Sundoy, February 2, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Doge Five Sunday, February 2, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five ____ ____ ____ ___PRO FILE Join The Daily Staff A conductor's for the spirit By MARY LONG GET THERE, pull back the heavy double doors at the front of the church, start up the curving stairway and keep climbing. Climb past the sanc- tuary, past the numerous large and sunny rooms, up over the choirloft that is relieved from darkness only by the daylight filtering through w i n d o w s of stained glass. Donald Bryant, conductor and director of the University Musi- cal Society, waits in the door- way at the end of the hall. Into a room dominated by the blackness of an opened piano and a glass-enclosed bookcase protecting a library of oratorio scores. Choir robes in rich col- ors hang one after another on long racks. Bryant teaches the children's choir of the First Presbyterian Church here. There's a rehear- sal in less than an hour. "I do spread myself thin in some respects," he says regret- fully as he settles into a chair. IT'S THE understatement of the year. Bryant serves as the church's Director of Music in addition to his work as the con- ductor and director of the Uni- versity Choral Union, Festival Chorus, coordinator of the an- nual May Festival Concerts and staff member of the School of Music. When he has some "blocks of time" he is com- ! poser, pianist and vocalist. University students know him best as the director of the! Choral Union's annual Messiah concerts. Mention Handel and his eyes light up brighter than any church candles. "Absolute- ly glorious! The king-the move- ment of the vocal parts fit to- gether hand in glove. It's like the work of the great craftsmen. There's magnificent stonework found in Peru-I've never seen it, but I'm told that it is so per- fectly crafted that it is impos- sible to even fit a razor blade between the stones. Messiah's{ like that." He sees the oratorio ultimate- ly falling into place almost with- out his efforts or tht efforts of his singers. "With the Baro- que-once you get started-it' almost sings itself. The notes are known in this composition.1 I have to get to 'he spirit be- hind it. The entire work must be lifted off the ground." The lifting up or inspiration of passion f music clear andi understood." OBVIOUSLY no easy task and no one knows it better than Bryant. 'If I am a cisciplinar- ian, a pet fectionist, the disci- pline grows out of I w- It's not super-imposed. Loving music, I try to expand the scope of my vision of it and see a:1 the pos- sibilities that wait behind the problems. It's such an endless study. You find the most mar- velous things. It's fa, the un- earthing of these things that dis- cipline brings out. Just this "Once you get started with Handel's Messiah, it almost sings itself. The vocal movements fit together like a hand in a glove. I've heard there's stonework in Peru done so perfectly you can't fit a razor blade between the stones. Messiah's like that, like the work of any great craftsman." ":: : r,":::: o:^i:: s" ":, \ti1-i:$ :".". ".:o".v: .:....,.;..; ..:...::.:". rassam isi}::r'r:""?" is tmS"r .... r:..............rC s Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS about the composer;. and fan- signed with rows of names back tasized a lot. I saw how my on the mantle with reluctance. nill life Wo ImItniLCUUULItUWnX his groups through conducting is a complex and tenuous thing. He thinks very carefully as he explains it, his gaze falling na- turaly to his hands. "Conduct- ing is a mystical thing. On one hand everything must be in order-rhythm, dynamics, dic- tion. But then the spit itual has to take over and the spirit of the composer must prevail. It's a little like hypnotism. You at- tempt to inspire wish motion, the hands, the face. Some con- ductors utsr their far.s almost exclusively to draw out perform- ers. You raust mak3 everything beyond the mechanics of music morning, for example, 1 found something that finally v orks for me in a Chopin piece, that helps in the handling of the hands. I can't know where the idea came from, I just have to regin work- ing it out' He lo\ es Chopin. LA ves the entire age, calling himself "an incurable Romantic' with un- abashed p-ice. "That would be the era I'd have picked to live. You had Chopir and Liszt and Rossini and Verdi and Schubert and Tchaiknvsky. The