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December 06, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-12-06

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 76

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 6, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

j tJtu;E tI.S HAPPE CL 6-ONLy
Water torture
The Detroit Water Board has developed a new
twist for reading their customers' water meters.
When the board has trouble getting into a home to
read the meter, they merely send the customer a
bill for $78.10. The board used to send out a stan-
dard letter requesting to read the meter. But
they found the letters were unanswered and the
meters unread. The $78 bill, however, sends cus-
tomers dashing to the telephone to patch things
up with the water board. "This way really scares
the daylights out of people and they call right
away," said a service representative. An inflated
bill is sent only if the department is unable to
read a meter for several months. If there is still
no response, a bill for $160 is sent out three months
later, and the amount doubles every three months
until the customer sets up an appointment.
Dope note
Codeine and other pain-killing prescription drugs
may have to be rationed next year because of
critical shortages of legitimate opium, an opium
importer's representative told Congress yesterday.
The pharmaceutical industry will be able to meet
only about 80 percent of next year's projected
demand for opium derivative drugs such as co-
deine, according to testimony presented before a
Senate hearing. Except for wartime emergencies
it could be the first rationing in the United States
of a drug in short supply.
299 and 143*...
. . . are this week's winning lottery numbers.
Second chance numbers are 984 and 345. Winning
numbers in the jackpot drawing are 634177, 82671
and 910.
... there isn't a whole lot going on today. Have
lunch at the Guild House's noon luncheon and
listen to Dr. Theodore Kachel talk about "Intro-
ducing ethical activity in American Higher Educa-
tion: A Model for Change." Guild House is at 802
Monroe . . . The Michigan ski team is holding a
ski swap today and tomorrow. Bring your equip-
ment to the coliseum at Hill and 5th today between
2 and 9 p.m. All merchandise will be on sale
tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. . . . The office of
Ethics and Religion is sponsoring a visit of the
Mata Atnananda, a guru from Thunder Bay,
Canada in the West lounge of South Quad . . . at
8:30 p.m. in the Ed School's Schorling Aud. there
will be a presentation of Master Dance Theses,
with choreography by Sarah Martens and Jane
Schwartz. Admission is a $1.50 . . . and there will
be a meeting today at 5 p.m. to plan for the
National March and Rally against Racism Dec. 14.
The meeting is in East Quad, Rm 129.
Tapes go public
The White House tapes played at the Watergate
cover-up trial probably will be released for public
broadcast after the trial ends, a federal judge in-
dicated yesterday. "The public should have the
opportunity to hear them," U.S. District Judge
Gerhard Gesell said in a memorandum. He ruled
that former President Richard Nixon, who has
protested public release of the tapes, "has no right
to prevent normal access to these public docu-
ments . .. His words cannot be retrieved; they are
public property and his opposition is accordingly
rejected," Gesell said.
Grief stew
The Kroger supermarket chain has begun re-
calling its house brand of beef stew after one
Georgia woman died and another was hospitalized
after eating a can of stew contaminated by deadly
botulism bacteria. Agriculture department officials

said the canned beef stew was distributed by
Kroger, headquartered in Cincinnati and processed
by Key Packing Co., in Tennessee. The contami-
nated stew came from a lot of 24,000 cans processed
last July 11. Both Key and Krogers have initiated
voluntary recalls of the product. The stew is in
24 ounce cans which can be identified by a code
"'EST. 712 192 S4" embossed in the lids. Cans
should be returned to the store. "Under no circum-
stances should the cans be opened and tasted,"
officials said. Symptoms of botulism poisoning
usually begin within 12 to 36 hours after con-
taminated food is eaten and include double vision,
inability to swallow, speech difficulty and a pro-
gressive choking.
On the inside...
. . Paul O'Donnell's collection of political com-
ments from the European Press appears on today's
Editorial Page . . . Ed Lange previews this week-
end's swim meets on the Sports page . . . and it's
Cinema Weekend on the Arts page.
On the outside...
Would you believe rain? A storm developing in
the Gulf Coast will cause more cloudiness during
the afternoon with a chance of rain by evening.




