14t4 M P 4 I' FALUN !PHIJOM P6914 It A LLN&(P V/- 4 /// l f s Sj o amega-government By GARY THOMAS paragon of law enforcement vir- AMERICANS ARE, by tem- might see, or, even more chil- The attitude of deference w Tq"HIS GRADUAL (and, of tue, J. Edgar Hoover), Red perament, incr, mentalists. hey ling, perhaps they do not care. show the species of "home poi late, rapidly progressive) Scares, and the Espionage Act. seem to treat each problem as ticianis" in our nation's der ecay of freedom goes almost But this must surely be the per- separate and unrelated; etch IT IS NOT simply that we riere does not hero matters any without challenge; the Ameri- iod of historical reiteration. The the soluti N ic singular rather have a Ford presidency and an "Then hay~ethe infrmtin- " d w C, i- 90 i " t . S++ + O 0 1' t ( can has grown as accustomed to the denial of his constitutional rights and to the minute regula- tion of his conduct by swarms of spies, letter-openers, inform- ers and agents provocateurs that he no longer makes any serious protest . . . It would surpise no impartial observer if the motto, 'In God we trust,' were one day expunged from the coins of the realm by the Junkers at Washington, and the far more appropriate w o r d , 'Verboten', substituted." These words of H. L. Menck- en in 1920 sound astoundingly prophetic in light of recent events. The late iconoclast of the Bal- timore Sun went on to say that "the only objections heard of cane from the persons directly affected - nine-tenths of them Socialists, pacifists, or citizens accused of German sympathies, and hence without any rights whatsoever under American law and equity - or from a small group of professional libertar- ians." MENCKEN, of course, w a s writing of that hysteria follow- ing World War I - the age of the Palmer Raids (led by that statute under which Daniel Ells- berg was tried was that same Espionage Act of 1917, and now we find governmental intelli- gence agencies tripping over each other in their bureaucratic than colt cdtvc, It is as if a doctor tried tc, treat eacn can- cell cell in a particular organ separately, rat her than trying to remove the er itire disease. The cancer will still spread, faster ":.:":.. :{",.;.;.: i:........:.1:A 4 A....... : .4 i "::: . 1::{{SA... . . ... ... ::. : .. ... ".1 ... ... ... . . ... ... : :>::. ... .J 4 { "The Founding Fathers were an unwitting collective Frankenstein, not knowing how their creation would turn into a monster, preying upon the very populace it was supposed to protect. It is niow an empire, both domestic and foreign."s ... . \':"!:..1.......1 .... : '.'. :"1:''' S :"'..:Z: Edsel Congress. That is only a surface manifestation of tne deeper cancer. Our rulers a'-e mere personalities, with differ- ing psychologies berg brought to bear upon our institutions. ./ . : _ : .. t4 ' y -, ,: "; w .. , . . , a zeal to outspy each other. And the citizen who is the victim of such efforts finds little suppol t among his fellow Americans. As Mencken said, the only protest heard is from those affected. It is doubtful that our "Junkers in Washington" would raise such loud cries if they themselves were not spied upon. The erosion of civil liberties has been steady; slow, to be sure, but still as steady as the wearing down of the Grand Can von. The CIA, the IRS, the FB.. military intelligence - the list is endless. than the physician can treat each cell. So commissions are set up to study the "CIA problem," and another stud;- group looks at the FBI, and stiill another commir - tee looks at military's civilian spying prog ram. Each issues us report, the rages all nod ther heads and say how deplorable these things are - and then it is promptly fr.rgotten. But none of the wise men in Washington, anuoirted with the holiness of 'Office and blessed with the grace af seniority, look at all of it at; a whole. Perhaps they are afraid of what they It's not the drivers, it is the vehicles they are driving. We live in the age of mega- government - a machine so complex and vast that the mind boggles at trying to understand it. Even the most briPlant politi- cal theoreticians cannot com- prehend what we have created. The Founding Fathers were an unwitting collective Franken- stein, not knowing how their creation would turn into a mon- ster, preying upon the very pop- ulace it was supposed to pro- tect. It is now an empire, both domestic and foreign. i, they mast know best has killed more peonle and violated more rigits than you could count on the fingers of the .vlnrmon Tab- ernacle Choir. By this attitude of massive ambivalence we have created an American aris- tocracy surpassed only in the British House of Lords. With a few exceptions, our "elected representatives" would rather be seen eating at Sans Souci than in their offices Their long noses scrape the sky, stretch- ed that far by lies of Pinocchio- ian proportions. I WOULD hope that, despite the rather black tone of this essay, that it will be taken as a cry of hope. I don't propose any answers: but the questions and observations are, I think, valid enough to give Americans pause. If we exercise our cere- bral qualities long enough, we might push thougnt into action. I hope, for our own sake, we can exercise our perogative for change through something a little heavier than telepathy. Gary Thomas is a freshman in LSA. **W. .