I Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ' ducks student l* fle 1aw v Tuesday, December 3, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 e TM CI VTH Tf 50m aka ~v&x~ I W 1 ~~ MA5U0( WHAI7 &P/7!NIiYA A RIOT-Af" FCCA!WM7HA A7 (CA ?' -HA11/2W.~ ~LAP$/ZT6Jif ( P P S 5 0jP17 -5w~ 6 H6lTS$& 1iJT2RUot Dist. PubN~h.r- Hall Sydicate (tTH 16 +0/ ~ jj~~MAY? ?&fJDS - a JVPLMWJ!H( I'A ccl « H MOQ16 Plj MEMO Irl a.7O! 7 1 H&W' TOqI 5 cm) II~T IM By GORDON ATCHESON BECAUSE OF AN erroneous entry in his academic records, a young man has been systematically 'excluded from private boarding schools and colleges but was never given a chance to look at the files or challenge the information. He is not alone, although his case is perhaps more dramatic and traumatic than most. When in the first grade, the boy hug- ged another member of his baseball team after the group won several games. Noticing this, the physical education in- structor made a note in school's re- cords that the child "showed homosexual tendencies." Neither the student nor his parents were aware such a comment had ever been made, and even if they had re- quested to see the file the remark would have been omitted because it was given in confidence. The teacher's groundless assessment followed the student throughout his ad- olescence and hampered - if not strang- led - his pursuits in many areas. RECENTLY CONGRESS passed legis- lation requiring educational institutions to show students the files - confidential and otherwise - that have been kept on them throughout their school years. The University, however, has seized on a loophole in the law, which went into effect last month, and may pre- MyLa By RICHARD MEYER my fo AP Writer Aberdi SAMUEL KOSTER, FORMER family commander of the Americal batchni Division no longer fights the cwho d Viet Cong, but the Army. Be- but a f cause of My Lai, the Army One stripped him of a star. He wants curren it back. Army. George Young, former assist- abat ant commander of the Ameri- Army' cal Division, no longer fights agains the Viet Cong, but the Army. "were By keeping thousands of pages or un of its My Lai investigation se- action cret, he says, the Army is hurt-~ I ing innocent men. He wants the comm secrets released. with fa Oran Henderson, former com- lations mander of the 11th Brigade, forma talks less about My Lai than Lt. ( the bicentennial. He works for the tin Pennsylvania's B i c e n t e n- a cove nial Commission. But the scars cre." of My Lai are still there, he added says. "It certainly keeps com- "Th ing back." idence Ernest Medina, former com- individ mander of Charlie Company, unwitt talks less about My Lai than presse helicopters. "That's in the past, cident and this is the present," he chain says. Medina works for a heli- copter company. AFT M E D I N A, HENDERSON, YOUNG and Koster were in the chain of command above Lt. William L. Calley Jr., when his First Platoon massacred un- armed civilians March 16, 1966, in the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai 4. The Army counted 347 men, women and children slain by Americans. Only Calley was convicted of any crime - mur- der in the killing of at least 22' villagers. Calley, 31, was freed on bail Nov. 8 after serving one- third of a 1-year sentence. The following week, the Army re- leased some - but not all - of its My Lai investigation. The Army paroled Calley, ef- fective last Wednesday, but is appealing a Sept. 25 ruling by a< federal judge in Columbus, Ga., overturning Calley's convic- tion, in part because of preju- dicial publicity. The appeal is pending in the 5th Circuit Court appoin of Appeals in New Orleans. The U. s. investigation, conducted by a Point. commission headed by now-re- he wa tired Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, reassi showed that knowledge of the militar atrocity w a s widespread had h throughout the Americal Divi- was ci sion and its headquarters. adier+ his dis FORMER MAJ. GEN. Samuel Based W. Koster, retired from the Ar- j vent students from ever seeing certain information, let alone questioning its accuracy. Under the law, schools have a 45-day period in which to respond to requests to look at the files. And the University announced it will take every last day of that time in hopes an amendments to the measure will be approved. Currently pending before the lame- duck Congress, the amendment w o u I d .allow schools to continue to keep secret any information originally given in