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December 08, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-12-08

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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 78

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 8, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

New food crop
Food lovers of the city's north side rejoice. If
you've had problems trucking the distance to the
People's Food Coop on Packard, a solution is at
hand. A new branch of the coop is scheduled to
open at 212 N. Fourth Ave. in January. The coop
will relieve the overcrowding at the old coop
and provide services for the city's northern dwel-
lers. Unfortunately, there's a hangup: the new
place is a latterday electrical supply house and,
according to one worker, "walking into the base-
ment is like entering the twilight zone - nothing
has changed since the place was abandoned 20
years ago." Workers are needed to renovate and
clean the building. If you'd like to volunteer your
services, call the old coop (761-8173) or the new
coop (994-9174) or simply attend the meeting
scheduled at the new coop at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
SGC who?
Another blowyto Student Government Council's
cringing dignity: at last week's meeting, student
Bob Frank revealed the results of a poll he con-
ducted among 200 students. Of the 200, 4.5 per
cent voted in the October election, 77 per cent
knew about the election but didn't vote, citing
lack of knowledge about the candidates, and 18.5
per cent didn't know what SGC was. The official
figures put October's student election turnout at
3.5 per cent of the electorate.
Happenings ...
. .. feature the cultural today. Surrealist direc-
tor Fernando Arrabal will hold a discussion follow-
ing the showing of his film Viva La Muerte. Talks
will be held at 9:30 p.m. and midnight in Angell
Hall Aud A . . . Carolyn Gregory will condut a
p try reading at David's Books, 3 p.m. . . .
contemporary black music will be performed at
Trotter House, from 5 to 10 p.m. . . . and the
Musical Society will present Handel's "Messiah" at
8 p.m. in Hill And. Tomorrow, events take a turn
for the political. The Inmate Project presents a
documentary film on mental institutions in the
Union's Anderson Room at 7:30 p.m. . . . at 7
p.m., the Ann Arbor Emergency Committee for
a Nationalization Against Racism will meet on
the fourth floor of the Union in the lounge area ...
and John Marks, co-author of CIA and the Cult
of Intelligence, will join Winslow Pack and Mar-
garet Van Houten, both members of the organizing
committee for the Fifth Estate, to speak on
"Technofascism and the Intelligence Community",
in Rackham Aud. at 8 p.m.
Dumb bunny
One playboy has gotten into a whole mess of
trouble - and he's the biggest playboy of them
all, Hugh Hefner. The publisher of Playboy Maga-
zine is a prime target of a federal narcotics in-
vestigation, the Chicago Tribune said in its Sun-
day editions. "The year-long investigations centers
on suspected illicit activities inside Hefner's Play-
boy mansions in Chicago and Beverly Hills, Caif.,
plus an apparent attempt by Hefner himself to
cover up these activities from federal scrutin,"
the Tribune said. Cocaine, barbiturates and mari-
juana were allegedly distributed to preferred
guests at the Hefner's $200 million empire of clubs
and hotels. Lee Gottlieb, Playboy PR director,
said Hefner was "not familiar" with the probe,
and "has nothing to say." At least not yet.
Pie in the eye
The Navy is no fun - and perhaps nothing re-
affirmed that so much as the Friday conviction
of a Seabee who threw a chocolate cream pie at
his commanding officer a la. M*A*S*H*. "This
is not justice," said Leon Louie, who was slapped
with a $400 fine, restricted to the base for two
months and demoted from seaman to seaman F-1,,
the lowest rank, for his moment of whimsey. The
incident occurred Sept. 27 when the Fresno, Calif.,

sailor stepped out of ranks at morning formation
and hit Lt. Timothy Curtin with the pie while
fellow officers filmed the event. Louie and ac-
complices testified that the move was a reaction
to Curtin's martinet-like behaviour - and the
news that they were being sent to sweltering, re-
mote Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean.
The much-publicized trial included testimony from
comedian Soupy Sales,
Chamber pots
A London dealer at a local auction this weeke"d
paid $15,640 for a pair of silver King George
I chamber pots dated 1722. Auctioneers said the
sum may be a British record for chamber pos.



