Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Wednesdav Februarv 5 1975 ------ ---------I,- ,a FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY r1 i t __ 3 Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 11-15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21 -25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5.65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 1.65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 1.80 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 19.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 16.30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10.65 21.30 27.90 34.20 40.65 47.10 645 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 N.86: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT FALL RENTING Furnished, efficiences, one and two bdrm, apts.. both modern and in older houses. Best campus and hos- pital location. Modern Apts. 418 E. Washington (Bsmt.) 668-6906 or 663-3641 ROOM-Near campus in basement of professor's home. Private bath, semi-private entrance. $18.00 per week. Babysiting available. 761-6095. 94C0206 SPACIOUS EFFICIENCY. 100 ft. from Rackham Bldg. Assume lease in March. 663-8691. 23025 Ctc Where TENANTS COME FIRST For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features r s Call MAIZE &BLUE Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 FOR RENT HOUSE in the country, one bed- room available in house of organic minded people, near lake and stream. Call 1-878-9594. 95C218 HOUSE available for next summer and fall. 668-6376. 75C205 2 BEDROOM furnished, campus lo- cation. Very spacious. $240. Call 769- 8520. cCtc PHOTO SUPPLIES NIKON CAMERA, LENSES, ACCES- SORIES. ALL MINT CONDITION. 665-5947, persistently. 01D0202 TRAVEL 4-WEEK TRIP to Madrid by (ALSG) ($1,040.00). CONTACT Lee (764-9736) or R'berto (663-8623). 56P207 Ski Vail From $129 INCLUDES: * round-trip bus transportation from Ann Arbor departing Feb. 28 and returning March 9. * 7 nights accommodations at the Whistle Stop Inn nearby Vail in doubles. 9 transportation between hotel and Vail daily. 9 services of an experienced Repre- sen.ative, throughout trip. * optional: daily and weekly ski lift ticket(s), ski lessons and car rental. Space limited. Call FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: mod- erate efficiency, $160. Campus loca- tion. 761-4374 or 668-7137 evenings. 030209 FALL '75 One, 2, and 3 level apartments available on campus. VISCOUNT APARTMENTS Model now open. M-F, 11-1 and eves; Weekends 2-4 1316 Geddes No. 5 CAMPUS RENTALS-665-8825 cCtc- ROOM FOR RENT in collectively run tenant owned house. $70 plus expenses, responsible and coopera-1 tive people, please. Call 663-4631. 0400211j FOR RENT STRATFORD APARTMENTS is now taking applications for fall and summer rentals: one bedroom apts., $175-$190. Modern 2-bdrm., $254- $309. See Apartments at 629 S. Forest. No. 1 or call 994-5917 or 663-2709. Very close to campus. 7900215 FALL RENTAL: $75 per man. Live in It xury apts. Furnished, dish- washer, parking. air cond., 2 bdrn., 2 bath, in Ypsilanti, on EMU cam- pus. Call 761-3920. Also 1-bdrm. apts. 44C211 CAMPUS ROOMS FOR GIRLS. Reg- ular single $105, large single, $125. Room for 2, $140. Includes all utili- ties. 4 or 8-month lease. Call for appointment, evenings, 761-1932, cCtc ii ,f i iI r I I 3# , . t _I BUSINESS SERVICES LITTLE PEOPLE'S School-nursery- kindergarten program-full or part- time. Certiifed teachers. 663-6203. 24J25 TYPING - Experienced. Rates rea- sonable. 761-2924 (10-5 days, except Mon.). Leave your number, if neces- sary. 55J206 TYPING, accurate, 50c/pg. One-day service possible. 663-6742. 21J206 TUTORING, EE, Statistics Math, Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. cJtc TYPING and EDITING. Caol Jean, f +5+4-3594. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS ARB BASS AMP-piggy-back unit. 769-1400. cXtc SHURE MIKE SALE: most models in stock. Up to 40% off. Apollo Mu- sic Center, 322 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cXtct MOTOROLA QUAD. 8-track deck, locking mount. 