GEO DEMANDS See Editorial Page Y L Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Da3 itj WINTERLY High-3S Low-2 See Today for details Vol. LXXXV, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 5, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages F EE &.E S fAPP H A CALEyNY Women's Year The Women's Movement received an official shot in the arm yesterday from the Ann Arbor City Council which passed a resolution establishing 1975 as International Women's year. The resolution, prgposed by councilwoman Colleen McGee, held that "Ann Arbor . . . has long been in the fore- front of legal and social changes pertaining to the status of women and wishes to encourage others to recognize the equal status of women as co- partners in all areas of endeavor." Not a leg to stand on An attempt on the part of the Sheriff's Depart- ment to save money backfired last week, when a convicted robber and rapist signed himself out of University hospital. The charges against him had been temporarily dropped, so the county would not have to pay his hospital bills. Sheriff Department officials planned to recharge the criminal when he was released from the hospital. It appeared to be a fairly safe idea, because he only had one leg. The other had been recently amputated. But on Janu- ary 26 the one legged criminal requested an immediate discharge, and with no legal hold over him, authorities granted it. Fortunately, after sev- eral'days of silence from the Sheriff's Department, the rapist was picked up at a relative's home in Westland, and returned to Washtenaw County Jail. Equal justice? A controversial landlord-tenant ordinance passed 7-4 by Ypsilanti's city Council Monday night. The ordinance will supposedly accelerate enforcement of housing infractions. The bulk of the ordinance is composed of the most common violations of the S v housing code, and offenses against the new ordinance will be criminal, and not civil as they were previously. But this new law can work two ways. Both landlords and tenants can charge each other with violations. However Councilmember Martin Gillentine (R-5th ward) opposed the bill because he believes it is unfair to landlords. "It is another case of harassment and intimidation of the people who foot the bill for the city," he said. " Happenings ,... ... are extensive today, beginning with a semi- nar sponsored by the Art School and conducted by attorneys Edward Needleman and Bob Kafin on the Artist and the Environmental Law from 10 to 12 in Rm. 2114 in the Art and Architecture Bldg. . . . the Guild House Campus Ministry presents a Lun- cheon discussion on the Personal Values in Per-' sonal Relationships at noon in Guild House at 802 Monroe St. ... at 2 p.m. there will be a panel dis- cussion on Indians and the Criminal justice sys- tem in the Lawyers Club Lounge . . . and for the science buffs, Peter Van Dresser will speak on Biotechnique Recentralization at 3:15 p.m. in 2104 of the Art and Architecture Bldg. . . . Indians are a popular subject today, with Regina Brave Dixon and Bob Yellow Bird will speaking on the Indian movement . . . at 7:30 p.m. in the Anderson Rm. of the Union, there will be a teach-in called "Bus- ing, What are the Issues," pertaining to the past busing trouble in Boston . . . the East Wind Song And Dance Troupe will present a culture night, with songs, an Asian-American poetry reading, songs, skits relating to the Asian-American experi- ence, and refreshments . . . And for those of you interested in enlightment, Tyage Ji, a cosmic transmitter, will be holding open sessions at 7:30 tonight in the Friends Meeting House. Ford still sinking And President Ford continues to dive. Accord- ing to a recent Harris Poll, his public standing has hit a new low, with 60 per cent of the American people reacting to him negatively. The survey reported Monday that Ford's popularity is down ten percent from last month. 72 percent of those polled said he had been unsuccessful in keeping the economy healthy, 51 per cent said he didn't inspire confidence while only 22 per cent said he did, and ten percent were unsure. "These latest Harris Survey results may be tied closely to the peoples rejection of Ford's proposed tax on oil imports, which meets with better than two to one opposition," the Harris organization said. Almost ungratefully dead Guitarist Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead and Kingfish got into an argument with his wife Frankie, and after exchanging some heated words, she ran into a bedroom and shot herself with a .22- caliber pistol. Ms. Weir, a former dancer who presently heads a travel service, suffered a serious stomach wound. 0 On the inside ... . . Edit page features an interview with Jean Pierre Debris about his experiences in Viet Nam .Onarts page Robin Hergott describes a de- lectable beef stroganoff . . . and on the sports page, Ray O'Hara writes on Wolverine wrestler Mark Johnson. On the outside... A oar A an *n v t ut mm- cl, c' k Actnrm cvre t U.S. cuts off aid to Turkey Kissinger attacks iliitary funds loss* WASHINGTON ( - All U.S. military aid to Turkey was cut at midnight last night in accordance with Con- gressional action last year. The move provoked an angry reaction from Turkish leaders, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called it "a tragedy". Congress voted last year to cut off U. S. military aid to Turkey unless substantial progress had been made in negotiations between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus. The deadline for those negotiations was last night. Doily Photc by PAULINE LUBENS A thousand times no! Randy Culp, an engineering student, entertains in "An Evening of Mime and Pantomime" last night in the Residential College Au- ditorium. Joining Randy in the brilliant performance were Kar en