If I ruled the world, just one day... Gobble 'em up! The First Anu al Turkey Awards . . . TRIED. I REALLY tried to think of, reasons to be thankful. But there weren't many, except possibly the mixed blessing of still being alive: there's no mail, the banks are closed, and most people will be eat- ing Ritz mock-apple pie instead of turkey. So in place of the usual bom- bast about the joys of alleged free- dom, this year's Daily Thanksgiving Editorial 'will offer you a few grim chuckles in the First Annual Turkey Awards. Here we go, in alphabetical order: The Alfred E. Neuman Turkey is Representative Earl Landgrebe (R- Ind.). Memorable quote: "Don't con- fuse me with facts, my mind is made up." Michigan Governor Bill Milliken raced the clock to win the Beat The Reaper Turkey. Memorable quote: "Buy a car." The Ben Franklin Turkey Award goes to Laurance Rockefeller for asking the Internal Revenue Service to approve a tax loss on the Gold- berg biography. Memorable quote: "It's the principle of the thing." Comet Kohoutek wins the Cosmic Edsel Turkey. The Electoral Amnesia Turkey Award recipients are the voters of Ohio for letting "Kent" Rhodes any- where near the National Guard again. Woody Hayes gets top honors in the Flagellation Can Be Fun Turkey race for beating indiscriminately on players, fans, and members of the press. Our Grand Prize Turkey this year is phlebitis fanatic Richard Nixon, since we may not have him to kick around much longer. This gobbler also came in first in the Turkeys Have Shins contest. I offer without malice t h i s curious definition: Phlebotomy (n.), 1) opening a vein; bloodletting; bleeding; 2) a violent, destructive,' or extortionate method of remedying an evil or gaining an end; 3) an instrument for letting blood. (Thank you, Noah Webster.) The votes in the Greece/Cynrus/ Turkey Turkey race are still coming in. The winner will be the continent with the most wars in 1974. Only last place has been decided: Antarctica has been spared all the usual blood- shed. Better luck next year, pen- guins: you aren't turkeys yet! The I Can't See Anything. My Eyes Are Closed Turkey goes to Hen- ry Petersen of the Justice Depart- ment for breathing. Memorable ouote: "Watergate? Kent State? My feelings are hurt." FBI head Clarence Kelley gets the I Don't Want My Sister To Marry One Turkey and the Kansas City Here I Come Turkey for intimating that the Southern Christian Leader- ship Conference is a subversive or- ganization. The I Have Ten Toes, Too Turkey is Carl Albert for assuming that a 19 per cent vote of "we don't trust the GOP" is a Democratic mandate. The University's Opportunity Pro- gram wins the I Have The Figures Here Somewhere Turkey for admit- ting that there are blacks on campus. Mayor Jin Stephenson ran away with the I'll Take My Ball And Go Home Turkey by deciding not to seek office again after preferential voting passed. This year's Just Like Real Govern- ment Turkey goes to SGC. List your favorite reasons. The Largest Marshmallow In The State Of Michigan Turkey is Sander Levin for trying to outwaffle Bill Mil- liken, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz wins the Let's Talk Turkey Turkey for his performance at the World Food Conference. Memorable quote: "Five and a half million people starv- ing? That's a problem, not a crisis." The Memory Of A Turkey Turkey belongs to Housing Office Director John Feldkamp for overfilling dorms two years in a row. U. S. District Judge Frank Battisti of Ohio gets the Nuremberg Gas Works Turkey for assuming that kill- ing people does not violate their civil rights. The Physician Heal Thyself Turkey blushes at whoever designed the new Architecture and Design building to be unfit for human habitation. The Pride Goeth Before A Fall Turkey slinks to Bill Colburn. Mein- orable quote: "The voters will reelect me no matter what I do." The Public Display of Affection Turkey goes to Perry Bullard and Kathy Fojtik for necking the night of their reelection. The Small Change Turkey wings away to Evel Knievel for being the shortest con artist since P. T. Bar- num. Memorable quote: "What's an egress?" Wilbur Mills is The Sodden Turkey, laden with gravy and stuffing. Also a leading contender in the. Oink Oink Park Barrel Shoot and the All-Day Senulchre Whitewash Brushoff. The Turkey At Large Award falls on Ron Ziegler for giving up a well- paid job at Disneyland to manage Richard Nixon's campaign for the Turkeys Have Shins race. Memor- able quote: "This way to Fantasy- land." John Reuther wins the Turkey In Every Carpetbag Award. Not to be outdone by anyone, as- pirant to the throne Nelson Rocke- feller nabbed the Turkey In The Hay Award. Memorable quote: "Hell, I'm rich." The Turkey Scout Badge for 1974 goes to the head turkey himself, Ger- ald Ford. This hot prospect failed in his bid for Grand Prize Turkey by losing a recent turkey look-alike contest to both a feathered and a frozen competitor. On the other hand, he has a king-size start in next year's race. Memorable quote: "Fvervbodv does it." The Turkev Trot, Gobble, Gobble, Gabble Turkey is a double award this year. It was imnossible to choose be- tween the sugar industry and the oil industry, with the rest of the econo- my coming in a close second. Offic- ials predict that next