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January 11, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-11

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 84

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January H1, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

The 'U' rated
It's another point for our team: a national survey
of college deans shows that Michigan is one of five
universities having the, greatest number of top-
flight professional schools. _ The results of the
survey were published in the Winter 1974 issueof
Change, a magazine for higher education. The Uni-
versity's School of Dentistry and School of Public
Health both were ranked Number One in the na-
tion by the deans in those professions. The School
of Library Science and School of Social Work both
tied for second place with other universities. Rank-
ed third in their professions were Michigan's Law
School and School of Music. The University of
Michigan and Berkeley were the only public in-
stitutions to rank in the top five. The others were
Columbia, Harvard and the University of Chicago.
Freshpersons rated
In some ways our freshperson class is different
from other universities, and in some ways they're
not. And most of the- differences are far more
quantitative than qualitative, according to a re-
cent study conducted by the Americans Council
on Education and the University of California. The
study was based on questionnaires completed by
855 of the 4,531 University students who began
classes last fall. 16.5 per cent of our freshpersons
consider a woman's place primarily in the home,
compared with 24.7 percent nationally. Interesting-
ly, roughly two-thirds of the University students
who affirmed that sentiment were men. 41.2 per
cent at the University thought there are too many
rights for criminals, eight per cent less than
the national average. And, predictably, 61.1 per
cent of the 'U' students wanted marijuana legaliz-
ed. The national figure was only 47.2 per cent.
Happenings ...
... are scraping bottom today. But if an evening
of cracking your new textbooks really leaves you
cold, you might consider dropping in at the Guild
House, where the documentary film "Women in
Prison" will be shown, free, at 8 p.m. . . . Washte-
naw County Democrats will meet at 1 p.m. to
elect candidates to the state convention and sec-
ond congressional district caucus. That'll be at the
League, and all are invited to attend . . . panto-
mimist Marcel Marceau will perform in Power
Center at 8 p.m. . . . and astronomy slides, lecture
and discussion will be featured at the Plantarium
Exhibit Museum, 3 p.m.
Nobody's Dean
John Dean - the Brownsville, Kv., not Washing-
ton, D. C., version - was tired of hearing jokes,
snide remarks and laughter when he introduced
himself. The famous name -was making him an
,innocent victim of Watergate. So he changed it. "I
figure if I'm going to raise eyebrows, I might as
well do it with a name I choose. You might as well
go all the way," said the 34-year-old lawyer, newly
named Nathaniel John Balthazar Bumppo. His wife,
entered into the spirit of the thing as well. She's
now Dorothy Zooey Natalie Bumppo. Bumppo
claims his choice has nothing to do with the James
Fenimore Cooper hero of "Deerslayer." In fact,
he's never read the book - and doesn't want to. "I
don't want to go through another identity crisis,"
said Nathaniel Bumppo. Call him Natty for short.
Foo on you
In Birmingham, England, an argument between
a Chinese takeout restaurant proprietor and a cus-
tomer ended with them flinging rice and curry
sauce at each other. When police arrived at the
food bar, both men were covered with Chinese
food, a British court was told Thursday. The cus-
tomer was fined $12 for abusive behavior.
Mitty madness
Charles Webb, 22, always wanted to be a bus
driver. So he took- a new one from the storage

yards Thursday and began rolling along the streets
of San Francisco. He drove the bus for more than
an hour, even taking a break for a sandwich at
Fisherman's Wharf, before his adventure came
to a jolting end when he rail into a car driven by a
retired policeman. Webb was booked for stealing
a bus and speeding.
On the inside ...
. . . guest writer Mary Dryovage outlines legal
services on the Editorial Page . . . from the wilds
of Houghton, Mich., Fred Upton reports on the
results of the Michigan - Michigan Tech hockey
game on the Sports Page . . . and our weekly
Happenings calendar is accompanied by the Bridge
column on page 8.

