EXPENSIVE TANKS See Editorial Page Vol. LXXXV, No. 102 i 1 4 lz r 4I tr4Ian :4aiti UNINSPIRING High-T39 Low--23 See Today for details Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 1, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages NIXON LOSES DECISION Empty promises Last week's Ann Arbor Sun pound-of-Colum- bian giveaway has spurred still another fraud, and this one perpetrated upon the same hapless gentle- man who was sent to the Briarwood Mall to find a man in a pin-striped suit. The man, he was told, would lead him to his award in the secret drawing. This time, however, he was sent on an even more far-flung goose chase than before. Neighbors jok- ingly told him the offer may have been in earnest, so when he received a note and a key the follow- ing day in the mail, he took it seriously. Still cring- ing from his previous humiliation, he stole away to Detroit's Metro Airport, where the key he held would reportedly open a locker at the Delta ter- minal. It did, and he took his prize - a shoebox -away in >a black duffle bag. The contents, as he later learned, was a Coke bottle and appropriate- ly, an all-day sucker. Fleming reacts With reduced state appropriations putting the squeeze on the University budget, President Rob- ben Fleming issued a statement yesterday convey- ing his "disappointment." Governor Milliken's re-. commended four per cent budget slash will "pro- vide this institution with severe problems and a considerable challenge," he said. 01 - Happenings... * S are as scant as sunshine these days. The March of Dimes is sponsoring a lunch and fashion show at noon in Weber's Inn. For a mere $12.00 per person, you can see featured models Dave Brown, Denny Franklin and William Colburn turn- ed out pi the latest spring fashions . . . the Na- tional Student Committee Against Racism is hav- ing a meeting at 2 p.m. on the 4th floor of the Union . . . the Wounded Knee Legal Defense Com- mittee and several other organizations are spon- soring a Pow-Wow in the Union ballroom from noon until midnight . . . and the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre is presenting Tartuffe at 8 p.m. in Men- delssohn t eatre. Sweaty palms Timothy Mack of Los Angeles was granted a brief respite in his jail sentence for repeated pick- pocketing. Mack, who had been allowed on proba- tion following a 1971 arrest, was ordered in court to wear mittens whenever he was outside the home. "Thick mittens sufficient to prevent inde- pendent movement of the fingers," Superior Court Judge Richard hayden specified. Mack, however, was spotted by a detail detective this week without his mittens - and consequently ordered back to the clink for eight months. Afterwards, Hayden ruled, he will wear mittens until 1980. "I'll be an old man by then!" mourned Mack. "So will I " replied the judge.r With Ford administration platitudes coming from all angles these days, Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz yesterday exhorted the Boy Scouts to go out and "help discover" America in time for the na- tion's 200th anniversary. "We have the psychedelic movement, the clean-up movement, the stop-the- pipe movement, the save-our-citizens movement," he said. eNow let's have the find America move- ment. But let's make this one stick. Let's make it last."s Indians sit tigh Actor Marlon Brando joined a march of Indian sympathizers yesterday in Gresham, Wisconsin as the militant Menominee Indians maintained their occupation of the Alexian Brothers estate. Brando later drove past the roadblock to confer with demonstrators and assure them that a new settlement offer would be forthcoming. Meanwhile, white residents in the surrounding area have threatened to take action if authorities do not evac- uate the demonstrators. On the inside ... .. Gordon Atcheson reveals the truth behind monetary evaporation disposition on the Editorial Page . . . an Associated Press feature on rock star David Bowie highlights the Arts Page . . . and on the Sports Page, Ray O'Hara reveals the re- sults of last night's wrestling match with Iowa. 0 On uthp an,t io - . Judge Javits, Kioch to introduce pot bills By STEPHEN HERSH Identical bills which would re- move penalties for the posses- sion of up to three ounces of marijuana for personal use or non-profit sale are expected to be introduced in both houses of Congress late next week, but chances that either bill will pass are very slim. Sen. Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.) will introduce the Senate bill, and Rep. Edward Koch (D.