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January 24, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-24

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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 95

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 24, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages




r _'
Dope giveaway
The Ann Aroor Sun is virtually daring the city's
police to intervene in their Columbian giveaway.
The drawing is planned for the lobby of City Hall
at 1 p.m., with Democratic County Commissioner
Cathy McClary drawing the name of the winner,
and later insuring delivery of the goods. Police
Chief Walter Krasny has threatened, however, "If
there's a violation of the law in City Hall there'll
probably be some police action." But the heralded
smoking stuff itself won't be making appearance.
Says the paper's David Fenton: "We may be
crazy, but we're not that crazy."
Sci fi marathon
It's time for closet science fiction fans to come
out into the open: a sci fi convention is scheduled
this weekend at the Briarwood Hilton. The con-
vention, titled "Confusion 131," will begin tonight
and continue through 2 p.m. Sunday. Guests will
include multi-Hugo award winner Fred Pohl, who
is also editor of Galaxy and If, Hugo-winning au-
thor Michael Glicksohn, George Martin, who is
winner of the John W .Campbell Award for the
best new science fiction writer, and Gordon Dick-
son, who has also won several Hugo and Nebula
awards. Admission is three bucks for engin stu-
dents, whose school loaned some of the funds for
the convention, and five bucks for the rest of us.
973 and 986...
. are this week's winning lottery numbers.
Both numbers qualify you for a super drawing,
with prizes ranging from a relatively measly
$10,000 on up to $200,000. Either 973 or 986 will get
you into the million dollar drawing, and qualify
you for an automatic 25 bucks. Car bonus num-
bers are 578, 170, and 031. The $1 jackpot gold
numbers are 689379, 32543 and 345.
Happenings.. .
. . feature a variety of interests. In keeping
with the weather, the Arab students are planning,
a noon demonstration in front of the grad library
. or, if you'd rather, attend an Oneg Shabbot
at the Hebrew House, 800 Lincoln, to eat dance and
celebrate, no clharge . . . also at noon, the Guild
House will sponsor a lecture by Prof. James Crow-
foot, School of Natural Resources. He will speak on
"Ethics - The Rationalization of Special Interests"
... and a French horn recital will be held in the
Stearns Bldg. on North Campus at 8 p.m. It's free
and open to the public.
Dope note
A 19-year-old woman has told police she was
part of a ring which distributed drugs to National
Football League players throughout the country.
The story - complete with the names of promi-
nent players - is now in the hands of league
commissioner Pete Rozelle and the press. The
woman, Roxie Ann Rice, said she sold drugs to
members of the Pan American University basket-
ball team, the Spirits of St. Louis and the Virginia
Squires basketball teams as well as NFL players.
The drugs involved included speed, grass and
barbituates. Go team go.
On the inside ...
... Brian Deming speculates on the outcome of
the Minnesota - Michigan hockey series this week-
end on the Sports Page . . . David Garfinkel writes
of his trip to Morocco - and what he found there
- on the Editorial Page . . . and, of course, Arts
Page features an army of local movies with its
Friday Cinema Weekend.
On the outside*. .
Our thaw becomes a reality. As a storm system
moves rapidly toward us from the northwest, mild
southerly breezes will bring partly sunny skies
today with increasing cloudiness late tonight. Our
temperatures will remain mild into Saturday morn-
ing. Highs todiy will reach a balmy 40-45, while
our overnight low will be a snow-melting 35-40.

There will be little (10 per cent) chance of rain
today and tonight.






to save
About 150 Pilot Program stu-
dents met last night in Alice
Lloyd Hall and embarked on a
letter writing and petition cam-
paign in an effort to save the
program from being abolished
by an expected 4 per cent ov-
erall University budget cut.
At the same time, the Grad-
uate Employes Organization
(GEO) stewards council met
and directed that their bargain-
ing team modify the GEO
"consultation demands" to in-
sist that "the Pilot Program
will not be abolished."
fellows last night said that "no
decision has been made yet,"
presumably the organization
could strike if the Pilot Pro-
gram is abolished or if that
clause of the contract is not
accepted by the University.
Pilot Program director Dick
Munson told the students in at-
tendance that now "is not the
time to sit around and wait -
it is the time to demonstrate
our strength." He quickly add-
ed, however, that "vengeance
See PILOT, Page 8

Key Dems attempt to
stymie proclamation
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON (P)-President Ford, taking what he
termed "strong and tough action," signed a controversial
proclamation yesterday to boost tariffs on imported oil.
It will hike retail gasoline prices by an estimated 3 cents
a gallon.
In remarks prepared for an Oval Office ceremony,
Ford said his move must now be followed by positive
congressional action to enact a comprehensive energy
"Each day that passes without strong and tough action, which
this proclamation is, results in a further drain on our national
wealth and on the jobs it creates for the American people," he
said. "Each day without action means that our economy becomes