~ .,n.. ~. I 94V £r1$& an DaiN Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Letters to The Daily Thursday, January 30, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Frank reappraisal needed TN THE LIGHT of the budget cut all but promised to the University, I decided to take a quick walk around the Administration Building where Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes resides during his working hours. Why did I venture into this imposing, resoundingly empty building? Frankly, I went in search of areas as ripe for budget cuts, if 'not riper, than library hours and the Pilot Program. When I rea- lized I had no idea what an adminis- trator does for his $56,000 a year (President Fleming), I figured the big brass offices might be just the place to look. In clean, white-painted splendor, I was whooshed without lurches to the Ad Building's third floor. The ele- vator opened into a carpeted lobby; a desk minus its occupant did, how- ever, boast an IBM typewriter. At the end of a short corridor, I found another desk, this one replete with secretary. She nodded pleasantly to me as I noted the fancy electric adding machine next to her IBM typewriter. On down the corridor to- ward Mr. Rhodes' office there were three more desks, three more secre- taries, and three more IBM type- writers. No one was busy, perhaps due to the murmurs issuing from the sound-proofed conference room off to my left. The bosses were meeting. WHEN I EXPRESSED an interest in k n o w i n g exactly what Mr. Rhodes' job is, his personal secre- tary's smile became a shade less pleasant. She replied that he was Vice President. I agreed and asked exactly what it was he did. "Every- thing," she replied. I suggested bud- get and curriculum; she agreed. Feel- ing suddenly like Daniel Ellsberg, I asked what the files in the ostenta- tious Sperry Rand Information Re- trieval System covered.'"Everything," she repeated. Though I have no idea exactly what comprises "everything," I sus- pect it does not take a passel of ad- ministrators, assistants, and secre- taries to accomplish. Further, must our big brass work in the relative splendor of the Ad Building? Surely if our distinguished faculty can make do with cubby-holes in Haven Hall and buildings of its ilk, the adminis- tration can do the same. WHY IS IT THAT budget cuts al- ways threaten students in the form of increased education costs, TA's in the form of reduced compen- sation, alternative educational sys- tems in the form of total eradica- tion - indeed, everyone and every- thing save the University's "upper class?" Perhaps at the next of their seemingly endless conferences, our upper echelon could look a little nearer home for areas in which to cut down expenses. -DEBRA HURWITZ imperialism To The Daily: UNITED STATES imperialism and its ally Israel continue in their aggressive policy against the Arab people, both in the Arab states adjacent to Israel and in the Arab-Persian Gulf area. The power of the Israeli state is currently directed against peaceful Lebanese vil- lagers and Palestinian c a m p refugees in southern Lebanon in the vain hope of wiping out the Palestinian liberation move- ment. In the course of the last five years, official Israeli terror per- petuated in South Lebanon has already had the effect of creat- ing tens of thousands of new re- figees Lebanese villagers this time. Official Israeli terror has also occasioned the near-total destruction of the large Pales- tinian refugee camp at Naba- tiva, the death and maiming of hundreds of Arab civilians, the destruction by explosives of scores of civilipn homes and the laving to waste of large tracts of agricultural land. Israel's ac- tivities in the last few weeks have caused the near-total des- truction of the village of Eraf Shba, the depopulation of other nearby villages, more dead. maimed and kidnapped, more destroyed homes and more de- nuded fields. It has been in reaction *o suh large-scale destruction of Arab life, property, and even nation- hod for the last 25-30 years that