"I Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 8, 197Pi Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ... BOOKS FARBER'S COMPLAINT Did you hear the story about the insecure Jewish comedian? ORAL HISTORY Nate Shaw's life and times: Southern pride and prejudice YOU COULD LIVE IF THEY LET YOU, by Wallace Mark- field. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 182 pages, $5.95. By DON KUBIT TULES FARBER is on the verge of becoming a saint. His unexpected death h a s brought a deluge of epitaphs heralding him as everything from a "ritual scapegoat" to the Messiah. However, in all this intellectu- al outpouring there is no men- tion of what Jules Farber really was-a stand-up comedian, a very funny man.' Sound familiar! It should. Wallace Markfield's third novel, You Could Live If They Let You, owes a debt of gratitude to the current Lenny Bruce reviv- al. In fact, Bruce is mentioned as a predecessor of Jules Far- ber. Farber is Lenny Bruce II., Although there are obvious' similarities in their comedic styles, Farber dies, not a de- feated junkie, but a rather pros- perousentertainer felled by a heart attack. Yet, an appointment with sainthood requires suffer- ing. Whereas Lenny fought and lost to social pressures, Jules' pangs revolve around his fam- ily and his heritage. W TELL JEWISH life in Am- erica; that's enough of a joke," says Farber, explaining his comedy. He admits the greatest shocks of his life were when he discovered that "Cary Grant wasn't Jewish. Jello's not kosher." Farber's story is told by Chandler Van Horton, a guy from the Midwest. Chandler is an academic ("Yentas with facts" according to Farber) and a perfect foil for Farber's witti- cisms. Farber agrees to the first meeting only if Chandler signs the following statement: "I, Chandler Van Horton, do ab- solve Jules Farber of the killing of Christ. It is my understanding that the very worst his people might have done was to lean on ixx Him a little." So begins the start of a cul- tural exchange and a close " friendship which allows Chand-< } ler to record Farber's madcap ' banterings ("the secret of Jew- ish survival? Keep your sex dir- black housemaid because "if ty and your house clean") and tk housemid, ecs e "ef his anguish caused by a mis- the anti-Semite needs the Jew- A idaA mnr,., .. a1 the Jew has almost as much gui e marriage. need of Anti-Semite-or else heI Ann Arbor Kosher Meat o-op Ordering Meeting SUN., DEC. 8 7 P.M. (t HILLTEL. 1429 HILL ST. EARBER HAD ALWAYS con-i loses his edge. sidered shikses as the ulti- And it is just that "edge" that mate in both sex and servitude. Farber needs to keep on his toes Until he married one. Then Mar- -to be ready with the witty re- lene, a former stewardess, fails ply. to teach their son sphincter con- trols and blames the pending di- ON HIS DEATH comes the vorce on Farber's failure as a eulogies of his genius, not as father figure. a man of humor, but one of Farber is badgered by his mo- prophecy. The intellectuals mis- ther, his father and his sister, read the speed of his mind as but instead of returning the fury the strength of it. Only his im- he puts it to work in his humor, mediate family remember him telling a group of Jewish ladies, for the joy he brought into the world. r . xr aE"yx. :::.,,::.. ;>,;. You Could Live If They Let You is twodbooks for the price Jules Farber enjoys of one. The first half contains some of the funniest one-liners the distinctions, even around. The humor is fast, fur- ions and allstoo accurate. For ninety pages Markfield has a favors the presence veritahe classic on his hands, i but then things start falling of anti-semites in the apart. world because "if the The notion that pain is a pre- requisite of laughter and that every comedian's punchline is a anti-semite needs the repetitive plea of "love me, love me, love me" has been around Jew-the Jew has a long time. Perhaps too long. Farber's suffering, and Chand- almost as much need ler's perception of it, tends toE consume the laughter in the end, ea i-semite- and the character becomesj merely pathetic. All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw by Theodore Rosengarten. New York: Al- fred A. Knopf, 556pp., $10. By FRANCIS G. COUVARES rrHEODORE ROSENGARTEN i probably