30 assorted tapes. Panasonic stereo, BSR turntable. Ampex cassette recorder, many ex- tras. Call 482-3576 after 5. 01X0208 2 FLUTES FOR SALE. Armstrong, Artley. 662-4846. 09X207 MARTIN D-18 Guitar w/case. 3-yrs. old. $450.00. 662-8569. 83X0208 GUITARS 40% OFF. Flutes- Arm- strong, Gemeinhardt, Dulcimers, etc. Repairs - Lessons. 665-7348. cXtc SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET? The best places are gone first. Huge 3-bdrm., furn- ished apt. only 2V blocks from cam- pus. A/C, parking, laundry, 2 bal- conies. Reasonable rate, call 769- 7812. dU211 ONE OPENING in 3-man apt. U- Towers. Take over my lease now thru May 2. Keep $50 security de- posit. Free movies, pool tables, swim pool. Laundry facilities. Remaining rent approx. $250. Call now, 665- 3581. 99U0208 NICE 1-2 person apt. for sublet May-Aug. Call 668-8208. dU207 AKC IRISH SETTER pups. 971-1722. Only 2 left. 17T206 FOR SALE ONE SYLVANIA color TV, cabinet in good shape. One living room chair. Call after 5, 662-1726. 91B206 BRAND NEW Ledu & Tensor study/ drafting lamps. Just $22. Call 761- 2464, after 6 p.m. 46B211 FOR SALE-2 10-speeds, 23" Mer- ciers, excellent condition, $75 each. call 663-3013 after 6. 85BO208 1963 IMPALA Convertible. One own- er, runs well, $250. 868-7325 or 663- 3241 ev'enings before 10. 67B207 AM CAR RADIO, good operating condition, $20. Call 662-8450 even- ings. 11B206 MacGregor Tourney GOLF CLUBS. Full women's set with leather bag. $100. 764-4984. dB207 SKI BOOTS, buckle. 1 pr. men's size 9. 2 pr. women's size 7. $30, $20, and $55. 994-0261. 07B208 SEWING MACHINE, stereo, electric typewriter, wicker chair. Good con- dition. Haggle over prices. Call per- sistently, 663-2015. 12B207 USED CARS '68 VOLKSWAGEN auto. Low mile- age, no rust, $750. 483-6309. 02N206 PETS AND SUPPLIES i t ,j . PERSONAL NIKON CAMERA, LENSES, ACCES- SORIES, ALL MINT CONDITION. 665-5947, persistently. 01D0202 UPTIGHT? Relax, use whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, Inexpensive. 971-6867 or 971-1489. eFtc Every day is RING DAY at the Mi- chigan Union. See our display of class rings at the concession stand on the first floor. cFtc RIDE NEEDED to Boston or N.Y. and back for spring vacation. Will share expenses. Call 764-1968 or 764- 1914 please. dF206 WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod. or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc CARNIVORE CO-OPERS who hope to live at Lester House next fall should attend the South Division Council meeting Wed., 7:30 p.m., at Lester. The Council will discuss and vote on a plan to make Lester a vege house by giving vege people priority over all. Call 761-4281 for details. 76F205 REGENCY TRAVEL 601 E. WILLIAM ANN ARBOR 48104 665-6122 SPECIALIZING in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP HOME RESERVATIONS NOW cF422 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed .hile-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942. eFtc STYLING or regular this week will get you a shot of tonic free. U-M Stylists at the Union. cF207 WE PARTICIPATE in the Blue Shield Prescription program. Village Apothecary, 1112 So. University Ave. cFtc Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding anad Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cFtc ALASKA IS BOOMING! Complete handbook, $3.00. Jobs in Alaska, Box 7, Norwich, Vt. 05055. 22F0207 DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESUL[IS ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE # CAMPUS PERSONAL ROOMS.* Excellent rooms for girls. Spacious completely furnished in a modern, clean, safe, brick building. 4 or 8- month lease. Available Jan. 2. Call for appointment. 