a , I.~u.... na., I-..II....lAtxpptA.hI. eeI P~age Six 1 rlt: IVIk. rl1UP\IV VhILT _ rT- ii... cLIE0 1 /"". Y *q z ,s a get tihe jo! (loll - _000 ~ .; } ; C, ; f } r< '. . < ,, f v. Y^.; .r .- > s~ .' t: ,, c;!; n t} -.:? 'c *I i: S.'. <;; F FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY j Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 add 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 11-15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 I7.40 8.60 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5.65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8 60 10.25 11 .90 1 .65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 1 1.20 13.00 1.80 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 16.30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10.65 21.30 27.90 34.20 40.65 47.10 6.45 5 13 15 26.30 34 40 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT APT. 2-bedroom, air conditioned, furnished, convenient to Med. Cen- ter, for Jan. 1. 665-9846. 3201211 FOR SALE: 2 Mosher-Jordan wo- men leases. Carol: 665-9820. Jil: 764- 8846. Call persistently. 3301211 FOR RENT FRONT ROOM, $85. Fireplace. 761- 1734. 55C1210 LARGE HOUSE, WHITMORE LAKE, I needs 1, maybe 2 women to fill ' house. Has fireplace, lake frontage, huge backyard, pets and good peo- ple. Call nights: 449-2715. 25C1210 WOMAN'S SINGLE. large, older home on campus. $90. 665-5441. PRIVATE ROOM in 2-bedroom apt. ' 2901211 partially furnished, 3 4 mile fromc -------- campus, available January. $105.00/1 OWN ROOM in coed, 6-person mo. 761-8081. 4801211 house. Co-operative, semi-vegetar- - ian cooking. $65.50/mo. Available JAN.-AUG. two single bdrms. In Dec. 20th. 663-9142. 28C1208 house, 15 sec. from Pizza Bob's. $80/mth. 994-5848. Available imme- DISCOUNT-Third floor University diately if desired. 4401211 Towers Apartment. $81/month. 764- ------ - 5846 after 5. 2601211 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX, $280/month. -- ;(was $300/mo.) Near campus. 663- ASSUME LEASE: Modern 2-bedroom, 6863. 9901211; 1% bath, furnished apartment, ex- - cellent location, $350/mo., includes SANS oucI utilities except electricity. Largest3 4-man around. 662-2342. dC1211 FURNISHED 1 & 2f SUBLETS: as of Jan. 1, 2-bedroom BEDROOM APTS. furnished apartments, $210; also, AVAILABLE roommates wanted. Call Modern Apartments, 418 East Washington, 662-2952 or 668-6906. cC1211 434-0550 I'M TRANSFERRING Jan. Assume 5 my portion of lease in 4-woman, 2- ACROSS THE STREET bedroom modern, convenient cam- pus apt. I've paid damage and FROM MICH. STADIUM laundry deposit, will negotiate $73 eCtc rent, possibly pay Jan. rent. Air -pt.-- block cond., has parking lot. Call Betsy, 2-BEDROOMb. 4-manl apt. 1 block 665-6627. 23C1208 from hospitals. Call between 4 and 6-67.3 7. 663-6549. .87C1211 SINGLE and DOUBLE ROMS in 7--654. -.---- - ._C__. house near campus. $76-$90 per INTERESTED in small group hoes- month.6 65-9668. . dC$2 1 ing for the winter term? Beautiful{ _____h._ __ -house on central campus has open- MOSHER-JORDAN: Female lease for ings. Singles, doubles, triples. $95, sale. Call Wendyl 764-8815. 21C1211 $90,t$85. Call eves. Ask for George, _____________________--Matt, Tony. 761-5676. 79C1211 FEMALE: Own room in two-bed- room apt. on campus. Winter term, DESPERATELY need person to take or starting earlier. $120. Call 665- over lease as soon as possible. Own 2368. 1801211 bedroom in big old house on Foresti 23_6__. _ - Court. Kitchen and bathroom facili- LARGE SINGLE RM. in house 50 ties. Call Laurie, 665-3670 or 665- yds. from Law Quad. Kitchen priv. 5441. dC1208 Avail. Jan. 1. Call Dave, 763-4515; --- M - n-.n.y---- noon. 53C121 LARGE ROOM in friendly coopera- tive house. Call 763-6339. 