Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, February 7, 1975' News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Rent control: Dirty politics THE FACT that the city's landlords mounted a desperate last-minute effort to keep the rent control refer- endum off the ballot for the upcom- ing April elections by challenging the validity of the signatures on the pe- titions should come as no ,surprise to anyone even nominally acquainted with politics in this town. People take their politics serious- ly here; it's not the usual Tweedle- Dum and Tweedle-Dee relationship between the .Democrats and the Re- p'ublicans. The Republicans hate the HRP, and it's mutual. The legacy of Watergate provides an excellent example of what hap- pens in politics when opposing inter- ests begin to regard each other as enemies. And the landlords' record in this city indicates that there's no tactic so low that they won't stoop to it. -T'S CLEAR that they're scared of rent control and will do anything to stop it. Certainly they have every reason to be scared, the fact is that rents are higher here than for com- parable quarters elsewhere, which makes it lucrative to be the owner of a rented dwelling in this city. And while it's fortunate that this sabotage attempt failed, one can be quite certain it won't be the final measure taken. Last spring the land- lords put together a slush fund of ,nearly $35,000 and formed a thinly- veiled -committee, (allegedly inde- pendent it was all landlords and Re- publicans) ironically enough named Citizens for Good Housing, in a suc- cessful effort to insure defeat of the issue. IT'S JUST a matter of time until this year's dummy campaign com- mittee surfaces and all the tired old arguments are aired anew. But there's a difference; the landlords (no fools, they know their padded bank ac- counts are on the line), have learned something from last year and are evolving more sophisticated strategies for combating the issue. The tactics are all low; represen- tative of all the things most distaste- ful in politics. Hopefully though, this time the voters will realize where their self-interest lies (surely not with the landlords) and resist the in- creasingly clever line the landlords will be making in the coming weeks, and vote in rent control. -STEPHEN SELBST By JOHN STANISZEWSKI VOR ALL arrested persons, the time lapse between arrest and trial can be a crit- ically important one. During this crisis period, the judicial sys- tem frequently employs a num- ber of procedures and practices which may hinder rather than enhance the administration of justice. Citizen's Information Service was organized to deal with these unfortunate procedures with the hope of eventually eliminating them. For example, many of the rights granted to arrested citi- zens under the constitution seem to be myth rather than fact in actual practice. Although peo- ple brought into custody a r e legally presumed innocent until proven otherwise, many jail of- ficials often treat them as hard- ened criminals during the pre- trial period. Furthermore, the constitution guarantees the right to a "speedy" trial, but in many court systems, serious back- logs can detain even an inno- cent person for months. These injustices can instill pris 'rs with such a sense of bitterness toward society that any semb-. lance of rehabilitation becomes almost impossible. Along with these inequities, the arrested persons are forced to cope with the problem of buying their pre-trial freedom through the bail system. This system obviously discriminates against the poor, making them forfeit their freedom simoly be- cause they lack sufficient funds. BUT, AN inadequate though sometimes effective alternative does exist and this involves cb- taining the services of a bonds- man. For a fee which is 'en percent of the bail amount, the arrested person can be rwleas- ed throuhg a bondsman. How- ever, since a bondsman enjoys a hybrid status somewhere be- tween a public utility and a free enterprise, he possesses an awe- some amount of both economic and legal power. In purely eco- nomic terms, a typical bonds- man reaps enormous prfits first, because he charges an ex- orbitant rate, secondly, because the risk rate in his unscrupu- lous business is traditionally low, and finally, because he spends only a minimal amount of his own labor time to earn the ten percent fee. The bondsman's legal power, on the oto ?r hand, perpetuates this economic ex- ploitation. Furthermore, the oondsman can legally refuse to ac~xcot any client with or without jusifca- tion for this refusal. Such un- checked discretion on the part of the bondsman creates a cass of arrested persons who must aimlessly await trial in an in- humane jail cell. In s o m e cases, the length of compul ory detention exceeds the length of sentences given to convicted criminals. Pre-trial lockun to- tally deprives the wage carner of his income, needlessly wastes the taxpayer's money, and most importantly, degrades and dehumanizes a person who is legally presumed