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January 29, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-29

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a) m
AT THE University of Michi-
gan it's called "Career
Placement" but most students
realize they will have to grovel
around for a job, any job. Af-
ter all, the average college stu-
dent, unless she wisely studied
computer programming or truck
driving, possesses few skills,
none of which are in high de-
mand during a recession. Only
a few years ago American busi-
nessess were searching for
bright young men and women
who could listen attentively and
take good notes. Alas .. .
Today, employers are interest-
ed in an applicant's desire as



exists that respects the vast
stores of knowledge held i' ithe
brain of the college student.
Known as "the Government",
this organization always .4 a s
some jobs for which gradua es
and seniors are welcome to com-
pete. If joining America*s .arg-
est bureaucracy violates your
sense of decency, don't worry.
The Army, Navy, Air Forc4,
etc., also have many positions
and they will even train you.
Government jobs used to be
filled through the scores of a
tedious, three hour Civil Service
test given at 8:30 on Saturday
morning in the basement of the
Main Post Office. Such outmod-

b) mi
left as you face the sezond (as
you come in) secretary g desk.
To take PACE in Marc' the ap-
plication must be seat to the
Detroit Area Office by Febru-
ary 20. The deadline for the May
PACE is April 30. No fees are
required to take the exam.
DETROIT WILL send each ap-
plicant a ticket, good for one
admission and a bookle en'it-
led, "Anplic-tion Forms a n d
Sample Questions." ThP forms
includv one Education a iI Ex-
perience Qiestionnaire and fbur
Qualificati.>n riefs. T ter re-
quire th- vsa u it persona, inform-
ation; oirtn date, social se;_-ir

Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



Wednesday, January 29, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

The Young Girl wakes up

dering around campus, you have
noticed the abundance of bizarre
and dysfunctional objects littering
the landscape, each bearing the no-
tation that it is the gift of one grad-
uating class or another-dead trees,
hunks of rock, benches whose seats
are too narrow to sit on, and all the
rest. Now you too can join the fun!
As a result of the raging contro-
versy over the plaque on the front
of the LSA Building entitled "The
Dream of a Young Girl," the LSA Stu-
dent Government and various friends
and associates are sponsoring a con-
test for an alternative work of art
which more accurately represents
the aspirations of University women.
Any Michigan artist (this includes
out-of-state students enrolled in the
University) is eligible to submit
sketches and/or scale models of free-
standing, solid, weather-resistant
sculptures or constructions (limit:
three per artist) to replace "The
Dream of a Young Girl" in the
hearts and minds of the University
community. Wind and water ma-
chines are acceptable.'
ENTRIES SHOULD BE submitted to
the LSA Student Government of-
fice on the fourth floor of the Michi-
gan Union by 5 pm Friday, March 14.
Please make copies of any submis-
News: Glen Allerhand, Jay Levin,
Pauline Lubens, Jo Marcotty, Judy
Ruskin, Steve Selbst, Jeff Sorensen
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Marnie
Heyn, Mara Letica, Steve Stojic
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Karen Kausmauski

sions you wish to keep, as they can-
not be returned.
A jury of eight distinguished Uni-
versity women will award three
prizes totalling $100 for artistic ex-
cellence and best expression of the
dreams of women. Their decision is
final. In addition, funds will be pro-
vided for the construction and main-
tenance of the first-prize entry on
an appropriate patch of University
Anyone requiring further informa-
tion or wishing to make t. contribu-
tion to the Women's Monument fund
should contact the LSA Student Gov-
ernment office.
Wits and cynics are certain to
sneer that such an alternative art
work is not worthwhile (we know bet-
ter), or that we should spend the
same amount of time, money, and
energy producing an alternative to
the plaque entitled "A Young Man's
Dream" as well. We have no objec-
tions, so those who are interested in
reinterpreting the hopes of men
should get to it.
WHILE WE'RE ON the topic, it
would be nice to see a bust of Dr.
Martin Luther King gazing in wis-
dom and compassion at the Econ
Building, and a memorial to the Un-
known War Protestor in front of
North Hall.
Iconoclasm is not the issue here.
Although women do not subscribe
wholesale to the dream of pater-
familial domesticity, we need to af-
firm that our dreams have not died;
rather, they have grown to challenge
this planet and take on the entire