the Palestinian liberation move- ment has developed, with the backing of the Arab people, and has engaged in resistance, so piously decried by Israel as "terror". ISRAEL HOPES, apparently, to continue the process of de- populating southern Lebanon so as to more conveniently occupy it, thereby circumventing Syr- ian defenses in the Mount Her- mon area, and eventually to move north in order to cut off the Beirut-Damascus road and threaten the approaches to Da- mascus. Another plum would be the capture of the Litani River which lies wholly within Leban- on and which has been eyed so covetously by Israel for the last two and a half decades. Israel also hopes by such hos- tile activity to drive a wedge between the Palestinians and the Lebanese. In fact such ac- tion only serves to reinforce the lesson that Israel constitutes a threat, not only to Palestinians and Lebanese villagers, but to all the Arab peoples and thus must be counteracted by all the resources available to the Arabs as a whole. Such aggressive activity by Israel against southern Leonnon must be seen within the general context of imperialist policy in the Arab world, led in the main by the United States. The Unit- ed States is moving more and more into the Arab-Persian Cuiff area in a number of guises in hopes of consolidating its dom-- ination of the oil resources of the Arab people. GUNBOATS are now making their appearance in the Arab- Persian Gulf, as well as en- trenching themselves at the Diego Garcia base in the Ind- ian Ocean. Arms are being poured into the arsenals of the most easily manipulable of the Gulf rulers. In the last 3-4 years, overtly avowed purpose of se- curity from internal threat. Most recently, Sultan Qabus of Oman, located on the Gulf, is buying U.S. heliconters and other counterinsurgency equip- ment to supplement Iranian sup- plies and troops and British and Commonwealth officers al- ready engaged against the pop- ular liberation forces of Oman. In return, the United States has obtained use of the British base in Oman's Masira Island on the Gulf, which wil fit into the de- veloping Indian 'Ocean defense network. There is also some in- dication of the presence of American personnel already in Oman and servicing the Iranian forces, the number of which will now likely increase. THE PURPOSE of these mov- es in the Gulf by the United States is to maintain its dom- ination over the oil resources of the Arab people. What the U.S. government would have us be- lieve, however, is that it merely wants to avert the "strangula- tion of the industrialized world" occasioned by any future em- bargo concomitant to a renew- ed outbreak of Arab-Israeli fighting, or, alternately, that it is merely thwarting any Arab revolutionary movement which might attempt to cut off the Gulf oil flow. It is against this background that the Kissinger-Ford remarks about possible U.S. invasion of Arab oil producing states must be viewed. These latest threats, begun in the fall of 1974, are far from being merely a hedge against the unlikely prospect of "strangulation". The U n i t e d States is moving into the Gulf area in too rapid andconcrete a way to constitute merely a hedge. So much for the Kissinger application of the "step by step approach". However, the Kissinger mysti- que seems to be fading with re- gard to the Arab world, as else- where. The impact in the Arab world of such threats may be easily surmised. In Europe, these remarks as well as the Kissinger proposals regarding oil and the recycling of 0 i1 funds have likewise caused deep consternation among the leader- ship of the EEC. Even the American people seem not to have accepted the government's premise of Arab culpability in the current energy and inflation situations. According to the re- sults of a U-M study released this week, fully 75 per cent of the respondents tested blame the US oil companies for the current energy situation and not the Middle East producer states. This in spite of the widespread government and media c a m- paign over the past 15 months to soften up the American peo- ple by painting the opposite pic- ture and by seeking to avoid looking at inflationary causes within the US socio-econormic system itself, and specifically within its corporate profit struc- tures. The lessons of Vietnam and Watergate seem to have created a more circumspect American public. THE US government, how- ever, seems to be more slow to read the lessons of history: Viet- niam should have taught it io forego meddling in the affairs of other peoples; the entire i:- sue of Palestine should h a v e shown both the US and Isr iel the deep resiliency with which like embruilment in tf world rerni'ins to be one doubts