SOME OF THE 150 Pilot Program students who met last night in Alice Lloyd Hall listen as the
program's staffers lead a discussion of tactics. T he group decided to begin a letter-writing cam-
paign asking that Pilot be spared if and when the literary college takes a four per cent budget




1 -

LEA panel approves pia
to credit ROTC courses


more and more vulnerable to
serious disruption."
THE proclamation, which key
Democratic congress members
are moving to void, imposes a
special tariff of $1 a barrel ef-
fective Feb. 1 and additional $1
hikes on March 1 and April 1 to
an ultimate limit of $3.
White House Press Secretary
Ron Nessen said each $1 in-
crease in the tariff was expect-
ed to boost retail gasoline pric-
es about a penny a gallon, after,
a lag of three to four weeks.
Ford signed the proclamation
after meeting with governors
from 10 Northeastern states
highly reliant on imported oil
The governors told him his
proposals would damage the
economies of their regions and
lead to another round of ram-
pant inflation. More than half
of them said they will seek a
federal court restraining order
against the proclamation.
FORD WENT ahead with his
controversial plan despite heat-
ed opposition froixl the Demo-
crats, who control Congress, as
well as from members of his
own Republican party and wor-
ried state governors.
Earlier yesterday Senator
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), in-
troduced in the Senate a resolu-
tion to block the oil import fee
plan for 90 days.
He said 50 of the Senators in-
cluding many Republicans -
totalling one more than half of
the chamber's 100 members -
had joined him in sponsoring
the legislation.
A COMPANION measure is to
be introduced in the House of
Representatives by Congress-
man Thomas O'Neill of Massa-
chusetts, Democratic leader in
the chamber.
Meanwhile, the four major
U. S. auto manufacturers said
sales during the second 10 days
of January were 41 per cent
higher than they were during
the first 10 days, although
they remained 15.4 per cent be-
hind the comparable period in
See FORD, Page 2

to slash
'U' budgyet
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The Daily has
learned that Governor William
Milliken will probably recom-
mend a 1975-76 state appropria-
tion for the University totalling
slightly over $100 million.
This figure represents the ef-
fects of a four per cent cut, a
cut which threatens the exist-
ence of the Pilot Program and
which may pose several finan-
cial problems for the University.
UNIVERSITY officials have
said that the cut, which has
been threatened since fall, would
force drastic belt -,tightening
within departments-and would
likely end the Course Mart and
force possible personnel layoffs,
in addition to killing Pilot.
The governor's recommenda-
tions will be officially premiered
during the next ten days. They
will then face revision in both
the State House and Senate.
However, recent legislative his-
tory has indicated that the final
budget figures very only slight-
ly from the governor's recom-
The $100 million figure Milli-
ken is expected to recommend
represents an increase over the
1974-75 level of $97 million. How-
ever, when higher costs are
computed in, the appropriation
appears to fall short of Uni-
versity needs.
MILLIKEN'S $100 million re-
commendation is a reflection
of two factors:
-Recommended $7-8 million in-
creases to cover salaries, infla-
See GOV., Page 8

The literary college (LSA)
Executive Committee yesterday
approved a proposal to grant
academic credit for certain
Reserve Officer Training Corps
(ROTC) courses offered at the
Before becoming official pol-
icy, the ROTC credit plan must
go' before the LSA faculty for

THE faculty is expected to
tackle the question at its Feb-
ruary 3 meeting and a pro-
tracted, fiery debate seems un-
avoidable, according to knowl-
edgable observers.
Under the plan, which has al-
ready been supported by the
LSA Curriculum Committee,
ROTC courses deemed to aca-
demically substantial may be
given credit after review by

Curriculum Committee and in-
dividual departments.
The Executive Committee pro-
ceedings are kept secret, but
the ROTC decision was an-
nounced because of its "inter-
est" to the student body, Aca-
demic Affairs Co-ordinator John
Meeker said.
APPARENTLY the commit-
tee gave the proposal little di-

Cobb receives support; 'U'
stays silent on negotiations

rect consideration at yester-
day's session because the "plan
appeared to be workable," ac-
cording to Associate Dean of
Curriculum Jean Carduner.
But the proposal received
"extensive discussion" at an
earlier date, Meeker said.
Throughout the decision mak-
ing process, the various bodies
have considered only the aca-
demic merits of ROTC cours-
IN ALL likelihood, however,
a major point of disagreement
at the upcoming faculty meet-
ing will be the political rami-
fications of giving credit to
ROTC programs.
Also the report advocating
credit for ROTC classes con-
tains few concrete criteria for
judging individual courses and
Carduner said he believes the
faculty may desire more ex-
plicit guidelines.
The plan advocates credit be
given ROTC courses stressing
history, management - leader-
ship, and technical nonmilitary
skills. However, credit would
not be given to programs which
entail purely military training.
"WE DID not recommend cre-
dit for courses on how to kill
people," said one member of a
Curriculum Committee panel
which drafted the original re-
The number of ROTC courses
See LSA, Page 2