:". Y Y Y" " Y. ">."."." . ... ..:. :{i .v." :yr,.;;
"After all, the average college student, unless she wisely studied
computer programming or truck driving, possesses few skills,
none of which are in high demand during a recession."
? . .rv.".*.v: "r ". :t . 4 :w:;v: . v, . . J..: :" r S;. rr}:"}"ivi:'S . ,r::L;:
well as her qualifying exper- ed methods were left behind nity number, membership in the
ience. An interviewer for cash- with 1974. Now PACE, a ted- Communist Party, USA, mem-
ier jobs at K-Mart might ask, ious, four hour Professional and bership in any organization
"Are you willing to scrub toilets Administrative Career Exam, which advocated the overthrow
with a toothbrush?" Unless the is being administered every few of the government and convic-
applicant's eyes begin to shine months. tion of any offense against the
while she nods hysterically, the Except for special agencies, law.
company may decide to choose like the FBI and the CIA, all ap- Details must be provided if
someone a little more flexible plicants for federal joos miist one's past is less than pure. Not
for cashier. Why hire someone take PACE, even if they have only must applicants supply
who isn't willing to work up taken the old test recently. Ap- such information directly to the
from the bottom? plications are availa'la in the central data banks, false or
Career Placement office, stack- dishonest answers are punish-
"BUT ONE organization still ed on the file cabinets on your able by law as well as grounds
How greedy are YOU?:
Daily self-test for landlords
By JEFF BAILL ants (plus 23); (c) raise your rents and start
1JOW TO PLAY: Assume you are an Ann Ar- a public campaign declaring the landlord's rights
bor landlord, with several apartment build- to account for inflation (plus 53).
ings near the University campus, and answer the 4. You have just been given a substantial tax
following questions: break because of a new tax system. You decide
1. The University is considering a plan to to (a) pass the savings on to your tennants
:uild more student housing. You decide to (a) (-54); (b) acquire more units to secure your
support the plan as an innovation in low cost position as the sole dictator of rent rates (plus
housing (-70 pts.); (b) band together with other 43); (c) raise the rent in order to help President
landlords and start a campaign against the Ford fight inflation (plus 65).
plan (plus 10); (c) organize a secret landlord 5. The banks are considering a new method of
cooperative and apply direct pressure on the Re- financing, but downpayments would make it eas-
gents to table the plan (plus 48). ier for students to purchase homes. (a) You
2. You collect a flat $100 from every tenant do nothing (-23). (b) You laugh at the absurdity
as a damage deposit. You realize that the ten- of this question because, as a landlord, you are
nants must answer a letter notifying tiem of socially and economically intertwined with the
their forfeit of the assessed damage fee within local bank directors in many financial affairs.
seven days after they move out. You also realize They are your friends (plus 98). (c) You laugh
that most tenants never challenge a damage at the absurdity of this question, then apply pres-
deposit decision. You decide to (a) figure out sure on newspapers not to print this garbage
each apartment's damages and charge accord- (plus 100).
ingly (-14 pts.); (b) charge each tennant a flat Score your quiz as follows:
$35, with the knowledge that any challengers will Negative score to 220 - You should remain a
have their money returned (plus 32); (c) add lowly tenant, doomed to follow the whims and
up the damages in each apartment and then ways of your landlord.
add $25 to the tab (plus 62). 220-250 -- Aspiring landlord, but you lack the
3. YOU ARE EARNING a profit which is satis- ruthlessness to gain status.
factory to you. Other landlords are raising rents 250 - 300 - You have Ann Arbor landlord
with no apparent increase in costs. You decide to status. Zeig Heil!
(a) keep your rents the same because you be- 300-over - You should be a presidential econ-
lieve in the laws of supply and demand (-63); omic adviser.
(b) raise your rents because you realize that
you can always fill your apartments with ten- Jeff Baill is an LSA sophomore.

