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December 05, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-12-05

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See Editorial Page


Afri at'


See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 75

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 5, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


National ills hurt local health care

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Goodbye my sweet
Detroit's Faygo Beverages Inc. announced yes-
terday a rebate program for consumers buying
sugar-free rather than sugar-sweetened soft drinks.
Faygo President Morton Feigenson said current
sugar prices, which are "more unconscionable than
inflationary," sparked the decision to pay five-
cent-a-bottle rebates to persons buying sugar-free
pop. All pint bottles of Faygo sugar-free pop will
have neckbands that consumers can mail to the
company to receive 50-cent refunds for 10 bands.
Stop that truck!
While firemen were extinguishing a blaze in
Raymond Clemens' car, Detroit police said someone
stole the fire truck. The man they charged was
Raymond's cousin, Darrel Clemens, 22. Firemen
said they chased the $10,000 truck two blocks on
foot over icy, slushy streets before reclaiming the
vehicle. Clemens was charged with interfering with
a fire truck.
More snow jobs
In Monroe, a would-be sculptor carved a very
realistic, life-sized Volkswagen out of Superstorm's
snow. It was so realistic, in fact, the police chief
ordered it towed away. The copy, complete with
delineated doors, windows and bumpers in the
familiar Beetle style, was carved into a mound of
snow that plows had left in a downtown parking
space. Chief Paul Peters ordered patrolmen to
remove the "car," which he said appeared to have
Ohio license plates. A patrolman identified it as a
small foreign car. Another identified it as a pile
of snow. "I don't care what it is," the chief
bellowed. "If you have to, get a wrecker over
there and have it towed away." Sure.
Happenings ..
.. .are snowballing today. Wendell Barry, visit-
ing poet from Kentucky, reads his poems at 4 p.m.
in Aud. 3, MLB . . . noted lawyer and author
William Springfellow speaks on the "Crisis in the
Nation" in the Law Club Lounge at 4 p.m. . . .
Concerned Clericals for Action/UAW are holding
an interim steering committee meeting at 7:30 p.m.
upstairs at 771 N. University . . . the Student Nu-
trition Action Committee sets plans for Food Day,
1975 at 8 p.m. at Thomas Francis Aud., School of
Public Health ... the Women's Community Center
presents a concert to benefit the women's cul-
tural center, featuring feminist singer-songwriter
Meg Christian at 8 p.m. in the Hussey Room,
Michigan League . . . and in keeping with the white
stuff outside the Washtenaw Ski Touring Club is
meeting on the top floor of the Old Heidelberg at
8 p.m.
Down the hatch
The Soviet Union has gone gourmet for its first
international dinner in space when Soviet and
U.S. astronauts dock their craft in a joint venture
next July. They announced yesterday that the four
star meal will begin with a choice of soups, in-
cluding a Ukrainian borscht made from beetroot,
a heavily-spiced Georgian mutton soup and a Rus-
sian sorrel soup. Next, the hungry spacemen will
have a selection of meat and then finish the feast
off with prunes, nuts, cake and fruit juices. It
beats the traditional fare of Tang and space food
Season's greetings
The Dayton, Ky., city council passed a measure
Tuesday night to require that Christmas carolers
obtain free city permits after one group of seasonal
singers burned a woman's porch when she refused
to donate money.
Befouled sidewalks
In Paris, more than 1,000 dog owners this year
have enriched the city's coffers because their dogs
befouled Parisian sidewalks. On - the - spot fines
ranging from 20 to 40 francs ($3.60 to $7.20) were
imposed on 1,303 Parisians for their dogs' offenses
during the first nine months of this year, police
said. The gendarmes did not, however, explain

what the range of fines was based on.
On the inside...
.ay the Editorial Page features an article by
Mary Harris on the planned "food days" coming
up in March . . . the Arts Page sports a review
of last night's George Harrison concert in Detroit
. . . and on the Sports Page the Daily's resident
Canadian, David Wihak, writes about his country-
men Tom and Doug Lindskog.
On the outside ...

First of three parts
When Kathleen arrived at a local hospital
emergency room with severe abdominal pains,
she waited for two hours before a doctor diag-
nosed her discomfort as psychosomatic and sent
her home. The bill for her brief visit came to $25.
Three days later, partially in a coma, she was
admitted to another hospital with kidney failure,
thyroid failure,'and a urinary tract infection.
THIS KIND of incompetence is rare, but in
Ann Arbor, known to some health professionals
as the "medical mecca of the Midwest," such
seemingly incongruous events are nevertheless
a reality.
According to Spencer Maidlow, assistant ad-
ministrator at St. Joseph's Hospital, the national
population averages one doctor for every 1,000
people. In Ann Arbor, there is one doctor per
40 citizens.

