Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY PageTwoTHE ICHGAN AIL classroom instruction in electronic music the music studio Now Accepting Students For Winter Term 555 e. willim-994-5404 Just a note about our Hifi Sale. Revenu (Continued from Page 1) Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Sec- ond Ward) called the proposal "inadequate and ill-defined." "Colburn is very manipula- tive, and can successfully and charmingly indicate where he feels the needs lie," stated Koz- achenko. "But what I think he and the committee owe to the citizens of Ann Arbor - and what I will demand of them - are facts and substantial data justifying how they arrived at the figures they did. You can't just pull figures out from thin air. i i a I f i 7 P report criticized ed, and historical preservation pletely devoid of community in- may need to be cut altogether- put, and Housing and Urban De- it's not as vital as someone velopment (HUD) officials; needing to go to the hospital." were not impressed at all," he Republican Mayor James said. Stephenson said he believes that He says that HUD officials the proposal will have "excel- have suggested to other com-1 lent chances in council." munities that they follow "theI "It would be pretty hard not fine example this committee hasI to accept the proposal," Steph- shown." enson said. "It is the result of Another citizens committee a lot of hard work and many charged with establishing reve- public hearings. On what basis nue sharing priorities has also could council not accept it? Do made very similar budget re- they have some kind of higher commendations. Tuesday, December 10, 19' Daley tells of plan to seek reeleclon E - HAND MADE AUTHENTIC S A ,sr inlC rtsp ints, nd ru S, e i Pawn DEC. 13th, 14th, & 15th 3 DAYS ONLY FRI. & SAT. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. SUNDAY 12 noon-8 p.m. BRIARWOOD HILTON INN 1-94 ot STATE ST.-ANN ARBOR, MI. WHOLESALE BUYERS WELCOME SUNDAY Presented by DINO AMERICAN TRADERS ASSOCIATION 3137 WEST LAWRENCE CHICAGO} "I'm very distressed that on- ly $490,000 was allotted to com- munity services, which would cover day care, care for the aged and transportation pro- grams," Kozachenko added. "With the economy going the way it is, that wouldn't even have been enough three years ago. "I WOULD have liked to have seen close to $1 million go to both housing and community services, because I think that's basically where people need the money," she said. "Public works and environmental pro- tection funds should be reduc- l l 1 knowledge on it of some sort?" STEPHENSON said that his knowledge of the proposal ex- tends "only to what I've read in the papers." However, Colburn stated that the mayor and city administra- tors have been kept "continual- ly informed" by the commit- tee. "We have made frequent reports to the mayor and city administrators, and they all know what's going on," he said. Colburn also contended that his committee proposal would distribute funds much more fairly than two years ago, when Democrats and HRP members held a majority on council. Colburn described the 1972 handling of revenue sharing funds as "a handout to constit- uencies where HRP and Demo- cratic politicians stood to gain the most political advantage." "THEY handled it in a very political way, (in 1972) com- According to chairman John Laird, the two committee pro- posals are "not that far apart," even though his group took a different approach, by looking at individual proposals and dol- lar amounts from the start. The Laird committee, compos- ed of citizens serving on city boards and commissions, will finalize their recommendations Thursday. 1 CHICAGO (P)-Richard Dalev said yesterday he will seek a sixth four-year term as mayor. The annoincement was widely5 predicted during the past few weeks, after many months ofs speculation that because of age and illness the 72-year-old poli- tical leader would step down. i THE MAYOR told a news con-1 ference. "I will be a candidatef for re-election." He said that he had "met and talked with manyz groups and individuals over a period of months . . . I have also talked with my family andI considered all personal factors.H "My decision today is the re-i sult of these discussions." Daley said there are challenges facingI the city and "we have the, people who can overcome chal-' lenges . . . and they make me proud to tell you that I ams re;,0v to ioin with vou in cont !ing to do everything I can. "I seek vo"r spoort. With we can conti-lle to work f harmony and for better lives everyone in our city." DALEY suffered-a mild stro in Mav and was away for mo tha, 100 days from the City H office where he has ruled Cl cago since 1955 and achievi national prominence as a Dem cratic party leader. Last week, Daley aides < rected a media campaign si naling his announcement. ThE ushered in to the mayor's offi -each in their turn-busines labor and civic leaders w] emerged vowing they did n know the mayor's plans but d voutly hoped he w o u 1 d ra again. Kozachenko critipczes olice 122 East Washington Street Ann Arbor 3rd Annualt ~Tr. WINTER