Sundgy, September 8, 1X74
Page Five
Sundoy, September 8, 1 ~74 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
A batch of zany and practical
ideas to end thtedeus
Anatomy of an audience
By MARY LONG was equal to or larger, and in
The study suggested certain net gain in audience might re-
nrnhl~amc x linh t;nht ff o ha'._.
ed by Min S. Yee. New York:1
Bantam Books. $7.00.
People want to escape. You
hear about it everyday; --busi-
nessmen yearning for a plot of
ground to till, ghetto dwellers'
grasping for a handhold on the?
social ladder, nostalgia en-
thusiasts struggling backwards
to a simpler place in time. {
It's no surprise that "escape"
itself - both the word and thet
action - are popular themes.
Author Paul Brickhill titled his
novel of Nazi prison camp hor-;
ror "The Great Escape". Now,j
the identical title is given to a'
catalog of joys and transports
for mind and body that are a
release from the mental shel-
ters we've constructed against
the attacks of a breakneck ex-1
Madison Avenue advertising is
a good example. Consumers
are offered an automobile ("The1
Escape Machine") from De-
troit that promises to set you
"Deliverance" where the:
Ambition to be released from
monotonous mediocrity thrilled
readersnand moviegoers with
the wages of horror and danger
and death.
Escape. It isn't possible with-
pilt captivity. If we've sur-
rounded ourselves with a bas-
tion of petrified consciousness,
then our instinct to escape to
liberty must grow.
This is what happened to Min
S. Yee, editor of the latest "The
Great Escape" while he was
surrounded by the depressing
research for his melancholy1
book on Soledad Prison.
Ife needed something delight-'
fuI, something, uplifting toY
dredge him up from his own de-
pression. Making full use of a
group of friends with such de-
lighttful, uplifting ideas, "The'
Great Escape" was created.
NOSTRUM for his blues, balloon sailing.
"The Great Escape" was You can find comfort by -.
collected from crazy, unfetter- inventing an appropriate Indian . ;
ed minds, other books, periodi- name for yourself, by learning<
cals, television and travel agen- belly dancing or keeping a d- ..,M7
cies. ary.
Escape into your body with Or you may escape into the
yoga, 13 Asian martial arts, absurd land of what could be, .
elegant eating. There's a pre- the world of possibilities: Re
posterous recipe for camel model a junked car into a giant
stuffed with sheep, fish, chick- planter, travel around the world
ens and eggs, that's quite prac- in two days for $1,600 and re _______________
tical for Bedouin wedding turn the day you departed (the
feasts. dateline is the trick), stay in
The book is probably the Ethe legendary "White Suite" of ulates your appetite for more
source of the most thorough go- the Jamaica Inn for $175 a day. experience..
theosth ggT'S A starting place, a whet-
ing variety show you can give REVEL IN French grape har- stone for senses made dull
yourself to free the conscious- vests - you may never by the everyday grind. You
ness from tweedledee and twee- . have seen them, but you will if won't do everything in the book,
dledum redundancy. With it you can follow directions. Visit but you'll undoubtedly try sev-
you can blast gaps in tunnel with the Gullah blacks, the eral of them. And a few more.
vision and help along an ailing Danes, the Japanese. And if tension or depression
imagination. Where you wish, it While relaxing in the house, strikes, perhaps a few more.
S ke you. A man o compose tunes on your push-. Then, hopefully, you may begin
trips are free. button telephones, design new to create on your own, which is
Swim the Hellespont or plunge figures in classic star constel- both the purpose of the book
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IN RECENLY some instances much arger, probems wmicn might attet the csult.
Apublishedthan the corresponding percent- development of a substantial au-
mammoth, two-part study, ages among older people." dience for the performing arts
the Ford Foundation tackled the A more selective poll, limited For instance, factors such as rIELEVISION WAS recognized
question of the state of the per- to those who do attend and formal dress, price and con- as a powerful tool for ac-
forming arts in America. those who indicated an interest venience of acquiring tickets; quainting a vast audience with
The more than 300-page study, in attending, uncovered three starting time; location of the art forms that had hitherto been
"The Finances of the Perform- major reasons persons attended performing hall and parking fa- considered "the sole property
ing Arts," addressed itself first ; the arts. cilities all may influence attend- of the rich," such as opera.
to an analysis of the financial ance.
state of the arts and then to a VIRST, THEY EXPECTED The study concludes, for in- As for the price of tickets to
profile of the audience support- "an excellent performance stance that "approximately 35 symphony, ballet, opera or the-
ing the performing arts. of fine music, drama or dance", per cent of the respondents felt atre, "estimated potential audi-
The latter survey, included 12
cities chosen to give geogpaphic
balancetthe ctiestudyre New If certain of the arts (particularly symphony, opera, theatre and
York, Philadelphia and Bos- ballet) were to change their "elitist, upper-class" image and make
ton; in the West, Los Angeles,
San Francisco and Seattle; in their atmosphere less formal and restrained, a potential net gain
the South, Atlanta, Houston and in audience might result.