chose the title of this book to emphasize Nate Shaw's wisdom. "Yes, all God's dangers aint a white man." There were also wicked blacks, boll weevils, and bad luck to worry about. But, principally, Nate Shaw's story is one of evil, not of fate. It is a tale of evil visited upon blacks by whites, and of a system so relentlessly oppressive that only a hero could survive it with both his dignity and his life intact. Rosengarten was a graduate student in history When he first met Shaw in 1969. He went to Alabama to study the Share- croppers Union (SCU), organiz- ed in 1931 and soon thereafter crushed by local authorities. Up- on asking about the union, he was led to Nate Shaw (a pseu- donym, as are all other personal and local place names in the book). Rosengarten found him, asked him why he had joined the union, and, tape-recorder in hand, listened for eight hours as Shaw began to narrate an incre- dibly rich and detailed story atot nmsir na oou ti" Born in 1885 into the lowest stratum of Southern society, Nate Shaw soon proved himself an unusually diligent and single- minded worker. Indeed, he was almost a Puritan in his faith in the ennobling character of work and his natural probity and re- straint. One of the wonders of this book is the way in which Shaw provides an entirely new perspective on old ideas like in- dividualism, pride in posses- sions, uprightness, and respect- ability, forcing us to free them of bourgeois connotations and understand from them'"anew. BEFORE ANYTHING else, Nate Shaw had respect for himself, "the strength of a man who comes to know himself." Very early in life, he says, "I begin to want to be a man of my own, get out there and do what would prosper me in life." In order to make money he be- came an accomplished cotton farmer, blacksmith, basket ma- ker, lumberer, and teamster. He sought individual autonomy not as a source of power over oth- ers, nor as an eynression of wifidrm rnl from the commit- nmantS of commiunity. hxt sn "1 didn't have to beg nobody." "I was a worker," he says, with aI kind of pleasure that is difficult see a nigger with too much." g After working on shares for two | white landowners, Shaw got free of his "notes" and never again lived as a sharecropper. As a straight renter, he built up his stock and personal possessions, bought a Model-T, added a Che- vy, and earned the respect of nearly everyone. Some, however, were not so the soul of that system, then willing to grant that resnect. In credit was the body. Landlords particular, his landlord, Mr. bankers, and merchants kept Watson, continually importined most blacks in the bondage of him to sign a new note. Failing debt from birth to death, their that, he convinced the local fer- children in the fields and away tilizer merchant to refuse Shaw from what education there was. credit. A friendly white man, W i t h economic dependence however, arranged for Shaw to came political dependence buy his fertilizer at another (Nate Shaw n e v e r cast a store. In the face of a system vote). Many left for Northern whose every brick and bolt was cities, but theirs is another designed to make just such an story. Nate Shaw stayed. event imnossible, Nate Shaw When Shaw joined the SCU, he was "making it" without accep- Whe Satoned h kCU, ting many of the "rulins" of i provided Watson and his kind, wite supremacy". lns who coveted the chance to cut white sunremacy.e him down to size and get hold The collapse of the interna- of his valuable land, an excuse tional cotton market after World to take violent action. War I plunged the rural South into depression long before the WITH HIS UNCANNY combi- Great Crash. Desperate for ca- nation of courage and pru- pital, landowners and middle- dence Nate Shaw had resisted men were foreclosing mortgag. the seemingly inevitable conse- es, cutting credit, and raising quences of the system. When, prices, on a December morning in 1932, By organizing the dispossess- he stood before Watson and the ed, encouraging them to claim sheriff's posse to defend the pro- whateversright the system offer- perty of his neighbor and fel- ed, and assisting them in obtain- low union member, his time had ing redt fomnwlyavaprbe- come. Fired upon, he fired back. federal sources, the SCUpre- The posse killed two and wound- sented a true threat to the en- ed many, including Shaw. His tire structure of power in the bullets hit no one. He was ar- rural South. For, if racism was rested, tried, convicted, and sen- tenced to 12-15 years in the state f t I WEAVING YARNS + Wool, linen, cotton, rayon, chenille. White or off-white yarns for dyeing. SGreat Prices! $1 .50-$4.75 per Ilb. DYES-acid, Cushing, and fibrec. At UNIVERSITY CELLAR Available only at North Campus Branch (IN THE COMMONS) wcbn 89.5 fm spectacular sunday!. 