Thursday, December 5, 1974
Page Seven
Thursday, December 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
heads or talesH
___________Marc Feldman =
Trade s galore ...
.. and hopes soar
GATHERING around the proverbial "hot stove", baseball fans
manage to ignore the intricacies of the NFL playoff format
or the standings in the Clarence Campbell Conference when the
major league moguls gather for the annual winter meetings.
Never mind that the hometown favorites finished 43 games be-
hind. Diehard fans hope for the emergence of a Joe Hardy or
the acquisition of a .330 hitting outfielder in exchange for the
second string catcher.
Even more than spring training, the cold days of December
inspire thoughts of pennant races and hope for the salvation of
even the sorriest of franchises.
The Detroit Tigers, one of the sorrier teams, desperate-
ly need a catcher and about a half-dozen pitchers. So the big
Bengal supporters harbor hopes of duping some rival general
manager into taking Mickey Stanley in exchange for a Cesar
Cedeno or Nolan Ryan.
Reports were flying around that catcher Bob Boone of the
Phillies was on his way to Detroit for such stalwarts as Stanley
Bill Freehan, Jim "Sting" Ray, and Bill Slayback.
There were many rumors as to why the deal fell through,
including one that the Phillies balked when Tiger general man-
ager Jim Campbell insisted that they take Luke "Fluke" Walker
off their hands also.
In reality, teams cannot build themselves into contenders
via trades unless they have a surplus of talent at a particular
position and a hole to fill elsewhere.
However, baseball trades have the distinct advantage of
involving people. It seems that most trades in football and
basketball involve draft choices over the next decade rather
than people.
Here is a not so far-fetched example of a football
"trade": The Houston Oilers sent backup defensive tackle
Sylvester "Sly" McIntyre to-the Washington Redskins for the
Skins sixth and seventh round draft picks in 1979 and re-
versed places in the 1980 and 1981 draft order, if favorable
to the Oilers.
Fans find it tough to identify with such deals or conversej
about them at length over a few cold ones. Tuesday, the Mets
sent relief pitcher Tug McGraw and outfielders Don Hahn and
Dave Schneck to Philadelphia for pitchers Mac Scarce, catcher
John Stearns, and outfielder Del Unser.
Outside of Unser and McGraw, the other fellows involved
aren't exactly household words, but a couple of National League
fans can find plenty to talk about. Here is part of their conver-
Fan A - Well that really helps the Mets in center field. They
Have always needed somebody there and Unser fits the bill.
Fan B - But I don't know about getting rid of McGraw. That
really hurts us in the bullpen. This Scarce was pretty good a
couple of years ago but he stunk last year.
Fan A - Schneck and Hahn are worthless so that's good
that we got rid of them. Stearns is supposed to be their best
catching prospect. Grote is getting old and he'll help us outj
in the future.
And so it goes. The Tigers probably won't get anybody to
catch, but I understand Tony Oliva is available and the Tigers
really don't have any left-hand hitters. Do the Twins have any
use for Freehan?
s opair
glows for icers
By DAVE WIHAK................ference. Tom said: "I'm not
Part of the recent success the used to somany people being
Michigan hockey team has en- around, or to the faster pace
joyed has been due to the tal- 1J3 O <that Americans may be used to.
ented play and hard work of But I've met a lot of good peo-
Tom and Doug Lindskog, the ~ple, so I think the differences
Wolverines' brother act. are small.
