Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Toy s afetygift from Pirgim Saturday, December 7, 1974 News Phone: 764- 0552 420 Maynard St., Anr Arbor, Mi. 48104 SGC goofs on ROTC IN ITS THURSDAY night endorse- ment of reinstating academic credit for military ROTC credits, SGC reversed its staunch anti-ROTC po- sition of five years ago. At that time, the flood of anti-military sentiment on campus had reached a high-water mark, culminating in the LS&A Cur- riculum Committee's removal of credit from ROTC courses it felt were proselytizing for a political view, and thus had no place at an apolitical university. All that kept the military units from being completely banished from campus was the Administration's de- sire to maintain its amiable relation- ship with the Defense Department and the lucrative defense contracts it fostered. Of the major universities, only Har- vard was well-enough endowed to hand ROTC its traveling papers and weather the political and financial consequences of its actions. Since 1970, clashes over the mili- tary's role on campus have lost much of their fervor. Though more sub- dued now, debate continues over whe- ther a learning institution can pa- tronize a military organization and still lay claim to its political autono- my. Most military leaders, including the heads of the ROTC department heads here argue that the removal of ROTC would spell the end of a civil- ian (thus moderating) influence on the military braintrust. If all mili- tary leaders were products of the academies, the argument goes, uni- versity-induced enlightment would be lost on the armed forces, which in turn would more drastically di- vorce military policy from popular sentiment. At first glance, the theory has a logical ring to it. But past perform- ance would indicate that the military men are putting the tail before the ass. Can we believe that ROTC mod- erates the military? Or, in fact, does it militarize the university. How many ROTC students could be seen grac- ing the lines of anti-war demonstra- tors during the Vietnam War era? Or what contributions did the military make to the decade long debate over the moral aspects of the Indochina War. Universities are, by definition, apolitical and unrestricted in their pursuit of learning, and as such should not assimilate, much less acredit the kind of unilateral politi- cal muck foisted on ROTC students in the name of education. The administration's interest in preserving ROTC and thus it defense contracting can be understood if not condoned. There is no condoning stu- dent government's approval of mili- tary debriefing masquerading as edu- cation. -PAUL HASKINS By JOSEPH S. TUCHINSKY WHETHER IT'S Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah, it's reassuring to know that the child for whom you buy toys can be merrier and happier because toys are safer. This wasn't always so. When Congress passed the Child Protection Toy Safety Act of 1969, testimony was submitted of deaths and permanent injuries from haz- ards in toys not readily visible to the shopper. In late 1972, when PIRGIM did its first survey of dangerous toys on sale in Michigan stores, nationwide statistics re- ported an estimated 900,000 injuries per year due to toys. That year, PIRGIM's student surveyors in five areas of Mich-' igan found banned toys on sale in violation of federal law in over 40 per cent of the stores sampled. Toys with serious hazards for which the federal government hadn't even written stand- ards were on sale in nearly all stores surveyed, a total of 295 unbanned dan- gerous toys in 29 stores. PIRGIM's FINDINGS were dramatized on television and in newspapers, with pictures of dolls with their highly flam- mable clothing afire; arrows whose "safety" tips easily came off, shot through eyes drawn on cardboard faces; rattles broken open when they were drop- ped on the floor, exposing sharp edges and small particles that could lodge in a baby's throat. Stimulated in part by findings of PIR- GIM and similar student-sponsored Pub- lic Interest Research Groups in other states, public awareness caused the fed- eral government to step up its efforts. Enforcement power over toy safety was transferred to a new agency, the Con- sumer Product Safety Commission. PIRGIM surveyors in the fall of 1973 found visible progress. Only 4 banned items were found on sale in 33 stores, and an additional 41 unbanned but haz- ardous items. Two recent developments, a court rul- ing in Washington and a new law in Michigan, should continue the progress. ON NOVEMBER 14, Judge Thomas A. Flannery of District of Columbia Fed- eral District Court ruled that the govern- ment must issue regulations with gen- eral toy-safety standards, not react item- by-item as unsafe toys appear in stores. The suit, Tuchinsky v. Consumer Pro- duct Safety