761-1932. cCt TAPPAN: 2-bdrm., 2 or 3-man fur- nished apts. Fall occupancy. $250/, mo. 663-4101. cCtc Travel World i FALL RENTALS, 1 and 2 bedrm.F apts., close to campus. Call 665-4578 FALL 2-BEDROOMS after 3 p.m. cCtc Large, furnished, clean, quiet, park- ing. $300/mo. Year lease-927 S. Forest. Appointment after 5 p.m. FA LL '7 662-6156.ece LIVE IN A. STYLE' -4 or_ THAT SUITS YOUR PERSONALITY MONTH LEASE 3 CAMPUS AREA - Fine rooms for girls. Available Jan. 2nd. Excellent1 Fine Campus Apartments accommodations. Completely furn- and Houses ished in a modern, clean, cafe brick andP HouEsTbuilding. Call for appointment, CAMPUS RENTALS 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and evenings, 1335 S. University 761-1932.ecte 665-8825 Monday-Friday 9 - 5:30 Need Saturday 10 - 2:00 cCtc R FEMALE: own room in house, use Roommates of all facilities. Congenial house- mates. 665-3117 persistently. 060209 j ndI t__ Oj- ROOM FOR RENT in GREAT house. F Immediate occupancy. Call 994-5743. now anyone 7 080209 VERY LARGE 2-bedroom modern apartment on campus. Furnished, on cam pu.s ? all conveniences. $275/mo. Available now. Campus Rentals, 665-8825. We will find you cC212 --roommates ONE WOMAN for 3-woman apart- ment. Own room. Furnished, cheap, 5 minutes to campus good location, open in early March. 8 month single liability Call persistently, 663-2015. 130207 ROOM FOR RENT, Large, furnish- ed, 3 mo. lease, parking, kitchen facilities. On campus. 761-7257. University BEST ON CAMPUS Towers Apts. Excellent room for girls begins Jan. 536 S. Forest 2 4 or 8 month lease. Singles, $105- $125. Double, $140. Call for appoint- Call 761-2680 ment, 761-1932. cCtc ectc 994-0244 cP209 i ROOMMATES -MN Lwith two grads. $82. 662-6454. PAYMENTS 14Y209 1-2-3 bedroom Townhouses avai- able, immediate occupancy. Stove. FEMALE NEEDED to share pleasant, Refrigerator, Heat included. Low 1-bdrm. apt. near campus, $86/mo. down payments, low monthly pay- 763-6184. 58Y207 ments/ Hrs. 9-5. Danbury Green ROOMMATE for own room In 3- Cooperative, 484-0371. cCtc bedroom furnished house. Transpor- 3-BDRM. HOUSE in quiet residen- tation available. °$83-plus. 994-3061, tial area. Walking distance to cam- . 33Y0205 pus. 662-4928. 300205 URGENT-Female needed to share room with nursing student in fur- R ENT ING FALL '75 nished apt. Good deal. 994-9056, 994- 4404. 93Y0204 OLDER BUI LD INGS ~~~- LOST AND FOUND ON .CAMPUS_ We have 2 and 3 Bedroom Furnished Apts. in older buildings near cam- pus and the Hospitals. Also modern Two-Bedroom, 3 and 4 man Apts. Campus Management, Inc. 335 EAST HURONI 663-4101 cctc FURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. AVAILABLE 662-2952 or 434-0550 SANS SOUCI ACROSS THE STREET FROM MICH. STADIUM FOUND: Largish black short-haired mongrel. Hit, hurt at Hill and Sy- bil, Mon. Awaits owner at Humane Society. dA207 LOST-Pair of pants and contents near Cross & S. Division. Reward. 426-2724. 78A0204 LOST-Man's wallet, campus vicin- ity. Money not important, ID is. Jim Glickman, 662-8185, reward. 92A207 LOST-Gold heart earring. Pearl in center. Reward. 761-2536. 98A205 FOUND - Bronze wire-rim avaitor glasses in our apt. on Elm St. after party on Jan. 25. 668-6700. dA205 LOST: small male cat, shorthaired gray/white sripes. Lost near Hill/ Oakland 1-19. $5 reward for return. 761-4281. 64A0128 TRANSPORTATION RENT ME new VW's $5.00 a day, 10c a mile Pickup and Delivery available RENTA BEETLE. 994-9300 __ cctcI SUMMER SUBLET: 4-man apt. Hill- Packard area. Air conditioned, furn- ished, nice to plants, call nights, 662-3558. 11U209 SPACIOUS ROOM in 2-man apt. A/C, disposal, dishwasher, pool. Scenic on Huron River, $95. Call John 761-1237 or Frank 663-2901. 15U207 HELP WANTED FRIEND, COOK, after school expe- ditor needed for charming 7-year- old who cheats at checkers. 971- 1799. 90H206 PART-TIME salesperson w / book- keeping experience. Persian House, 320 E. Liberty. Apply in person only. 93H0208 WANTED - Ballerina for part in film. Must have experience in point. No pay but good opportuniy for film experience. Scott, 971-2548 or 769-1059. 74H205 WANTED: MUSICIAN Play at the VEGETABLE UNION from 1 to 2 p.m., in exchange for meal and tips. The Vegetable Union is on the ground floor of the MICHIGAN UNION. cH0205 STUDENT College Representative U-M Campus. Nationally known pro- duct. Preferably sophomore or jun- ior. Daily Box No. 2, c/o Michigan Daily. 