Thus far in seasonal play, NIGHT EDITOR. The Lindskog's also men-
junior defensemen Tom is third !EBA'HERTZtioned that communication is
juirdfnee o sLEBA HERTZ sometimes a problem. "Some-
on the team scoring list, withs t s p
one goal and eleven assists for * times I have trouble communi-
twelve paints. His younger bra-cating with Americans," Tom
tweler oint Hs our bro- their junior hockey. y stated because I can't always
ward, is not too far behind, with Older brother To played on relate to the American way of
three goals and eight assists haCanadian Junior champion- living." Doug added humorous-
for eleven points., ship team when he was only ly, "You know what we mean,
Coach Dan Farrell has a lot 16. The next year, he became-eh.
of confidence in these two play- captain of that same team - Both Tom and Doug are con-
ers an reogize thir m-the Red Deer Rustlers - but fdn bu httehce
ers and recognze heir im this time thesteam lost in th fidetcan do this yeatheand tey
portance to the team. "Both National finals. It was at thistemcndthsyandhy
Tom and Doug are good people point in time that Tom was re- have a lot of respect for Far-
to have around. They play the cruited by Michigan. rell.
game very tough and are very Tom's younger brotherAs Doug Lindskog says,
smart with the puck." To' one bohrDu "Coach Farrell is the Howie
Farrell went on to say that had no less illustrious a junior Meeker type - he really can
both have excellent potential, career, as he was one of the teach the fundamentals of hoc-
and have not yet played as well top scorers in the Alberta Junior key."
league in Western Canada. With Tom agreed, saying that "in
as t ey cn
"Tom started the season off
slowly, but he has been playing
well in our last six games,"
Farrell said. He commented on
Doug's play as "satisfactory."
"Doug has been playing well
in that he's got eleven points,
but he doesn't get the puck
enough the score the goals he's
capable of getting."
FARRELL emphasized that
Doug has "tremendous poten-
tial", but older brother Tom's
potential hasn't been overlook-
ed either. The Atlanta Flames
of the National Hockey League
drafted Tom in the 1974 Ama-
teur draft, evidently impressed
by his college hockeyperform-
ance to date.
From a personal standpoint
the Lindskog brothers are an in-
teresting pair. Both Tom and
Doug are Canadians, and hail
from the city of Red Deer, Al-
berta, where they played all
these credentials and the added
incentive to play on his broth-
er's team, he came to Michigan.
BOTH TOM and Doug have
found the Ann Arbor campus
to be a good academic school,
but have expressed the feeling
that "it is a tough school." Tom
is majoring in Zoology, while
Doug is taking pre-business
"There's a lot of work to do,"
says Tom, "and when I'm play-
ing hockey, it really getsf
tough." Doug, who is a more
easy going person than Tom,
says: "I manage to slide by."
As for the change in life-
styles from Canadian to Ameri-
can Tom and Doug really don't
think there is that great a dif-
a couple of years, he'll be the
best coach in the league."
AS FOR THE team, both
brothers see a bright future.
"We're starting to come into
our own as a team," Tom
stated, "and before I leave
Michigan, I want to be on a na-
tional championship team."
. Doug Lindskog was more posi-
tive in his estimation of the
team. "We've got a lot of
depth and balance this year,
and so far I have not seen a
better team than us.'
This year's edition of Michi-
gan hockey may or may not
win a national championship,
but if it does, count on Tom
and Doug Lindskog having some
say in the matter.
TOM LINDSKOG of Michigan displays his hockey ability in checking his opponent, in scoring
range, near the Wolverine net. A junior defensemen, Tom ranks third on the Wolverines in
scoring, and is a prospect of the Atlanta Flam °s of the National Hockey League. Along with
his younger brother Doug, a forward, they ad d that initial scoring power.
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From Wire Service Reports
CHICAGO-The Big Ten re-
vised yesterday its controversial
Rose Bowl selection procedure
but sidestepped any action on
sending a conference football
team to any other bowl game.
The conference faculty repre-
sentatives and athletic directors,
at the league's winter meeting,
approved a new method for
selecting a Rose Bowl delegate
which practically eliminates a
conference vote. The vote pro-
cedure resulted in Ohio State's
gymnastic hopes
high for
With Coach Newt Loken heading into his
twenty-eighth year as head coach, one can
only expect from him what he has always
given Michigan gymnastics followers - ano-
ther winning season.