9:00 a.m. THE CLASSICAL SHOW with TOM GODELL featuring "The Teacher and his Pupil: Serge Koussevitzsky and Leonard Bernstein" 4 p.m.: RADIO DRAMA "produced and performed by several rascals at CBN" 5:30 p.m.: SCATTERED ARTS with host Dave Schmidt Sbouthisenw daybulife."R s for most of us to appreciate, Southern way of life." Rosen- garten quickly abandoned hisi Despite the enormous con- "topic" and devoted himself en- straints upon him.rNate Shaw tirely to that story, returning for three summers to get it all prospered. That was his undo- down. ing, for whites "didn't like tot COSTLY NOTION The destructive masculine ideal penitentiary. While imprisonment forever ended his rise in the world (he had hoped to own his own land), it never broke his spirit or his conviction that he had done "the right thing." Partly this was be- de- of 4 ' eto t or else he loses his edge." "Never, never, never be asham- ed you're Jewish, because it's enough I'm ashamed 'you're Jewish." This is the key to Farber - the suffering Jew. "Yiddish," he says, "is the language of sor- row." Chandler tries to convince him that "all gentiles are not plumb- ers and all Jews are not pro- phets." But Farber wil not buy it, he enjoys the distinctions, ev- en favors the presence of anti- semites in the world, like his The brilliant characterizations and tight organization of Mark- field's writing falls apart after the first half of the book. Far- ber is reduced to the idiot mum-, blings of his mentally retarded son, and Chandler faithfully re- cords them.u Q TAND-UP COMEDIANS often worry about staying on1 stage too long. A rottine mayI have the audience falling out of their seats, but if the comedian lets it drag on, he might as well1 have bombed. The adage says, "You gotta leave 'em lauzghin'."11 You Could Live If They Let You contains enough laughs to1 fill Henny Youngman's violin case. But as the story progress- es, Markfield defeats himself. It comes out sounding like a joke we have heard too many times. Take Jules Farber-please. Don Kubit is a frequent con- tributor to the books page. THE MALE MACHINE by Marc Feigen Fasteau. New York: McGraw Hill, 225 pp., $7.95. By JAMES HIPPS THE MASCULINE ideal, a Procrustean bed where men mayrstowtheir emotions to better assert their dominancer and toughness, is a yardstick for measuring the "desirable" qualities of society's males. Yet the ideal of perfect masculin- ity" is a sham. Marc Feigen Fas- teau's The Male Machine shows that the distortion of the male personality to match this forc- ed image leads only to frus- tration and failure, both in per- sonal lives and in the arena of public policy. Fasteau first explores the ori-' gin of the masculine ideal and its failure to supply men with a realistic role model. The mas- culine drive limits men's capa- city to express themselves as human beings, Fasteau argues. Men are seen to be machines, their self-esteem in terms of geca Use thr"ageat unaiusim onl cpabe f espndng r n business marketability and n- change" that came upon him only capable of responding t ant b einsroy soon after his conviction. "The extremely narrow range of! come. This reinforces their need7 Lord blessed my soul," he said, competitive situations. Iy thes aodremain tro o i seand st mena position tren-$ are to be "manly," they must and unemotional since these dii t"Prl twsarsl be unemotional and explicitly qualities are strongly endorsed of that same strength of charac- strong. in the corporate world as wor- ter that had governed his life With such an ideal, men can- thy personal attributes. from the first. j not be completelyhuman for Sports, along these s a m e He became at once a leader they are never allowed the op lines, is "a key masculinity- and confidant of his fellow in- portunity to be emotional or affirming ritual." "In p.articu- mates. Three times he refused weak, dependent or passive. lar, it supplies a language and parole offered in reward for re- Someone has wiped one half of rationale for men to use in vealing "secrets' about the un- their palette clean. nonsports situations, a language I ion "I knowed why I was where . k l i .