con- fidence. In taking this posture, the administra- tion is obviously trying to pul a fast one. It will be saved the embarrassment of revealing potentially derogatory, de- famitory, and inaccurate information to the students. AT PRESENT, the University w iI1 make available most data in a student's file, yet counselor comments and teach- er remarks in addition to certain test scores are kept secret. They will stay under wraps if the amendment to the law is approved, as apnears quite possible. Those supporting the amendment argue that any benefit obtained from certain comments and recommendations would be lost if they could not be made in strict confidence. Apparently the sources of the information would be afraid to be "candid," if the material were ever to get back to the subjects. :The m r nearly a year, lives in een Lane, Md., with his . Koster, 54, referred all es to his lawyer, Neil Ka- ick, in Washington, IDC., eclined to comment on all few matters. of the few was Koster's t differences with the He has taken action, chnick said, to prove the s administrative penalties t him because of My Lai materially in error and just and that corrective should be taken." March of 1970, the Peers ission had charged Koster ailing to obey lawful regu- and dereliction in per- nce of his duties. , Gen. Peers was asked at me whether there had been r-up of the My Lai massa- No," Peers said. But he ere was testimony and ev- to indicate that certain duals, either wittingly or ingly, by their action sup- d information from the in- from being passed up the of command. ER MY LAI, Koster was Unfortunately, such arguments have been more readily accepted than the in- dividual's right to know. In legal proceedings a defendent is guaranteed the right to confront his or her accuser under the sixth amendment to the Constitution. Why then should a citizen be denied the ability to check information that could have as wide- sweeping influence as academic records? THE UNIVERSITY remains immove- able on the matter and appears to be making contingency plans just in case the amendment to the present law fails to win approval. While several institutions, most not- ably Harvard, purged student files of controversial material, the University ordered that the records be maintained intact. When the order was made, Vice Pres- ident for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes indicated the records would not be de- stroyed out of moral and ethical can- cern. More likely it was done to save the University some paperwork. If the amendment were passed and the University had already destroyed the sensitive portions of the files, it wouild be faced with the dificult task of re- placing the information. In addition, Rhodes left open the pos- sibility that the Board of Regents might reverse its current stand and dire.t the departments to remove the confiderual material from student files. emories Nixon on the stand: Merry Xmas for 30 years of service, the de- motion cost him about $3,300 a year in retirement pay. Kabatchnick said Koster has asked the Army Board for Cor- rection of Military- Records to expunge his letter of censure; void the revocation of his dis- tinguished service award; show that he served on extended duty in the temporary grade of Major General from 1971 to 1973; show that he was selected for promo- tiOn to the permanent grade of Major General in 1971; and show that he retired in Novem- ber of 1973 in the grade of Major General. BRIG. GEN. GEORGE H. Young Jr., 53, was charged un- der the Uniform Code of Mili- tary Justice with dereliction of duty. Subsequently, the formal charge was dropped, and he was reprimanded administra- tively and stripped of his dis- tinguished service medal. He asked the Army to reinstitute the formal charge so he could go to trial. The Army refused. "I was disappointed," he said in an interview. "I was inno- cent. It was clear to me there was a presumption of guilt, so I retired." Young read a lengthy state- ment he had prepared recount- ing his unsuccessful efforts to obtain a court-martial. It said he told then-Secretary of the Army Stanley Resor the admin- istrative action ,against him "represented clearly a circum- vention of the Uniform Code" and was a dangerous precedent li E SHALL soon see if Judge Sirica still views national events in their proper perspective. He must choose between a 11 o w i n g the Watergate cover-up J u r o r s to go home for Christmas, or locking them in a