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February 05, 1975 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-05

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Page Eight


Wednesday, February S, 9 'S

Page Eigh.t . TH M.HIA.DAL.WdnsdyFbrar.5 17


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Phone: Pete Savoie

Teamsters pledge support
for pending GEO strike

The Michigan Brotherhood ofi
Teamsters will announce its en-c
dorsement of the Graduate Em-c
ployes' Organization (GEO) to-
day, and intends to honor thej
GEO picket lines should a strike
occur next week.t
The move is likely to strength-t
en the union's position. In hon-{
oring the picket-lines, the Team-t
siters would put a strangle-hold
on the delivery of many impor-
tant supplies to the University.
WHILE MOST departments
could withstand a walkout ofr
TAs (teaching assistants) for at1
least several days, a stoppage
or slowdown of trucking serv-
ices would be severly felt al-
most immediately.
Union spokesman David Gor-,
NEW YORK (kP) - Thet
1 American Society of Com-i
posers, Authors and Publisherst
has -honored five books, instead
of the usual four, this year with
its seventh annual Deems Tay-
lor Awards.
Winnersdwere "Mahler" writ-
ten by Henry-Louis de la
Grange, Max Wilk's "They're
Playing Our Song," Myra
Friedman's autobiography of
Janis Joplin, "Buried Alive,"
Duke Ellington's "Music Is My
Mistress" and Philip Hart's
"Orpheus in the New World."
Judges were composers Ger-
ald Marks, Billy Taylor, Vin-
cent Persichetti, who is also on1
the Julliard School faculty, and1
Dr. Hugo Weisgall, also a pro-
fessor at Queens College.

don is hopeful this new factor approve a strike recommenda-
in the growing GEO crisis will tion-as Gordon predicts ,t will
convince the University cf its -a seret ballot strike vote of
developing strength. all GEO members will take
"We hope this development place tomorrow, Friday, and
will lead to a settlement before Monday. If the vote is affirma-
a strike," Gordon declared. "If ticve, a walkout of the union's

they're (the University) willing
to go to binding arbitration or
change their position at the
table, we still feel this thing
could be solved with a minimum
amount of discomfort," he said.
GEO REJECTED the total
University contract offer in a
mass meeting last Wedaesday,
but decided to postpne the de-
cision to take a strike vote until
another meeting tonignt.
The GEO Executive Connmit-
tee promised to return with
either a commitment from the
University to take negotiations
to binding arbitration, a se'tle-
ment, or a recommendation to
take a strike vote.
Should the membership then

800 to mou members w,11to11ow
support in the walkout of Uni-
versity of Wisconsin graduate
employes was instrumental in
the success of that strike, as
well as the Black Action Move-
ment strike here at Michigan in
Gordon is emphatic in his
prediction of a successful strike
should one take place, and de-
clared that support for the
union will gain momentum once
a walkout is underway.
"We'll get a lot of non"GEO
people before the strike is over,"
he said. "People are crazy if
they think we're weak."

Students criticize
occupation seminar

.. ..

By GLEN ALLERHAND of participants," he ad dled.
A day-long program aimed at "There have been mothers with
providing information on ca- children, m a n y non-students,
reers in medicine- and psycho- and students also, both high'
logy-related fields, sponsored by school and college."
the University affiilated Insti- But the students attending the
tute for the Study of Mental Re- program, to whom the informa-
tardation and Related Disabili- tion presented would presumab-
ties (ISMRRD), managed to ly be most useful, seemed to
attract numerous spectators but find that information unenlight-
was characterized as "uninfor- ening.
mative" by students in attend- o ne University psychology
ahe turnout has been good,"'' major remarked, "The stuff
"ThmenturnoutMhasbeen e they presented was uninforma-
commented ISMRRD member tive. I wanted to find out what
and special education advisor it's like to work in psych or
Gene Handley. "I think we'll social work.
have a total of about 275 peo-s
ple. The reaction so far would "WHAT I got instead," she
indicate that we'll repeat the continued, "was some deszrip-
program next year. tions of d i f f e r e n t' tvpes of

"WE'VE HAD a wide variety
Full Contact Lens Service
Visual Examinations
548 Church 663-2476

The program offered informa-
tion from local professionals and
professors specializing in 18
areas of study such as social
work, vocational rehabilitation,
and audiology. Interested ob-
servers went from presentation
to presentation at ISMRRD's
headquarters on S. First St.


GEO Mass Meeting
Union Ballroom
Bring your membership card





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