± "I f I i now in stock SR50 FULL SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR $134.95 UNIVERSITY CELLAR 769-7940 THE INFLUENCE of the mas- culine ideal on personality is then shown through the com- petitive worlds of sports and business, where the emphasis isr solidly on competition and "proving" oneself.3 In fact, as Fasteau puts it, (work) is the only area of' life where accomplishment is measured and rewarded by the market." So not only must mcn prove themselves to their peers' in business on a personal level, but they inevitably measure there'- Cdassified which is widely understood and which reduces the morecom- plex real-life problems of choos- ing objectives and weighing hu- man costs to the simplistic im- peratives of a competitive game." -4 i 7! t 1 t i ' i J 1 1 1 G I was, he said, and that know- ledge kept him from self-des- tructive actshof violence as well as from self-serving acts of sub- mission. His s-" respect for himself and his keen interest in life never failed him. classroom instruction in I NOW IN STOCK Just in time for finals and Christmas SR 50 MELCOR . scientific notationS * log, natural log * trig functions 0 scientific notation 0 memory r log, natural log * x1 trig functions a pi memory 9 degrees and radians * pi hyperbolic trig * degrees and radians at a low Cellar price $10995 A GREAT electronic music the music studio Now Accepting Students For Winter Term 555 e. william-994-5404 THE IMAGE of the mascu ine THERE ARE MANY wonders ideal is then taken by Fas- in this book, too many to teals and projected onto the mention. The language alone is screen of American foreign a stunning revelation, a lan- oolicv. Here we find the ideal e'aae of emotion that is per- translated into a cult of tough. fectly simple yet perfectly rea- ness, with the complexities of lized. "She was my very heart- foreign affairs often swept throb," he says of his young away and reduced to "the lues- w itf e "my heart's desire," tion of whether to stand up to courted in the time of plums, the schoolyard bully." We find nlims aulenty on the trees." the Berlin crisis taken by Jahn There are judgments of charac- Kennedy as a personal test ofIter that are keen, precise, and his courage, his masculinity, his I thoronghly convincing. There toughness. We have Lynilon are lov'ing descriptions of tools, Johnsonsnot wanting to be animals, and crops. There is the almost Biblical recitation of thought "less of a man'" by names - fathers and mothers, puling out of iVetnam and duck- children, marriages, deaths. ing his "masculine" duty to! And there is the unending chro- nicle of injustice, stupidity, and (Continued on Page s fear, never over-dramatized, James Hipps is an economics never abstracted, always told na jo. . ..with all its detail and meaning intact. Most of all there is Nate Shaw in his wisdom. On Nov. 5, 1973, Nate Shaw Lowest U.S. Bookstore died in the knowledge that "I did my part for peace and Prices for pleasure and unity." We are New unued) ook likely t distrust the very idea New (unused) Books of heroism, partly because we have been offered clowns and - - -------- ----------- - 1 -...Also-Used & Rare Books (unique gifts) K 9 A.M.-12 MIDNIGHT ( 7 DAYS A WEEK )AVELRMICH. UN ON 763-21529 E. LIBERTY k 663-8441 ?f }March 2nd-9th e '> .8Days& 7Nights J.R.R.Tolkein's * Jet Air Jamaica LORD OF THE .Xfrom Detroit YrY RING PRICE INCLUDES . theG1 . Round trip iet between innhe w nw1volume Detroit and Monteco gift edition-$30.00 Bay, Jamaica'j h Hotel tips and taxes. Houahton Mifflin Publishers social criminals as models. The .world is not poulated with he- roes, but heroism there is. Nate Shaw is a black American hero whom we have hitherto been denied. We must now fully in- tegrate him and his story into our vision of reality. Francis G. Couvares is a grad- uate student in history. The Doobie Bros. Saturday Dec. 14 I* 8 p.m.