64H212 RARE OPPORTUNITY for sales trainee, male or female; car re- quired. Apply Mon. or Wed., 9 a~m. only. 1935 Pauline, Suite E. . cHtc HOUSECLEANING help needed 4-8 hours/week. Flexible hours. $2.20/ hr. 761-1932. cHtc TIRED OF COOKING your own meals? Meal jobs available. 2 meals per day (lunch & dinner), 5 days per week. Position waiter. Call John, 761-6281 at Chi Psi Fraternity. 54H207 PART-TIME POSTER HANGER for U-M and EMU campuses. $1.75/hr. Automobile required. Call Mrs. O'- Malley Center for Foreign Study. 662-5575. 36H0206 DELIVERY DRIVERS part-time, must be 18; TELEPHONE PERSON weekends. Apply in person only at Omega Pizza. 43H0206 DEPENDABLE early-rising person to help disabled working woman get up weekday mornings. Days, 764- 9149, eves., weekend 662-2734. 29H204 You all come down and sign up for a chance to be a FALL ORIENTA- TION leader In the orientation of- fice, 2530 SAB, starting Thurs., Jan. 30. Interviews begin Feb. 3 and continue thru Feb. 21. Uncle Don wants YOU!!! An affirmative action, non-discriminatory employer. 82H0219 ADVICE on getting U-M in-state residency, Mon., Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., Legal Aid Office, 4310 Michigan Un- ion. 39F210 TODAY 3:30 AND 7 P.M. FREE INSTRUCTION POCKET BILLIARDS U-M UNION cF205 MARGE- Don't forget the 2001 meeting. I Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., 711 N. Univer- sity. See you there. -Harriet. 88F205 "LADIES" NIGHT. Women admitted free every Wednesday at Chances Are. 994-5350. cFtc SUBMISSIVE female sought for close personal relationship. Strict but loving discipline. Send photo. Box 23, c/o Michigan Daily. 05F207 TODAY 3:30 & 7 P.M. FREE INSTRUCTION POCKET BILLIARDS UM UNION cF0205 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Clericals join now! 89F205 EDGAR CAYCE Study group being organized. Call 763-0742 or 668-7875 for information. 10F206 FLORI DA DAYTON A BEACH OVER SPRING BREAK FROM $135.00 NANCY, 663-6461 HOBBIT TRAVEL 16F211 BOWLING at the Union, 50cl Open bowling from 11 a.m. You have a choice of lanes. cF206 SEE PAUL GERN I FREE EXHIBITION POCKET BILLIARDS FEBRUARY 20, 4 & 8 P.M. UNION BALLROOM cF206 QUALITY DUPLICATING & OFFSET Fast Copy Service-Low Prices THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State 662-3969 Campus (near Ginos) BARGAIN CORNER ANTIQUE FURNITURE is cheaper than new . . . Beds, tables, chairs, rockers - also pictures and nost- cards. Den of Antiquity, 514 E. Wil- liam (upstairs) 994-9032. 40W26 A S. v c a. G V 1 G nil L SVEN All 1A E 1 SLAB INVS EVER TROTN PREPAR 6S SONAR NAME SNUB ATOP LARK 0 wAC MALINGER VAT S EILA fl0E IMAS TROTS A N LU SYST ANEW EMOEN .3 CROSSWORD PUZZLE PERSONAL WATCH FOR VALENTINE'S SPE- CIAL. COMING UP FEB. 14. BIL- LIARDS AT THE UNION. cF0206 LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond expert help you style your engage- ment ring. It costs less. Over 5,000 U-M men . have. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. c~tc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 MCAT - DAT - GRE - LSAT - ATGSB preparation. Money-back guarantee. THE TEST CENTER, 663- 3598. ctc GRAD HAPPY HOUR GRAD HAPPY HOUR GRAD HAPPY HOUR 71F207 WHY-WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP Original, Handcrafted Jewelry. Gold, Silver. Gems. WEDDING BANDS. Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc Campus Pinball * 1217k South University cFtc EXTRA CARE IN COPYING OFFSET PRESS-CAMERA WORK PARKMAN PRINTING 157 E. Hoover St. 761-4391 cFtc EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT / CRE- ATIVE DANCE WORKSHOP. Theme "anger/love." Friday evening-Satur- day, Feb 7, 8. Margaret & Bob Blood. 769-0046. 