See Editorial Page
Yi e
:43 a t ty
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 7, 1974 Free Issue Ei
ght Pages
We're No. 1!
We're Number 1, and the latest statistics from
the FBI prgve it. The Ann Arbor metropolitan area,
they show, continued to have the highest crime
rate in the state for 1973. Nationally, we rank be-
hind only Phoenix and Daytona Beach with our
7,746 crimes per 100,000 population. That's a 13.4
per cent increase over 1972. The statistics show
violent crime up 37.5 per cent, rape up 4.9 per
cent, robbery up 4.1 per cent and assault up a
whopping 73.7 per cent. Burglaries have climbed
6.6 per cent and auto theft 1.4 per cent.
Can't fight City Hall?
The Human Rights Party has once again re-
taliated against the predominantly Republican
city hall, this time with a shuttle bus service be-
tween Waterman Gymnasium, where students
spent the last few days registering for classes, and
City Hall, where they are registering to vote. The
service has been responsible for adding 150 new
voters to the city's books. City Administrator Syl-
vester Murray previously turned down a move to
have registration at Waterman, claiming that reg-
istration should be conducted in all areas of the
city, regardless of which party might be favored.
The Republicans, who are a majority of council,
refused to attend a special meeting called by the
council's three Democrats to consider the issue.
"The Republicans are engaged in a systematic ef-
fort to keep students from registrating," com-
plained HRP spokesman Dwight Pelz, "The Re-
publican businessmen are willing to take the stu-
dents' money, but they don't want them to vote."
Raw carrots
In the haze of your first memories of disorienta-
tion here at the University, you may remember a
test loftily titled the Opinion Attitude and Interest
Survey. In a magnanimous gesture, the Univer-
sity is now releasing the results of these tests to
all interested students - no matter when you took
the test. Consult the counseling office in your
school or college tosee one of the great mysteries
of the University resolved: What does your prefer-
ence for cooked carrots really mean?
Before you rush to Rm. 4310 in the Michigan
Union today to learn new ways to intimidate your
landlord, please take note of the following: The
Daily was mistakenly informed that the Legal Aid
Clinic's lecture on "How to Get Back Your Dam-
age Deposit" would be given today at noon. The
meeting, in reality, will be held Monday at noon.
The place remains the same.
Happenings .. .
.will not dazzle you today with their quan-
tity. Nevertheless, the Ethnic Fair continues down-
town from 11 a~m. to 11 p.m. . . . for botany
freaks, the last monthly "tree clinic" will be held
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m at the Buhr Park swimming
facility. The clinic, sponsored by the city parks de-
partment and the School of Natural Resources, is
free . . . and finally, the Holy Trinity Chapel in
Ypsilanti will sponsor a professional art fair Sept.
28 for EMU's homecoming festivities. They're
taking entry blanks for those wishing to exhibit
their work now. The number to call is 482-1400.
Nixon news
While giving up the frenetic life of the White
House is a relief for most men, it apparently is
causing even more grief for former President
Richard Nixon. Friends have described him as
"terribly depressed" on his estate in San Clemente
Calif. "He's terribly depressed with much to be
depressed about," one friend said to the Washing-
ton Post.
Maltese falcon
The legendary Maltese Falcon which eluded
Humphrey Bogart, Sydney Greenstreet and Peter
Lorre on late-night TV screens across America is
now eluding Los Angeles cops-for real. The 18-
inch statue was on loan from Warner Bros. in the
Los Angeles County Art Museum when it was dis-
covered missing Thursday. The statue, valued at a
mere $200, though film buffs would pay a lot more,
was immortalized in a 1941 film, classic titled, not
surprisingly, "The Maltese Falcon."
On the inside.. .