that the U' could take over the oil- areas by force. It i clear that: to maintair supply and protection the highly delicate an able oil irjdustry andc er US irjtitutions in world, in the face of tility from the Atlant Gulf, would be a cost], indeed. THE S OD UTION, the dangerovos situation, is of gaiititig a footholc Gulf, vvh ile using Isr battering ram against t tinians, :Lebanese and and Ira t' against Iraq ponular forces of Or only solution, practica as just., is the disma imperia Jism and its si ism, witth al that that Arab p. ulations regai trol ov tr their own to the cr ration of a de Palesti e where all it are eq'ital before thel out regard to religious or raci al origins, and c the Ar ebs and Third W ples g !nerally of their source s and national well-buling and destinii "_-Organization o Students, Univc Michigan Chap January 23 To The Daily: THI LSA faculty w ly be considering a pr give aicademic credit f ROTC courses. This raises, two issues which to explore in this Jett first concerns the t quali:y of the ROTC pr The! basic mechanise depat -tment uses for ins acad imic quality of it is to pay very close at the ac ademic quality o ple who are teaching courses. Having assui that ;those appointed standards, a Departme a gr':at deal of latitu individual instructor with a minimum of int and mnonitoring. Of cou colle gie Curriculum C must. aprove any new c ferin g in LSA but theyc tempt to evaluate the tions Hof a regular facu ber. En fact, they assu quali:ications. The point here is that th mentzl mechanism for the quality of courses for credit is through th selectlon of the offere only secondarily thrc securtty of the offering IT BECOMES of ce le A r a b portance, therefore, to examine seen. No the selection process involved S military in the ROTC program and to producing compare it with the process for s equally a Department., We note the n control, following differences: both of 1. A Ph.D. is regarded as es- d vulner- sential qualification for a re- of all oth- gular faculty member. Of the the Arab approximately 15 instructors in open hos- the various ROTC programs, ic to the only one has a Ph.D. Iy venture 2. When a department seeks to fill a position, it " makes an effort to locate the best person en, to this available in a particular sub. s not one field. The process involves com- d in the parison c~f different candidates, 'ael as a all of whom have appropriate the Pales- oualifications. In contrast, the Syrians, ROTC instructors are nominat- and the ed by the military services. nan. The Their nominations are subject- Il as well ed to posible veto by a Uni- intling of versity committee, but there is ster Zion- no search among competing ap- entails-- plicants. In point of fact, the ining con- nominations are almost always erritories, approved. emocratic 3. A Department obtains crit- s citizens ical evaluations of a candidate's law with- work from independent review- , national ers. In most cases, confidential -ontrol by written evaluations will elabor- Jorld peo- ate in detail on the strengths own re- and weaknesses perceived. No wealrn, critical evaluations from inde- es. pendent reviewers are available f Arab on the work of potential ROTC ersity of instructors. ter 4. A Department invites can- didates to campus to be inter- viewed about their work and, ROT ' typically, to make a public pre- sentation of it. ROTC candidates do not visit campus to be inter- 'ill short- viewed nor do they make a pub- oposal to lic presentation of their work. or certain The University committee which proposal approves ROTC appointments we wish never meets the potential in- en. T h e structors. academic S. A Department will typically ogram. have the written work of a can- m that a didate reviewed by its members uring the most familiar with the person's s courses area of specialization. No one tention to reads any written work of poten- f the peo- tial ROTC instructors. t h o s e 6. A Department is required red itself to justify any appointment it meet its wishes to make to the LSA Ex- nt offers ecutive Committee. This com- de to the mittee requires evidence that to teach can only be obtained by the type erference of procedures described above. rse, t he If a Department cannot make a ommittee reasonable case that the person course of- it wishes to appoint is out- do not at- standing, the appointment will qualifica- not be approved. The ROTC ity mem- program is not asked to make me these such a case for the people whom essential the various armed services e funda- choose to nominate. no real assessment of quality that is in any sense analogous to that employed by Depart- ments. It is quite an extraord- inary direction for the faculty