since they are the governed. They should have a say, either in an advisory capacity or in a voting capacity. But I don't think anyone has the answers on how that would work. Do you think appointive Regents in general would solve any problems? THE GOVERNOR'S Commission on Higher Education has submitted its re- port, and it recommends appointive boards for the three big schools, Wayne State, Michigan State and Michigan. Nine members, no more than five of one party. Many people say it all de- pends on the fairness of the governor, but the fact remains it would probably be selected by a blue ribbon committee. I think you'd get a better balance. You wouldn't get all lawyers, all political aspirants. Many a person who would make an excellent regent is not willing to go out into the hustings, whatever they are, for six weeks and campaign, he doesn't have the time. But he might have the time and expertise to devote to the Board of Regents. So in that re- gard it would be a very satisfactory so- lution. Its expensive and time-consum- ing to run for Regent. You don't want all housewives or retirees, or lawyers who can afford to take two days off a month, you want people who are really outstanding in their own field. How would you ,rate overall your ex- perience as regent? I WOULD say it was very exciting, and very rewarding. The -egents have been outstanding. The moast interesting thing of all is the way we fall work to- gether. We never vote along party lines. If we agree with the principle, t h e Democrats vote with the Republicans. There's no way you can clearly define which party we belong to by just at- tending a meeting. In other words, everyone does what he or she feels is best for the University. There's never any petty political bickering. It's been fun. You meet so many fascinating peo- ple, the speakers and celebrities w h o come to campus, and I'm just ham enough to love all of that. It's been a good education in politics, in the actual governance of a University. You learn a great deal. In fact, it rakes all of eight years to learn all the interwork- ings and problems of the entire place. It's a big operation. But I just loved it. Mary Harris is a staff writer for The Daily. Saturday, January 11, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 The demise of Join Doe PRESIDENT FORD'S RECENT em- panelment of a rogues gallery in the position of a Blue Ribbon Citizens Commission on the CIA was a pain- ful, but hardly'surprising, follow-up to his announcement that such a commission was to be created. Ironies abound, and have been duly noted by respected commenta- tors in the media and in the market- place. No one expects this whitewash crew to come up with anything dam- aging or unusual. And at a time when vast chunks of the American citizen- ry are cutting off the circulation to the lower halves of their bodies, via belt-tightening, it is hardly just for these well-heeled worthies - all more or less public officials - to haul in $130-odd dollars a day in public ex- pense money. Surely there were need- ier volunteers. But what is even more disturbing is Ford's casual (and possibly un- conscious) debasement of the word 'citizen.' He has made it clear that the channels of communication which are needed for even the facade of democratic government have ossi- fied, and are atrophying fast. PERHAPS THE BEST ANALOGY is outlined in American military history. In a citizens' militia, it is a proud and honorable thing to be a private soldier; but with the growth of the standing army, so grew the totem pole of command, and 'privates' dwindled in general esteem until, having been little lower than angels, they became a lot lower than heavy artillery. And so it seems to go with private citizens in the eyes of professional government. It has been argued that plain old folks lack the wherewithal to conduct a probe of this magnitude, but they might as well start learning now. In the largest conception of our form of government, the buck ulti- mately stops with private citizens. And if not now, when? -MARNIE HEYN Legal binds? Here's help - PAGE ONE The master politician race By MARY DRYOVAGE DESPITE POLITICAL TRENDS and popular sentiments, there exists aid for legal hassles in Ann Arbor. The Washtenaw County Legal Aid Society is one such organization, with two branches (soon EMU will provide a third): one for U of M students, currently enrolled and PhD candidates not enrolled, located at 4310 Michi- gan Union, 665-6146; and one for Washtenaw coun- ty residents, other than students, downtown, at 212 E. Huron, 665-6181. Since you will be charged nothing for their services financial criterion for eligibility must be met. Add total gross income for the year, in- cluding scholarships, student loans, parents gifts, social security, trusts savings, etc. and call the office that applies to you if you need legal serv- ice. Legal aid offers vigorous repre3entation of tenants. If you don't qualify, or other recourses suit