74F206 BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES Enroll now to prepare for upcoming MCAT 9 DAT * LSAT * GRE ATGSB board exams. For informa- tion call: (313) 354-0085. cFtc Order Your Subscription Today 7'64-0558 ET S ASPS DF0OF A G E HI AV L M EL A M UE LGR 0I R I C If you're a woman, what you're about to read could save your life. Once a month, just once a month, while you're taking a shower, before you dry or spray or powder or do any of those little things to pamper yourself, do something to take care of yourself: examine your breasts. That's where you begin.- - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - c G t RIDE NEEDED to Boston or N.Y. and back for spring vacation. Will share expenses. Call 764-1968 or 764- 1914 please. dG206 I WANTED TO RENT ii REWARD: $50 for information lead- ing to contract for 4-bedroom house or apt. for Fall. Please call 665-4051. 00L0207 WANTED - Cheap efficiency or 1 bedroom apartment on first floor of older home for student and med- ium-sized dog. For May, through summer and fall. 769-3084. 72L211 6-8 BEDROOM house near campus beginning Sept. '75. Call 764-6713 persistently. 96L0205 MISCELLANEOUS GUITAR LESSONS -- Private, $3.00 half hour. 665-0173. 81M0208 PSYCHOLOGY Research-If you are a divorced father who currently sees or does not see his child(ren) and are interested in discussing issues relevant to your situation, please phone 663-1749, 764-1803 or 663-7268. 65M206 Copr. ACROSS 1 Browned bread 47+ 6 Great name in 48 Ireland: Colloq. 49 11 Traditional Japanese theater 51 12 Repeated a passage from 52 14 Frequenter 15 Coats 53 17 Lubricate 55 18 Seasoned sailor 56 20 Very recently 21 Employs 58 23 Riches of a sort 24 Explorer Vasco 60; da-- 61' 25 Begin 62+ 27 19th cent. poet 63 28 19th cent. lexi- cographer 29 Substitute, usu- ally of inferior I quality 2 31 Unmelodius 3 33 Eat a nougat 4 35 Huff's companion 51 36 Paid (one's '75 Los Angeles Times. line Gathered leaves 11 Cane Established 13 principle Holder of a BA 14 deg. Resign in a way: 16 Abbr. 19 Eccentric 22 Mimic 24 Having small 26 lumps 28 James Whitcomb 30 Riley, for one 32 St. Francis - 34 Teem 36 Grating Rhythmic 37 pattern younger set Former German ruler Racecourses: Suffix Split-level, for example Clobbers Caledonian Piled up Caddie's concera Different one Allude (to) English letter Sister Magic , Mohammedan scriptures Old-fashioned food preserve Cheese Pram pusher Where Kiev is Did a grand jets Serpent New York City Move slowly Daughter of Tantalus Region of ancient Greece Northern sea duck Grape, in botany Big -, Calif. 1' 1T It's a nothing examination, really. It isn't complicated, it doesn't hurt, and it only takes a few minutes. If you don't know how, ask your doctor to show you. Or ask us, the American Cancer Society. We've got a simple little leaflet that shows you. Consider all the years ahead of you. A few minutes out of your life once a month is very cheap insurance, don't you think? Don't be afraid. It's what you don't know that can hurt you. Write or call your local Unit today. Please? t j « 1 , V' , .- l FINANCIAL AID SPRING-SUMMER TERM, 1975 Application materials for the Spring-Summer Term (includina Full-Time Work-Study Employment) are now available in the Office of Financial Aid, 2011 S.A.B. Limited fundinq available; priority given to students qraduatinq in August or December, and to students for whom summer attendance is a necessity. APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 14, 1975 SAM'S STORE b LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionols Button Fly Sto-Prest Bells 40 44 share): Slang Celestial 7 structure 8 Reddish-brown pigment 9 Part of a jagged 10 rrZ1124 DOWN Pads Kimono sash Car Head Unavailable be- cause already committed Settle accounts Fine net Station in a given place Lawyer: Abbr. Designating the 15 =6r71 38 39 41 42 43 46 49 50 53 54 57 59 121 - - - I - I - - I. *- - - 18 il :, Y.N .. . . . .. Y., . _ . 4. 4 p . LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs Hooded Sweatshirts . .from $5.98 Flannel Shirts from $4.98 16 29 I .. i) i I I 11 "% r-'%%A rN 1 1 A m r-%x /, . ueNu u-m i 11 136 1 137 138 1 i r Ida 1 1 141 1 142 !,