A Literary College (LSA) sub-committee has
recommended that academic credit be reinstated
for some Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
The Daily yesterday obtained a copy of the
panel's report which will be formally presented
to the LSA Curriculum Committee on Tuesday.
EMPHASIZING that the sub-committee's report
was based, solely on the academic quality of
ROTC courses one member asserted, "Some of
the courses are really substantial. Some stu-
dents are really sweating."
The LSA Curriculum Committee, which or-
dered the investigation last October, appointed a
sub-committee of three faculty members and



Class quality called substantial

one student to examine the academic quality of
Army, Air Force, and Navy ROTC courses in
order to determine whether some courses merit
the academic credit - which was eliminated by
the LSA faculty in 1970.
The sub-committee's report must be approved
by the Curriculum Committee, which reviews
all academic courses and recommends proposed
alterations. It would then pass to the school's
Executive Committee and ultimately to the LSA
faculty for final approval before it becomes law.

AIR FORCE Colonel M. E. Grunzke lauded the
report as "wonderful," declaring, "That's cer-
tainly very good news."
Curriculum Committee member Professor Don-
ald Brown yesterday declined comment on the
report, but asserted, "I have always felt, includ-
ing back in 1969, that the issue should always be
decided on academic merit."
Other Curriculum Committee members were
unavailable or unwilling to comment on the re-
port until Tuesday's open discussion.
THE sub-committee intensively examined all

course material, interviewed the three ROTC
chairmen and LSA ROTC students, and solicited
evaluations of selected ROTC courses from rele-
vant LSA departments and other University
units in reaching its conclusion.
Instead of recommending that specific courses
receive a set number of credit hours, the com-
mittee divided the classes offered in the three
ROTC programs into four patterns, according to
their similarity or equivalence to courses offered
in other University units.
THE FOUR groups and the schools which offer
similar courses are:
O History-Political Science (LSA);
See ROTC, Page 2

President reveals






President Gerald Ford out-
lined his plan for a $15
billion cut in personal in-
come taxes yesterday to the
chairman of the House
Ways and Means commit-
tee who later declared, "we
have the ingredients for an
early package of tax relief
for the American people."
But Rep. Al Ullman (D-
Ore) indicated some mis-
givings about a reported
Ford proposal to distribute
the tax cut to Americans
through special tax rebate
checks for 1974 taxes.
"WE ARE NOT in agreement
on application," Ullman said
of procedures to implement the
tax cut he discussed in a White
House meeting with Ford. But
the congressman added that "on
net impact we are not that far
Ullman, whose committee
must initiate all tax legislation,
said Ford's program is 'wider
in scope than I had anticipat-
ed." He said it "encompasses
much of what I support" and
'pledged cooperation with Ford
in quickly considering tax relief

Ullman would not spell out
details of the Ford plan, but
administration sources reported
the President has decided to
propose a $15 billion cut in
personal income taxes. High
administration sources said this
would equal about $70 for every
OFFICIALS cautioned that
final details of the tax rebate
proposal are yet to be worked

In other economic develop-
-THREE of the nation's larg-
est commercial banks cut their
prime lending rates to 10 per
cent effective Monday. They are
First National City Bank of
New York and Bank of America,
the nation's two largest banks,
and Bankers Trust Co. of New
York, sixth largest bank.
-The Oil, Chemical and

County gets funds
to provide new jobs

Silent smash
Marcel Marceau, master on the pantomime, entertained a sell-out crowd at the Power Center
last night and received a standing ovation from his fascinated audience. (Seereview on Page 2.)