year we will see separate divisions and leagues for nationally advertised rip-offs. The-Two For Me One For You Tur- key Prize goes to the Environmental Rpvearch Institute of Michigan for asking the county to subsidize a huge tax revenue loss. Secretary of State Hank Kissinger once aeain wins the Two In The Bush Turkey Buzzard Award for kissing Golda Meir. Memorable quote: "Peace is at hand." The What My Lai Die Proeecs Crown goes to Judge J. Robert El- liott. who first reversed Callev's con- viction and was then nominated to head a commission on the Bill of Season's greetings ROOTED AS IT IS in the Pilgrim Fathers' festi- val in 1621 at the Plymouth Rock Colony, Thanksgiving Day has become for many Americans associated with showing appreciation for a rich harvest. But the history of the na- tion indicates that Thanks- giving is a celebration not only of plenty but of some- thing far more meaning- ful - peace. In 1784, President Wash- ington called for a celebra- tion of thanksgiving to mark the end of the Revo- lutionary War. President Madison acted similarly in 1815, at the conclusion of the War of 1812. Certainly peace was on the mind of President Lincoln when he established ThanksgivingF Day as a permanent feast in 1863. Again this Thanksgiving we have much for which to be thankful. Most not- ably, we have peace. But in offering our thanks, let us not forget the men and women who make that peace possible, the men and womenof our Armed Serv- ices. RECENTLY the Depart- ment of the Army an- nounced that, as of Thanksgiving, all draftees who do not wish to extend beyond an early termina- tion offered by the Army will have been separated from the service. Everyone in the Army will have chosen to be there. Indeed, that should give all Amer- icans an even greater rea- son to give thanks. Not only do we have peace, but we have a rich resource of young people who are willing to dedicate at least a part of their lives to keeping ,that peace. --A Monthly Newspaper Column From Our Local Army Recruiter. By The Army YOUNG PEOPLE WHO volun- teer for as short a period as two years in the Army can be guar- anteed a tour of duty in Eu- rope, according to local Army spokesman Sgt. Gene Jones. The Two-Year T r a v e 1 or Training Option enables volun- teers to choose either the type of; job they'd like or the place they'd like to work, including Europe. Other Army options make it possible for the individual to choose both the job and the place of work, Sgt. Jones said. Additional information on Army job opportunities can be acquired at the U.S. Army of- fices at 212 S. 4th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. S* KITCHEN DILEMMAS at Ft. Lewis, Wash., are the domain of the FAT man. Or,trather, the FAT men. The Food Assistance Team (FAT) at the fort was recently organized to help get expert food service technicians into kitchens to help units prepare better food for their members. "In the army today, the em- nhasis is on direct assistance. Twenty years of clipboards didn't work." "The team offers a comman- d'-r a list of solutions, not a list of work details. Andtteam mem- bers ilhistrate how the solutions can work by spending a week or so in the kitchen." * * * A NEW RANGER battalion was recently activated by Ft. Lewis, Whash., according to lo- cal Army representative Sgt. Gene Jones. The 2d Battalion (Ranger), 75th Infantry, is designedas an elite Infantry unit which can be rapidly denloyed to any location where U.S. presence is required. The Ranger unit joins the ex- isting 1st Battalion, Ranger, 75th Infantry, which is stationed at Ft. Stewart, Ga. A third Ran- ger unit is now under study. The Department of the Army, in a recent review of its force structure, determined that a need existed for three.Ranger. battalions to.expand the size of the combat force. * * CORDOVA, Ala.-A platoon of Army engineers is helping this city to build a modern recrea- tional park. This collection of oddments arrived in the mail a while back. Never let it be said that The Michigan Daily denied the opposition a public forum. Interesting facts The 1st Platoon, C Company 43d Engineer Battalion is con- structing two baseball fields, two dugouts, three tennis courts, and a multi-purpose court, plus bath, shower and dressing facil- ities for both men and women. THE DEFENSE Department has announced that December is the likely date for the activa- tion of the new Armed Forces Bicentennial Band. Musicians from the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard will be included in the group which is expected to give its first concert in March, 1975. Band members are volunteers from service field and special bands, according to local Army representative Sgt. Gene Jones. Chairs ;have also been taken by civilian musicians who joined the Army specifically to play with the BicentennialBand. The unit will be under the, direction of Army Lt. Col. Hal Gibson, former director of the Army Field Band. THE UNIVERSITY 'of Okla- homarecently gained the dis- tinction of being the only major college in the United States to have ancArmy recruiting sta- tion on campus. Local A r m y representative Sat. Gene Jones commented that the presence of the recruiting station on camnus should "serve as another indication that the Army and