ART FAIR Sunday, December 15 Open Sales 12:30-6:30 p.m. Auction 4:30 P.m. MICHIGAN UNION S ponsored by the U-M Artists and Craftsman Guild now in stock SR 50 FULL SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR $134.95 UNIVERSITY CELLAR 769-7940 (Continued from Page 1) W H E N "large marijuana cases come up that WANT can not handle, they go to the State Police," Murray pointed out. Kozachenko charged that the recent upsurge of a c t i v i t y against marijuana use has in- cluded "a large number of dope arrests or seizures in the city." However, Murray claimed lo- cal police efforts have concen- trated only on issuing tickets for violations of the city pot ordi- nance. In the past six months, 175 marijuana tickets have been is- sued mainly for violations stem- ming from traffic violations in- volving mar ijuana smoked openly in a policeman's pres- ence, Murray claimed. juana sale and use "a token fiveI dollar fine."[ "Any police department par- ticipation in a coordinated effort to crack down on marijuana is in direct violation of the spirit and intent of April's voter man- date," she said. Councilman Louis Belcher (R- Fifth Ward) said "I totally dis- agree with the HRP stance .. . the charter's spirit in possession and use is for the individual, not the dealer." Councilwoman Carol J o n e s (D - Second Ward) explained "there is a distinction when the police department initiate mari- juana investigation and offer support" to another agency. In itiating investigation is "again the charter's spirit," Jones cor tended. Kozachenko requested an in mediate and comprehensive r port on the police drug progra including: -rationale for the department assistance of anti-marijuana e forts in the fact of the loc ordinance; -number of officers involved -use of the police garage other city property by 6th agencies for narcotics inves gation; and -specific drug targets. !{ KOZACHENKO stressed that the city ordinance makes mari- STEVE'S LUNCH 1313H 0 UNIVERSITY Home Cooking Is Our Specialty Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. I m Inerdisciplinary Courses for 'Graduate redilt WINTER 1975 American Studies 490 Psychology History of the American Film Cases in Knowledge Utili * 3-4 hrs., Tues. & Thurs. 2 p.m. 0 Practical efforts to apply know & 1 film showing weekly technology on several fields w Tues. or Wed. night. described and conceptualized * Contact Person: Prof. Marvin Felheim of psycho-sociological literatu 4-7301 knowledge utilization/innova diffusion/technology transfer teams, each collaborating wit Computer Information and potential client group, wille detailed plan for implementin C lnngaselected segment of knowledg Control ngineering c and for evoloutio Breakfast All Day 3 eggs, Hash Browns, Toast & Jelly-$1.05 Ham or Bacon or Sausage with 3 eggs, Hash Browns, Toast and jelly-$1.50 3 eggs, Rib Eye Steak, Hash Browns, Toast & Jelly-$2.10 Specials This Week Beef Stroqonoff Chinese Pepper Steak Home-made Beef Stew Eoo Rolls Home-made Soups (Beef. Barlev. Clam Chowder. etc.) Chili, Vegetable Tempura (served after 2 p.m.) Hamburqer Steak Dinner- (1/2 lb.).......$1.89 Spaqhetti in Wine Sauce Beef Curry Rice Delicious Korean Bar-q Beef (served after 4 Daily) I ~ Become a Montessori Teacher SUMMER STUDY, GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS COLLEGE CREDITS WRITE FOR BROCHURE MONTESSORI CENTER OF MICHIGAN 2490 Airport Rd. 0 Drayton Plains, MI. 48020 313/673-0007 American Montessori Society Affiliate FAST AND FRIENDLY SERVICE BY MR. AND MRS. LEE I ls1Utn v. 1 ,%, -.-NI - ML I SUN. 9-8 CLOSED MON. TUES.-SAT. 8-8 769-2288 1313 OUNIVERSITY STEVE'S LUNCH zation wdedge of vilI be in terms ure on tion . Student h a velop a nga ge of n the n. impacts of the implementatio I t Structure of Digital Computers. Introduction to the important hardware concepts of digital computation. @ 4 hrs., Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:00 lab * Contact Person: Prof. L. L. Rauch 4-9387 Computer Information and Control Engineering 401(M419) * Linear spaces and matrix theory concerned with vector spaces and linear transformations; application of a variety of linear equations. @ 3 hrs., Mon., Wed., Fri., 2:00 " Contact Person: Prof. L. L. Rauch 4-9387 Computer Information and Control Engineering 412 Engineering Probability and Statistics " 3 hrs., Days and times to be announced * Contact Person: Prof. Donald Pelz 4-8397 Studies in European Romanticism 0 Main currents of European Romanticism -Tieck, Novalis, Kleist, Hoffman, Eichendotff, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Carlyle, Merimee, Hugo, Dtendhal, and Balzac. * 3 hrs., Mon. 3-5 * Contact Person: Prof. Charles Witke 4-0320 Structural Theories of literature . Application of structural theories to selected literature texts. Units: Russian, Prague, German, French, Geneva,.and American. * 3 hrs., Mon., Wed., Fri., 5:00 WE HAVE TH IWIDEST SEECJTIONOFJEAN SI YI.ES. SO VIH11HER IT'S A CIRISTMAS GIFTF FOR YOt'R LOVER OR A LITTLE SOMETHIING FOR YOURSELF YOU'LL FIND WI AT YOU WAN. AND, IN CASE YOU COULN- TELFL1111 WE HAVE TOPS TOO. L9 I 0