John Kahler mourns the loss of Lionel Main-
train Worrell to Oral Roberts U in Tulsa on the
Sports Page . . . Marnie Heyn continues her inter-
view with Myra Wolfgang on the Editorial Page
. . and the Hindenburg, George C. Scott and a
16-foot model- of a dirigible will grace today's Arts
Friends of Newsreel, a student film group, has been put
out of business by a University order prohibiting the organization
from leasing campus facilities until a substantial rental bill is
Formerly Newsreel had rented auditoriums in the Modern
Languages Bldg. several nights each week for film showings.
But "no further assignments of space will be made until prior
obligations are met," according to Maurice Rinkel, the Uni-
versity's auditor for student organizations.
RINKEL REFUSED to disclose the exact size of Newsreel's
debt to the University, however, other sources indicated that it
was well over $1,000.
Those sources also estimated that the film group has other
unpaid bills which "easily total over $10,000."
Spokespersons for Friends of Newsreel yesterday refused to
comment on the University's decision.
THE ORGANIZATION'S financial affairs have been the
source of controversy during the summer. Student Government
Council placed Newsreel on probation for failure to pay several
film distributors on time for movies the group had rented.
Ford favors
Sources estimate that the film group has
other unpaid bills which "easily total over
The Student Organizations Board, an arm of SGC, ordered
Newsreel to establish an accounting system that would allow
the organization to "promptly pay its debts."
In June, a Daily investigation revealed that Newsreel had
been lending a considerable amount of money to the financially-
ailing Michigan Free Press, an underground weekly published
by Community Media Project, Inc.
BUT EARLIER A representative of the group had told SGC
that Newsreel and Community Media Project were financially
A further connection between the groups was established
when it was learned that Newsreel Treasurer Glen Allvord also
serves as vice president of Community Media Project. Also,
according to several movie distributors, Community Media
Project President George DePue has booked films on behalf
of Newsreel.
DePue, however, has
connection with Newsreel.
repeatedly denied any membership
YESTERDAY HE refused to say whether Community Media
Project would help the film group repay the University.
But even if Newsreel could cover its outstanding University
rental obligations, there is still considerable doubt as to whether
its film program could be resumed.
The group would have to re-apply for recognition as a stu-
dent group through the Student Organizations Board, and ac-
cording to board Chairman Elliot Chikofsky Newsreel is not
likely to be sanctioned until all its debts have been cleared up.
NEWSREEL REPRESENTATIVES refused to say whether
the organization would attempt to raise the funds necessary
to pay the University's claim. In the past, film groups associated
with George DePue have used facilities of several churches
for their movie showings.
The University remained vague about what action it may
take against Newsreel if the group fails to meet its financial
obligations. Rinkel failed to indicate if his office would take
legal steps against Newsreel.
to set amnesty
PHILADELPHIA 0P) -- President Ford said last night that
he has decided to establish a "clemency review board" to con-
sider the cases of Vietnam-era deserters and draft dodgers.
Talking with reporters aboard Air Force One, Ford also said
he would announce his package of decisions on amnesty next
THE, DISCLOSURE of the President's plans came as he
marked the end of his fourth week in office.
Several, weeks earlier, in addressing a veterans' conven
tion in Chicago, Ford -said he wanted deserters and draft re-
sisters to have a second chance and return to America if they
were willing to work their way back.
Since then, Ford has collected the suggestions of cabinet
S triking
Both sides in Ann Arbor's four
day old teacher's strike have
agreed to meet this morning in
an attempt to end the walkout.
Negotiating teams from the
school board and the Ann Arbor
Education Association (AAEA),
which represents the teachers,
will meet at Huron High School
at 10 a.m. with Leo Cadwell,
state mediator.
The meeting will be the first
between the two sides since
See STRIKING, Page 2
members on implementing his
concept of "earned re-entry".
Last night's disclosure was the
first solid indication of the route
he was preparing to follow.