Commission, was filed ear- ly in 1973 by attorney Arthur L. Fox II of Ralph Uader's Public Citizen Liti- gation Group, on my behalf as PIR- GIM's executive director and as father of two young children exposed to toy hazards, as well as for other affected in- dividuals and organizations. Judge Flannery ruled that, with 150,000 toys on the market, an item-by-item ap- proach would never accomplish Con- gress' intent to get the dangerous pro- ducts off the market. However, he refused to issue an order requiring 'the government to begin the rule-making process within 60 days. Gov- ernment attorneys informed the court that the rules were already in prepara- tion and would be proposed by the end of November. Taking note of the long delays already suffered since passage of the 1969 law, the judge agreed to wait the additional few weeks, but threatened that if the government didn't act by December 9 he would reconsider issuing a court order. THE REGULATIONS affected by Judge Flannery's decision would fill in some, but not all, the gaps revealed by PIRGIM's toy safety surveys. The decis- ion would require immediate work on mechanical-hazard regulations concern- ing sharp points and edges, projectile toys such as bows and arows or dart guns, and thin film plastic packaging, among others. These would supplement federal regulations previously issued on electrical and heat hazards, and addi- tional types of mechanical hazards. By serving notice on toy manufactur- ers, importers, distributors, and retail- ers, and giving them detailed guidelines to follow to avoid hidden dangers in children's toys, there regulations should continue progress in making children's products safer. The new regulations are important for still another reason to Michigan Consum- ers. A toy safety bill, HP 5460, was intro- duced early in 1974 by House Majority Leader Bobby D. Crim, in response to survey findings by the Genesee County Prosecutor as well as PIRGIM. It would give the Michigan Department of Agri- culture, which already regulates danger- ous chemicals and other hazardous sub- stances, power to enforce the federal toy standards within Michigan. CONSUMERS WHO are dissatisfied with the slow response from the federal Consumer Product Safety Commissi:v7, whose nearest office is in Cleveland, wil have somewhere else to turn, closer to home. The bill was approved last winter by the House of Representatives and, with active libbying by PIRGIM, was finally reported out of Senate committee last Tuesday. By the time you read this col- umn, the bill may have become law. The new federal regulations to be is- sued under Judge Flannery's decision, when adopted by Michigan under its new law, will further expand the State's pow- er to remove unsafe items from toy shelves. After over two years of effort, in- creased toy safety is PIRGIM's Christ- mas and Chanaukah present to you. josih /~S. T7 'icr o f the C;roup in Alic RI-TORTS is serv ice. 'ichins y is a staff iem- Public Interest Research higan (Pirgim). PIRGIM /heir regular information You'd better not pout Rockefeller and the Issues ANOTHER YEAR HAS passed and Christmas of 1974 is almost here. For most, this year will be much like any other: large dinners, many pres- ents, trips home, and over-extended checking accounts. To be sure many auto workers are out of work for a while and our economy as a whole is off, to it's usual fast moving pace. But it is well to remember that our trou- bles are rather small in comparison to many of the African and Asian countries.' While to us famines and plagues are merely stories and pictures on television, to an Indian family of ten living in a gutter, they are quite real. While to us rumors of draught in Africa are merely something to be pushed to the back of our minds as quickly as possible, to an African herdsman whose few cattle have all Sports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGS Executive Sports Editor ROGER ROSSITER .... Managing Sports Editor JOHN KAHLER ........ Associate Sports Editor died of hunger and lack of water, and who himself may do the same, the situation is deadly serious. Every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas, a few people are struck by the obvious differences be- tween our Christmases and the rest of the world's, and everyday a few articles come out making us feel guilty - for a few minutes only- that this should not happen. Instead of shedding a few crocodile tears for the destitute countries p li g h t, wouldn't it be better to make a few resolves to attempt to help in some small way. Nothing major like send- ing massive shipments of food to hard struck countries, instead a few small tokens of our awareness that we are well off while others aren't. Merry Christmas. -PETER BLAISDELL TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Steve Hersh, Cindy