Nixon 's


WASHINGTON (P)-Now the Watergate cover-
up jury will not have to decide whether to believe
the testimony of a former president of the
United States.
That day would have come if U.S. District
Judge John Sirica had not ruled that Richard
Nixon's testimony was neither essential to the
case nor worth a delay in winding it up.
THE JURY, cut off from news accounts, wasn't
aware of the see-sawing that preceded the ruling,
or for that matter the ruling itself.
The weeks of depositions, appearances and
statements by doctors all were done out of the

jury's hearing.
For the defendant John Ehrlichman, whose
lawyer accuses Nixon of keeping his No. 2 aide
in the dark "to save his own neck," the decision
was a mixed blessing.
PROSECUTORS never were eager to summon
Nixon, since his appearance would serve to re-
mind the jury that the former president was
pardoned while his trusted associates are on trial.
Ehrlichman's lawyer had subpoenaed Nixon as
an "indispensable witness" on at least 30 matters
affecting his client. Without that testimony,
Ehrlichman claimed, there would be a "failure
of justice."

Not so, said Sirica.
"NOT ONLY are other witnesses available to
testify about many of the points . . . but the
defendants themselves can testify about those
He said the value of Nixon's testimony might
have been overestimated.
Had Nixon been called, he would have been
treated like such other Watergate principals as
Howard Hunt, Charles Colson and William Bitt-
NEITHER THE prosecution nor the defense
would vouch that their testimony would be truth-
econ11 4

ful and they were called as court witnesses--
subject to cross examination by all sides.
Hunt, Colson and Bittman all are alleged co-
conspirators in the case and so is Nixon. In his
order dismissing Ehrlichman's subpoena, Sirica
noted, "le has been accused, in effect, of being
an accomplice of the defendants. Certainly (if he
were called) his testimony would be subject to the
instruction to the jury that it should be received
with caution and scrutinized with care."
Even without Nixon, the jury is unlikely to
forget his role in the events that finally forced
his resignation from office.
See SIRICA, Page 12




Aides predict Simon
Bl ei RliS
may resign his post
WASHINGTON U1) - President Ford held a lengthy
meeting yesterday with his energy and economic advisers
and was described afterwards as saying the problem is
"complex as the devil."
Press Secretary Ron Nessen, who relayed that presi-
dential assessment to reporters, said Ford was just get-
ting "a broad look at the problem" and possible strategies
during the hour and 45-minute session.
Meanwhile, close aides to Treasury Secretary William Simon
said Simon may resign if President Ford makes a major policy
shift from fighting inflation to fighting the nation's deepening re-
The aides say Simon is convinced that if the government em-

AP Photo
Stab from the past
Democratic National Chairman Robert Strauss introduces Senator George McGovern (D-S.D.) to the second session of the Demo-
cratic Mid-Term Conference in Kansas City yesterday. After prolonged negotiations between the governors and woman and minor-
ity delegates, the convention reached an agreement to abolish its quota system and approved a party constitution. See related
story, Page 2.

barks on heavy deficit spend-
ing to combat the recession, it
could push the nation's free en-
terprise system over the brink
toward a controlled economy
and socialism. "I'd give him
two more months to wait, and
see what happens," said one
No decisions were made at
the meeting, Nessen reported,
but the session was held among
indications Ford may ask Con-
gressafor anti-recession legisla-
tion after reviewing the wors-
ening economic situation.
man of the Council of Economic
Advisers, told reporters after
the meeting that no "gross
bludgeoning" approach is to be
expected in solving the energy
crisis. He said a more cali-
brated approach can be expect-
ed and the goal still is to cut
down on oil imports by one
million barrels a day.
The President was open mind-
ed and asked his advisers to
come up with "a total energy
policy draft plan with options,"
Frank Zarb, federal energy ad-
Zarb said it is too early to
assess how effective Ford's
call for voluntary conservation
has been. He said that the Presi-
dent asked his advisers to
come up withha candid, clear
and honest picture of the size
and nature of the problem and
exactly what the American pub-
lic needs to do to help.
lems ahead in December and
,January are not expected to be
so much ones of supply as of
"having to pay a lot of money
for the energy that we use."
Among the problems Ford
must consider, his advisers said,
are not only ways to improve
domestic sources of oil, but also
consumption patterns that are
affected by the increased costs.
Zarb said that at the moment
"there's sufficient petroleum,
See FORD, Page 2