to take if it decides to grant credit for courses in a program with no effective quality control in the selection of its staff. There is, of course, a second issue even if one assumes that the ROTC program has an in- structional staff of academic quality eoual to the rest of the faculty. This issue concerns the anpronriateness of an outside organization appointing its agents to teach courses f o r credit in the University. N o te that we are not raising here the Question of the morality of the militarv. In fact, the issue o annronriateness would anply if the organization in question was the United Farm Workers, the Catholic Church, or the Ford Motor Company. Perhaps it is more acute in the case of the military because the fact that the in4.r'ictors are acting as seents of the outside organiza- tion and are subect to its au- thority is especially clear. TMAGTNE THAT the Ford Motor Comnany were to begin an executive training program and asked to have its naid em- niovees serve as instructors and that students in these courses receiwe academic credit. It would seem to us an extraordin- arv and inapnroriate request. The obvious alternative is for Ford to offer scholarships to stu- dents in its training program and to have them take regular courses at the University that are relevant for their training. The ROTC request for credit is no different. The argument that it isedesirable for future militarv officers to have a lib- eral education is irrelevapt to the request for crediting ROTC courses. Corses that are rele- vant to the history and political science departments, for exam- ple, can be taken by ROTC stu- dents when offered in these de- partments. Surely the aims of a liberal education will be better met by having future officers take courses by highly trained and carefully selected independ- ent instructors than by mili tarv officers operating as agents of the armed services. We urge those faculty mem- bers who share our opposition to the proposed crediting of ROTC courses to attend the LSA facul- ty meeting on Monday, Feb. 3 to voice their opposition. -William A. Gamson, Sociology Dept. Zelda F. Gamson, Center for the Study of Higher Education and Residential College January 27 dean ship To The Daily: THECURRENT controversy over the appointment of Dr. Jewel Cobb for the LSA dean- ship has forced my letter of sup- port for her to be written. I have seen her in action at sev- eral national conferences which have focused on higher educa- tion. women's issues, and aca- demic administration - regard- less of the topic, I have always been impressed with her dynam- ism, her leadership abilities, and the power of her presence. I am involved in educational eing the economic pie LMOST EVERYONE AGREES that an inflation spiral consists of either labor demanding higher wages and management having to raise its prices to, meet its higher payroll or first the higher prices then the in- creased wages to match - everyone trying to keep their share of the pro- verbial pie. As any economist will gladly dem- onstrate, despite inflation, the earn- ing power of Americans has grown steadily since World War II, This doesn't necessarily mean that the pie is getting sliced up differently, it only means that the pie has gotten big- ger. Since the oil producers started their price gouging practice, infla- tion in the West has risen to almost unprecedented heights. If the rea- son for this was simply the increased oil prices, prices would rise only to the extent that they were dependent on oil. The real reason is the grow- wages or profits simply on the basis of rising costs, not on the basis of productivity. AN EXAMPLE OF THIS is the "cost of living" clause written into al- most all union contracts today. Wages go up whether higher produc- tion is achieved or not. (An indirect offshoot of this is that producers find it easier to raise prices and thus in- crease profits since the consumer is guaranteed a larger income with which to make his purchases.) Of course, there are several valid rea- sons for raising wages, but rising costs alone, especially in a society as affluent as ours. is not always one of them. When inflation is caused by domes- tic blunders such as deficit spend- ing, it is perfectly reasonable to ex- pect people to keep their stand- ing. But the current economic mess is a good example of how domestic influences are not always the cause. insuring s offered e careful ers and ugh the gs. ntral im- IN SUM, none of the proced- ures which are normal for a De- partment to employ to insure the quality of its instructional staff are present in the ROTC program. Consequently, there is F: ,> } t NEED IMMEPIA1-ES MoseY % ' __ -__ __- - .WAi, 0