Dr. Arnold Kambly, the owner and operator
of a local, private-psychiatric facility for emotion-
ally disturbed boys, was arrested and arraigned
yesterday for allegedly taking over $16,000 in
federal funds under false pretenses.
The director of the controversial University
Center was taken into custody after the state
Attorney General's office filed a complaint charg-
ing Kambly with 16 counts of submitting bills for
services never rendered.
F O L L O W I N G arraignment in 15th
District Court, Kambly was released' on $10,000
bond. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled
for December 11 to determine if he should be
bound over for trial.

The maximum penalty for obtaining federal ing
funds under false pretenses is five years in pri-"
son and a $2,000 fine. tha
Kambly's center, which has no connection with psy
the University, has been the target of numerous CH
probes in the past year, including an investiga- fal
tion by the U. S. Senate Permanent Investiga- era
tions Subcommittee.'
BECAUSE most of the 25 patients housed at CH
the facility are dependents of military personnel, an
their treatment was formerly subsidized by the mi
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uni- (J
formed Service (CHAMPUS), a division of the A
Pentagon. file
Kambly, the center's only staff psychiatrist, wo
billed CHAMPUS for therapy given to patients H
while they were not living at the facility, accord-

to the complaint.
"Many of the allegations by Arnold Kambly
at he had on certain dates rendered intensive
ychiatric treatment and therapy to named
:AMPUS beneficiaries were totally untrue and
se," states the charge filed by Attorney Gen- +;>
al Frank Kelley.
FOLLOWING the Senate Investigation last July,
AMPUS cut off funding to the facility pending
inspection and accreditation by the Joint Com- >
ttee on the Accreditation of Hospitals
At that time, Kambly announced that he had
ed for the JCAH inspection which he said
uld take place in late September.
lowever, when contacted yesterday, a JCAH
See DR. KAMBLY, Page 2
!)irica sa ys

Dr. Arnold Kambly




AP Photo
Listen, Henry . * *
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger chats with Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin on the South
Lawn of the White House yesterday. They were awaiting the arrival of West German Chancellor
Helmut Schmidt.
Flem--ing hits Cinese

-- The Watergate cover-up
trial will end without the
testimony of former Presi-
dent Richard Nixon, U. S.
District Judge John Sirica
ruled yesterday.
Declaring that Nixon's
testimony is n o t "indis-
pensable or necessary,"
Sirica said much of what
Nixon knows has been or
can be obtained from other
witnesses, including the
five defendants.
BEYOND THAT, the judge
said, Nixon's testimony is not
required because the former
president's credibility as a wit-
ness is in doubt.
Noting that Nixon is among
26 unindicted co - conspirators
in the case, Sirica said the for-
mer president "has been ac-
cused, in effect, of being an ac-
complice of the defendants."
"Certainly . .. his testimony
would be subject to the instruc-
tion to the jury that it should
be received with caution and
scrutinized with care," Sirica
THE 61 - YEAR - OLD Nixon,
recovering at his San Clemente,
Calif., estate from complica-
tions of a chronic phlebitis con-
dition, was subpoenaed last
September by trial defendant
and former White House aide
John Ehrlichman.
Ehrlichman opened his case
yesterday, and among the first
witnesses called by his lawyer
was former White House special
counsel Charles Colson.
C o 1 s o n, also an unin-
dicted co-conspirator in-the cov-
er-up case, is currently serving
a prison term for a related
Watergate offense.
INITIALLY, in his six page
order, Sirica granted a request
from Nixon's lawyer, Herbert
Miller, that subpoenas for his
client's testimony be dismissed.
The order also ruled out the
possibility that Nixon might
answer written questions
Court-appointed d o c t o r s
said the former President
might be able to testify twice
daily under oath at his Califor-
nia estate with a doctor pres-
SIRICA SAID the limitations
within the medical opinion alone
should answer attempts by de-
fendants to get Nixon's testi-
"The witness is simply un-
available to be deposed," Sirica