moves to
nati onalize
iron, mines
By AP and Reuter
CARACAS, Venezuela - The
government announced yester-
day it will nationalize the U.S.-
run iron ore mining operations
in Venezuela on Jan. 1 for an
estimated $101 million in com-
President Carlos Andres Perez
announced the nationalization of
subsidiaries of U.S. Steel and
Bethlehem Steel in a televised
speech to Congress. It had been
expected for several . months,
and company representatives in
Pittsburgh, Pa., expressed no
THE MOVE is not expected
to hamper the American steel
industry. Government officials
said arrangements can be made
to assure Venezuelan ore to the
two companies over the next
year or so.
"We will become big steel
producers," Perez told thesna-
tion. "In the next three years,
our current one million ton a
year steel capacity will be in-
creased to five million tons and
within a few years Venezuela
will produce 15 million tons
The president said that dur-
ing the 24 years the two U.S.
corporations had been operating
in Venezuela, they had mined
325. million metric tons of iron
ore, of which 315 million tons
had been processed abroad.
HE ADDED that during that
period, the state had received
only $1.2 billion from the iron
industry as opposed to the $23
See GOVT., Page 2

K iss inge r





WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger
warned critics of the Vladivos-
tok strategic arms agreement
yesterday that a divisive de-
bate on the accords could sow
doubts about detente in the
Soviet Union.
He declared that the Soviet
Union had made major con-
cessions in the Vladivostok talks
IRlS takes
blame for
ternal Revenue Service (IRS)
says it has discoveredsdocu-
ments that help support its con-
tention that it set up a secret
intelligence gather'g unit on
its own, not at White House
IRS officials say it is a dub-
ioi>s distinction to have credit
for setting up the unit to in-

) OppoS
between President Ford and
Soviet Communist Party leader
Leonid Brezhnev and "gave up
its position on a whole range of
KISSINGER referred to the
lengthy dispute over relaxing
U.S.-Soviet trade barriers and
asserted that if there were now
a divisive debate over the arms
agreement, "I think then that
the Soviet Union will only be
able to conclude that a political
detente with us faces domestic
diffiplties of an insuperable
nat're in the United States."
The consequences of rejecting
the agreement would be ex-
tremely serious on the political
level and in terms of the arms
race, he said.
Kissinger's remarks-made at
a rare Saturday press confer-
ence-were part of an admin-
istration counter-attack against
critics who say that the agree-
ment continues a costly arms
ONE LEADING critic, Sena-
tor Henry Jackson (D-Wash.)
has urged his colleagues to re-
ject the accords, which allow
the United States and the Soviet
Union 2,400 strategic nuclear
missiles, of which 1,320 can be

vostok were to put a ceiling on
missiles and MIRVs and to ex-
clude forward-based systems
and British and French nuclear
missiles from the agreement, he
AMERICA HAD also sought
an agreement that would not
give compensation for "any
other geographic factors" and
freedom to mix the missiles
among various delivery sys-


"All these objectives were
chieved," Kissinger said.
Much of the criticism levelled
i the agreement has been di-
ected to the issue of so-called
prow-weight-the amount of nu-
ear explosive that a rocket
an carry. Soviet rocketsare
igger and can deliver more
unch. The United States has
oncentrated on smaller, more

Avedikian sings of women,

their pain,



On the inside...
. . . Magazine co-editor Laura Berman
about women professors at the University .
Jeff Schiller and Al HrapSky will tell you
want to know about Michigan's basketball
over Tennessee on the Sports Page.

. and
all you

Sally Avedikian is more than a folk singer-she is a voice
in the women's movement.
"Women are an oppressed class. Their experience is dif-
ferent from men's, and that's what I sing about," says the
20-year-old musician. "Rock doesn't speak to women. It never
has. It has always been, 'what you do with your chick.' "
AVEDIKIAN'S MUSIC "speaks to what women are feeling
-their pain. I want my music to help women solve their prob-
lems and give them a sense of purpose," she claims.
But her music is not aimed solely at women. "There are

casting an affectionate glance at her brother. "It's very im-
portant because of the kind of music we do that we have an
all women group."
And Rick agrees. "It gets to the point where it's embar-
rassing for me to do this kind of music-it's like me as a man
telling women what they as women feel. That's impossible."
Rick says the group is looking for someone to replace him
while they are on tour.
Avedikian began singing and playing piano at age three,
imitating "whatever was on the radio." At 14 she began play-
;ng -n rnfrie hnc,,c nar her hnm in Washinctnn DC.

On the outside...
If this keeps up, there will be no question about
a white Christmas. As the second major winter-
lka ztrmof te _Ge..nn mnvesthrnttah the (Treat

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