Hill, Steve Kagan, Sara Rimer, Judy Ruskin, Stuart Sherr Editorial Page: Peter Blaisdell, Tony Duenas, Marnie Heyn, Steve Stojic, Sue Wilhelm Arts Page: David Blomquist, George Lobsenz, David Weinberg Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens By PETER BLAISDELL RECENTLY A MAN of great integrity and wealth was nominated for the vice-presidency of the United States. This man is a model we can all aspire to (after all, can't anyone become rich and powerful in America?), a man to whom honor is more than just a word, it's a noun, a man capable of leaping great issues with a single "no comment", and a man considered by many to be the politicians' politician. Obviously the Daily had to interview such a man and here is the gist of that interview (of course edited to protect your innocence and faith in the American political system). DAILY: Sir, what are your thoughts on President Nixon's resignation, amid the Watergate scandal, and what lessons would you say you have learned from this? ROCKEFELLER: Well, it has shown me and the American people as a whole that our system works! The unfortunate incidents leading to the resignation of former President Nixon has removed a cancer from the heart of the American political system, a cancer which threatened the very soul of this great country, a cancer which had to be removed by that surgical process known as the due process of American law. In answer to your second question: I would be more subtle than our former president. DAILY: Sir, an issue which I'm sure is concerning many people is whether someone like yourself with so many outside interests, such as your holdings in various corporations, can put national interests before personal ones? ROCKEFELLER: The answer to this question is clear, my interests are in the nation's interests. DAILY: Would you care to elaborate, sir? ROCKEFELLER: Well, not really but since you ask. Take those corporations for example. If reforms are passed loosening up the antitrust laws why there's no telling how rapidly these corporations could expand thus raising the G.N.P. and incidentally my own dividends as well. DAILY: But surely you don't intend to continue owning that stock? The congress and the people wouldn't allow it. ROCKEFELLER: No, that's the sad truth. I was thinking of transfering my holdings to my wife or possibly my chauffeur. sele: ted was because you are in a good position to cure our ailing economy since your private economic policies are so successful, and the ease with which you could enter the consuls of the super rich closed to mere mortals. ROCKEFELLER: The part about not being a mere mortal is quite true, but as to curing the economy - not even a god could do that. DAILY: O.K. but you must have a few suggestions. ROCKEFELLER: First of all let's remove a few of the so called environmental laws, let people stop breathing if it gets too bad, or start wearing gas nit sks. D4ILY: You own a gas mask producing company? ROCKEFELLER: That is correct, also we could start building more pipelines across the Alaskan tundra (after all who is going to worry about a few reindeer or Eskimos?) to get more oil to our starving economy. DAILY: You own the land these new pipeline are to be built on? ROCKEFELLER: Yes, how did you know? DAILY: One last question sir, about foreign policy, how do you intend to advise the president and handling the United States' relations with the smaller foreign countries? ROCKEFELLER: That's no problem. I own many of those small countries. DAILY: Sir, with you and President Ford, how can the nation fail to improve? Peter Blaisdell is a staff writer for the Michigan Daily. DAILY: Your cleverness will leave less sir! Another question I'm sure minds is exactly how much money} sir? the nation speech- is on every one's you actually have ROCKEFELLER: I'd prefer not to go into this. DAILY: O.K. can we rephrase the question? Sup- posedly President Ford picked you primarily because you are rich enough to balance the federal budget out of your own pocket, would you care to comment on this? ROCKEFELLER: Well, that's a bit of an understate- ment and besides that contradicts my policy of asking not what you can do for government but what the government can do for you. DAILY: Rumor has it another reason you were Letters to Th 1'146 H S $ 1 ANDMEANG COMr'i Rovr'I2( . . i :4 organic To The Daily: THE UNIVERSITY, for the past several months, through the Vice President in Charge of Snow Jobs - the Snow Man, has been dispensing "informa- tion" explaining r e a s o n s for the proposed 13 per cent faculty wage increase. This information has led ecologists everywhere to note happily that that well known organic compound ordin- arily attributed to the excre- tory activities of bulls is not in short supply. Much of this university-pro- vided organic compound