ESTIMATES OF the number
of persons convicted or sought
for desertion or draft resistance
range up to 50,000. Several
thousand have left the country
and now live in Canada or
In talking with reporters,
Presidential press secretary
Jerald terHorst said the Presi-
dent's plans are for a "civilian,
public board" although one
member could be a government
representative. He said he did
not think the military would
have a member on the review
TerHorst said that there would
be one national board consist-
ing of from three to seven mem-
bers and that Ford is now
considering possible appointees.
Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
THE PERSUASIONS, live on stage, look out on a crowd of 3,500-4,000 late yesterday afternoon at the exiled Ann Arbor Blues and
Jazz Festival in Windsor, Ontario.
Ann Arbor
Blues, Jazz
Special To The Daily
WINDSOR, Canada - "Lad'
and gentlemen," shouted 1
announcer, "Here is the m
who will make you feel go
if you feel bad, and who u
make you feel better if you
ready feel good. Welcome t
godfather of soul. Mr. Jan
far, away
Most of the audience at the
"Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz
Festival in Exile" held here
last night seem to have been
feeling good already as they
cheered him wildly into his
syncopated soul set. The entire
evening was in the same vein,
with hardly a hitch that could
be felt by the audience.
THE MUSIC began as the
Gregory praises.
youth moralty
Dick Gregory, renowned author and public speaker, empha-
sized the value of the moral force of today's youth in dealing
with social problems during a two hour speech in Trueblood
Theatre yesterday.
Sticking loosely to the theme of human responsibility during
social crises, Gregory dealt with a wide variety of problems
from a deepening world food crisis to racism and oppression
in the U.S.
AT FIRST, setting a mood of unity against the irony and
corruption in high places, Gregory, once a night club comic,
joked about the economy and Nixon's current situation.
Gregory told about his childhood in the depression, where
Holloween was the best time of the year because only then
could he wear his only clothes and still be dressed for the
He commented on the current food prices, saying that if
the price of onions went up much further, it would become a
status symbol to have it on your breath. The audience of Pilot
program students roared with appreication.
AS HE CAME on stage, one hand clenched into a fist, the
other in a "V" sign, Gregory yelled, "Can all you in the cheap
sun started to set over St. Clair
Colleges' Griffin H o Il o w, a
semi-circular g r a s s covered
crater large enough to hold
12,000 people. From the center
of the hollow, nothing can be
seen but the grassy slopes, a
few pink billowly clouds in a
blue sky and the brightly lit
Early in the evening, the
audience was small, only about
4,000 people, but as the stars
began to appear, it doubled in
size-abquiet, orderly crowd.
Rainbow Multi-Media Presi-
dent Pete Andrews claimed that
the necessity of crossing the
Canadian-U.S. border resulted
in a diminished turnout.
"IT WAS a hassle getting
here," one festival goer admit-
ted, "but I wanted to come, I'm
here, and it's worth it."
The festival was scheduled
for Windsor when Ann Arbor's
city council rejected a motion
allowing the festival to be held
in its traditional Otis Spahn field
at Huron High.
The sticky spot for most fes-
tival goers seemed to be the
border. Canadian custom offi-
cials maintained they were not
searching any more thoroughly
than usual. "That would be
discrimination," o n e official
But Andrews told The Dily
that many people were being
turned away from Canada, a
blow to Rainbow Multi-Media's
already shaky financial situa-
tion. "We're gonna lose, we are
for sure going to lose money,"
(the audience) even liked Sun-
Ra. But it's too bad there
aren't more people."
But the people there didn't
seem to mind the small crowd,
and thoroughly e n j o y e d the
music. All except for John Sin-
clair, creative director of the
festival, who was refused en-
trance to Canada because of
his narcotics conviction.
nation's unemployment r a t e
edged up to 5.4 per cent of the
work force in August with both
young and older men bearing
the brunt of the added jobless-
ness, the government reported
Unemployment, after hovering
between 5 and 5.2 per cent
throughout most of the year, has
risen by one-tenth of a per cent
in each of the past two months.
"Although neither the July
nor August change in unemploy-
ment was statistically signifi-
cant, the change over the two
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