84C1208 BEAT INFLATION: Economy Triple . -. space available 2nd semester. Beau- LARGE furnished two-bedroom apt. tiful So. Quad., - Call Pete, 764-0728. with study, in older building near 5101211 campus. Lots of character. Parking. _________ - - --662-7787. cCtc MALE: own room in 3-bedroom apt. ------~ ~~~ ~ - --.~~----- Winter term, on campus. $82.50 mo. EFFICIENCY, modern, campus, $168. ' Immediate occupancy. Call 665-0288 Available Jan. 1, 769-0508. 0301207 after 5:00. 5001211 ----- -k-- - i4 MO. LEASE, 16 meals/week, ex. OWN ROOM in four person apart- location, 604 S. State, 761-5089. ment. Near campus, $68 per month 8801211 with heat. 663-4981, ask for Shan-. non or leave name and number. OWN ROOM with a view off campus 3901208I in old house. Available mid-Decem- 39C120ber or Jan. 1. 763-6118. 6001208 1-BEDROOM APT. near campus.- Available immediately. 994-9191. CO-OPERATIVE HOUSE has two 4901211 rooms for rent Jan.-Aug. 761-3940. ___________--- --- --,0901208 BEDROOM for rent in apt., er- ---. . campus, Mike, 761-5048 46C1208 UPPER FLOOR of house $100/mo. 1 bedroom apt., walk to U. of M. BARGAIN CORNER 0-11-27-2. Call Renter's Aid 994-4300. c01207 AMERICAN INDIAN Jewelry: Many'DPE NANABR e- ERIf n t quosee n DUPLEXIN mANNh ARBOR. 2 bed- tribes; fine turquoise, silver, hishi, ;rooms. $190/mo. Children and pets. coral. Super holiday gifts, reason- BB-11-16-1. Call Renter's Aid 994-' able prices. Call Elayne (nights) 4300 cC1207I 663-1372. 56W1210 FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTMENT, house, cam- pus, heated. $175, furnished, 761- 2636. 7701211 FALL '75 LIVE IN A STYLEj THAT SUITS YOUR; PERSONALITY BE IT CONTEMPORARY STYLE LIVING OR A COZY! FIREPLACE SETTING, We have many apartments and houses to choose from. CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. 1335 S. University 665-8825 MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5:30 SATURDAY 10-2 cte ROOM IN CO-OP open for male. Call Ralph at 434-0214 after 4. 4401207 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. Parkin, laundry facilities. Dec.- Aug. 8210 'month. 761-9715. 47C1211 EFFICIENCY apartment for rent on campus. $153 'month. Call Rod: 763- 4276 or 663-0424. 48C1211 2 BEDROOM modern, furnished apt., great location, $234 month, in- clides utilities except electric. 769- 3841. 4901207 FOURTH MAN needed to complete furnished two bedroom apartment. Parking available. Assume Jan. -May lease. $75 'mo. Call Larry days: 763- 6705; nights: 769-5974. 2901209 2 WOMEN to complete a large 4- person apartment, close to campus- and hospital area. $70 ma., parking provided. 663-7882. 04C1208 VACANCY for woman in Interna- tionalCo-op, winter semester. Call Tam or Carol, 761-7435. 201207 3-BDRM. TOWNHOUSES, $192mo. including utilities, no deposit, for University students and staff, avail- able now. Contact Housing Office, 1011 SAB. rhone 763-3168. 8801211 ROOM. SHARE KITCHEN, corner of Fifth & William. $112 mo. Take over lease. 668-8571. 7501211 LARGE FURNISHED house, Burns Park. We need a couple or couple and child interested in organic food and house sharing with a couple and 3 year old son. Jin.-Sept. '75. $190/mo. Phone 761-5689 eves. 7501207 Married Students Townhouses . 1 bedroom, $143 2 bedroom, $178 Subsidized rent includes: shag car- pet. full basement, central air-con- ditioning, private patio, gas heat, water and all appliances. Children and small pets welcome. Eligibility requirements prohibit singles under 60. Just 20 minutes from U-M at Danbury Park Manor 9402 McArthur Blvd. 482-1333 Office open Monday 4-9; Tes., Wed.. Fri. 8-1 Saturday 8-12 Closed Thurs. and Sun. cCtc SUBLET THIRD WOMAN wanted to assume lease for third bdrm. Jan.-Aug. Must furnish own bdrm. $93. 663- 5674. 54U1211 BI-LEVEL modern one-bedrm. (fur- nished) apt. near campus. 761-2963 evenings. 57U128 SUBLET: two-bedroom unfurnished apartment. Heat and water included. Call 769-1766 after 6 p.m. 02U1211 NEED 1 WOMAN. Own room in 2- man apt. $108/mo. Assume lease in Jan. 761-7657 or 663-8691. 