Washington D. C. and in the
Mid-West, Chicago, Cincinnati .......................................... .................................'........*.....,..........,.,...
and Minneapolis. second, "the persons or person that it is relatively difficult to ence dropped by 20 to 30 per
The purposedof the study was with whom I would probably get tickets for symphony, opera cent as the price was increased
threefold: To determine the size spend the evening will enjoy it and ballet." The FoundationI from $5 to $10 per ticket. It
and characteristics of the au- tremendously" and third, be- concludes that "if those who
dience; to determine what peo- cause "it (the art) makes one feel that there are difficulties dropped by 35 to 45 per cent as
ple want and expect of perfor- feel stimulated and happy". associated with getting tickets the price was increased from $5
mances and to identify oppor- An unexpected corollary of could be persuaded that it is to $20 per ticket."
tunities for arts groups to at- A the third reason was that "On easy to get tickets potential at-
tract a larger audience. t s tendance might go up .. The study, which should prove
You may escape into the absurd land of what could be, the world
of possibilities: Remodel a junked car into a giant planter, travel
around the world in two days for $1600 and return the day you
departed (the dateline is the trick), stay in the White Suite of the
Jamaica Inn for $175 a day.
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into Colorado's Devil's Punch-
bowls. Barge down a frothy
white river in Idaho, South
Carolina or Oregon. Take one of
the nine "best bus rides".
NOT. ALL the traveling re-
quires a change of loca-
tion. Stay at home and view
the stars. Practice escaping
from quicksand in the comfort
of your own backyard. Climb a
tree, dowse for a well, play with
the wind on a kite string.
There are lots of games.
Thinking games, female chau-
vinist games, toe wrestling,
lations and explore the cooking and the
revival possibilities of soggy
This sampling, of course, is
superficial, but "The Great Es- editor t
cape" isn't. It explains enough ps
about each adventure to let you sapes. /
attempt it immediately, or stim- she c'an.,
end of captivity.
Long is a contributing
o the magazine who es-
sunny Florida whenever
MOST OF THE people ex-
posed to the performing arts
have contact with them not on
the direct basis of attending a
live performance (amateur or
professional) but through an-
other medium, such as tele-
vision, radio orhrecordings
(tapes or records).
The study goes on to deter-
mine that of those persons who
do attend the arts, education,
income and age are the import-
ant determining factors.
The stuidy concludes, regard-
ing these factors, that "attend-
ance increases directly with in-
come," that higher education is.
the most critical factor in at-
tendance and that "in every in-
stance, except for plays and
musicals, the percentage attend-
ing the arts among the young
p 3
A woman staring spinsterhood in the face sets her heart and mind on find-
ing an eligible husband. An all-star cast distinguishes this period comedy
that features Hepburn's farce performance as the aging maid. SHORT:
Charlie Chaplin's THE ADVENTURER.
Tues. and Wed. (at 7) Primitive Cinema & Modern C enterparts
Tues. (at 9 & 10:30) Marx Bros. DUCK SOUP
Wed. (at 9 & 10:30) Marx Bros. ROOM SERVICE
ciYremagu~ild7:00& 9:00 adm. $1
the average, the respondents
want to "just sit back" and en-
joy themselves, "One wants the
good things in life, including its
spiritual values, but one is notI
necessarily prepared to devote
real concentration or effort to
obtain them."
It was further concluded that
if certain of the arts (particu-
larly symphony, opera, theatre
and ballet) were to change their
"elitist, upper-class" image and
make their atmosphere less for-
mal and restrained, a potentialG
helpful to every serious patron
of the arts and certainly to
those involved professionally as
either performer, manager, pro-
ducer or whatever, will be made
available later this month to
the public for $3.50 per part.
classroom instruction in
electronic music
the music
Partial list of subjects covered during
our 12-week course:
* Sound properties and acoustical phenomena
" Electronic generation and modification of sound
* Theory and use of voltage-controlled equipment
* Tape recorder characteristics and operation
* Studio recording, splicing and mixing techniques
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I... II.-