deals with the analysis and projection of trends. What is not noted is that trends, like erections, come to an end when fundamental conditioins change. President Fleming noted, in the "State of the University" address, t h e glut of Ph.Ds. Fundamental re- lationships between supply and demand have changed. The trend analysis which ignores this change is that well known organic compound refered to earlier! From the Snow Man, we learn that the raise is designed to keep top calibre people. This argument is misleading. If top flight people are to be kept, each department can agree to meet competing offers for this clerical personnel, and students, via tuition reduction. To those who find the econ- omics of the above argument obscure, check out Fusfe'd's Intro Econ text - it's really quite a clear text. -Ephraim Ben-David hunting To The Daily: I RECENTLY READ an ar- ticle from the Michigan Daily of November 9, 1974, written by David Warren. It was titled, "Hunters Violate your Rignts". When I attended the U. of M. 1962 through 1965, I had great respect for what the Daily pub- lished. I thought that articles were a presentation of the facts, whereas opinions appeased in letters to the editor. The above mentioned article is only an opinion, and not very weli re- searched at that. As a letter to the editor I can see such an article being published, but not as an article of fact. If Mr. Warren would check his "facts" with our Wildlife Management Department in the School of Natural Resources, I am sure that he will gain con- siderable knowledge on the real aspects of state land manage- ment, budgets, and the ways of nature. nuclear energy To The Daily: I WOULD like to take this time to speak out against n ;c- Lear fision technology. The fed- eral government has subsidized this industry to the tune of forty billion dollars, the money be- ing obtained from the American people. Unfortunately, there is not much to show for our in- vestment, other than the ex- treme dangers encountered while nuclear reactors are in operation. In Michigan alone, there has been one total shut- down (the Fermi plant in Mon- roe), and currently, -he Palli- sadesa plant and the project in Midland are experiencing prob- lems. There are other problems as- sociated with nuclear power plants than the obvibus radia- tion hazards. Transportation of radioactive wastes on public highways could be disasterous. From an economic point of view, nuclear energy as a na- tionwide energy source is only expected to last about t h i r t y years, due to our limited supply of uranium 235, unless one con- siders the fast breeder reac-ors which operate on pl'ronium - the most toxic substance known to man. IT IS CLEARLY time to ser- iously consider other less haz- ?_ Dais power consumption by c tion and making more' uses of disposable 1 manufactured in our di economy. This move make our present resoii longer and make altern& less productive energy more practical. -John Janowiak . co To The Daily: I WOULD like to th Gantt for his reply to m about the copying facil the Graduate Library.I surprising that copying at the University of Wa Library have gone up, stand corrected. However, one needn' gone so far afield. TI nickel-operated Xerox r in our own Law SchoolI Why can't similar mac placed in the GraduateI -Charles Hagen Grad, Philosoph October 25 onserva- centuries, we have used a "pen- thorough al system", as a means of cor- products recting crime problems. Well, sposable it doesn't work! The tax-payers would are paying more Than a billion rc ts last dollars a year for our prisn give and system; and it isn't reducing sources ithe crime rate, but is IN- CREASING IT. Do you know that: O about 80 per cet of all 1pying crimes that are commi:ted are committed by ex-offenders? O 70 per cent of the men ank Mr. and women released from our ny letter State penitentiaries will return, ities in within five years (w'iizh should It is not certainly allude that our prisons charges are a failure!) ishington * it costs in excess of $5,000 a and I year for each and every in- dividiial in prison, to be kept t have there? here are O Community-based correc- machines tional programs have been prov- Library. en to be more effective, yet our hines be State government continues to Library? keep the prison sys'em? * that new problems are for- ly ever arising, within our penal system: because the system is actually getting worse, instead crime of better? O that these problems can be eliminated, and that it can'+ be the 53rd done, unless YOU start to care? in that I've heard my neighbors and ersoo in fellow Ann Arbor residents say, atves, in "Gee, I don't even feel safe n . . . on the streets, anymore, or even To The Daily: WE, THE people al Distrikt, are fortunate, we have a dedicated p the House of Represenu the State of Michig:o i