n d, c
for dismissal after appointment.
To complete the forms, sev-
eral decisions must be made.
One area office must be chosen
from thirteen as the applicant's
first location choice. Naturally,
even this system is rigged. The
San Francisco Area Office, for
example, encompasses Arizona,
California and Nevada. Later,
the applicant may choose Cali-
fornia as a first choice in that
area, but there is no guarantee
a preference will be honored.
Ask any enlisted man in the
armed forces who joined up, op-
ted for Hawaii and went to Viet-
noted on the forms too. A very
incomlete list includes: Budgaet
specialist, customs inspector,
criminal or general investigat-
or, personnel specialist, revenue
officer, special agent (narrot-
ics), and writer-editor/puhiie in-
formation specialist. If none
of these look exciting, consult
the complete list. A student hir-
ed for almost any job will re-
ceive the rank of GS-5, a code
tht means $8500/year.
PACE is reminiscent of stand-
ardized I.Q. tests given -a 11
through school except it has
been greatly expanded and re-
quired more effort than making
simple associations. Divided in-
to six equal parts, PACE is a
brain teaser or a ball buster,
depending not only upon your
sex, but your skill with this
genre of exams as well. For
example, can you recognize a
pattern in this list of letters?
b c d b c e b c f b c g Is the
next letter in this progression:
b, c, h, i, or e?
This simple example of qaes-
tion type III in the sample bo rr-
let doesn't prepare one for the
difficulty of actual test progres-
sions. Twenty five type Ill
questions were hard enough to
be very time consuming, which
ca-n be bad since the ultimate
PACE sin is not ans."ering all
the questions. The results are
computed according t3 +h num-
h ber of right answn:s wit' no
penalty for guessing.
QUICKLY, what is 33 7964
x 4.386) divided by (97655 43_ x
11.667)? Take your time but use
pencil and paper, not a calcu-
lator. Done vet? Well, you bet-
ter hurry, there are many more
problems after this -ne and few
of them look any easier. Ques-
tion type VII also ind'ides "rac-
tions and story pro5lems and the
fifth of the multiple choices is
always: E) None of twe- e.fter
five minutes of intense figuring,
not matching an ansvr with A)
through D) doesn t inspire con-
Studied a chart la elt? es-
ti-on type VI asks the testee to
provide missing data to hypo-
thetical revenue charts but tris
really only requires basic arith-
metic skills. If it Ntill sounds
hard, consider your competiti-n
and take heart. I remember
picking five straight E)'. a cer-
tain impossibility.

"Quickly, what is
(38.79654 x 4.368)
dliv idedi by
(97655.432 x
11.667)? Take your
time but use pencil
and paper, not a
calculator. Done yet?
Well, you better
hurry, there are many
more problems after
this one and few of
them look any
Of course, vocabulary is in-
clude in PACE as are choosing
the best supporting statement,
choosing the best imlication,
rearranging sequences and pro'-
lem solving without all the facts.
A section on analogies, question
type IV, proved to be the hard-
est for me. In the first box we
see three misshapen circles. In
the second box we see two mis-
shapen rectangles and a ques-
tion mark, Which of the mis-
shapen squares and circles lab-
eled A)-E) in box three should
replace the question mark? Cor-
rect, one of the squares, but
which one? My eyes blurred and
crossed trying to spot analogies
where I strongly suspected there
were none.
ABOUT ONE hundred people
took the exam on January 18,
the last date it was given. Com-
pared to the tension in a final
exam room, Auditorium D was
calm and relaxed. A fifteen min-
ute respite after the f i r s t
third of the exam was the only
official break, but people wan-
dered in and out during the test,
anyway, to examine their crib
notes in the john, no loubt.
All through the test I had the
feeling that if John Ehrlich-
man was present, his s c o r e
would wipe the rest of us up
immediately. That shouldn't
frighten anyone interested in
PACE: John Ehrlichman w a s
making a b-ndle in Washington
D.C. before "ea got involved with
the wrong kind of friends. And
remember, the federal govern-
ment is an equal opportunity
employer. Even Caucasion
males, a notoriously unemploy-
able group, have a chance.
Wayne J o h n s o n is a staff
writer for the Editirial Page.

Letters to The Daily

'Campaign '60' pushes
AquaVelva and Cer s
________________By BOB SEIDENSTEIN---




j :
l 1
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To The Daily:
IT WAS WITH NO s m a l l
amount of disappointment that
we watched the LSA Curriculum
Committee approve a polcy of
credit for ROTC courses.
ROTC and the military have,
for the last two decades, been
involvedin actions and conflicts
of very dubious morality and le-
gality. While the Curriculum
Committee discussed moral and
social issues extensively, they
ultimately limited its criteria
for decision to tecanical con-
siderations. By refusing to let
moral concerns enter seriously
into the decision, Tve feel the
committee played a dangerous
game of moral buck-passing.
The question of credit for
ROTC must be attached to the
role our military plays. The
invasion of the Dominican Re-
public and our Indochina in-
volvement make us realize that
our armed forces are not forces
for defense. Rather, they are
forces used to support personal
profit and privilege worldwide.
ROTC makes the military
more effective. Given the uses
to which our armed forces have
been committed, should a more
effective armed force be our
SOME HAVE argued that U-M
ROTC recruits will change the
military. We must ask: who will
change whom?
Taking this a step further,
does the University democratize
ROTC or does ROTC militarize
the University. In one confirm-

