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December 10, 1974 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page



:43 tiiy

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 79

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 10, 1974

Ten Cents


Hanukkah mishap
A small fire destroyed bedding in an East Quad
room last night, also causing smoke damage to
clothing in the room. According to the Fire
Marshal, the blaze started when Hanukkah candles
left in the locked, unattended room burned down to
a small coffee table beside a bed. The fire did
not spread beyond the room, but water used in
extinguishing the blaze seeped under the walls to
two adjoining rooms. No one was hurt. The Fire
Marshal declined to estimate the amount of dam-
age to the room, but said it was "not real serious."
No quorum
The Literary College (LSA) faculty has apparent-
ly caught an early dose of holiday spirit. They fail-
ed to muster the necessary attendance to meet
quorum at yesterday's meeting. Quorum is 100 out
of the roughly 1,200 LSA faculty members. But in a
burst of seasonable goodwill, the attending faculty
members heartily applaude when Greek Prof. Ger-
ald Else spontaneously stood up and told LSA Act-
ing Dean Billy Frye, "We have confidence in you."
The faculty was scheduled to discuss the Gradua-
tion Requirements Commission report, and Frye
expressed eagerness to take up the question of
ROTC academic credit and LSA faculty govern-
ance - but it'll have to wait till next term now.
Lettuce boycott
Lettuce lovers and boycotters will once again
face off over who's lettuce and grapes will be
served in the dorms. The University Housing Coun-
cil has placed the issue on their ballot for the up-
coming UHC election. The vote will decide whether
the dorms should continue the grape and lettuce
boycott currently supported by the dorms. The
issue was approved in the April election by a 2-to-1
margin, and was consequently enacted. The reso-
lution, as approved by UHC, included the stipula-
tion that students vote to re-affirm - or terminate
-the boycott each term. Since the vote is binding,
as far as the University goes, whatever the stu-
dents want, they'll get. The election is scheduled
for pre-registration, which begins Thursday.
Happenings .. .
... are minimal today. But at 8 p.m. in the East
Quad Auditorium, you can enjoy a country music
jamboree - free . . . the Astronomical Film Fes-
tival will continue in MLB's Aud. 3 at 8 p.m.. .
Winslow Peck and Margaret Van Houten will spon-
sor a workshop on "Technofascism and the Intelli-
gence Community, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Rack-
ham's East Conference Room . . . and two dance
events: Vera Embree presents "Dance - Expres-
sions of Culture," at 7 p.m. in the Barbour Gym:
At 9 p.m. in Barbour Studio, students will perform
"Solstice: A Celebration of Dance, Concert I."
Vidal speaks
A cinema manager in Vernon, Conn., has de-
cided that most people don't know enough about
sex - and he intends to teach them. Angelo Palma,
manager of the Rockville Cinema, will begin live
stage performances beginning Jan. 2. He added
that the performances would be the real thing -
not simulations - and that the couples would dis-
play every conceivable position. Palma said that
the public has shown tremendous interest in his
shows, even though the local newspapers refuse
to carry his ads, and added that he expects to
180-seat cinema to be filled. "We have another
cinema nearby that can seat 600," said Palma.
"But it's close to a Catholic church. We don't
want to upset anyone by giving sex showstthere."
He said he expected some opposition to the per-
formances. And he'll probably get it.
Sex act
Author and humorist Gore Vidal, who spent a
day in Ann Arbor last month plugging his latest
book, had a few words to say in L. A. the other
day about the writers' publicity circuit. "I'm con-
vinced it doesnt do a bit of good," Vidal said.

"Perhaps it would if you went on the Johnny Car-
son shows with a book titled 'How to Achieve a
Greater Orgasm in a-$85-a-month apartment -
and Find God.' The only one who could make it
work was the late Jacqueline Susann, who suc-
ceeded on sheer determination. She went on tele-
vision and said, 'I won't leave Des Moines until
you buy my book."' Vidal did not confine his re-
marks to books, however. He added a political
comment: "People used to worry because Carl
Albert was next in line of succession. Imagine
having the village idiot as president. No one wor-
ries now, because we've got the village idiot as
On the inSide...
... our European correspondent, Paul O'Donnell,
discusses Cuban-U.S. relations in the first article
of a series on the Editorial Page . . . Arts Pages
features record reviews . . . and Roger Rossiter
presents an exclusive hockey story on the Sports

federal c

Twelve Pages




Canadian Press Photo
You are getting sleepy...
Making lobsters do headstands is easy, Peter Saab of Toronto says as he hypnotizes six of
them in half a minute. "All you have to do is stand the lobster on his (or her) nose, stretch
his claws to a certain position and stroke the tail with the palm of your hand," he says. Saab
learned the trick from a Norwegian trawlerman as a boy of 12 in Nova Scotia.
Top o fficls consier
en ergywsa vi ng policies