04U1211 OWN BDRM. in house. $75/mo. plus utilities and deposit. 518 N. State. 761-7434. 12U1208 2 to share LARGE ROOM in furn- ished house near campus. House, kitchen use. $90 each or best offer. 994-5854. 83U1207 WINTER SUBLET: own room in 5- bedroom co-ed house, female want- ed. Close to campus. $79.50/month. Call Nancy, 761-7875. 75U1210 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, winter ierm only: Furnished, one-bedroom apartment. Call 668-6906 or 994-5216. 55U1208 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom (furnished) apt. close to campus. $195/mo. (in- cluding utilities). Call 668-8518 be- eween 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. 70U1210 NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus $92/mo. starting Jan. 1. Call 668- 6157 after 5:00. 72U1208 SUBLET large room in law fra- temty. Close to campus. Law and non-law. 890'month. Kitchen, park- ng. laundry. 761-8348. 33U1211 TAKE OVER LEASE. 1-bdm. apt. near campus. Call 761-0633. 09U05 EAST QUAD. Double - Lease for sale Winter term: female roommate. Stop by 137 Strauss or call Karen. 764-0666. 48U1211 WANTED TO RENT 2-DRM. PLACE wanted. Hopefully under $180'mon. Thanks. 763-6839. 52L1210 FEMALE VISTA VOLUNTEER de- sires own room in house or apart- ment. Willing to babysit. Call Mar- tha, 764-6930. 53L1207 ROOMMATES HUGE ROOM for 1 or 2 women in house. Share with 1 other woman. $92.50/mo. Close to campus. 668- 6020. 19Y1208 PROFESSIONAL MALE would like professional roommate to share completely modern apt. $150/mo. Utilities included. Call after 10 p.m. on Mon. and Wed., anytime on Tues. or Thurs. 434-4951. 34Y1210 FEMALE Grad Student wanted: to share a 2-bdrm., furnished apt. own rm., block from Frieze Bldg. $112.50/mo. Starting Jan. 662-1090 after 5:30. Call persistently. 45Y1211 FOURTH WOMAN wanted for 4- bdrm. house. Jan.-May. Call 769- 4638. 36Y211 OWN ROOM in 2-bdrm shouse. Available Jan. 1. No lease, $90/mo. furnished. 994-4427. 47Y1211 ROOMMATE WANTED to share comfy 3-bedroom house near cam- pus. Own room, washer and dryer in basement. $115/mo. plus $150 dam- age. 1318 Sheehan. 663-6335. 90Y1211 ROOMMATE WANTED, own room, Packard and Division. Call 662-2426. 14Y1211 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Need roommate In 3-man apt. $80/mo. 2 min, from campus. 662-7850. 86Y121 1 GRAD MALE for own room in mo- dern 3-bedroom apt., A/C, $100 per mo., available Jan. 1, 761-9101. 99Y1207 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED for housework 1z day per week. When-to be discus- sed for mutual convenience. Good wages, Sylvan Street. Call 665-2817. 271H1211 PERSONS WANTED for delivery work. Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m. 97H1210 TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST want- ed. No experience necessary. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium, Office 101. After 9 a.m. 95H1210 DEPENDABLE PEOPLE needed to deliver with own car, make pizza and answer phone. Apply in person, Mr Pizza, Liberty at Division. 769- 8030. 63H1207 DOG LOVER wanted to care for my 70 lb. pet. Dec. 23-31. My house or yours. Appropriate remuneration. 761-2642. 68H1210 i i a i i I a 76-GUIDE now hiring phone coun- selors for Winter term. Apply at GUIDE desk, Union lobby. A non- discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 38H1211 BABYSITTER - MY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore days 1-444-1111, eve- nings and weekends 662-4964. 16H1211 WAITRESS or WAITER wanted: part-time at The Scene. Apply after 4:00. 341 S. Main. 769-5960. 95H1207 BEAUTIFUL Lake Home needs live- in housekeeper. 40 minutes from Ann Arbor, share 1 expenses, lots, of snorts. Must be honest. Write. give background. Capt. Les Bostedor. 