AP Photo
ROBERT STRAUSS, chairman of the Democratic National
Committee, listens intently as the party's charter commission,
meeting in Kansas City, debates a key compromise plan for
delegate quotas.
Dems compromise
on quota proposal

on edu
University President Robben
Fleming yesterday took a blast
at the educational system in
China for what he described as
over-politicized learning.
At a press conference four
days after his return from a
three-week China tour, Fleming
said he had observed that pros-
pective students "cannot get an
education unless they subscribe

icational system

to their (the government's) po-
litical philosophy."
BUT THE president clearly
got a favorable overall impres-
sion of the People's Republic.
He said:t"Anybody'has to ad-
mire what they have done."
He pointed to "the high rate
of illiteracy which existed until
after liberation," referring to
the Communist takeover in 1949.
Describing his meeting with

Galens Society
aesholds fund drive
As you trudge through the snow today and tomorrow,
some folks in red ponchos may try to panhandle you. Have
no fear-their cause is a good one.
These people are amongthen50 members of the Galens
Honorary Medical Society, an organization of juniors and
seniors in the Medical school devoted to supporting children's
TODAY FROM 7 a.m. until midnight and tomorrow from
8 a.m. until 5 p.m. have been set aside for the group's major
fund-raising drive of the year-the 47th Annual Galens Tag
Contributions to the drive go largely to the children's
workshop at Mott Children's Hospital on the medical campus.
The workshop provides academic classes for older children
who are missing school, as well as a program of games and

Chinese vice premier Teng
Hsiao-ping, Fleming said the
high official told him it would
be difficult to normalize U.S.-
Chinese relations before the cru-
cial question of Taiwan - and
its support from Washington -
is settled.
Stating that the primary pur-
pose of his trip was to visit uni-
versities, Fleming spoke of tour-
ing six schools during his three
week tour of China.
FLEMING explained that
Chinese students are selected
on the basis of their political at-
titude towards the present gov-
ernment and its policies, their
physical condition, and their ac-
ademic aptitude.
Fleming said he was dismay-
ed to find that Chinese stu-
dents are given few academic
options. They "are told to study
in X' areas . . . with the pri-
mary function of serving the
people . . . at the end of three
years they are assigned a job,"
he said.
Viewing "the heavy political
emphasis" in China as a prob-
lem Fleming pointed out that
"professors who espouse other
philosophies (than the govern-
ment's) no longer work on the
ACCORDING to Fleming, no
grad'iate schools exist in China
and the three-year undergrad-

By AP and Reuter
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A coa-
lition of Democratic regulars
and reformers won approval
yesterday ofta crucial compro-
mise on quotas that calls for
affirmative action to encourage
full participation of minority
groups, women and young peo-
However, the article, approv-
ed by a lopsided 42-6 vote, ruled
out any suggestion of manda-
tory quotas for these groups in
state delegations - a move
aimed at avoiding an inter-party
feud on the issue.
Committee made the decision
after two days of discussion on
the party's first-draft charter

of the 1980 party rules, which
will be presented to a mini-
convention of more than 2,000
members here tomorrow.
Party leaders, meanwhile,
prepared a resolution that na-
tional Democratic Chairman
Robert Strauss said will be
relevant "to the economic
concerns of the people of this
Sources said the resolution
would call for equitable wage-
price controls unless the econ-
omy picks up soon, and would
recommend an array of other
measures to fight both infla-
tion and recession.
IT WILL be debated after the
See DEMS, Page 7
I Slocal

Overload strai

emergency room care

Second of three parts
The two local emergency rooms at St. Joseph
Mercy and University Hospital are meant to
handle only emergencies. But to thousands of

"Seventy-five per cent of the times an emer-
gency room is the only entrance to the hospital
and the health care system," said Dr. Sidney
Smock, director of the University Hospital emer-
gency room. "Emergency patients have doubled
.,. ...n - - ~,. I. ....no n.xn r rr na anla l rnn t fW

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