rage Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January I1, 1975 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY y ".l..wa Jt . '1' . r111 {A ,S .: A''T 1h"A i1VJJi' . d'yv '1 :' {'...5'}. 5".." Nl'."". R"'' Y.". .::r { ....rr,:4".yr j "44"r'i " .y44,4: ri4 4:ti ,}''; } at {, t 4+"{t , "r .;:,"t. x R" N.' i t.v."r,: ".,4: row{ 's?4 ' "'': I / TO A "-N !"1 : . r:: y' ti,:; ^': : .=:: ? ' .y, }n ?: : t_: };:; ; tip: v: . :{"". ' 1 :\'. :' Y y.} + y y a;.1, : t'+ 4 .° 'r: S iii s% :ti;:" " .. .$ '+ : :-:_:e ', nti ' ;aid :}t ::':J .ti 'fi ' .:;;f .wcur.a+w.i'. rirn'w'.. -. -. .^. .mv ,>.. ry."e.M1Y'..sY4.fiii"R 4.4'l."..MMa54Y.C:t'.'iSY::'AAf.'CJi':'i"CY.S T 'i :r.11 "... . 5'. ti tom: 4' ."' i i S S 5 : N l ' 2.' .. . ... Marceau warms Powe audience, By MARNIE HEYN A sold-out crowd at the Power Center last .ight bestowed a standing ovation on Marcel Marceau for his first of three concerts presented by the University Musi- cal Society. Marceau amply demonstrated the four-dimensional imagination and technical virtuosity that have made .him a global favorite with audiences of all ages and classes. His mimes in last night's concert ranged from effectively simple charades to more abstract and narrative pieces. THE DISTINCTIVE Marceau mime style was the uni- fying theme of the evening. In The Public Garden, he portrays typical denizens of a public park as diverse as knitting granny, a ballroom man, a hop-scotcher, a dog- walker, a child with a scooter, lovebirds and an old man with a cane. One could almost smell spring flowers. A more abstract contrasting performance was The Dress . . . Memories of a Past Love. Marceau had an unexpected partner whose name did not appear on the program: a bat, disturbed by the heat and light of a fresnel lamp, made several graceful swoops cross the stage. The style pantomime Contrasts explored the interfaces of human relationships to carnival tunes and martial music. Marceau portrayed clown and firing squad target, drummer and carney mark in rapid-fire alteration. In BIP at the Ballroom, Marceau presented his fam- ous flower-sniffing alter-ego who waltzed with various odd-sized partners, brawled over a girl, and got drunk and bounced into the street. SEVERAL MIMES spotlighted Marceau's impeccable technique. The Pickpocket's Nightgnare employed Mar- ceau and four disembodied hands which spanned the stage in mind-tickling optical illusions. In BIP Plays David and Goliath, he ducked behind a black flat to accomplish his Superman-style appearance changes. Marceau credits the silent screen comedians, espe- cially Charlie Chaplin, for being his inspiring geniuses. In BIP Travels by Train, he turned out a thoroughly Chap- linesque version of the joys of coping with gravity and bodily fluids intransit. The high point of the evening was Marceau's classic The Maskmaker, a masterful 'comment on comedy and tragedy and a stylistic triumph. .... ::w!Y.e .m . . . .. . .. ' . ,..{i '"':!: .W-..:?; .:: t.. .?...4"J""'1"""_ .:t ~... . .1_ T professor aids Sovi s i. (Continued from Page 1) amzin, who is helf-Jewish, had outcry, Maramzin's conviction applied for a visa to Israel for and sentencing are a foregone himself and his family. conclusion. He would probably HE WAS arrested on the day be sentenced to a term of seven he went to pick up the visa. years of hard labor followed by exile. Maramzin's friends re- ONE OF THE most sinister port that due to the writer's aspects of the affair is its anti- poor health this would be a Semitic undertones. A trial wit- virtual death warrant. ness, Yakov Vinkovetsky, has written, "The case that the of- RUSSIAN defenders of Mar- ficials have started is against amzin stress that pressure from the intellectuals, but it turns the West must come before the out somehow that all the same trial if it is to have any effect. it is anti-Semetic. All who were Proffer says Maramzin has called in connection with the never been a political activist. case are Jews or half-Jews. He describes Maramzin as a And, as far as I know, all of He dscries ararzin s athem want to leave Russia." writer whose work is divided Numerous organizations have between his published material Numerus r- ts- which includes widely-read stories for children and his pri- vately written satirical prose. gets Brodsky .has described Mar- amzin as "the most outstandingf Russian prose writer of the for post-war generation."E "WA~VT IS frightening in thel servL Ice j obs case of Maramzin is precisely that he is simply a writer," (Continued from Page 1) IBrodsky explained. "In no (otiudfmPge) sense is he a dissident. As with a minimum of fifteen per cent every true writer, his primary of the workers by January 31, concern has been use of the and an additional fifteen per language and feeding of his cent by February 28. The re- family, rather than dealing maining jobs will be filled as with governmental authorities. soon as possible. These he simply ignored. But in Russia this is not easy to do. "THIS IS one of the quickest The government treats its sub- pieces of legislation the Con- Sjets either as enemies oreas gress ever passed. It's obvious slaves, and all the more so! sonmebody in Washington was when they are writers." panicking, and they should be," As Maramzin's life itself Grimm commented. AsMr'z'=1f isl Besides the city and county may well be at stake, Proffer bs te cityond county believes every possible effort. Jobs, some positions will be R to bliizesvrsasle mestfbravailable through other govern- made quickly. He asks stu- mental agencies or private, dents and