But in spite of its relatively plentiful supply of
physicians, the city suffers from the same health
care problems that plague the rest of the country.
Soaring medical costs, difficult access to health
care, impersonal treatment, and incompetence
are common here.
COMPLAINTS of over-specialization are heard
around the country, but in Ann Arbor, they are
especially relevant.
"This is a specialty community. There is' no
one you can go to if you are generally sick,"
explains Dr. Sidney Smock, director of Univer-
sity Hospital Emergency Services. "There are
not enough family practitioners," he adds.
"The ratio of primary care physicians in Ann
Arbor is only 45 doctors per 100,000 population,"
Maidlow says. "There is also a higher demand
on doctors here because of the sophistication of
the community."
The term primary care physicians includes

general practitioners, "family
emergency care specialists.

. ACCORDING TO fourth-year University meJi-
cal student Paul DeWitt, "Ninety per cent of
what specialists do does not require the amount
of training they have.
"People are beginning to realize that there are
too many specialists, and we need to train more
family practitioners to help with 90 per cent of
the problems," DeWitt contends.
Advocates of family medicine claim it could
cure many of the ills of the local overspecialized
health care delivery system. The family doctor
would not only provide treatment in routine
cases, they say, but would also make patients'
entry into the world of specialists easier and
"THE FAMILY doctor will greet them at the
door of the system," DeWitt says. "He takes the

doctors," and

position of team leader, and when he can't take
care of the problems, he can send them to some-
one who can. He doesn't lose control of what's
happening to his patient."
But how can medicial students be attracted
away from the lucrative specialty practices and
into the new fields of family medicine?
"Financial incentives," suggests Dr. Ed Pierce,
director of the Summit Street Medical Center.
"The answer to the problem is government-paid
subsidies to work in family practice."
OVER-SPECIALIZATION adds to anothzr, big-
ger problem in the medical world-the rising
cost of staying healthy.
"The U.S., as a specialized country, has a
great medical ego, and this adds to cost," Pierce
Cost inflation is especially prevalent in Ann
See HEALTH, Page 2





Coal strike to end Monday

By AP and Reuter
Va. - The United Mine
Workers (UMW) has rati-
fied a new contract for
120,000 coal miners, unof-
ficial returns showed yes-
terday, paving the way for
an end to a three-week-old
With 65,000 ballots count-
ed, about 80 per cent of
the anticipated total, the
three-year agreement was
approved by about a 56 per
cent majority, sources re-
Miller scheduled a news con-
ference in Washington this
morning to announce the re-
sults. And Miller and coal in-
dustry officials planned to for-
mally sign the agreement im-
mediately following his an-
nouncement, according to in-
dustry officials.
With ratification, most UMW
members would be expected to
return to work in mines pro-
ducing 70 per cent of the na-
tion's soft coal on the shift
beginning at 12:01 a.m. Monday.
However, some industry of-
ficials said it is possible that
some mines could be reopened
earlier, but added that would
depend on the union.
THE RETURN to work would
end a strike which began Nov.
12 and has forced the layoff of
more than 25,000 workers in
coal consuming or transport-
ing industries.
The agreement with the Bitu-
minousCoal Operators Associa-
tion provides for a 64 per cent
increase in benefits and wages
over three years.
Wages, ranging from $42 to
$50 a day in the last year of
the old contract, would go up
10 percent in the first year of
the new pact and a cost of liv-
ing increase would be figured
IT ALSO would provide for
the union's first sick leave, in-
crease from 20 to 30 the num-
ber of paid holidays and vaca-
tion days and greatly improve
pension beneifts.
The return to work could be
affected by negotiations still go-
ing on between the UMW and
the Association of Bituminous
Contractors, whose members do
construction work for the coal
Should that contract not be
settled, workers covered by that
jet withi

contract c o u 1 d conceivably
picket coal mines and keep them
from opening.
HOWEVER, the coal operators
could be expected to exert pres-
sure on the contractors for a
rapid agreement. And sources
in Washington reported that pro-
gress was being made and a
settlement could come this


AP Photo
A buss from Brezhnev
LEONID BREZHNEV bends down to kiss a young Russian girl who presented the Soviet Com-
munist Party leader with flowers at Orly airport, outside Paris, on his arrival from Moscow
yesterday. In the background, from left, are French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing; So-
viet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, wearing a hat; and Pierre Angles, French chief of pro-
tocol. Brezhnev came for talks with d'Estaing.
Official caims ter-m