innocent. pretrial abuses "Pretrial lockup totally deprives wage earn- taxpayer's money and dehumanizes a person ers of their income, needlessly wastes the who is legally presumed innocent." Nurses' demands justified FOLLOWING a recent trend among University employes, Registered Nurses at the Medical Center voted last week to form a union under the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA). It was a year and a half struggle for union organizers, and for a while it appeared that apathy and lack of communication between medical de- partments would defeat their efforts. But on January 29 and 30, RNs voted 361-124 to form a collective bargain- ing unit. Nurses are after more than the usual labor demands of wages and job benefits, though these aspects did play a part in the initial move to- ward organization. Now however, their primary demands concern more control in patient care, policy, and nurse-patient ratios. In other words, they want more input into how the health care facilities are run, how patients are treated, and they want a clear-cut, self determined definition of the nursing role. Considering the type of medical institutions they work in:- where many major decisions are made in TODAY'S STAFF: News~ Gordon Atcheson, Steve Hersh, Joy Levin, Tom Preston, Sara Rimer, Jeff Sorensen, Margaret Yao Editorial 'Page: 'Paul Haskins, Steve Ross, Steve Stojic, Stephen Selbst Arts Page: George tLobsenz Photo Technician: Steve Kagan the upper echelons of the Univer- sity, far above the hospital's admin- istrations -- their demands are jus- tified. They feel, quite rightly, that those deciding policy may know noth- ing about patient care and nurses' duties. In addition, nursing is becoming a professional career in itself; no long- er are nurses merely doctors assist- ants, chart readers, and tray car- riers. A RN must now go through in- tensive training and orientation, and must have sufficient medical knowledge to do a good job. As MNA staffer Joan Guy expressed it, "We've got to be organized. I see no other way for any group of women to have any kind of clout." It appears that like most other groups employed by the University, they can achieve their goals only by bargaining collec- tively. When representatives from the MNA and University officials finally face each other over the bargaining table, the University will have an advantage. It is unlikely that nurses will ever strike except under extreme duress. If they did, people could die, and nurses, by their very nature would never let this happen. We hope that the 'University ad- ministration will never use this ad- vantage to force the MNA to accept less than. their due. It could be aptly described as a strong arm tactic, and it would be wrong to use it on a group with such justifiable demands. -JO MARCOTTY Dick West: Executive excursion: drop-ins for dinner? By DICK WEST DANGEROUS precedents are being set in France by President Valery Giscard d'Estaing. He and his wife have taken to going out in the evenings and having dinner in the homes of just plain folks. Like so many governmental intrusions into personal privacy, Giscard's dinner excursions began with the best of intentions. He feels that seeing at first hand how average French families live will help him keep the common touch and better serve their needs.4 But you and I know it will never work out that way. Already aberrations are developing. On their first evening out to dine with a picture-framer and his wife, the Giscards were served champagne, two dinner wines, watercress soup, sea perch with mousseline sauce, rib roast, mixed vegetables and strawberry trifle with custard. IT'S DIFFICULT to believe this is average family fare even in a country noted for bon appetit. Obviously, if Giscard is to get a true picture of everyday life, in France, he will have to abandon the practice of choosing the homes he visits from among 1,500 invitations received at Elysee Palace. In other words, he will have to become a drop-in, the most dreaded form of social persecution known to man. Were dropping in unexpectedly for dinner kept exclusively a presidential prerogative, it perhaps could be tolerated by the citizenry. But wait till other office holders get a load of the public opinion polls that show a boost in his popularity since the dinner gambit was announced. Within a few weeks, politicians will be dropping in" for dinner all over France. No home will be safe. WORSE YET, from our standpoint, the practice is certain to spread to other countries. One can visualize the dinner hour scene in the average American home. As Virgil and Ladybug Clanker sit down for a meal of leftover. cauliflower casserole, a car pulls into the driveway. "Oh, no!" Mrs. Clanker gasps. "Don't tell me it's the Fords again !" Her husband goes to the window, peers through the blind, blanches and sways backwards. "It looks like the Rockefellers this time," he moans'. "Quick!" calls Mrs. Clanker: "Turn out the lights. If we don't answer the doorbell, maybe they'll think we aren't at home." Giscard