Since gymnastics achieved varsity status
back in 1948, Loken has guided the tumblers
to a 194-34 duel meet record, two NCAA
titles in gymnastics and two NCAA titles in
trampoline, and has won eleven of the last
fourteen Big Ten Team titles.
1975 could be Loken's year. The enthus-
iastic Wolverine mentor hopes to earn his
200th duel meet victory, among other goals
such as a Big Ten championship.
Coming off a spotless 8-0 duel meet re-
cord last season, Michigan's tumblers
should attain equal success as graduation
did little to hamper the Wolverine's chanc-
A new rule may help Michigan's chances
even more. This year, instead of just three
men out of the five counting toward team
points for each event, four men's scores will
count toward team points. This should move
the average team score for a meet from
around 160 points to around 200.
As a result of the rule change, depth
will play a key role in determining a team's
success. A team must have two strong all-
around men to score well in each event.
With an impressive crop of all-arounders,
Loken feels that Michigan will benefit from
the rile change.
A breakdown of the Michigan squad by
event looks like this:
" In the all-around competition the Wol-
verines are blessed with exceptional depth.
Co-captain Bruce Keeshin leads a crew
which includes seniors Bruce Medd and
Jean Gagnon; juniors Richard Bigras and
Bob Darden; and freshmen Harley Danner,
Jon Udell, and Sam Roberts.
* The floor exercise features specialist
Randy Sakamoto, a junior, and sophomore
Chuck Stillerman. Loken maintains that Sak-
amoto and Stillerman are more than capable
of filling the gap created by the graduation
of J. P. Boichard.
'75 season
ring man in Monty Falb, and Loken rezrs his
hopes on junior Joe Neuenswander, sopho-
more Scott Ponto and transfer student Kurt
Golder. Neuenswander placed third out of
160 competitors in last week's tournament.
" Vaulting appears to be one of Michigan's
strongest events. Big Ten champion Richard
Bigras heads the crew which includes all-
arounders Gagnon and Medd. Loken said
that this is one area where he expects the
freshmen such as Carl Badger to add neces-
sary depth.
b In the parallel bars, Richard Bigras
once again leads the list of Michigan com-
petitors. Bigras finished second in the Big
Ten championships last spring. Loken is
counting on senior Bob Johnson and sopho-
more Rich Pomerantz to provide more scor-
ing potential.
* The horizontal bars prove to be Michi-
gan's strongest event. Junior Bob Darden
and co-captain Carey Culbertson, both Big
Ten champions, head the list of top com-
petitors which includes freshman Bob Creek,
the former Illinois state high school champ-
* Finally, Michigan sports an excellent
crop of trampoline specialists this year. Na-
tional champion Mason Kauffman and his
brother John head perhaps the strongest
trampoline team in the country. Mike Rowe
and Luke Sullivan also bolster the squad.
The big problem for Michigan now is in-
juries, as several key players suffer
from various ailments. Co-captain Culbert-
son is recovering from a broken wrist,
Gagnon suffers from severe shoulder tend-
onitus, and Sakamoto is plagued by an
ankle injury, just to name a few.
"If we can just get over these nagging
injuries than we can make a true evalua-
tion of the team," a worried Loken said.
But time seems to be on Michigan's side.
The Wolverine tumblers have one more
tournament before the Christmas break, in
the Windy City Invitational to be held this
weekend in Chicago. This gives the Wolver-
ines about a month to rest and recover from
these injuries before heading into the duel
meet season in January.
going to the Pasadena classic
for the third straight time this
Under the new process,
Michigan would have gone to
the Rose Bowl two seasons
ago. This season, Ohio State
again gained the Rose Bowl
vote aftr -2feating Michigan
12-10 to finish in a conference
title tie with the Wolverines.
The new procedure has a
four-point formula.
The conference champion as
determined by the highest win
percentage of Big Ten games
will get the Rose Bowl nod.