education can go hand in hand." THE BASIC PAY for volun- teers in the United States Army has risen to a new high of 5344.10 per month, according to local Army representative Sgt.. Gene Jones. The salary boost is the result of the recent cost of living raise signed into law by President Ford. Civil Service employes andr military personnel were both affected by the increment. The previous starting salary for an E1 in the Army was $326.10, according to Sgt. Jones. Under the new pay system, a volunteer's pay jumps to $383.40 after four months. Previously, the pay hike was $363.30. The local Army spokesman said that the starting pay for individuals with a rank of E3 is $398.40, for E4 $414.30, and for ES $430.80. The pay jump is retroactive until October 1. It represents an increase in salary of 5.52 per cent. Filler items The United States Army is presently awarding bonusss of $2,500 and $1,500 to individuals who volunteer in certain cam- bat-related career fields. The U.S. Army recently open- ed additional career fields to women. The fields are commom- ications and electronics enuip- ment mechanic, telephone in- staller and lineman, antenna- man, cable splicer, struc twe specialist, tire repairman, saw- yer, terminal operations special- ist and diver. High school seniors who sign up for the U.S. Army's Delayed Entry Program will not have to enter their school of training until up to nine months after the date of volunteering. Interested in touring Europe? Your local Army representative can guarantee qualified volun- teers a European tour with enough free time to see r h e sights. For a two-year tour, the Amy will guarantee a type of train- ing or an assignment. 5$,T '&VEAJTEEkJ "EAR c'i D 1%A9-CO FPOL-O RAP HEARE EOUGH AOIUTC rTHE Ot2FEAJT Its WwLuNGLY tI rA e a tMY co E"Y MALkES 17 A LOT EAr;ER - BIZ Y'OUN& PEOP'LE ,0 FiLL 1WN THE APVATV'ZER; F.2TSTaF'4 'N A MAr-rae OF POUtZ; rOL i.TE$ A;ZRIvE ~jN K5gEA WHEZE MAVY O; THE &' ,t'4 AREE ~e;r ITA; £ wAUTt~.j A5. 0t*E -r)4AT ATTRAZTEP Y~ui MA.,:! The U.S. Army has career op- portunities in Korea. It takes a goo man, or wo- man, to keep the Army's Nike missile on target. So the Army is presently offering not just an important job but an attrac- tive bonus to individuals who volunteer to be Nike Test Equipment Repairmen. Repairmen maintain the mis- sile's test systems, isolate elec- trical problems in the control instruments and correct mal- functions. Selected repairmen supervise work crews and de- termine repair priorities. Top repairmen earn the posilion of maintenance chief. A bonus - of $25,000 ges with an assignment as a Nike Test Equipment repairman. .,..:.:...'.. .. Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington,. D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin .(Rep), Rm 353, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), Rm. 412, Cannon Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. Rep. Perry Ballard (Dem), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. Letters to The plaques To The Daily: I'D LIKE to catalogue a few odious features of the plaque, "The Dream of the Young Girl" which were overlooked in the Daily article detailing LSA Stu- dent Government's objections to this sculpture. 1. The Daily photo might lead the observer to believe that the Young Girl is at the center of her own dream. She is not: In- stead, (you guessed it!) the young man is. Next in import- ance is the pair of bullocks standing behind the man. Young Girl herself comes in a poor fourth.Because of this outrag- eous imagery the plaque title might be changed to "The Dream of the Young Man." 2. Close inspection reveals that both of the Young Girl's affspring are boys. This really carries the paterfamilial fan- tasy a bit far. DEAN FRYE believes that the plaque should remain as a nega- tive example. If he is suggesting that all examples of male chau- vinism should be pinned to the wall, his proposal has merit. However, University buildings are not generally embellished with the stereotypes prescrib- ed by our reigning bigotries. Re- strictive and biased portrayals of women do not deserve spec- ial exposure. Dean Frye should see to it that the plaque is speedily removed. And he might commission a new sculpture - "The Young Girl Wakes Up." -Kathlepn K. Shortridge November 11 To The Daily: I READ with interest the ar- ticle on the proposed removal of the plaques on the LSA build- ing (Daily, Nov. 7). Perhaps the issue should be decided accord- ing to the standards used in judging a work of art obscene. Do the plaques have "redeeming they are "sexist and chauvinis- tic"? Do they conform to "cur- rent community standards"? Do they tend to "deprave and cor- rupt" our notion of equality be- tween the sexes? Until a decision is reached, I promise to look the other way when I walk down State Street. --Ron Ginzler November 8 To The Daily: AS A FEMALE law student I am writing to protest the fas- cist tactics being employed by some members of the women's movement. I want your reader- ship to recognize that these me- thods are not supported by many women concerned about sexism in our society. Censor- ship is not the answer. Educa- tion is. Censorship is the anti- thesis of education. Yesterday's Daily reported the LSA student government is try- ing