must be stopped before it's too late: MOREOVER, these inmates are subjected to overcrowding, the lack of any semblan e of privacy, poor sanitation and ven- tilation, harassment anal insults by guards and officials, and the deadly monotony of an environ- ment completely lacking physi- cal and mental stimulation. Added to their own suffering are the hardship and inconvemence endured by the family and friends of the detained ner3ors. The Michigan State Jail In- spector has estimated that the daily jail population averages 5,000 persons, and wel ever one-half of these are pre ril pri- soners. The average length of this group's detention may be four months or longer. In 1972, Michigan taxpayers spent $5,- 470,(0 to detain those awaiting trial. All these conditions point to the conclusion that a severe gap exists in the pre-trial period of osr presentcriminal process;ng system. However, in Wrashtenaxv County, a group of dela ed community volunteers wvii o s e ultimate goal is filling this gap, initiated a program in 1972 cal- led Citizen's Information Serv- ice. CIS's concern for the im- plementation of pre-trial jus- tice grows from the crganiza- tion's belief in the worth and dignity of each individual and from the. realization that im- prisonment dehumanizes t h e human spirit. CIS is a one of a kind program of jaiNousi ad- vocacy that has been in success- ful operation at the Washtenaw County Jail since 1972. Its chief function is to assist prisoners in the immediate hours after their arrest CIS volunteers conduct an interview with each person just after the booking proce s This, interview has a threefold pur- pose. FIRST OF ALL, prisoners ty- pically want the volunteer to contact their friend, family, em- ployer, etc., because they them- selves are legally limited to one phone call. Secondly, CIS vilun- teers can provide relevant in- formation about the mechanics of bail and court procedures as long as such information does not involve legal advice. Fin- ally, CIS volunteers indirectly provide psychologically reassur- ahce to the prisoner. Their pre- sence enable prisoners to speak confidentally to someone who has no involvement with a law enforcement agency. The vol- unteer's role as a sympa-hetic listener can be quite valuable to the prisoner woh is fairly un- nerved and upset by the arrest. Surprisingly enough, CIS gain- ed access to the county jail during the Harvey administra- tion and is strongly supported by the present jail administration. The sheriff's department recog- nizes CIS as a desireable pub- lic service and is quite sympa- thetic to its functions and phil- osophy. AS OF TODAY, CIS has been the only organized group which has actively sought to bridge the wide gap that exists in our pre-trial criminal processing system, particularly on the local level. The program now exists on a modest scale, but it has achieved a role in the Washte- naw County Jail that was no more than a dream five y'ears ago when staunch opposition to prisoners' rights was the rule. CIS's community role can be greatly expanded in the rear future but only if the energy and number of volunteers and also upon community-based sup- port. CIS members also enz:sion several objectives which, if achieved, could bring about a IN THE long run, CIS volun- teers also envision the elimina- tion of the present bail system as a means of pre-trial release because it discriminates against financially disadvantaged arrest- ed persons. Moreover, members advocate the use of licensed half-way houses for pre-trial de- tention and also suggest that the defendant be compensated for such detention if he is ac- quitted at his trial. Finally, the committee feels that the rights to counsel and to a speedy trial need strict implementation standards. Thesegoals must be achieved if the criminal processing sys- tem ever intends to fulfill its constitutional obligations. But, their implementation will be quite difficult without the in- creased suport from community members. Citizen's Information Service always needs volunteers and donations are always wel- come. For more infcrm:3:ion, contact Marc Mauer, 1414 Hill, 761-8283. John °Staniszewski is LSA graduate planning to attend law school in the fall. "Along with these inequities, arrested per- sons are forced to cope with the problem of buying their pre-trial freedom through the bail system. This system obviously discrim- inates against the poor, making them forfeit their freedon simply because they lack suf- f icient funds." N.1". :-"'.,e .