writers were magmficent. Byron most espe- cially: I read a lot as a boy 'Bread and Roses: Changes through chemistry and sweat own mie was limiteadbut nowE it was l~osible to expand. I wanted to look up to someone greater me. I needed to see 'hat someone else could do." pRYANT SPENT b. boyhood! in Ohio, receiving his early musical training at Ot trlin. Af-I ter receiving a degree both in; music education and cumposi- tion, le served for four years! in Worid War II. He then re- turned to music, taking his graduate study in piano at Jul- liard. He spent twenty vei rs as di-' rector of the Columbus Boy Choir, traveling the world with the small group of gfted chil- dren that included his own two! sons. In 1969 he came to the? University. HlE'LL AGREE he ge's along with everybody 'sere, except- ing maybe "those p; o~ple whoI don't like music," his expres- sion denying the 3xistence of such a breed. He finds the trans-. formation of weary students and tired townspeople with limited singing experience into good vo- calists the most exciting aspectt of his job. "I expect a lot of them," he says, sounding like he means it, "they can go a long way and I'm here to train them and en-l courage them. Any inhibitions are with me-the teacher-andl not with my students." Ultimately, Donald Bryant ist a teacher. He is almost boyish- ly eager when he displays the room f i lI e d with costumes, paper-mache a n i m a I heads, bolts of bright fabric and head- dresses that are the mainstay of the performances the church vocal groups give under his di-! rection. A stone ledge in one corner of his office supports cards that children have given him. "I keep all of them of course," he says, setting one G "JN TEACHING," he says eag- erly, "you a r e repeating something, yes, but you are ap- proaching it in a new way. Great things are never old- they'll bear continual repetition. Anything can be accomplished.4 It's a known fact that people' want to develop themselves. We always grasp out for the un- known-this is natural." Leonard Bernstein once told a television interviewer that nothing comes instantly except death" and D o n a I d Bryant agrees. He 'tells his Choral Union group that the greatest of the virtues is tenacity. "You have to be willing to play a passage on the piano a thousand times if that's what's needed. Keep chipping away at difficul- ties and you can master them. So many young artists don't have this patience and it is ab- solutely necessary. W it h o u t groundwork, and without untir- ing discipline, there is nothing." "Of course, in teaching, if theE students are happy, the disci- pline takes care of itself. After all, the music is a way of talk- ing together. It's a very social thing." HE LEANED near the black- board filled with chalked quarter notes and bearing the legend, "The Bar Line." "I enjoy music very much." he said.. It was the understatement of the year. Free Instruction Pocket Billiards Wed., Feb. 5 3:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. Mich. Union , + e- There IS a . Sdifference!!!' * PREPARE FOR:-" SOver 35 years " : MCAT -x: " and success 0 SATSmall classes : LSAT Voluminous home " GRE study materials " SD Courses that are a :a ATGSB constantlyupdately - : OCAT Tape facilities for * reviews of class P AT lessons and for use.B of supplementary a S FLEX materials " Make-ups for , : ECFMGi lessons : NAT'L MED DDS " THOUSANDS HAVE * RAISED THEIR SCORES * " write or call:" * (313) 354-0085 " " 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. " " Southfield, Mi. 48015 * 0 K -N'1~ : * EDUCATIONAL CENTER S P A N i "" EDUCATIONALSCENER (Continued from Page 3) the impulsive actors were ing too much fun to put a to their antics. All of the songs in the are taken from the actual W. songbook and are folks set to the words of Joe Hill legendary leaders of the m ment. Hill's adaption of classic "Casey Jones" cle captured the bulk of atten this night. The quick, rhyth tune, along with Hill's hum ous lyrics, conjured up all of ideas in the active m. of the cast, and hams they are, they tried them Finally, after an exaspera hour on this one number, M interjected with a "Let's on, we'll get it later." Actu nothing tangible had been complished throughout whole furious flurry of c tive-and nervous-energy. Nonetheless, it is prec this super-interaction and tangible communication ar cast and crew alike that form the