House passed and sent to
the White House yesterday
a bill requiring the federal
government to take posses-
sion of former President
Nixon's papers and tapes.
The unanimous vote
came only hours after the
Senate amended the meas-
ure and returned it to the
House for final passage.
PRESIDENT Ford has given
no indication whether he will
sign the bill into law. The
measure generated no contro-
versy in Congress.
The bill was introduced by
Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.)
after Nixon negotiated an agree-
ment with the White House un-
der which he would donate the
tapes to the federal government
by 1979.
The agreement provided that
Nixon could order the destruc-
tion of any tapes he chooses
after 1979, and that all tapes
must be destroyed upon Nixon's
death or on Sept. 1, 1984, which-
ever occurs first.
THE SENATE bill makes the
General Services Administration
the permanent repository of the
tanes. The measure grants
Nixon access to his presiden-
tial papers but not control of
Nelson said the Senate action
was a "major step toward pre-
serving the full Watergate story
for posterity and for use in re-
lated criminal trials."
It was the second time the
Senate has voted passage of the
bill. After the first passage, the
House added an amendment re-
quiring appointment of an in-
dependent counsel in case there
is a challenge filed by Nixon on
constitutional grounds.
THE SENATE deleted the pro-
"There was some feeling in
the House that, in the case of
a Nixon lawsuit, the Justice De-
partment should not be the one
to represent the government's
interest," said a Nelson aide.
"It was felt in the Senate that

the provision was a gratuitous
slap at the Justice Depart-
Nelson said his legislation
does not resolve the question of
ownership of presidential ma-
terials. It has been generally
accepted in the past that a
president's papers and mater-
ials are the private property of
a president.
"IF THE materials are public
property," said Nelson, "then
the Congress enactment of this
legislation is merely an exer-
cise of its powers under...
the Constitutionrtoscontrol public
But, he said, if the materials
are Nixon's private property,
"thenthis - legislation simply
enables the federal government
to take protective custody of

Prosecutors accuse
Elirlichman of
f~pal siying document


WASHINGTON (R)-Top energy
officials in the Ford administra-
tion said yesterday they think
the government will have to
adopt mandatory measures to
conserve energy.
Interior Secretary Rogers
Morton told the opening session
of a three-day public hearing
on U.S. energy policy: "I think
we've got to come up with some
awful tough turkey." The ad-
ministration uses those words to
characterize mandatory fuel-
saving measures.
ENERGY - CHIEF designate
Frank Zarb told a reporter af-
ter opening days of hearings
on increasing domestic refining
capacity: "My own personal
view is that we're going to have
to take stronger measures" to

cut back consumption of expen-
sive foreign oil.
Morton, chairman of the cab-
inet-level Energy Resources
Council, made his statement at
council hearings in preparation
for a conference of its members
at Camp David, Md., on Satur-
day. The council will make rec-
ommendations to President Ford
for presentation to Congress in
In response to recommenda-
tions by consumer spokesmen
for strong energy conservation
measures and protection against
high prices, Morton said that the
administration must come up
with ideas that can be achieved
politically. He endorsed no spe-
cific proposals.
"THE REAL policy question

we face is not either conserva-
tion or energy development,"
Morton said. "The major deci-
sion is how do we balance these
two strategies . . . How much
conservation can the economy
withstand? What should be the
pace of resource development."
Zarb, nominated by President
Ford to succeed the ousted John
Sawhill as head of the Federal
Energy Administration (FEA),
called the FEA hearing into do-
mestic refining capacity. He
said it was "too early to tell"
for sure whether mandatory
energy conservation measures
would be adopted.
But he said some of the meas-
ures being considered include
a gasoline tax and restrictions
on oil imports.
PRESIDENT. Ford will fly to
New York today to seek energy
advice from Vice President-
designate Nelson Rockefeller
and some members of Rocke-
feller's Commission on Critical
Choices for America.
The President is described as
open-minded on all possible op-
tions, which could indicate a
change from his previously ex-
pressed opposition to mandatory
measures such as a gasoline tax
or allocations of gasoline and
heating oil. Ford intends to
make up his mind on energy
optionsduring the Christmas-
New Year holidays, when he is
expected to be vacationing at
the ski resort at Vail, Colo.

gate prosecutor accused John
Ehrlichman yesterday of writ-
ing a "phony" report in April
1973 and then trying to intro-
duce the document as evidence
that he took no part in the
Watergate cover-up.
With Ehrlichman on the stand
in his own defense, prosecutor
James Neal said the report was
designed solely for the protec-
tion of Ehrlichman and others
"in case "things came unstuck."
THE EIGHT-PAGE, undated,
hand-written report on White
House stationery was discovered
about a month ago in a box
among Ehrlichman's flies re-
maining at the White House.
The document names three of
Ehrlichman's co--defendants at
the Watergate cover-up trial as
participants in the cover-up.
Although Neal said Ehrlich-
man has testified previously
there never was such a written
report, the former White House
saide said yesterday he handed
it to Nixon on April 14, 1973.