}:}}''.ti:t":","":}°fr{?,.:{Y :L :Qi;r,:"ia:S:"?;}?;" ?:3''": 1 S" SY{"'.,'' ' ,i 'k " more equitable and just pry rial system on the local level. First of all, CIS would like -to see its valuable service extended to other penal institutions, espec- ially the Ypsilanti Jail. Ru- mors of corruption and illegal activity within these institutions are widespread, and CIS is cer- tainly a stepping stone for con- trolling such practices. PIRGIM REPORTS Jets, cars, and stomachs I |I Letters to The irresponsible that he p, pose their To The Daily: personally, genocide i ON FRIDAY afternoon, Jan- ior. Never uary 24, in his lecture to the conclusion combined departments of the the frames Medical School entitled, "Ethi- ics the situ cal Implications of Biological termine -w Advances," Dr. Joseph Fleicher Nazism co made the following statements: on the bas "It is morally inexcusable to are agains bear a genetically compromised on the bas child." "The 'Sanctity of Life' thing inhen ethic is as dead as QuceP Anne'"The essence of i It seems justice is victimizing innor.cent a man wh third parties." I venture to a framewo quote him, since he publicly gasedha acknowledged the ac:uracy of gared as the quotations. should be In the question period h0ch versity of followed, the question was ask- School asa ed, "Dr. Fletcher, given these I can only1 three principles, if a society de- as I do, r clared not merely Tay Sachs an extrem syndrome, but Jewishness as ence in ou well, to be evidence of a gene- oppose it w tically compromised child, what oe applied. Daily ersonally would op- decision, since he, does not believe that s acceptable behav- theless, the amazing remains, that within work of situ ation Uh- uation alone can de- hat is "loving" ar.d uld only be opposed is that more people t it than for it, not is that there is ay- rently wrong with it. incredible to me that o has prn ved such rk for decision inak- is one sn 7ald be re- an ethicist. It is e ncredible that le employed by the Uni- f Virginia Mledical an ethical consli' art. hope that those who, egard this syctem as ely dangerous influ- r sciety, will actively whenever it begi is to By JOSEPH TUCHINSKY RE YOU PLANNING a low-cost charter flight next vacation? Do you ever eat in restaurants? Are you shopping for a new car? PIRGIM has recently intervened with three federal agencies in an effort to protect your interests when you become a consumer of any of these services or products. Most of PIRGIM's work is concentrated on long- term projects aimed at major issues. Dangers related to nuclear power plants, unemployment caused by federal or state policies, the cost of good health care, energy conservation and utility rates - these are among major issues presently at the center of our work. But we also find time to take action on a large number of smaller issues which affect the inter- ests of students as citizens and consumers. 'he three described here are some recent examples. In each case, an agency of the U.S. govern- ment announced that it was considering changing its regulations in a way that would affect the interests of consumers. AIRLINE CHARTERS THE Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) proposed "The stickers would not harm car sales; they would very likely increase the credibility of car, dealers and raise sales of models with better gas mileage." ending low-cost charters of both domestic and in- ternational flights, effective March 31, 1975. It would substitute a new plan which allowed price reductions only if you bought a package including both airline tickets and ground accommodations. No provision was made for the student, or other low-income nerson. who might fly to Europe or taurans are allowed to stap open despite bad inspection reports. WE proposed then that cleanliness ratings should be posted in restaurants so consumers could pressure for improvement by withholding business from places with bad conditions. A recent study by the Lansing State Journal confirms that similar conditions still exist in many areas, but are unknown to consumers. Though state law is based on the FDA model ordinance, it doesn't include the grading provis- ions. This makes it important to keep the grade posting provisions in the FDA model, for without them there is little chance we can ever get the law strengthened. CAR BUYING Car buyers are affected by a proposal before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which would require car dealers to display window stick- ers giivng the gas mileage figures found by the Environmental Protection Agency tests. The stickers would give car buyers a meaningful way to compare gas mileage between cars, an im- portant purchase consideration today. THE AUTO industry acknowledges that this year's EPA testing results are reasonable and accurate; they disagreed with last year's. But a PIRGIM survey of new car showrooms found that very few dealers were displaying the labels on 1975 cars. The stickers would not harm car dales; they would very likely increase the credi- bility of car dealers and raise sales of models with better gas mileage. PIRGIM learned of these proposals from the federal agencies, or alerts from Washington con- tacts or student Public Interest Research Groups in other states. In these three cases and others as well, we filed testimony before the agency advocating the interests of students and others in Michigan. We opposed the CAB and FDA proposals and favored the FTC proposal. We are still waiting for decisions by the Fed- eral Tride Commission and the Food and Drug P- I.