Risdon and Seth David, both Residential College students. EFFECTIVE TOMORROW: Sandberg quits SGC By KATE SPELMAN The long awaited and hinted at resignation -of Student Gov- ernment Council (SGC) presi- dent Carl Sandberg became reality yesterday, when Sand- berg announced he would leave his post at tomorrow's council meeting. In his resignation letter, Sand- berg said that "an inability to find employment in the Ann Arbor area" was behind the move. HE SAID "registration as a University of Michigan student is a prerequisite for serving as a student government officer, and without a source of income I cannot register for the current academic term." Early last month it was re- vealed that Sandberg had not been enrolled in the Fall semes- ter. At that time, the council leader announced he would make a decision to enroll or resign by February 1. But Sandberg did not release his decision until yesterday after hints were dropped repeatedly during the last few weeks that this resignation was immenent. Sandberg indicated he had de- layed the announcement until certain items on the SGC agen- da, including the controversial payment of $5,000 to Tom Bent- ley, SGC legal advocate, were passed by council. SGC EXECUTIVE Vice Presi- dent, Reddix Allen will replace Sandberg. The leading candi- dates for Allen's vice presidency are believed to be David Faye, current SGC Coordinating Vice President, and Calvin Tucker, present Director of Student Or- ganizations. Sandberg became SGC presi- dent when Lee Gill resigned last winter. Sandberg was at that time the president of the Rack- ham School Government, and held an elected seat on council. It was his investigation into Gill's alleged embezzlement that brought Sandberg into the SGC limelight. Sandberg called a political party, formed around himself, the "Reform Party," and his major issue became cleaning up council's tangled finances. "I'VE BEEN playing the same note on the piano since I came to office, that of re- form," he said recently. "We did our best to reform the mechanism to make it cost effective." "If you compare SGC in the last 13 months to the SGC in the previous three years, it is ob- vious that this last 13 months have been the more cost Zfec- tive. It all points up to just better government," Sandberg claimed. HOWEVER, Sanberg's term in office was plagued by yet another in a long string of con- troversial SGC elections - the fall 1974 balloting suffered from the lowest voter turnout in re- cent SGC history. Sandberg was low-key in com- parison to the flamboyant and controversial predecessors. The most visible actions taken by his administration were a series of civil suits against GI, former post SGC president Bill Jacobs, and former council treasurer David Schaper for the alleged mis- management of thousands of dollars of SGC funds. Asked what he hoped for coun- cil's future recently, Sandberg said "I hope it will restrict its activities to the constitutents of SGC in a direct way, and that should be done with greater cost effectiveness, more con- stituent participation, and more allocation to the immediate campus." He added, "Students should take a more active role in SGC. They should get on committees, come to meetings and crucify their student representatives when they don't come through for them." K I SS I N G E R S A I D yesterday he is consulting with congressional leaders to see about a compromise that would allow U. S. military aid to Tur- key to continue. He noted the midnight cutoff and said: "It is a tragedy." "It will not help the negotia- tions and it will weaken the defense of the West," he told newsmen after a closed-door briefing for the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Kissinger said that a plan for him to meet with the foreign ministers of Turkey and Greece in Brussels on Saturday is only tentative. At the State Department, s"okesman Robert Anderson put doubts on such talks when he said the scheduled cutoff of American aid to Turkey "puts an entirely different dimension" on the matter. HE ADDED that any meet- ings Kissinger might have with Foreign Minister Melih Esen- bel of Turkey and his Greek counterpart, Dimitri Bitsios, "may or may not take place." Anderson's statement came shortly after a diplomatic source in Brussels reported that Esenbel would be in Brussels Saturday for talks with Kissin- ger. The prosoect of a Kissinger meeting with the Greek and Turkish officials arose last week. American sources indi- cated the talks would take place in Brussels some time no later than Feb. 10 while Kissinger was on his way to the Middle East. ANDERSON SAID that U. S. government agencies have been informed to cut off all sales of defense items and services to Turkey as well as all credits to finance such transactions. The spokesman added that no licenses will be issued by the government for the transporta- tion of arms, ammunition, "and implements of war, including technical assistance." And any equipment now in route to Turkey will be stop- ped and diverted elsewhere, Anderson said. TURKISH REACTION was harsh and swift. Premier Sadi Irmak said that the U. S. Con- gress "erred gravely" in cut- ting off the aid, and the move will force Ankara to change its relationship with the United States. He said the congressional de- cision will not influence this country's policy toward Cyprus, See TURKEY, Page 2 Heath - resigns as Tory Ie" .der By The AP and Reuter LONDON - Edward Heath stepped down- as head of the Conservative Party yesterday after a stunning upset by Mar- garet Thatcher, a 49-year-old former education minister who now stands a chance to become Britain's first woman prime minister. Thatcher failed to gather enough votes to win the party leadership on the first ballot, however. Heath, who headed the Con- servatives for 