to remove two bronze plaques described as sexist and chauvinistic. This is reminis- cent of last year's burning of Dr. Willson's obstetrics and gy- necology textbook. Our efforts should be directed towards con- structing art, establishing his- torical facts and working toward our own ideals instead of destroying the work of oth- ers whose ideals are not ours. -Claudia Day Detroit College of Law To The Daily: I'M WRITING this appeal in response to recent discussion to advocate the removal of the plaques from the front of the LSA Building because of the sex- ist nature of their themes. Quite obviously, the plaques are re- presentative of a sexist culture, one which was founded on the role of the woman in sozie y as a mother and wife, rooted to a domestic existence, in contrast to the man, who is depicted in terms of challenge, discoverv, and adventure. However, I don ing, one which demanded a de- gree of skill and craft ;manship. In no way am I evaluating the quality of the art. I can mere- ly state that the plaques are the response to a set of ideas and human feelings. THESE IDEAS, no matter how archaic they seem to be in 1974, were expressed by the artist, Marshall Fredericks, in 1947, and were designed speci- fically for the architecture be- hind and around them. In fact, the theme was probably quite an accurate descriptihn of the dreams and goals of many of the students at this University during those years. But we are in the year 1974, not 1947. The current intellectual cul- ture is one which is breaking away from the tradizions and stereotypes of the east that are represented bytthe plaques. As art which is not contemporary, they must be understood in the historical and cultural context of the times which created them, and not perceived as a reflection of offense to our cul- ture and society. To remove the plaques from their surrounding architecture and place them in a museum for posterity, would be to extract them from the proper context. It would destroy the reason for which they were created in 1947; in essence, the meaning of the art itself would be lost with the separation of tie plaques from the architecture which they were designed for. THE POSITION of women has come a long way since 1947 and the plaques are an o'vious contrast to the dreams of most college-age women in today's so- ciety. In their reflectihn of the past, they can be appreciated Daly for what we now have attain:d towards feminine liberation. -Jeanne Sellnau, Member, LSA Student Govt November 15 To The Daily: NOT SINCE a small grou of women burned some rasher eb- noxious gynecology texts two years ago on the Diag have we been confronted with a sugges- tion quite as odious as that put forward by some members of the LSA student government.,I refer to the suggestion by Sher- ry Grant that some bas re.efs be removed from the front of the LSA Building because of their admittedly sexist nature. Certainly renowned Michigan ar- tist Marshall Fredericks was guilty of dismal judgment in choosing the subject matter for his small sculptures, and I agree with acting dean Billy Frye +hat "they are not exactly great art." Neither is the LSA Build- ing itself, for that matter.tArt, however, is not the print. The destruction if art for political reasons is something which should fill us a l witn dis- gust. Although Ms. Grant may have no. larger plans, it would be logically- consistent to also advocate the burning f numer- ous library books and th'i lynch- ing of at least a few richly Ce- serving professors. ?e:'haps the sculptures present an easier target than do the more subtle and intangible forms of racism and sexism Which persist at the University. However, I cannot help but observe that if the lat- ter were getting the attention they deserve the former would not come up at all. No one would have the time for such a frivolous, albeit sinister, iinder- taking. How many pcople would even know the sculorurs exist, much less their titles, were it not for periodic critioisms of them? Certainly tew would agree with the sculptm'es' senti- ments, and those lost souls are not going to switch sides snould the plaques disappear. LET US NOT waste oir time on projects which are not nly unworthy of intelligent people, but which advance the cause of human liberation not one whit. Those who so advocate will rap- idly come to resemble the has reliefs on the bath of the LSA Building, near the loading dock. When the day arrives that we have no greater battles than to deal with minor, obscure pieces of metal, however offensive, then perhaps we will also have gained the individual and collec- tive maturity to permit the con- tinued existence of such remind- ers that the world was not al- ways perfect. But, until utopia arrives, we should concern our- selves with more serious busi- ness, and not be drawn into un- productive, reactionary projects, in the mold of Hitler, Stalin and the rest of humanity's oppres- sors. -Rob Bier November 7 Letters to The Daily c'hovylf be mailed to the Editorial D i r e c t o r or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Publications business office in the Michigan Daily build- ing. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors re- serve the right to edit all letters submitted. - ..,r 44* f t 4 '.i , d