If there is a tie, the winner of
the game between the two top
contenders will represent the
If there is still a tie and the
two teams did not meet during
the regular season, the repre-
sentative will he determined by
the highest win percentage of
all games played, including non-
The key to the new proced-
tire is the stipulation that if
there still is a tie, the most
recent team to represent the
conference in the Rose Bowl1
will be eliminated from con-
In the event that more than
two teams tie for the Big Ten
title, the selection procedure
may boil down to a vote by thej
athletic directors.
McNally traded
NEW ORLEANS - Baltimore
dropped another trading bomb-
shell on baseball's winter meet-
ings yesterday swapping veter-
an lefthander Dave McNally to
Montreal in a five-player dealI
that sent outfielder Ken Single-
ton to the American League.
Meanwhile, Dick Allen appar-
ently has declined a chance to
return to the National League
with the Atlanta Braves.
In exchange for McNally,
fleet outfielder Rich Coggins
and minor league pitcher Bill
Kirkpatrick, the Orioles ob-
tained Singleton and right-
handed pitcher Mike Torrez.
The California Angels sent
left-handed relief pitcher Bill
Gilbreath to the Cleveland In-
dians in exchange for outfielder
Rusty Torres, left-handed pitch-
er Charlie Hudson and catcher
Ken Suarez.
vost, Holy Cross; Mike Washington,
All-Americans named Alabama; Barry Hi, Iowa St.
Press International All-America TIONS-DENNIS FRANKLIN, QUAR-
college football team GUARD; DON DUFEK, DEFENSIVE
Offense * * *
ENDS - Pete Demmerle, Notre
Dame. Sr. and Bennie Cunningham, ipa starts
Clemson, Jr. NEW ORLEANS - Former
TACKLES -KurtM n second string Michigan quar-'
Ohio State. Sr. 'and Marvin Kren-tebkLarCiawlsat
shaw, Nebraska, Sr. terbapk Larry Cipa will start
GUARDS - John Rush, Okiaho- for the New Orleans Saints
ma, Sr. and Gerry DiNardo, Notre I
De. -Seeagainst St. Louis Sunday, with;I11DSr
CENER - Myers, Ohio regular starter Archie Manning
State, Sr. and backup Bobby Scott side-
QUARTERBACK-Steve Bartkow- lined with knee injuries, Coach
ski. California. Sr.JonNrhaoucdyse
RUNNING BACKS - Archie Grif- John North announced yester-
fin, Ohio State, Jr., Joe washing- day.
ton. Oklahoma, Jr. and Anthony * * *
Davis, Southern Cal, Sr.
Defense Fryman dumped
FRONT FIVE - van DeCree, Ohio NEW ORLEANS - The Mon-
State. Sr.; Pat Donovan, StanfordEpsaqie vtrnI
Sr.; Rad White, Maryland Sri treal Expos acquired veteran
Mike Hartenstine, Penn State; Sr. left-hander Woody Fryman from
and Rubin Carter, Miami (Fla.), Sr. Detroit last night in exchange
LINEBACKERS - Rod Shoate rpitcher Tom Walker and'
Oklahoma. Sr.: Richard Wood, USC,
Sr., and Woodrowe Lowe, Alabama, catcher Terry Humphrey. f
Jr. -__________________
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OhoState, Sr. AEBON
MICHIGAN, Sr. and Randy Hughes.
ENDS - Pat McInally, Harvard
and Dan Natale, Penn St.
TACKLES-Dennis Harrah, Miami
(Fla.), Bob Simmons, Texas.
GUARDS - Ken Huff, N*th
lCarolina and Steve Ostermann,
Washington St.
CENTER - Sylvester Groom, Ala-
QUARTERBACK - Steve Joachim,
Pitt; Bill Marek, Wisconsin, Louis
Giammona, Utah St.
FRONT FIVE - Leroy Cook, Ala-
bama;Greg Murphy, Penn St.; Pete
Cusick, Ohio St.; Leroy Selmon,
Oklahoma; Gary Burley, Pitt.
LINEBACKERS - Bob Breunig,
MICHIGAN, Ed Simminoni, Texas
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