-N. Y.) the House bill. KEITH STROUP of the Wash- ington - based National Organ- ization for the Reform of Mari- juana Laws (NORML) said that a prominent Republican Senator who is a contender for his party's presidential nomina- tion in 1976 will next week an- nounce his co-sponsorship - of the Javits bill. "It has been extremely diffi- cult to get Congressional sup- port for the bill," commented Koch. A legislative aide to the Congressman was more blunt, however. "There is no way there will be floor action on our bill this year," the aide remarked. "Hopefully we can get some action on it next year, but even then our chances are slim. An oil "THE ONLY way it has a wareI See JAVITS, Page 2 accoui DEANSHIP CRISIS: says U. s, owns tapes Appeals court stays ruling; hearing set W A S HINGTO NM --A federal judge ruled yesterday that the govern- ment, not Richard Nixon, owns the presidential pap- ers and tapes of the Nixon administration. But hours later an appeals court sus- pended the order. The U. S. Court of Ap- peals said the order of U.S. District Judge Charles Ri- chey was stayed "to pre- serve the status quo." An unusual Saturday hearing was scheduled. THE STAY was the last act of a confusing day in which Richey issued his 99-page rul- ing almost simultaneously with an appeals court suggestion that he combine several cases concerning the Nixon papers' and tapes before deciding the ownership issue. "Former President Nixon's claim of ownership is . . . re- pugnant to the very nature of the office of President," Richey said in his massive ruling. To uphold the claim, Richey said, would be to place Nixon above the law "as well as re- cognize that he may assert a right to the products of the of- fice, which would be to com- pare him to a monarch. "This the court cannot do," Richey said. RICHEY'S ruling went mainly to ownership and presidential privilege issues posed by Nixon. It also touched on demands for access to the materials by re- porters, historians and free- lance writers. The judge still has before him a Nixon challenge to the constitutionality of a new law that gives custody of the mater- ials to the government. Nixon's lawyers asked that a three- judge court hear the challenge. Nixon's lawyers had asked the appeals court to order Richey to consider the three- ,judge demand first. The ap- peals court refused tohorder Richey to do that but admon- ished him to combine all the cases and give the three-judge demand precedence. BY THE time the appeals court ruling reached Richey's he had already issued his opin- ion. An aide to the judge said Richey had signed his opinion See COURT, Page 2 Nixon AP Photo 'ail hard, tanker continues to burn early yesterday after a collision with another tanker in the Dela- River at Marcus Hook, near Philadelphia. Two people are known dead and some 20 un- ted for in the blast and fire. 29 have be en treated for injuries. Ex-gyov. jailed for gift to Nixon WASHINGTON (R) - Former Gov. Tim Babcock of Montana was sentenced yesterday to serve four months in jail and fined $1,000 for concealing the source of a $54,000 contribu- tion to the 1972 Nixon re-elec- tion campaign. The money was contributed by wealthy oil man Armand Hammer, who remains under investigation by the Special Watergate Prosecutor's Office. CHIEF U.S. District Judge George Hart formally sentenc- ed Babcock to the full one-year maximum, but said the former governor must actually spend only four months in prison. Hart said Babcock would be on probation for two years once his four month term is up. Babcock pleaded guilty Dec. 10, 1974 to listing five per- sons, including himself as the donors, instead of Hammer, chairman of the Occidental Pe- See JUDGE, Page 2 rT T (J admits Regen ts chose Cobb; off6er not disclosed By SARA RIMER The administration yesterday broke its silence on the literary college (LSA) deanship crisis with a statement that confirmed that the Regents selected Jewel Cobb for the post, but that an acceptable contract could not be reached. However, the joint statement from Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Frank Rhodes and University President Rob- ben Fleming did not answer re- ports from sources close to the Regents and to Cobb that she had been offered a no-tenure, two year contract offer. WHILE NOT specifically de- scribing the negotiations with Cobb, the 'release stated: "In the course of the conversations it became apparent that it Judge frees Colson after seven months WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Charles Colson, former Nixon "hatchet man" who early last year became a religious con- vert, was ordered freed from, prison yesterday because of family problems. J u d g e Gerhard Gesell announced in a surprise late-{ evening order he was reducing, to "time served" a one-to-three year term given Colson last' June, citing "serious familyn difficulties which have greatly aggravated the severity of the sentence imposed." THE JUDGE gave no further information