building blocks final production. Hall refe to the development of v form as a building people motions, a "collage of bod which develops through all disorder and, like a child a new chemistry set, he amazed at this human che try before him. The abilit "pick up clues from begin to end" to create a un whole alienated the poet playwright from his fam world and drew him to fore yet fascinating, ground. THIS SHIFT in commun tion was the basis of directorial direction adopte Meyer and, to some ext Hall. Meyer would sit back, mitting all the spontan choreography and ad-li lines to freely flow, acting to capture that one-in-a-th andth movement he might Then, only with the slghtest turing of the need or a time for a bit of role-playing, w he mold the effects he 4World Airways LUXURIOUS BOEING 747 JUMBOJES TO FRANKFUR Travel Group Charter Airfare $329.99 min $395.98 mi 1 May 26 June 19 March sired. the characters tnied in vain to hav- This gradual shaping became continue thein lines, but time halt apparent during the final week afteh time the action stopped of rehearsal. By this time the to correct tne coordination. show production had moved from the Though major, lighting was I.W. Trueblood Theater, where the not the only error. The symbol ongs initial rehearsals had been, to of unionization, flashed on the , the Power Center, where the final projection screen, would, from hove- production will be performed time to time, appear upside the this week. The previously empty down. A hat would be lost, eye- arly stage was now replaced with glasses misplaced. Throughout ntion the set, a construction com- it all Meyer quietly noted cor- hmic prised of two raised platforms rections that were yet to be dour- on a stairway. Half the cos- made. sorts tumes appeared on the charac- O MAYBE Donald Hall was inds ters and half on the hooks at- tach'right - the gap in the pic- that tached to the platform based. ture will not be fillen until all. Slides which will flash in lieu Wednesday night. From a seed ating of scenery were projected on of an idea harping on a man's eyer all sides of the stage. The light- artistic mind for ten years, to get ing crew was out in full force, a written script, to a mass ually The evidence of the meta- chaos, et set, costumes, lines ac- morphisis was in the atmos- and songs all on one stage, to! the phere. No longer did the cast the upcoming premier of an crea- have to be quieted with pleas 1 entirely original work, the of "This is serious business"; metamorphosis slowly t o o k isely they knew this was serious busi- place. No one could ever at- in- ness, as did the newly assem- tempt to categorically list all of nong bled t e c h n i c i a n s. Ev- I the steps in that transforma- must eryone knew their places, had tion. Perfection had not been of a their lines remembered their attained this night, nor would rred positions. All was set - or so it it be on the following. But isual seemed. when those final puzzle pieces with B make their way into the puz- ies But overnight miracles are zle, the completed picture will the rare, and the appearance of one have been worth the effort. with with this production was a de- _ sat lusion. Every other minute a mis- shout of "HOLD" resounded. DR. PAUL USLAN y to The largest problem was light- Optometrist ning ing. No sooner would an ac- ified tor's lines be heard from stage Full Contact Lens Service and left than a clear, bright spot- Visual Examinations iiliar light would appear stage right. 548 Church 663-2476 Wildly chasing their spotlights, __ DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS Lti p'ear r it v , 5 nica- the :d by; tent, per- eous bbed only sous- like. ges- out ould de- T Only pax. 26 N THEATRE PROGRAM :NTS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA PRESEN BREAD aid ROSES a new ploy by Donald Hall . . Look Into Co-ops I. FOR NEXT FALL WE ARE ... * member-owned " member-controlled * open & democratic 0 inexpensive COME TO THE CO-OP MASS MEETING SUNDAY, FEB. 9th-1:00 P.M. MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM Learn about student-owned housing on campus. All co-ops will hold open houses for all those interested in visiting them after the Mass Meeting. 14 Houses on Central Campus 9 Houses on North Campus Inter-Cooperative Council *.-,. ,r, , :iW()ij(,l sA 'I AN , ' 8 ', X75 80L17 ' Y, 'Us' y w {657=* I t r xiV;r l' - 4 rI U° . I -i t1 I I I