your needs, try: the Tenants Union, on the 4th floor of the Union, offers advice on your rights as a tenant. I understand they also have ex- cellent brochures on the housing code in Ann Arbor and a check list to help you decide if your dwelling meets these standards. U MEDIATION SERVICE aids in. getting an agreement between two parties. We particularly recommend using this service for disputes be- tween roommates or between tenants and sub- tenants. They aren't a tenant advocate, or a land- lord advocate, but a neutral mediator. On the second floor of the County Building, on the corner of Huron and Main, is the Consumer Action Center, a division of the County Prosecu- tor. These people negotiate disputes that consum- ers have with businesses in a better business fashion. Their phone number is 665-4451. Ann Arbor's Human Rights ordinance is en- forced by the office of the same name in City Hall. There can't be discrimination on the basis of marital status, educational affiliation, sexual preference, national affiliation, age, sex race, re- ligion, or socil association. Of course, any- thing else can be used as a basis f>r discrim- ination. Ozone House 769-6540, will answer questions re- ferring to minors. Women's Crisis Center, 761- 9473 and the University Counselling Service, 764- 8437, are useful if an emotional problem is also involved. THE FREE PEOPLES CLINIC, 225 Liberty, holds a question and answering service on Mon- days 7 - ,10 p.m. The lawyers here will not represent you in court, but will give legal advice for free. Mary Dryovage is a staff member at Student Legal Aid. APPROXIMATELY T W 0 YEARS from now, the next president of the United States will be inaugurated. Although no one knows who that lucky person will t-e, it seems sure that it will not be Senator Walter Mondale (D-Minn ). After some ear- ly interest and pre'iminary investiga- tion, he decided not to "insanely seek the office." The reason for his decision is rather interesting. Doesn't every red-blooded American politician dream of one day becoming president? Senator Mondale seems to be an exception to this philosophy, but perhaps the fault lies not with the man, but the system. The long and rigorous ordeal of the campaign trail is looked upon as a virtuous method of selecting the per- son most qualified .to lead the na- tion. The winner is hailed as the eminently capable "master politic- ian". The question remains as to whe- ther it is best for this country to have a "master politician" as presi- dent. THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION is wide open This should provide an excellent opportunity to view some of the insanffies of the process --for those who care to watch. No fewer than 26 states will be holding presidential primaries so there should be plenty of spectacle. The battles should be hot and heavy since Demo- cratic ruler require nronortional dis- tribtion of convention delegates ac- cording to primry votes. Political analysts will award moral delegates' c a n d I d a t e preferen- ces right down to the quarter of a vote. Big newspapers will endorse their pet candidates and writers will lavish praise on their own favorites. This is essential in helping the voters decide between brand x and brand y, the differences between some candi- dates being no more than that be- tween the regular and mint types of the same toothpaste EACH CANDIDATE WILL BUILD up his own political machine which will try to sell its glamorous product to the public. The best sounding candidate will probably be the one with the best ghost writer while the funniest one will be the one with the most humorous joke writer. Hope- fully, no candidate will make the mistake of having a debate. Super- ficially covering the most popular is- sues and grand promise-making has always been successful in the past. Financing has always been the most critical problem and the big- gest area of abuse. Each candidate attempts to amass the largest war chest to get his oardwagon moving. Like little school children, some can- didate have received their "milk money". Oil resources have lubricated select political machines and often have helped certain hopefuls slide into office. Hopefu'ly, the new federal campaign spending law will eliminate these abuses, or at least some of Mr. Span: Ingratitude is its own reward, ehi? i By WAYNE JOHNSON Sammy Span, a senior at Crestwood High School, seemed a bit reluctant to rise for school on this typically sunny Michi- gan Monday morning. "Time to get up," Mom instructed, tug- ging at the blankets he had tucked neatly over his head. "But Mom," replied Sammy, "you don't want me to be taught by those money hungry trade unionists do you?" Mom Spam, a former U )W member, was not amused. "Just wait until you have to earn a living, you little smart aleck," she shouted, ripping off his protective covering. Sammy lay rigid, quivering slightly. "Son, are you afraid of some- thing?" Mom asked. "They might hurt me," he blurted. "Remember what I told that television reporter about losing my respect of the old teachers?" "Oh Sammy," his mother re- plied comfortingly, "they ar e your teachers. They love you, so go to school." First period was Sammy's homeroom, an English class taught by Ms. Franklin, a thir- ty-five year old divorcee. As soon as he entered the door, Sammy could tell something was. different. Didn't there used to be desks in this room? 