530 Norvell Beach, Mi 49230; or call 536-4036 after 5 p.m. 72H1205 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS TEAC 4010. $300; AR4XA, $90 Terry 663-7354. 38X1210 STEREO FM, Cassette. $125. Call Dennis, 7-9 p.m., 769-0196. 74X1211 -SED MARTIN 0-18 GUITAR. Ten 'rs. old. Apollo Music Center. 769- 1400. cXtc! FOR SALE: Dynaco PAT-4 pre-amp, good shape. $75. Call 665-9889. 89X1208 MUST SELL-acoustic guitar made by Guild. Like new, best offer. Mark 662-4846. 71X1207 BEFORE YOU BUY Hi-Fi, hear Ultra Fidelity! Call Ann Arbor's underground audio expert. Johnny Zener for demo., day or night. 769- 2221. 80X1211 301, OFF. Gibson Bass Guitar Apollo Music Center. 769-1400. cXtc GUITARS 40% OFF. Flutes- Arm- strong, Gemeinhardt Dulcimers, etc. Repairs - Lessons. 665-7348 eXte USED CARS PHOTO SUPPLIES DARKROOM SERVICES from pro- fessional studio. Choice of develop- ers. Studio 'C', 209 S. Fourth Ave. 665-4550. cDtc BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED NUMBER OF BANDS still available for New Year's Eve. Call Mr. Ford at 769-1400. cJtc EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE For prompt, courteous wake-up serv- ice. 973-0760. cJtc SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath 5x6x4" materials and labor, $189. Call 483-4615. cJtrc TUTORING, EE, Statistics, Math, Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594, cJtc TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 994-3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc BEDDING SALE Mattresses and Box Springs Custom-Made $84.60 complete Mattress only $44.60 and up 52 years service. Locally owned. Same day delivery Call 761-2277 ANN ARBOR BEDDING 1002 Pontiac cJtc LEASING: Toyota - Alfa Romeo - Peugot 907 No. Main 769-7935 cJtc SITUATIONS WANTED B.S. Mech. Engin. would like .. time position. 761-4809. 9401208 NEW CARS PEUGEOT 907 N. Main - 769-7936 Alfa Romeo 907 N. Main-769-7935 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: "Cathedral Latin School" class ring. Identify city and year for return. Call or visit Michigan Daily Classifieds, 1-4, Tuesdays and Thursdays. dA1210 FOUND: slide rule, on S. University near Washtenaw. Call Dave, 994- 5721. dA1210 REWARD: 7-wk. female Huskie-LAB. Mostly black, brown, and white. White chest, brown circles around eyes. Lost Wed., on Williams and State. 665-5775. 40A1211 LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 662-2896. 37A1208 FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings, Found near Linden and South U. Steve, 663- 4661. dA1208 DESPERATE! 4 month old Golden Retriever Puppy wearing red collar, lost 1 p.m. Wed. near C. C. Little. Answers to "Happy". PLEASE con- tact Janie, 994-0515. Reward. 93A1207 FOUND: Calculator on central cam- pus. Description required. 764-3776. dA208 REWARD-For Turquoise and silver ring lost near Thompson St. park- ing structure. Call 764-0305 between 8 and 5. 87A120F PERSONAL THE ROOSTERTAIL and Jerry Schoenith presents a Christmas rock 'n roll extravaganza on Mon., Dec. 23, featuring Discotheque music in the Palm River club and live rock 'n roll in the Fountain Room. Doos open 9 p.m. Surprise Christmas gift will be given to each guest. For no cover, no minimum, present this ad- vertisement to cashier bet. 9 and 11 p.m. For info. phone The Roostertail VA 3-2000. 56F1211 Four Month Winter Term Lease at University Towers Apartments Single-liability leases 2 blocks to the Diag Recreation Room Piano Room Weekly Housekeeping Service Security System UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. 536 S. Forest 761-2680 Ftc OVERSEAS JOBS - Australia, Eur- ope, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, over- time, sightseeing. Free information. TRANSWORLD RESEARCH CO. Dept. F4, P.O. Box 603, Corte Ma- dera, CA 94925. 