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December 11, 1974 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-12-11

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Wednesday, December 11,


Pcge Three

Gas tax
to die
WASHINGTON ()-President
Ford has condemned it to death,
but the notion of a fuel-saving
gasoline tax refuses to die.
With many of the President's
top energy officials still talking
up the gasoline tax, Ford may
yet find the proposal among
their forthcoming recommenda-
tions. The officials suggest that
when he sees their other pro-
posals, Ford may decide the
gasoline tax isn't so bad after
FORD has ordered his admin-
istration to bring about a reduc-
tion of one million barrels a day
in the nation's oil consumption
by the end of 1975, preferably
by voluntary cooperation.
But the White House acknow-
ledged a few days ago that
voluntary efforts were proving
The administration, heading'
for cabinet-level energy policy
talks at Camp David next Satur-
day, is known to be considering
such moves as mandatory auto-
mobile mileage standards; tax
credits for purchasers of eco-
nomical cars or, conversely,
weight and horsepower taxes;
import restrictions; fuel alloca-
tions and, as a last resort, gaso-
line rationing.
MORTON and others who
favor the alternative of a high
gasoline tax argue that it would
be a less painful way to cut
down fuel consumption.
It might not even cost a care-
ful driver any extra money.
There are many possible ways
to establish a gasoline tax sys-
tem. In Morton's version, the
tax would be refunded, possibly
through an income tax credit.
But the refund would not neces-
sarily match each individual's
actual gasoline tax payments.
MORTON has suggested a 30-
cents-per-gallon tax that would
bring in an estimated $28 bil-
lion a year at current consump-
tion levels.
Most of the money could be
refunded equally among all citi-
zens over the age of 18, drivers
and non-drivers alike, he sug-
gests. That would work out to
a payment of around $150 a year
to each adult citizen.
A driver whose car covers
10,000 miles a year at 20 miles
per gallon would break even,
recovering as much money as
he paid out for the extra gaso-
line tax.
THOSE who drive more would
find their refund less than their
gasoline taxes and presumably
would be encouraged to start
cutting down on their driving.
Fuel-saving drivers would
come out ahead by paying less
in fuel tax than they get back,
while non-drivers would pocket
the full $150 as a bonus for
relying on public transporta-
tion and their own legs to get
now in stock


Nobel Prize winner claims
U.N. neglects starvng milI
SANTIAGO, Chile (P) - Mil- Borlaug, whose work in de-' move it. But you ca
lions will die from hunger dur- veloping new strains of high- that much food that f
ing the coming months and the yield wheat to help poor coun-
recent United Nations food con- tries feed their inhabitants won "A LOT of people
ference in Rome did nothing to him the Nobel Prize and fame to die," Borlaug
prevent their starvation, claims as the father of the "Green softly, "And we will
agronomist Norman E. Bor- Revolution," was in Chile to look for the blessing
laug, winner of the 1970 Nobel advise government officials on and everyone else
Peace Prize. improving wheat yields. weather.
In an interview with The As- Borlaug said the hunger "r
sociated Press, Borlaug said crisis in densely populated coun- "There is no reservi
of the Rome conference: tries like India and Bangladesh tof any magnitude in
"IT WAS nonsense and you iis so acute right now thatiis today and to give you
can quote me. Nothing tangible doubtful whether the richer na- mark to go by, ann
caions, tvene.fNtheynggreeg bneaconsumption of grain
was done. It was just talk. I tions, even if they agreed ona o 1.2 billion metric to
spent three days there before massive emergency plan, could1mon tric to
the meeting began to help draw overcome logistical problems amounts to 44.5 billior
up general suggestions and and ship sufficient quantities of "That's enough to
there were very few of us with grains to the stricken region. highway around th
dirt underneath our fingernails. equator 55 feet wid
:I lf erethe onferece I "RIGHT now, for example, feet deep," Borlaugs
began because I knew what the Rome food conference dis- unlike macadam, wl
bwas going to happen. cussed the idea of cutting down 30 years, this road1
The Rome food conference, on meat 10 per cent. But how rebuilt every year.
attendedbyerepresentatives of the hell do you get it over!
123 nations, closed Nov. 17 after there? BORLAUG said tli
drafting a long-term campaign "It's one thing to say, 'Don't crisis has its roots
against hunger and creating a convert grains to meat," but if food production outsi
new agency, the World Food it's already in meat, how do during World War II.
Council, to run it. you get that hamburger to fly war, when the cou
BUT THE conference failed to over across the ocean? Europe began produ
heed pleas for grain over the "So for the immediate future again, surpluses glut
AP Photo next 8 to 10 months to stave off governments are going to have grain markets, and
starvation in Asia and Africa. to buy that additional grain and ments, like that of t
Borlaug said millions will die THE MICHIGAN DAILY States, subsidized f
headed as in the next eight to nine months produceXles..
cond day in countries like India and Ban- lWednesday,ecember 11, 1974
gladesh. He called it the worst is edited and managed by students
- food crisis since World War II at the University of Michigan. News
and added: phone 764-0562. second class postage
"The deaths in those coun- paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Pbihd dail y Tuesday through E g N
tries are going to make the Sunday morning during the Univer-
fatalities from starvation caused sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
by drought in the Sahara lands Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
over he lat coule ofyearsrates: $10 by carrier (campus area); N i .
overthelas coule f yars$11 local mall (Michigan and Ohio);
look like very small numbers." $12 non-local mail (other states and
THERE IS no official count foreigner session published Tues-
on the number of deaths in the day through Saturday morning.
o n Sahara lands, but unofficial es- Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
timates have put it in the tens (campus area); $6.00 local mail
said yes- of (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-