10 years, was up- set by Thatcher 130-119 in a secret ballot among Tory mem- bers of the British Parliament. HEATH, prime minister from June, 1970, to March, 1974, had expressed grim determination to remain at the helm of the party, despite losing the last two general elections to Harold Wilson's Labor Party and grow- ing criticism of hisleadership. Thatcher faces a second bal- lot a week from yesterday be- cause she failed to pull an absolute majority. A dark horse, Hugh Fraser, received 16 votes, while 11 Conservative parlia- mentarians did not vote. Thatcher, the former educa- tion minister, said the time has come forta woman prime minis- ter in Britain. She gathered with elated supporters and told re- porters she was "cautiously con- See HEATH, Page 2 Heath Few students disturbed over LSA ROTC no-credit decision By STEPHEN HERSH Few students displayed strong displeasure yesterday at the de- cision by the faculty of the lit- erary college (LSA) not to re- instate LSA credit for courses taught in the ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) pro- gram. "Being involved in ROTC in- volves a big time commitment," noted a senior in the program between classes at North Hall. "When you're carrying 16 credit hours and taking classes here too it's a strain. It's like having a part time job. "BUT," HE added, "a lot of Ford's food plan Iblocked by House the courses here don't reaily de- serve c r e d i t. The quality of some of the instruction i3n't as high as the quality of most of what's offered in the Univer- sity." A second year Army ROTC student remarked, "Some of the courses demand more work than the average LSA course, and some of the teaching is just as good. So credit for those courses would have been jus- tified. "It doesn't make that much difference, though," he con- tinued, "because there aren't many of those courses. A lo' of classes taught here are also taught in LSA, and taught bet- ter there. And a lot of the courses here are strictly nmili- tary." LSA SOPHOMORE R o b b i e Gordon's feelings about the fac- ulty's decision betrayed a quite different perspective on the ROTC program. "I'm really happy they denied them credit," he said. "War should not be taught on a campus." Junior Robert Miller, an or- ganizer of the Comm:.tee to Stop ROTC, was l i k e w i s e pleased by the decision. "It shows that student support can still be mobilized to exert in- fluence. These political issues are not dead on campus." A r m y Commanding Officer Colonel Kenneth Irish refused to comment yesterday on the faculty action, but earlier in the weektermed the action "un- fair," and voiced c-acern that New sports facility lacks women's locker rooms Navy Lieutenant Jerry Mul- lins, a ROTC senior class in- structor, said yesterday, "It doesn't make terribly much dif- ference to the Navy. Students deserve credit for the worK they do, but the fact that they're here shows they are willing to do the work without the ;:redit. "They can already get engi- neering school credit, ' he noted. "I don't think it will make any difference in enrollment." WASHINGTON (Reuter)-The House vited overwhelmingly yesterday to block Ford ad- ministration plans that would trim food stamp benefits to the poor on March 1. The vote was 374-39 on a has- tilv drafted bill which would freeze the cost to food stamp reninients for the rest of the year at levels in effect last January 1. A TOTrAIL of 105 Republicans abandoned the Administration line and voted with 269 Demo- crats auainst immediate cujts in the po"nilar program. Only 34 Renlhlinans stood by the Presi- OPPONENTS contend the the elderly poor. Indeed, some aged, blind and disabled poor would have to spend $45 for $46 worth of stamps under the new schedule, leaving them with an effective monthly benefit of just one dollar. The Senate Agriculture Com- mittee was to consider identical legislation today, and committee sources said they expected the bill to be cleared by the full Senate by tomorrow at the latest. A similar one-sided vote in the Senate could discourage Ford from vetoing the bill, since By STEVE ROSS The new University Multi-Sports building, a $1.4 million tennis and track structure opened two months ago, is already being attacked by its users as inadequate. The biggest complaint, from female athletes, is that the structure, completely lacks women's locker and shower facilities. "WE ONLY have a bathroom-there are no lockers or showers for women," said Diane Czernecki, a member of the women's tennis team, yesterday. "You would expect this in an older gym, like Waterman," she added, "but not in a brand new building." Another team member, Andy Laffey, charg- ed that "each of the male teams has their own locker room and whirlpool bath. We feel this is discriminatory." When asked about the charges last night, Charles Harris, an administrative assistant in the Athletic Department, said, "We are aware April. Harris said yesterday that 1,600 persons have already been given memberships. The lowest student rate for use of the tennis courts is four dollars. Czernecki claimed that "the Athletic Department is really raking it in on these courts. Football gives them a lot of money, but this is big, too." DESPITE THE FEES, the courts are readily taken. "Reservations for tomorrow were filled between 8 and 8:20 a.m. today," Harris said. He added that court hours have been extended to help deal with the overcrowding. Another major problem created by the new building are unattended children. "When the facility first opened," Harris said, "there were a lot of little kids running around unsuper- vised." Officials are concerned that a young- ster could be injured. For that reason, children under college age are only allowed in the building on Sunday morning between 10 a.m. and noon, and then I