with these questions and con-
siderations in mind, voted
twelve to two, with two absten-
tions to oppose ROTC credit.
We hope the Governing Pa-
culty of LSA will firmly resist
the ROTC credit proposal when
it meets to consider the matter
Monday, Feb. 3.
-Mark Gold
LSA Student Govern-
January 28
To The Daily:
dent Government have taken a
stand calling for the remov.L
of two plaques from the LSA
Building ("Dreams of a Young
Girl" and "Dreams of a Y'-ing
Man"). Depicting a vision which
views women predominently as
homemakers tied to hu;bands
(as compared to the vision of
men - free of responsi'ility -
searching and seeking adven-
ture), we took our position be-
cause we felt these plaques to
be sexist and oppressive.
Students of art and art his-
tory know well that the setting
that surrounds a worK can be
just as important as the work
itself. What is the setting of the
two bronze plaques? T h e s e
plaques, perhaps commissioned
by the state, more than likely
paid for by the state, h a v e
been set upon an importan state
building at its main entrance,
facing a busy public thorough-
fare. From this setting, an in-
ference can be made that these
rn-I.niPa Pvr in i vl n -, ,

with goals expressed in s t a t e
documents and law, we call for
a change in the context of pre-
sentation. A museum would be
a far more appropriz-e place
for the works. In sucn a setting,
the artist's statement would
clearly remain a personal one
and would not be construed as
an expression of state sentiment.
The issue, then, is not censor-
ship at all. We do not propose
to deny an artist a right to ex-
presspersonal opinions or to
display works. We are looking
for honesty. The visions expres-
sed in the plaques cannot be
construed as consonant with the
aims of the public or the state
of this time. Therefore removal
an-d relocation of the plaques is
We LSA-SG members under-
stand the concern of people sen-
sitive to the issue of censorship.
We share that sensitivity while
we raise these other issues.
There would be no study or in-
terest in art if it was felt that
artistic works left no impart on
society. We feel that cultural
works have some impact on so-
cietal attitudes.
WE ALSO FEEL that no ar-
tistic work exists in a political
vacuum. Content or the absence
of content will be affected by
systematic, political and econ-
omic realities.
When we see the presentation
of works such as the pieces dis-
played on the LSA building we
are angered first !ecause we
see the pieces as products of
an unhealthy political situation
and second, because we see the
niprpC .,z pruinrr nnn-amnn

HERE I AM watching tele-
vision when who comes on
the screen but this perfectly
normal looking white, middle-
aged man about to use his
American Express charge card
to pay for what surely will be
a better-than-average meal in
some swank restaurant.
"Remember me?" the man
asks. "I ran for Vice President
of the United States in 1964."
He then goes on to say how
his credit card can get him
great dinners anywhere in the
world, including upstate New
York, and if you've ever been
to Buffalo you know how hard
a task that can be.
And just in case we don't
know who this pleasant ex-po-
litico is, the commercial is
concluded by having the name
William Miller magically em-
bossed on a piece of plastic.
Now first of all, it is reas-
suring to know that the Ameri-
can Express people are taking
such fine care of Mr. Miller,
The company is to be com-
mended for that and for bring-
ing us tip to date on this Repub-
lican Sargent Shriver of the
Miller himself has broken an
important barrier. He appears
to be the first politician, ex-
cept for some potato addict who

servant like Miller can sell cre-
dit cards just think what some
of the real heavy - weights
could do.
Take Richard Nixon, for ex-
ample. You surely must re-
member him as the beady-eyed
madman who used to be Presi-
dent a few months ago. To meet
his legal payments Nixon is
thinking of writing a book, but
if he really was smart he'd go
down to Bob Haldeman's ex-ad
agency in Los Angeles and save
himself a lot of work.
Besides just endorsing record-
ing tape, the former fearless
leader has an enormous com-
mercial potential. For instance,
Nixon has a 5 o'clock shadow
that is legendary. Media ex-
perts claims he lost the Great
Debates of 1960 and therefore
the Presidency because of his
bristly beard.
Joe Namath can get big bucks
by shaving in front of the cam-
eras Nixon certainly could. For
now we'll leave the panty hose
commercials to Namath.
Nixon isn't the only one who
could endorse products for
money. Ronald Reagan would
he a natural, and instead of
having a small businessman
from New Jersey do hair col-
oring spots why couldn't Hu-
bert Humphrey? And who was
responsible for the great iob

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