an't move

Term 1-1975-76
including 4 hrs. of student teaching accept-
ance, after interview, before Christmas
Contact 4124 S.E.B. or phone 764-5497

are going!
i have to
g of God
for good
t of grains
the world
u a bench-,
ual global
n is some
ns." That
build a
e earth's
e and six
said. "But
rhich lasts
has to be
e present
in heavy
de Europe
After the
untries of
acing food
ted world
d govern-
he United
armers to




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Hanukkah headdress?
Former Israeli premier Golda Meir appears lighth
she addresses a Montreal synagogue during the se
of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Food price rise
expected to go
WASHINGTON (A)-The Agriculture Department
terday that retail food prices could rise as fastc
first half of next year as they have risen this year.
Supermarket prices through June could go up at
rate of 15 per cent, "barring a sharp collapse in do
world demand," said Dawson Ahalt, a staff economists
the department's analysis of the food price outlook.
ELLEN ZAWEL, president of the National Consu
gress, said in response to Ahalt's prepared address to1
ment's annual National Agricultural Outlook Confer
prospects of another 15 to 20 per cent increase in foo

George P. Garrett-
Novelist, Poet, Editor
Author of
Death of the Fox
The Magic Striptease
Editor of
Intro 6
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11-4:30 P.M.
Hopwood Freshman Composition
Prizes Will Be Awarded

during the
an annual
mestic and
umers Con-
the depart-
ence, "The
d prices is

Send 25c for samples or $2.00 for 2 dozen. Special Ouality
rubber products. Merchandise guaranteed. Sent 1st class.
Also available SANE SEX LIFE, Dr. Long's famous book
(Original price $5.00) now in blue antique paperback
only $1.50.
Also, finest imported Mediterranean briar PIPES-gouar-
anteed-walnut finish-mode to retail for $5.00-reduced

Stir 12 0z. Bacardi dark rum into 1 qt.
chilled Borden Egg Nog. Delicious. N


ggng. price $3.50. ORDER NOW or send for FREE descriptive
Food prices last year jumped 14.5 per cent and have in- literature. State Aae. rI yysty sg347ifSid
creased about another 15 per cent so far this year. Boland, Box 2421 M, GPO, New York, N.. 10001
A year ago the department predicted a 12 per cent increase
during 1974. However, poor harvests reduced supply and i -
creased prices. Ahalt said prospects are "highly uncertain" for y
the last half of 1975, when economists again hope for bumper
U.S. grain crops. FEDERICO FELLI NI'S 1954 J A C O BSO N'S
"IF WEATHER cooperates in the U.S. and around the world, LA STRADA
and economic activity weakens more than expected, production
increases relative to demand growth could be quite large, leading (at 7) O PEN EVENINGS
to significant slowing in price levels," Ahalt said. An Academy Award winning Italian film about a waif ,
(Oiulietta Mosina) who is sold to a circus stronq man
"Conversely, with poor growing conditions, at a time when (Anthony Quinn) but comes to love a clown (Richard
world food needs are expanding, could ignite a rapid pace of Basehart). An allegory of the. conflicts between the soul, CTHROUGH DECEMBER 23
food price advances throughout 1975," he added. body, and mind.
- - --- -- ---' F. W. MURAWUS 1925±
TARTUFFE OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M.
EmiIJannings (star of Murnau's The Last Laugh) stars as
an old man flling for his voluptuous housekeeper who isSA U D Y TO 5:30 P.M
taken to a screening of Tartuffe by his grandson who
knows better and seeks to expose her intentions by exam-
ple. German silent. CLOSED SUNDAYS
C n a u d $1.50 FOR OLD ARCH I
, //Cinema G u id BOTH SHOWS AUD.


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