hotel until January. Should he choose the latter, Americans can usher in the new y e a r by listening to the real Nixon explain his involvement in the nightmare of Watergate. Tapes of actual incriminating presi- dential dialog are wonderful, but they can't be cross-examined. No one ex- cept Dick knows when he was telling the "truth" or just hamming it up for the mike.. Perhaps he will want to straighten out the record for pos- terity. Nixon hasn't told a big lie publicly in a while, so he should be about ready to tell a string of them, under oath of course. And when he does ... RICHARD NIXON ARRESTED FOR PERJURY, CLAIMS TRUTH IS A V A L U E JUDGEMENT. Wouldn't that be exciting? Now that Jerry thinks he has a chance to return to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in 1976, he might be more hesitant about another pardon. "B i n d i n g t h e nation's wounds" was a thin concept the first time around. Would anyone buy it TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Cindy Hill, Rob Meachum, Jeff Ris- tine, Judy Ruskin Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Wayne Johnson, Sue Wilhelm Photo Technician: Ken Fink THUS THE UNIVERSITY is prepared in any event to keep certain parts of the records from those people most directly concerned and affected. Once again the administration h a s undertaken a wily tactic and the student comes out on the losing end. That cer- tain data about students shold remain secret and any mistakes therein stand uncorrected is simply wrong. Obviously the best solution wiuld be for the University to immediately open its records in full compliance with the spirit of the new federal law. But just as obviously that is not going to happen. - And the way it looks now, there isn't a damn thing that can be done about it. Editor's note: It seems th-t the best students can hope for in this morass is that the amendment will f-it and the University will be forced to destroy co-fidentinl file sections. The only way to prevent the amendment's piss-ge in the inter- ests of due pror'ess is for stidents and their n'rerts to write the binm *'"'vks in W-shington and Possibly offset the lob- hving done by q-hool ,drnimstrators. Their addresses: Rep. Mwrvin Esch, Pm. 412 Cinon Blg.; Sen. Robert Grit- fin, Rm. 353 Old Senate Bldg.; Sen. Phil- ]in Hrt, "'m. 253 Old Senate Bldg.; Capitol Hill, Washi-gton DC 20515. the second time? RUT EVEN IF Nixon managed to tell the whole truth, all the time, his presence would not be wasted. Imagine that s w e a t y lip working overtime when he is asked if his crook status has changed from 'not' to 'pos- sibly.' If Dick contends that he has suffered enough without jail then he should convince America. We wouldn't ask a former president to grovel, but a simple, "I'm sorry," would be ap- propriate. Another inadequacy of the tapes is their inability to shame supporters like Julie and Rabbi Korpff out of the public eye. Would Mike Douglas allow Eva Braun to co-host for one week? Gee Mike, Adolph wasn't really all that bad, you know? He was kind, generous, not at all like the news- papers describe him. Finally, Nixon might be able to say something that could help the cases of the swine he used for advisors. The involvement of Haldeman, Ehrlich- man and Mitchell in Operation In- tercept at the Mexican border should be sufficient cause for public whip- ping and mutilation. However, they are held for much less serious of- fenses and should be allowed to prove their innocence, if that is possible. THE TWELVE jurors should demand that they be sequestered through the Christmas season while Nixon re- covers. They can always show their displeasure a b o u t the delay when verdict time rolls around. -WAYNE JOHNSON ever indiscretion he commit- ted." On reflection, would he do anything differently? "I probably wouldn't have volunteered to go back to Viet- nam for a second tour . . . if I could have known that was go- ing to happen . . . I wouldn't have done anything different as far as the operation is concern- ed, and at that particular time I couldn't have done anything different because, as I've stat- ed, I didn't know this thing was hannening." "Of course, I only assumed command the day before the operation, on the morning of the 15th . . .At that particular time, I don't care how good of a commander you are, you're not looking for things like that." WHAT HAVE THE AMERI- CAN people learned from Viet- nam? "I think one of the biggest things is the