President Sandberg to quit

Federal funds totaling nearly
$1.2 mijlion will flow into
Washtenaw County to provide
123 new public service jobs un-
der Title VI of the recently
passed Comprehensive Employ-
ment and Training Act (CETA).
The county received the fed-
eral money to combat unem-
ployment estimated by local
CETA coordinator Fred Grimm
at 8 per cent in the county as
a whole and as high as 14 per
cent in Ypsilanti.
HOWEVER, funding for the
CETA jobs will run out after13
months, and there is no assur-
ance that people hired under the
program will still have posi-
tions once the money is gone.
Applications for the city and
county jobs, which will pay
about $7800 per year, will be
taken starting Monday at the
CETA office at, 212 S. Fourth
Avenue.Grimm said he expects
a big turnout: "People have
been calling us up all day."
Anyone who has been either
unemployed or underemployed
for thirty days will be eligible
for the jobs. An underemployed
person is defined as someone
who is either working less than
thirty hours per week or is em-
ployed full-time at wages below
the poverty level.
BUT because of the severity
of the local unemployment prob-

Student Government Council
(SGC) President Carl Sandberg
will resign next week, apparent-
ly as the result of questions of
his status as a student and his
failure.to find acceptable em-
ployment here, The Daily has
A high SGC official stated:
"By 11 p.m. next Thursday Red-
dix Allen will be (student body)
president." Allen is currently
Executive Vice President.
Sandberg will apparently re-
join the Army, in which he is
currently a Green Beret re-
SANDBERG, who b e c a m e
president a year ago, is the
third president since 1972 to
have his eligibility to hold the
office challenged.
Under the All-Campus Con-
stitution, in order to serve cn
Council one must have been en-
rolled in the last full term prior
to assuming office. Sandberg
has not been enrolled since
Winter 1974 and was elected to
a new term last October. -

of student funds.
Other officials confirmed re-
ports of the impending changes
in Council, saying, "anytime
you have a change in an ad-
ministration you can expect
some resignations."
This remark would appear to
be directed at current Treasarer
Elliot Chickofsky who stated:
"There are great philosophic
differences between me and

ments or removals from the
posts of vice president or treas-
urer require a majority of the
total votes on Council.
Allen was a little more cau-
tious in outlining his p-'litieal
"My current chances of be-
coming president are about 50-
50," he said. He did acknowl-
edge that Faye was "under
consideration" for vice presi-
dent but explained this savr g,
"Every vice president aas to
consider what he will Jo should
he become president."

Several sources have indi-
cated that Sandberg's plans will
come as no surprise to Allen.
Baker, when asked about his
possible appointment as trees-
urer, would only say "I have
heard the rumor."
Another name frequen'ly men-
tioned in the SGC sh:ke-up is
that of Walt Borland, currezly
Sandberg's special assistant fcr
legislative affairs. While no p,.st
for him has been mentioned
yet, Baker stated: "He is a
good man, I'm sure there is a
place open for him somewhe-e."

lem, especially in Ypsilanti,
Grimm hopes to have the eligi-
bility periodcut in half.
As the national unemploy-
ment situation has recently be-
come markedly worse, C E T A
offices have been ordered to
implement the plans immedi-
Locally, plans call for hiring
See COUNTY, Page 2
DETROIT (UPI) -'A three-
member Wayne County circuit
court panel yesterday denied a
request by Crestwood school of-
ficials to delay carrying out an
earlier order that would send
186 dismissed teachers back to
their desks Monday.
But the Crestwood board of
education filed an emergency
appeal hours later with the
state Court of Appeals, seeking
to overturn orders to rehire the
THE LATEST two develop-
ments left the situation as 'bit-
ter and confused as ever.
Teachers union leaders said
Crestwood teachers would re-
turn to classrooms Monday.
There were reports that angry
parents would refuse to allow
the teachers to resume. work
and that some of the district's
4,800 students would boycott
In their decision, two judges
voted to deny a motion to delay
the court's order issued 24 hours
earlier. A third judge, Joseph
Rashid, abstained.

pus Constitution,

the All-Cam-
any appoint-

U' professor aids Soviet
author facing trial, prison

For at least one writer in Russia, the
nightmarish vision of oppression de-
scribed in The Gulag Archipelago has
become a reality.
Vladimir Maramzin, a Leningrad au-

preserve for Russian culture all that has
been created by this great poet. Those
people who are now involved in perse-
cuting Brodsky will live to be proud of
Arc;nrd n t university Slaic Lan-


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