35F1211 DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS Be careful with fire: There are babes in the woods. PERSONAL REGENCY TRAVEL 611 CHURCH STREET ANN ARBOR 48104 665-6122 SPECIALIZING in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP HOME RESERVATIONS NOW cF405 Cam pus Pinball S1217k South University ri cFtc PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7583. 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests.j cFte X-C SKI SETS. New skis, boots, poles, bindings, $60. Linda, 665- 0701 or Brad 449-2668. 05F1211 ANN ARBOR AYH CLUB needs wo- men skiers to join male-dominated ski trip to Banff after Christmas. Trip cost $260-$290 for everything, features 8 days of skiing, great sce- nery, excellent runs. Brad, 449-2668. 06F1211 76-GUIDE now hiring phone coun- selors for Winter term. Apply at GUIDE desk, Union lobby. A non- discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 38F1211 28 YEAR OLD MAN is getting di- vorced-would like to meet mature woman to remarry. Please send ad- dress, phone number and photo to Box No. 1, Michigan Daily, HOLIDAYS DEPRESSING? Gestalt workshop Dec. 14-15. Cendra Parks, 761-9195; Pat Anthony, 665-3221. 06F1210 For Christmas, try SOMETHING ELSE Arts / Crafts / Toys./ Puzzles Kerrytown - 415 N. Fifth Ave. cF11 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP Now Accepting Students for winter term CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION IN ELECTRONIC MUSIC Our 12-week course gives you tech- nical knowledge and practical ex- perience in operating an electronic music studio. Classes are small and individual attention is assured. THE MUSIC STUDIO 555 E. William 994-5404 UNSURE WHAT TO DO? Life-Plan- ning Workshop, Dec. 13-15. Bob and Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 60F1211 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed .vhile-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc WANT EASYGOING FEMALE and male to complete doubles at co-op type house. $72.50/mo. 203 N. In- galls. 994-0016. l lE1208 I I HOLIDAYS got you uptight? Relax in whirlpool. Angela massages. Spe- cial $10/hr. 971-6867 03F1210 Original, Handcrafted Jewelry. Gold, Silver. Gems. WEDDING BANDS. Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc BOARD EXAM TUTORING S'iANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES Enroll now to prepare for upcoming MCAT * DAT * LSAT * GRE ATGSB board exams. For informa- tion call: (313) 354-0085. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding and Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4thAve. 994-4664 cFtc WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod. or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc WE GIVE SUPER DISCOUNTS on quantity wine purchases. , Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cFtc LEARN THE FACTS before you buy -there is more to a diamond than meets the eye. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE RAGTIMUE L UVER ORGANIC SUNSPOT GAN GR PING W AMOS SCEND A S E A NIGER TO ESPILL ESTES POMPTS BASELEVELE SCALENE AL I AS SPECS DYE TENTS TA L K ERST DIRE ST E 1H E R SE LF M IV P IS TON S B AL LA D M A I SSE VNEA E LE C TED S T AG ER S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment, i.e. no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed, Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line, "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed, or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. PERSONAL i SAMS STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Sto-Prest Bells NEAR UM. 4 bedroom house, fur- nished. Students. VV-11-12-2. Call Renter's Aid 994-4300. c01207 2 BEDROOMS available in 4-bed- room apt. Near Campus. Start Jan- uary. Call afternoons: 663-8715. 5901211 WINTER TERM. Own room or share{ room in nice house with kitchen. Very close to campus. Very cheap. Call 665-3476. 