faculty to send tele- non-profit organizations that gram or letters to Sen. Robert qualify for CETA subgrants. Griffin (R-Mich) or President After these organizations are Ford. Petitions on Maramzin's approved, eligible people will behalf will be circulated Mon- apply to them directly. day and Tuesday at 3016 MLB. .But approval of these agen- Names can also be added to the cies may take some time. Due iet writer President reveals massive tax cut ;i C sent telegrams to the Soviet (Continued from Page 1) government. American artists Atomic Workers International{ including James Dickey, Nor- Union approved a contract offer man Mailer, Philip Roth, Ber- from Gulf Oil Corp. which would nard Malamud, Lionel Trilling, raise wages 26.8 per cent over Christopher Lehmann - Haupt two years. The settlement avert- and William Stryon have sent ed, at least temporarily, a labor telegrams to-protest to the Len- strike against the nation's oil ingrad branch of the Union of companies. Sovoet Writers, and to Soviet -The Labor Department re- President Podgorny. Most un- leased figures showing the big- precedented was a telegram gest two-month decline in non- which the reclusive and revered farm payroll jobs since 1945. Vladimir Nabokov sent to the There was a 1.1 million drop in Union of Writers. the number of such jobs in Poet Brodsky begged for ac- November and December. tion from Americans. "I appeal -A BRIEF stampede devel- to everyone who holds a pen in oped in Atlanta as several his hand to step forth in de- thousand persons showed up at fense of Vladimir Maramzin" he the Civic Center to apply for wrote in the current issue of 225 public service jobs. the New York Review of Books. -Ford Motor Co. said it is "For literature is the spiritual closing 10 of its 14 U.S. car property of all, and no one can assembly plants and seven truck nlants for a week in layoffs af- fecting 85,175 workers. But the decision on a tax cut makes it virtually certain Americans will have a substan- tial tax break this year, since most congressional leaders al- ready are on record in favor of such a move. The purpose would be to put more money in the hands of consumers to encourage them to spend the nation out of the deepening recession. ADMINISTRATION officials said the President has not de- cided exactly how the $15 bil- lion tax cut would be distribut- ed. But they said one proposal being considered by Ford is a 10 per cent reduction in 1974 individual income taxes, which would be refunded either in special rebate checks or through red' ctions in tax payments. The President decided on the 19 billion figlure after receiving a urianirnous recommendation for such a step from a presti- gious 16-member labor-manage- ment committee. The committee urged lower withholding taxes for 1975 and a substantial increase in the investment tax credit for busi- ness to 12 per cent to spur lag- ging investment activity. THE COMMITTEE favored a gradual tax cut to extend over the entire year, rather than the one-shot reduction for 1974 en- visioned by administration eco- nomics advisers, although the total reduction of $15 billion would be the same. be allowed to lay hands on it. When speaking of all those who hold a pen in their hands, I appeal not only to writers, but to readers as well. For the im- prisoning of a writer is the same as the burning of a book." .j I I i : . jy {{( I[I 1 ! I I . . Kosher Meat Ko-op First ordering meeting of the semester. Sunday, Jan. 12 7 p.m. at HILLEL 1429 Hill St. 663-3336 Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert in 1934 IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT As director Frank Capra tells it, Clark Gable came into his office very drunk and despondent that he was being sent to "Siberia"-that is, on loan from MGM to a minor studio-to star in this quickie bus picture. He was way off course then for this funny story about a spoied heiress who runs. away and a new hound reporter who follows her is the one in which he was crowned "king" and won an Academy Award. It was the First Film to sweep all Five Oscars. SUNDAY: AKA CASSIUS CLAY (at7,& 10:15) JACK JACKSON (at 8:30) CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT OLD ARCHITECTURE AUD. at 7 & 9:05 Adm. only $1.00 . .. ... Sv .. , frh ~:2ty"".i{7{=G+f.' i:, G' gr .r 5 ;+r," ? S: ::}:i Lstf di sidents destroyed petitions by calling 763-0239. It appears that local Lenin- grad authorities believed Mar- amzin' s name so unfamiliar to non-Russians that they could do away with him quietly. Fol- lowing initial harassment, Mar- to the speed with which the i program is being implemented, the local CETA office hasn't even drawn up subgrant appli- cations yet. This, Grimm said, will be done over the weekend, explain- ing that recently "this office has been a mad house." Lapy ew pNear 's Sale WASHINGTON (-The CIA told : the Justice Department that last year it destroyed lists of 9,000 to 10,000 American radicals whose names had been furnished to the agency by the department, according to a Ford administration official. There was no indication why the agency would have destroy. ed the lists. However, the offi- cial, who declined to be identi- fied, said late Thursday night that the Justice Department has been given to believe that the CIA's counterintelligence divi- sion maintained its own sepa- rate list of domestic dissidents. ACCORDING to the adminis- tration source, the CIA also has told the Justice Department that it made no use of the names of radicals supplied by the ;department in 1970 as po- tential targets of surveillance