EHRLICHMAN'S lawyer, Wil-
liam Frates, said the report is
vital to his client's defense as
evidence that Ehrlichman made
a sincere attempt at the request
of former President Richard
Nixon to ferret out the facts of
When other defense lawyers
objected that the jury should
not hear the report, U.S. Dis-
trict Judge John Sirica asked
Neal for his view.
The prosecutor pointed out
that former White House coun-
sel J o h n Dean had already
warned Nixon by March 21,
1973,. about the dangers and
most of the facts of Watergate.
NEAL said that on March 21,
1972, Dean "gave the President
of the United States a far more
complete and better report than
this and doesn't try to protect
himself and doesn't-I must say
this-make it as phony as this
Neal said the Ehrlichman re-
port "never went anywhere be-
See ATTORNEY, Page 9

City revenue sharing
plan draws opposition

HRP slams police
for pot crackdown
City Councilwoman Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second Ward)
blasted the Ann Arbor Police Department last night for "violating
the intent and spirit" of the city's $5 pot fine by cracking down
on dope use.
She told city council members that city policemen "are under
pressure to create an atmosphere of fear surrounding marijuana."
KOZACHENKO stated that a source in the police department

A citizens committee charged
with studying uses of Ann Ar-
bor's $2.4 million of community
development revenue sharing
money has advanced tentative
priorities for the appropriation
of those funds. The proposal,
however, has already met op-
position from Democratic and
HRP City Council members.
The 25-member panel, headed

told her that the police conduct
vestigations and then call in
state police to make arrests-
thus circumventing the city or-
dinance. She refused to identify
her source.
The city's ordinance, voted in
last April, makes possession.
use, selling, cultivation, and
handling of marijuana punish-
able by a $5 fine comparable to
a narking ticket.
The law further states that
city police officers may not is-
sue any other fine than the $5
ticket without violating a mis-
demeanor punishable by 90 days
in jail or $100 fine.
LOCAL police have acted in
coordination with federal, state
and county law enforcement
agencies in a D~etroit-Ann Arbor-
Toledoanti-drug effort, Koza-
chenko stated.
City Administrator Sylvester
'N-trn 7nfmedthat local ef-

many of the local marijuana in-

Lab tests auto engine which
may increase gas mileage

by former Republican council-
man William Colburn, divided
the funds into nine major cate-
gories, sidelining individual
proposals and programs until
committee meetings scheduled
for Wednesday and Saturday of
next week.
THE committee granted top
priority to housing for low and
middle income persons. This
category, which involves 30
per cent, or approximately
$740,000 of the funds, consists of
program proposals for improve-
ments to public housing sites,
grants and low interest loans
for home repairs, and housing
allowance and rent subsidy
Community services were
tentatively alloted 20 percent,
or approximately $494,000 of the
$2.4 million. Proposals for child
care, legal services, medical
and dental services, aid to the
handicapped and youth pro-
grams are among programs vy-
ing for money in this category.
The remainder of the funds
will bedistributed asefollows:
Piublic works, 10 per cent: en-
vironmental protection, 10 per
cent; a contingency fund, 10 per
cent: economic development, 10
per cent: management and plan-
nine 10 per cent: historical

Ward). "My initial reaction is
that there is way too much
money being allotted to City
Hall-type operations. There is
no doubt that more money needs
to be put into the hands of the
community, and that hasn't
been done.
"There's not much doubt of it
passing, though," said Jones.
"There's six Republicans on
council; they'll all vote yes, and
that's all it needs to pass."
Echoing Jones' disappoint-
ment with the Colburn commit-
tee proposal, Councilwoman
See REVENUE, Page 2
puts off
GEO case
The Michigan Employment
Relations Commission (MERC)
postponed hearings yesterday
on an unfair labor practices
suit filed against the University
by the Graduate Employes Or-
ganization (GEO).

Engineers at the local Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) laboratory are currently test-
ing a new automobile engine which, if test results
prove favorable, could increase gasoline mileage
in standard U. S. cars by as much as 80 per cent.
Robert and Edward LaForce of Richmond,
Vermont claim that their engine will have vast
significance for the auto industry and intend to
make it available on a world-wide basis.
A LaFORCE press release says, "Our break-
thro'ighs show the development of the piston en-
gine is in its infancy. It now appears that when
the engine and drive train have been de-eloned

engine involves "the process of gasification of
fuel in the manifold, the higher efficiency of an
increased expansion ratio and rapidity of expan-
sion," according to the LaForces.
THE EPA tests could be an important factor
in convincing the auto industry of the legitimacy
of the LaForces' claims. According to EPA pro-
ject manager Tony Ashby, the evaluation in-
volves the same testing procedure which is used
in certified testing of new cars.
"Ours will be the first hard data to evaluate,"
Ashbv declared. "This is the first time that the
engine has been tested and evaluated by this

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