5801211 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED roomI for rent in nice house availablej December 20. 761-6084, ask for Stevef between 5:30-7 p.m. 5701211 1-BDRM. FURNISHED APT. 3 RM. EFFICIENCY, kitchenette.. - -------- Central campus. 820 Hill St. 665-1 FEMALES - sunny private room in 5224 after 5. 8401207 ; beautiful house. $85. Coll Devi, ---- -- -- --- 662-7597. 00Y1207 UNIVERSITY students and staff, j University family housing units - HOUSEMATE, vegetarian, wanted to available. Contact Housing Office. i share stone farm house near Dexter. 1011 SAB, 763-3168. 9001211 426-3319. 82Y1211 BEST ON CAMPUS; kxcellent room for girls begins Jan.1 2 4 or 8 month lease. Singles, $105-! $125. Double, $140. Call for appoint- menL, 761-1932. cCtc AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: MOD-' ERN, FURNISHED EFFICIENCY & 1-BEDRM. APTS. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 761-7600 ! <; : ' z! LEVI "S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs Hooded Sweatshirts . . from $5.98 Flannel Shirts from $4.98 Sweaters . ... from $8.98 Western Shirts ......from $6.98 1/ Cotton Turtlenecks . . ....$4.98{ 207 E. Liberty 663-861 1 ! i i f{ I 1 I in old house near Hill and Main. ARROWWOOD HILLS CO-OP -: Parking. Utilities paid. $165. Avail- Modern hillside townhouses in ther able Jan. 1. 769-3114 after 5. Northside School area. Co-op home1 64C1211 ownership gives you income-tax de-_ 1ductions of approximately 65% ofI MARKLEY LEASE available-1 space your monthly payments. Member- 1 in female double room. Call Debbie ship $300. 1 bdrm./$125 per mo. 2! 764-1891. 6501208 bdrms.,/$142 per mo. 3 bdrms./$158 SHARE ROOM - winter semester, per mo. 4 bdrms./$172 per mo.9 furnished 3 bedroom bi-level apt. Phone 761-0590 or visit office. 2400e Very close to campus. $92/mo. Call Arrowwood Trail. Open 9 tc 4 daily. Mary 761-0902. 7301208 Weekends 12 noon-5. cCtc; FURNISHED apartment for rent. $280/mo. (was $300/mo.) includes Q u tilitie s e x c e p t e le c tric ity . C lo se to8ca p s A v i b l D e . 2 . C l 6 3 -ES campus. Avalable Dec. 27. Call 663- 6863. 40C1207 NEED I OR 2 WOMEN to fill 3-bed-' Single Liability Lease1 room house. 663-5403. 0601207 Roommate Placement Service I 2 Blocks to Campu s FEMALE,snice upperclassman, needs one to share lovely one-bedroom apt. Secure building. 418 E. Wash- ington, near Frieze. Call 668-6906 or 994-0983. cYl211 LARGE ROOM for 1 or 2 women in convenient, modern 4-man Packard/ State apt. Take over lease. Call 665-8220 evenings. dY1211 OWN ROOM (male) in modern apt., 2 blocks from campus. $95/month. 994-0189. 37Y1208 GRAD WOMAN-own room in sun- ny, spacious 3-br apt. $85/mo. Avail. 12/15. 663-8390. 52Y1208 ROOMMATE WANTED in Town- house Apt. $65/mo. plus utilities. 662-2117. 61Y1210 4TH WOMAN needed for 2 bedroom apt. $68.75/month. Call 663-5659. 78Y1211 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for' own room in modern 2-bdrm. apt. near campus. Available after Christ- mas. Call 769-1698 persistently. 67 Y12 11 3RD WOMAN needed for modern 2 bedrm. apt., $75/mo. Own room, Packard/State area. 665-4628. 54Y1207 1969 FIAT 850 coupe, good condition, $500 or make offer. Wes, 665-0498 after 5. 31N1211 1971 VEGA, AC, snow tires. 26.000 miles, $1500. Fri, eves, and Sat. 769- 6223. 16N1207 RELEASING a faithful family serv- ant of many years. '64 Buick wagon, price negotiable. Call 668-8939 after 6:00 dN1211 67 VW, low mileage, FM radio, snow tires, ex. running cond. $575. 485-7995. 81N1207 '68 VW BUS, excel. cond., new en- gine, brakes, tires and paint. $875. 764-0053. 17NI O CAR WANTED. Automatic, reason- able mpg, bigger than VW. 1970 or newer. About $1,000. 769-3476. 20N1126 TRANSPORTATION HELP DRIVE and buy gas to Reno, Nevada. Leaving December 13. Call Kim 439-2431 or 439-8225. 