about the family problems of Colson, the fourth former Nixon associate to have Colson a Watergate-related sentence reduced in the past month. Colson, 42, has been at Fort Holabird, Maryland, once a de- fense installation about 40 miles from Washington and now a minimum security prison. A number of Watergate fig- ures have been held there so that they could be near at hand By JIM to help Watergate investigators Daily New and to testify at trials related to the scandals that forced for- mer President Richard Nixon This week, eight months to resign last August. University and the Gradu (GEO) appeared to reach n r c i ,h C rrltac onT ' n-- ,- : p-'c im n would not be possible for Dr. Cobb and the University to agree upon mutually acceptable terms of an appointment. The conversations h a v e therefore been discontinued." The statement contradicted an earlier message from Rhodes, who had contended last week that the Regents only voted a "ranking" of the top deanship candidates. His earlier state- ment did not acknowledge the Regents' unanimous vote for Cobb two weeks ago. Yesterday's statement admits for the first timessince the vote that Cobb "was selected by the Regents," as The Daily report- ed 13 days ago. WHILE THE administration sidestepped the dean selection process and how it will continue now that Cobb's candidacy is closed, at least one Regent ex- pected yesterday that a new search committee would be formed. Another source indicated one of the Regents told the Daily earlier that he would oppose naming acting LSA Dean Billy Frye, also up for the post, as- serting that on principle he would urge that a new search committee be set up. While many LSA faculty mem- bers have rallied behind Frye since the deanship controversy began, it was not clear yester- day that he would accept a per- manent offer. He said he has heard nothing from the admin- istration yet, and at least one high-level source asserted it would be difficult 'for Frye to remain dean in light of the Cobb uproar. Search committee member and psychology Prof. Elizabeth Douvan said, "It would be em- barrassing for Frye to take it. Traditionally the deanship is a unanimously supported vote." See 'U', Page 2 Rebates bring smller s By BILL TURQUE If money talks, then the mes- sage for city auto dealers has been a sizeable increase in sales since the automakers be- gan offering rebates of $200- $400 on most 1975 model cars. Jack Dagan, manager of Naylor Motor Sales, a Chrysler outlet, said that rebates have "helped us a whole lot," citing a seventy-five per cent increase in sales since their program started almost three weeks ago. CAMPUS A.M.C.'s General Manager Bob Silva reported a nearly one hundred per cent rise in sales during the first three days of their rebate plan, and Lou Henderson, of Hender- son Ford claimed that they were off to their best year in the last dozen. "We've sold over fifty cars and trucks in the last six days," said Henderson. "Our sales peo- ple always seem to be with two and three customers at a time. Our worries before were about a backlog, but now we've been calling up the factories for more." While Henderson acknowledg- es that the rebates were instru- mental in the improved busi- ness, he added that "positive attitudes exhibited by President Ford in fighting inflation and recession," and a series of lo- cal promotions to boost floor traffic also helped. "I'VE been seeing lots of trade-ins with really high mile- ages, as if people are just start- ing to get some confidence back in the economy after holding on to their cars for so long," said Henderson. With all the major companies ending their rebate programs at the end of February, local deal- ers are uncertain about what turns business will take. "Hopefully, the momentum will keep us going," said Col- lege Dodge's Roy Winnegar. SILVA was more optimistic, explaining that the winter months of January and Febru- ary are normally the slowest of See REBATE, Page 2 strik [TOBIN vs Analysis of negotiations between 'the ate Employes Organization a grim, unsuccessful con- xcisu Thncravnight .e NEGOTIATIONS STALLED near as 'U, 0 THE STRIKE VOTE recommendation is the most likely to be returned. The two parties plan no further negotiations before the mass meeting, so a settlement could only result from a massive concession from one of the sides - an unlikely possibility. Binding arbitra- tion, which the GEO has proposed is also improbable. The University has consistently rejected the offer. fferreje cte d GSAs who remain on the fence, as they will face in- creasing pressure from their colleagues to join the GEO. THE DISPUTES which divide the two parties are: # Salaries. In its final form - without regard to the eight per cent demand retroactive to September, 1974