The Regents' controversial se-
lection of Jewel Cobb for the
literary college (LSA) deanship
appeared to get solid support
from the academic community
yesterday as several educators
heaped praise on her qualifica-
At the same time, University
officials held tight to their con-
tinued "no-comment" stance on
the R e g e n t a 1 decision, and
would not directly confirm re-
ports that contract negotiations
with Cobb are in progress.
O N E member of the dean

HUC recommends 1.25%
cut in dorm rates next fall

search committee, which for-
warded three names-including
Acting Dean Billy Frye-to the
Administration early in Decem-
ber, yesterday described Cobb
as "an outstanding scientist who
isunusually competent. She is a
striking figure who is qualified
for virtually anything."
The committee member said
the group had been charged by
the Administration with finding
the best candidates for the past,
while supporting earlier reports
that no outside pressure had
been exerted on the panel to
seek out minority candidates,
one search committee member
conceded, "I was interested in
fin ding women candidates, and
I know there were somre other
people on the committee with
those kinds of commitments."
THE source added, "Obvious-
ly we kept in mind that the
University has a commitment
to affirmative action policies."
Meanwhile, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes
refused to confirm a report that
he will fly to Connecticut this
weekend to negotiate a contract
with Cobb. "I don't comment
on anything these days," said
One highly-placed source told
The Daily on T u e s d a y that
Rhodes would probably meet
with Cobb tomorrow.

ar who has developed a fine
;program at Connecticut Col-
lege," where Cobb is currently
She added, "Cobb has inpor-
tant insights into administration
in higher education."
CALLING Cobb one of "the
highest ranking black women in
education," the source said that
if Cobb accepted the LSA dean-
ship she would be "one of the
first black women deans in the
Big Ten."
The source emphasized Cobb's
already established reputation
in higher education circles and
observed that "whether or not
she goes to the University of
See PRAISE, Page 8

Economy at
a glance
FORD -- President Ford signed a proclamation impos-
ing three-step increases in tariffs on imported oil that aides
estimate will etventually boost gasoline prices by three cents
a gallon. In an Oval office ceremony Ford signed a document
that imposes a special $1 a barrel tariff on foreign oil and
petroleum products effective Feb. 1. The proclamation also
provides for additional monthly increases of $1 a barrel untl
a $3 level is reached on April 1. White House Press Secre-
tary Ron Nessen estimated that each $1 step-up will boost
retail gasoline prices about a penny a gallon
MEANY - OIL--Blaming much of America's economic
woes on high oil prices, AFL-CIO President George Meany
proposed yesterday that the U. S. cut off Arab aid and em-
bargo Middle East oil imports until prices drop. "No tribute,
no foreign aid, no trade, no jet fighters - nothing, until the
blackmail stops," Meany declared at a, summit meeting of
AFL-CIO leaders representing all 110 affiliated unions.
UNEMPLOYMENT - Unemployment has hit hardest at
urban regions heavily dependent on the auto industry for
jobs, according to an Associated Press spot check of metro-
politan areas. The AP spot check of 10 metropolitan areas
showed unemployment was highest in Detroit where thous-
ands of auto workers have been idled by lagging sales. The
preliminary December unemployment rate for the Michigan
city was 12.2 per cent, compared to 5.7 per cent a year

Gill seen in Mliami;
SGC rescinds grant

The Housing Unit Committee (HUC) yes-
erday voted unanimously to send Vice-
"resident Henry Johnson a rate study re-
ort recommending a .25 per cent slash
n dormitory rates for next year.
The committee's suggestion is in direct
:onflict with the recently revealed Housing
)ffice proposal which calls for a rate hike
>f three per cent..
THE RATE Study Committee (RSC) con-

Relations between Housing Director John
Feldkmp and student members of the HUC
were strained. Feldkamp had predicted that
the Regents would eventually pass his pro-
posal calling for a three per cent hike, and
RSC member David Lieberman blasted him
far the arrogance of his presumptions.
Other students expressed anger with Feld-
kamp's alleged failure to heed student
FELDKAMP'S objection to the student re-

A high Student Government
Council source revealed last
night that Former President
Lee Gill has been sighted in
Miami, Florida.
The source disclosed that a
friend of Gill's mentioned that
he had seen the former nresi-

Following extensive debate,
Council rescinded last week's al-
location of $2,500 - money al-
ready spent - to the Child Care
Action Center. Council had
ironically designated this week
as Campus Child Care Week at
its last meeting.
Five Council members des-
oerately emirlove~d numerousQ

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