Mills Will
lose post
SpeakeryCarl Albert indicated
yesterday he believes hospital-
ized Rep. Wilbur Mills' (D-Ark.)
tenure as chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee is
Meanwhile, a close friend,
Rep. Joe Waggonner (D-La.)
said he learned from a source
he would not identify that Mills
was under heavy sedation and
was undergoing medical tests
and treatment.
WAGGONNER, a member of
the Ways and Means Committee
and a long-time associate of
Mills, said the committee chair-
man was not allowed to receive
visitors or telephone calls at the
See MILLS, Page 2

There had been expectations
that two districts-No. 6 in Ohio
and No. 29 in southern West
Virginia - would produce a
strong vote against the contract.
But Washington sources re-
ported that the vote in 'District
29, home of an organized cam-
paign against ratification, was
running about 50-50.
nab ive,
in pot
Police clamped the cuffs on
five men Tuesday fight on
North Campus, chargihg them
with an attempt to sell 100
pounds of marijuana. The men's
classic mistake was arranging
a dope deal with undercover
narcotics agents who had court-
ed their friendship.
Netting the five were officers
from the Washtenaw Area Nar-
cotics Team (WANT) and the
State Police Intelligence Divi-
sion. Since state police were in-
volved, the five will face severe
state laws rather than the city's
token $5 fine.
GARY MILES, 22, of Ann Ar-
bor; William Murphy, 21, of
St. Clair Shores; Daniel Mau-
rer, 23, of Chelsea;DJeffrey Pe-
cotte, 21, of Menomin3e; and
Thomas Flook were nabbed af-
ter a rendezvous with police
at Plymouth Rd. and Murfin
Ave. They had been in contact
with the undercover agents for
some time.
Sources close to the case re-
ported that the agents connected
with the group in a distant city
and had offered to finance the
purchase of the 100 pounds of
"Indiana Green."
One agent had gotten close to
the group by lighting up fre-
quently with them. He accom-
panied them to Ann Arbor to
finish off the deal.
THE GROUP contacted the
local men and arranged a North
Campus rendezvous. But he un-
dercover agent tipped off price,
and when the middleman ar-
rived he was hit by the WANT
team instead of his friends.
f kill1ed

The director of Minute Re-
search, a Chicago-based firm
that manufactures "research"
paoers for college students, an-
grily denied charges yesterday
that his company knowingly
sells term papers for classroom

not for class

"All you've got is hearsay evi-
dence," said Bob Lincoln, re-
sponding to a story in yester-
day's Daily in which a Minute
Research employe admitted
that the papers were written
suitably for submission in uni-
versity courses.
A U. S. CIRCUIT Court of Ap-
peals ruled last year that com-
panies can be found guilty of
mail fraud if their members
are aware that their research
is being submitted in college
co' T5C5.
Altho-gh Lincoln admitted
that the firm's research papers

Washington attorney in the con-
sumer protection division of the
U. S. Post Office, believes that
a successful suit could be filed
against the firm.
"What companies of thiis sort
are dealing inaare intellectual
narcotics, and the pusher has
a higher measure of guilt than
the user," he said. "If what
the employe said can be prov-
en, we've met the criteria for
a successful case."
A Minute Research employe,
who would only identify herself
as Paula, said that although the
firm will guarantee a particu-
lar letter grade, that the pap-
ers are of a "very high quality"
and could ready to be turned

request just about anything."
"BUT," HE quickly added,
"anyone could also copy a few
pages out of a book and turn
it in. I would be surprised if
See COMPANY, Page 2



crashes; all presumed

"I AM SHOCKED that she
(Paula) said what she said,"
commented Lincoln. "She does
not speak for the company."
Minute Research, launched

By AP and Reuter
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - A Dutch charter plane with 191 people
on board crashed and burst into flames last night during heavy
rain in central Sri Lanka (Ceylon) last night.
Police said yesterday they feared there would be few, if any,
THE CRASH, on a hillside 60 miles east of Colombo, could

Rescue parties were rushed to the area near Maskeliya in
the southern part of the island's central highlands.
The Martinair charter company spokesperson said seven of the
crew were Dutch and two were Indonesian stewardesses.
SPEAKING at a news conference at Amsterdam's Schiphol
Airport, Martinair manager Martin Schroeder said the flight was
part of a large-scale airlift to carry some 45,000 Indonesian Mos-

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