62G1208 RIDE NEEDED to Tuscon week of Dec. 18th. Share expenses and driv- ing. 485-0586 evenings. 41G1211 BIKES AND SCOOTERS RALEIGH 5-speed, almost new. War- ranty. $75. 668-8571. 74Z1211 FOR SALE LONG, warm women's winter coat. Call Cindy, 769-9329. 24B1210 SHEEPSKIN COAT, man's size 42, 1 year old. $85. After 6 p.m., 994-. 5224a 35B1208 Brown fur-lined SUEDE COAT, size 38-40. Very warm, perfect condition, Charlie, 663-6676. 42B1207 FIREWOOD Seasoned oak and hickory, 20"x4'x8' $30. Delivered and stacked. Call Greg at 769-3572. 43B1211 BOOK SALE: Friends of the A.A. Public Library. Fri., Dec. 6, books $1; Sat., Dec. 7, books $.50; Mon., Dec. 9, books $.25; Tues., Dec. 10, books $.10. 01B1210 PINBALL MACHINE, Gottleib, single player. $250. 668-7932. 92B1208 ROYAL PORTABLE Typewriter. Script type. Excellent condition. $30 or best offer. Women's buckle ski boots, size 8, worn once. $20 or best offer. 971-6182. 08B1207 TIRE CHAINS for 8.00x16.5, $35. Call 764-1455. 10B1211 SNOW TIRES, 600 miles, old size 175 SR13 studded winter radial 19. $70. 668-6586 after 5 p.m. 66B129 USED FUR COATS and JACKETS. Good condition, $50-$125. Call 973- 0436 after 12 noon. 92B1211 20% OFF. Fabrics: 100% cotton, 100% silk. Clothing: Men's and la- dese e a.1 Al n lctto:dnim leans 1 5 9 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 29 31 33 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 47 48 49 50 ACROSS Bufoon Gorky and Hoover Picture borders Fencing foil Popular hero a Type of shoe + After alpha Fear of foreign-+ ers+ U.N. monogram Shoe part Samuel's teacher Golden or Iron Wartime agency: Abbr. Court hearing Gleam An even chance Transmitted Type.of coat Moorish castle in Seville Italian lady Dull Winter month Part of the globe Pried into Nelson Osprey's cousin 0.252 calories: Abbr. Link Creator of Sir DOWN 1 Humped bovine of India, China, etc. 2 Mirrors, in a way 3 Snares 4 Legal time limitation: Phrase 5 D.D. Emmett's song 6 Yemen seaport 7 Periodic wind 8 One-masted vessels 9 Chinese name 0 Tintern, for one .1 Sheer linen .2 Step 5 Novel about Ayesha 6 7 8 8 1l 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1: Roger de Coverly 1 52 Credit: Brit. slang 2 56 Type of aircraft 2 58 Fix: Colloq. 59 Flirtatious looks 2 60 Particle 2 61 Common Latin abbr. 2 62 Go up 2 63 Knows: Scot. 3 64 Rainy 3 CROSSWORD PZLE Copt . Ge' calffCS r. 7c 3( 34 8 Much-used ma- terial 3 Old codger 5 Showing astonishment !6 Food fish 7 Edward Everett or Nathan 8 Peruvian Indian s9 Rocky peak 10 Pressing 2 "- the Fiper" 4 Heads: Slang 5 Algonquin Indian 6 Adamant 8 Office worker: Abbr. 0 Eating alcove 2 Russian dance 4 Universal element in art 5 Artist Rivera 6 Singer Reese .8 Shoulders of paved roads 0 Piano students' chores: Abbr. 1 Relative of Lionel 3 Tittle 4 Shellfish 5 Seaweed 7 Noun suffix 9 10 11 12 5 1 2 3 4'1 13 1,6 ASSUME LEASE, furnished large 2 bedroom apartment near campus. -Laundry facilities in building. $260/ ma. plus electricity. 761-7691. 3601211 LEASE JAN. 1 thru May-l-bdrm. apt. near Med Center. $180. Unfurn- ished, wall-to-wall shag. 994-5211. 30C1211 $50 Security Deposit TWO ROOMMATES wanted, each for 24 Hour Security their own bedroom in modern cam- 536 S. Forest 761 -2680 pus apt. 769-3470. 80Y1211 FOURTH WOMAN needed; bi-level, U n'1V rc 1'f-imodern apartment, near campus. I . U I7$67.50/mo. Beginning January. 665- 7866. 43Y1208 Towers Apts. YOUR OWN ROOM in friendly cCtc household with three others. Jan.- - -'-- June. 971-7364 evenings. 46Y1211 OPENINGS in Central and North.----- campus co-ops winter term, women 2 SPACES OPEN, 4-woman apt., $80 and men. Call or come into ICC of- each/mo. 663-1010. 98Y128 fice. 662-4414. Rm .4002. Michiganrirnn > 22 23 24 26 27 28 2991 i 32 31 fz 33 134 I N A k1 0fE k A E AIF4 36 k 37 . 39 38 l 1 4- ' .! EEMS|MER M888MEH8 ll A n , I I 0 i . 1