fact that the peo- ple are going to take a better look at the moral issue in any future war. Capt. Ernest Medina, a Mexi- can - American career soldier, was 33 when he was charged with murder, involuntary man- slaughter and assault. He was tried,tacquitted and resigned from the Army. After returning to the United States from Vietnam, he said, he was on a list for promotion and scheduled to spend a year studying at the University of Tampa. Then came the My Lai disclosures. "I had been king of the moun- tain . . . the top of the trash pile . . . and then it collapsed," he said. CAPT. EUGENE M. KOTOUC was 35 when he was charged on March 10, 1970, with "assault, maiming and murder of one sus- pected enemy person, murder of another, during their interro- gation late in the day of about 16 March 1968." The maiming e on trtive reprimand for wht he calls "failure to report of fail- ure to detect a war crime. 'e is now the adjutant at an arny unit of about 15 soldiers at Van- couver Barracks in Vancouver, Washington. "I think the guy got shafted," he said of Calley. "I am ex- tremely happy he is now getting out of jail.' "War is an immoral thing," Johnson said. "If you're going to commit the act of war, you unleash the dogs. You don't go over there to pat people on the back and shake their hands . . I have a tremendous problem living with the fact there ever was a Vietnam. But the people over there fighting the war were not the ones who made the de- cision. Paul Mlkeadlo, a 20 year old PFC in Calley's platoon, was a material witness against him. He told of firing soire 70 shots into squatting Vietnamese "be- cause I felt like I was ordered to do it." Meadlo lost part of a leg the next morning when he stepped on a land mine. "God punished me," he said. His lawyer, John Kesler, says Meadlo is trying to live in ob- scurity. ESEQUIEL TORRES, 26, a sergeant at My Lai, was charg- ed with murder. The, charge was dismissed. He was dis- charged from the army in 1972. He said he tried to join the Texas National Guard but was told he could not. Now he op- erates a transmission and weld- ing shop in Brownsville, Texas. Colley? "I'm glad he's free," Torres said. Kenneth Schiel, 27, a corpor- al at My Lai was charged with murder. The charge was dis- missed. After his discharge from the army, he earned a de- gree in criminal justice at Bis- cayne College in Florida. But because of My Lai, he said he was turned down when he tried to become a policeman. Last weekehe was laid off from his job at a Chevrolet plant in Flint,' Michigan and is now looking for work. Ron Ridenhouer, a Vietnam veteran who told the secret of My Lai in letters to Congress, the president, the Pentagon, and the State Department, is a free- Mledina ted commandant of the Military Academy at West But two years later, when s charged, he requested gnment "to separate the ry academy" from what appened. Ultimately, he ensured, demoted to Brig- General and stripped of stinguished service medal. on the usual allowances Henderson Z WEE~) ro MV t5 Q . , Ili i A,,WIN'S W(HIP INOEAKN tf'JO"D A PL-AT&OF CDt- A TE.A~ lk)FUAT(cO&) eg 1 Nw158 gp~OUT 7gACK GSiE SAIP which could "be used against any man who would wear an Army uniform . .." He called for the release of all testimony before the Peers Commission. "Unless the other testimony is declassified," he said, "the innocent will go to the grave still bearing the stig- ma gained from the presump- tion of guilt." COL. ORAN K. HENDER- SON, 55, a quiet Hoosier with 30 years of service and a chestful of ribbons for valor, had been recommended for promotion to General when he was charged with failing to obey regulations requiring him to report what he knew about My Lai, dereliction of duty in willfully failing "to conduct a proper and thorough investigation," and lying under oath about what had happened. Koster charge accused him of cutting off a prisoner's finger with his pocket knife. My Lai, he said in an inter- view at Ft. Riley, Kan., "has been-the forefront of my life." He was acquitted in 1971 - but notified two years later that he was being released from active duty as a captain. The Army told him he could stay on as an enlisted man for another 2% years to be eligible for 20- year retirement. He accused the TH6 'E t& 6OAS (045 ~l W) JA HAZE OF kU(>4)&Ct3 (MUflO&) WWP5. I SEW UP)~ MY SL).-L-T5 AN~p 1A6YHOMEf~ A 1-0SE" P)VTrO& Young lance writer in Arizona. Au- brey Daniel, the captain who prosecuted Calley is a member