on' their trips abroad. The source said CIA told the de- partment it had destroyed the list in March 1974. Spokesmen for both CIA and the Justice Department de- clined to comment yesterday. In a related development, the I Army announced it has found some intelligence information on political activities of Ameri- can civilians in a microfilm li- brary nearly four years after records were supposed to have been purged. SECRETARY of the Army Howard Gallaway ordered the file, located in a counterintel- ligence analysis and research office, to be "rescreened on a priority basis for the purpose of eliminating all material on United States civilians not af- filiated with the Department of' Defense which is not retainable under current regulations." Earlier, James Devine, for- merly a member of the Ju;tice Department's civil disturbance group, said that the names of 9,000 to 10,000 radicals were' sent to the CIA in 1970. Devine, now with the department's Law Enforcement Assistance Admin- istration, said he was rea&:>n-' ably sure that these were the, names referred to by The New York Times in published re- ports that the agency kept files on 10,000 American citizeis. MIXED BOWLING LEAGUES SIGN UP NOW UNION LANES Open 11 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 1 p.m. Sundays Michigan Union Il ROTC credit urged. .-. .. - - - Cjontinued fromn Page i) Dean of Academic Affairs *Management - Leadership Charles Morris commented, (Business Administration, Engi- "It's like a blank check that neering, Education); would allow the Curriculum " Technical, non - military Committee to vary credit within (Engineering, Natural Resourc- each of the ROTC programs. es); and This gives them some latitude." O Military (No academic Morris added, "I think the equivalence). sub-committee is saying that if A sub-committee member the faculty makes this one said that the committee did not change, which is to adopt their recommend credit for the fourth recommendation, then credit category which "contained can be varied." courses too military to contain A SUB - COMMITTEE mem- enough purely academic con- ber downplayed the effect the tent." He declared, "We didbedonlydtefecth not recommend credit for cour- recommendation would have if ses on how to kill people." accepted by the faculty. "There While the Curriculum Com-are so few ROTC students in mittee must decide which cour- LSA that it isn't going to make ses are to receive credit, he a big splash." speculated that "a course like Morris agreed that the rein- the Navy's Amphibious War- stated credit's immediate im- fare would probably be out." pact would be small because THEsubcomitte mmbe of the few numbers of LSA THE sub-committee member RT tdns described the history-political ROTC students. science ranked courses as "to- He added, however, "It might tally inoffensive to anyone. They have real impact if it opens up have non-military textbooks and the opportunity for non-ROTC can be applied to any citizen." students to receive credit for The sub - committee recom- ROTC." Morris explained, mended that a maximum of 12 "Participation by non-ROTC credit hours earned in ROTC students could have an educa- courses, be counted toward LSA tional impact on students and degree credit and set a limit of the program." six hours in any of the three COMMENTING on the sub- groups. committee's favorable recom- Cnurses in the first group mendation Morris said, "I prob- would be counted as LSA cour- ably would support it at the ses, not subject to the 12-hour moment because it is consist- degree limit, while courses in ent with my own impression of, the other two groups would be the program." nn..ntA a cnn- T C A - htrga The Tech Hif i New Year's Sale. Get a pair of new ears for half price when you buy any complete sale system. Good stereo headphones make familiar music sound dramatically different. Bass notes sound bassier. High notes are higher, clearer. Even vocals sound more real- istic. Chances are, until you've. listened to stereo headphones you've never heard real stereo. It's like getting a new pair of ears! So we're making our New Year's Sale a New Ears Sale as well. With every complete system, we're offering a pair of Superex PRO B VI headphones at half lrice. 1975 components at 1974 prices. We have the manufacturer's new lines in stock right now for the New Year's Sale. New Pioneer components, Nikko receivers, and BSR turntables. And many, many other resp- ected brands. But we're sell- ing them at last year's (1974) prices. And we don't mean last year's lisi prices, we mean last year's Techi //l prices! The discounts are considerable. As a matter of fact, during our New Year's Sale - complete music systems start as low as $139! K ENWOOO ~r.'TIF rz2 Save money, but not at the expense of your peace of mind. During this sale, all complete systems are cov- ered by Tech Hifi's four- teen customer satisfaction guarantees. Important guarantees like a one-year speaker trial, ninety-day 100% trade-in, and a seven day moneyback guarantee. Come in and ask us for a free copy of the 48-page 1975 Tech Hifi Buyer's Guide. It has all the guar- antees spelled out clearly, plus special money-saving coupons good until Jan. 31. Save $76 on this New Year's stereo system. Save $76 on a great- sounding system featuring a Kenwood 2400 am/fm stereo receiver, two Ohm E loud- speakers and a Pioneer PL 10 belt-drive turntable with base, dustcover and an ADC 90 Q induced magnetic cartridge. This week only:41 The Tech Hif i New Year's Sale. This week! ,A Quality Components at the Right Price