'hy were all the kids kneeling on the floor, heads bent? Did it have anything to do with the bullwhip Ms. Franklin heId as she paced the room? Sammy thought of escape, but too late. Franklin grabbed him by the collar and led him to the floor. "Today's less an is learning to respect our teach- ers," she announced. "I am a teacher. While per- sonal satisfaction means a lo: to me, so does money. I need money to live, just like you and your parents. The board of edu- cation would like o pay us as little as possible while r, on tne other hand, yotild like to earn as much as possible. The key word is earn.' I spend s i x hours a day with you miserable wages. That doesn't sound very fair to me." Sammy decided to risk a com- ment. "But Ms. Franklin, I can't graduate unless you are here to pass me. I felt you were acting selfishly by not considering my interests.' "Sammy, dear," sighed Ms. Franklin as she cracked the whip over his head, "how long do you think the 'strike would have lasted if the students had supported us? Not as long as it did when you supported the scabs instead." "At least those teachers were interested enough to come in and teach,"retorted Linda ano- ther senior. Ms. Franklin only laughed at Linda's naivete. "They were just thankful to be working." By the end of homeroom, Sam- my had to admit that even he had learned new respect for Ms. Franklin. It was clear he had learned quickly since his back was free of lash marks. Algebra was next. Mr. Jack- son was usually meek but Sam- my knew today would be differ- ent. Mr. Jackson addressed the students, who were allowed to sit in their desk seats. "Thanks to your firm support in these difficult times, none of you can expect a grade higher than C- on your cards. Sammy, come to the board and explain the Pythagorean Theorem." "But sir, we haven't even earned that yet," stuttered Sam- my. "Too bad," Jackson grinned, "you fail. Tommy, what year did Descartes die?" Sammy was certain that kind- ly Mr. Shook, the shop teach- er, would not take revenge on him. Sammy was wrong. "Good news students," 3atd Mr. shook, "in today's uroie t, Dril- ling Sharp Metals, you don't have to wear safety goggles or gloves." Lunch was supposed to be next but it had been eliminated, so gym was next. After run- ning laps for an hour withwut a rest, Sammy collapsed. T h e nurse let him rest in her offce but refused to call his home. Hea mised athe lae+ two neri~ds Letters to The D animal lover To The Daily:' THE HOPE of the world is truly in the hands of the young! What a splendid editorial "Hunters Violate Your Rights", and what a piece of guts it took to write such an editorial. You are to be congratulated a n d commended for your courage. I am sure you have been casti- gated by the hunting eleament by now. A friend working for the Fund for Animals in Ann Arbor, Doris Dixon, sent me a copy of year editorial, and I am so deligihed with it. I hope more y o u n g people will speak out on the evils of hunting; especially for sport and trophies. I think we all know t.e tre- mendous amount of money con- nected with the sport of hut- ing,an thn jobs associated with I hope you will continue to speak out for the animals. You won't get praise from any but the lovers of animals, but you will certainly have their heirt- felt thanks. -Mrs. J. C. Yarbrough December 3 cold showers To The Daily: YESTERDAY I was at the 'M gym and went to take -a nice not shower after a long workaut. Unfortunately, I found that the water was not just cold, bat icy. Some of the others c wimt in this predicament put' h ir sweaty, uncomfortable ynm clothes back on and went home. Myself and several others had other appointments so we had no choice but to try to shower. In wintery weather, icy water is not just an inconvenience, aut it is just plain hazardotis to reds of others who have surfer- ed through this same probem join me in urging ti it some pressure be applied to get things moving. This was not Just an isolated incident out has hap- pened to me three times in !he last month ,and I'n there only twice a week). -A Disgusted and Sweaty Racquetbail Player January 9 pen pal To The Daily: I AM PRESENTLY an iina'e confined at the London 'lhio) Correctional institute, serving a 5 to 30 years sentence. I would very much want to havo cur- respondence with pecl" in Ihc outside world. Evervone needs a friend and a man in prison is no exception. Somedaiy I wifl' re- turn to society and hope nev:.r to reirn to cell. them. A T THE END of the chaic Electoral trail lies the ar- College which