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November 26, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-26

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See Editorial Page


Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom.

:43 i1y

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 71

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 26, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

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Troubled tripartite
It started out as another political forum. Prob-
lems developed, however, when a third of the
tonight's tripartite dialogue on "Is What's Good
for the Free Enterprise System Good for America?"
-namely General Motors economics analyst Mor-
ris Goldman-refused to show. GM balked when
they learned that one of the speakers, Gerald
Vandezande, executive director of a Toronto Chris-
tian civil rights organization, had written a 40-
page critique blasting GM. With the third member
being socialist gubernatorial candidate Robin
Maisel, GM said the cards were stacked against
them. Democratic County Commissioner Alan Toth
called the whole affair "tragically amusing." Said
Toth, "They wanted this to be a balanced panel.
I told them it was-there is equal time for every-
one with time for rebuttal. They told me I was
dishonest, indeed, even unchristian." But a GM
spokesperson claimed, "We accepted Mr. Toth's
invitation in good faith. It is unfortunate the in-
vitation was not offered in the same manner."
Local layoffs
Both General Motors and Chrysler announced
layoffs in local plants yesterday. Chrysler will lay
off 650 of the 800 workers at its Chelsea proving
grounds for a month beginning December 6. GM
plans to lay off 800 workers indefinitely at its
Hydra-matic plant in Willow Run, effective to-
morrow. Fifty people have already been laid off
indefinitely from the Chrysler facility, and the,
Hydra-matic staff was cut by 600 workers earlier
this year. Commenting on the layoffs, John Lynch,
Public Relations Director at the GM plant said,
"While Hydra-matic regrets this layoff we must
respond to the requirements of our car customers."
Happenings ...
. . . are scarcer than hen's teeth today. Nan
Bailey, Socialist Worker's Party mayoral can-
didate in D.C., will lecture on "Deepening World
Crisis: Is Socialism the Answer?" at 8 p.m. in the
Anderson Room of the Union . . . visiting Prof.
C. L. Barber of the University of California will
lecture on Shakespeare's "Pericles" in the Rack-
ham Ampitheatre at 4 p.m. . . . and a Soviet Film
Festival will continue from 4 p.m. through midnight
in 200 Lane Hall.
U Thant dies
Former Secretary General of the United Na-
tions U Thant died yesterday at New York's
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. He was 65.
The Burmese diplomat had been under treatment
for cancer for some time and underwent a number
of operations. U.N. spokesman William Powell said
his most recent treatnent occurred when a tumor
in his cheek spread to other parts of his body.
U Thant served longer as secretary general than
either of his predecessors, Dag Hammerskjold and
Trygve Lie. Plagued by failing health, he resigned
at the end of his second five-year term on Dec. 31,
Happy in surgery
Happy Rockefeller underwent two-and-a-half
hours of surgery yesterday to have her right
breast removed-only five weeks after losing her
cancerous left breast in a similar operation. Ms.
Rockefeller, wife of vice presidential designate
Nelson Rockefeller, entered New York's Sloan-
Kettering Hospital Sunday. Her husband said she
was in a "pretty good" frame of mind and has
"total confidence in the nurses, doctors and the
whole atmosphere in this hospital." Following her
initial radical mastectomy Oct. 17, biopsy tech-
nicians found "a pinhead of malignant cells."
Doctors told Ms. Rockefeller that although the cells
might not move about the body for years, they
should be removed. Mr. Rockefeller said that his
own state of mind was to "thank God that this was
found out prior to the spread of it to the rest of
her body."
Walking tall
Georgi Bushuyev decided the best thing to
help him recover from a heart attack was some
exercise - so the 59-year-old Russian walked all
the way across the Soviet Union. Tass News Agen-
cy reported yesterday that the 7,000 mile journey
from the Baltic Coast to Vladivostock had taken
him seven months and 25 days. He crossed the

harshest regions of central Sibera during the sum-
mer, sleeping in a tent. The agency said his health
now is excellent, but he had decided to return to
his home town of Riga from Vladivostock in a
more conventional way - by plane.
On the inside ...
. . Rob Meachum reviews the Aerosmuith con-
cert on the Arts Page . . . Gary Thomas discusses
how the media creates presidential candidates on
the Editorial Page . . . and, on the Sports Page,
George Hastings suggests that the Big Ten change
its Rose Bowl rules.
On the outside...
A field day for the cold weather freaks. A strong
arctic high will drift east of us this afternoon,
continuing the flow of cold air. Skies will start off

YPSILANTI - Eastern Michigan University
(EMU) faculty members could walk off their
jobs next week if the university administration
fails to accept a faculty union call for binding
arbitration to settle five months of fruitless con-
tract negotiations.
The EMU chapter of the American Association
of University Professors (AAUP), which repre-
sents about 55 per cent of the university's 650
faculty members, voted overwhelmingly yester-
day to reject the latest administration contract
offer and to authorize a walkout if demands for
a third party arbiter are ignored.
JaF a


THE DATE for a walkout was left up to union
leaders, who refused to speculate about the exact
timing of a possible strike. But union sources
have indicated that the beginning of next week
would be a likely target date.
A general faculty meeting will be held this
afternoon to discuss the contract situation. At
this session, advisory votes will be taken to sam-
ple faculty opinion on the final administration
offer, the call for arbitration and the plan for

terday that if the general faculty voted against
a strike, the union"could possibly reconsider our
A STRIKE, even if it involves only a part of
the faculty, could totally shut down the univer-
sity. Maintenance workers and university police,
whose unions are also currently negotiating new
contracts, have agreed to honor faculty picket

AAUP reaction to that proposal
tive and wide differences remain
salary, faculty governance and
cedures and professional input

has been nega-
in the areas of
grievance pro-
into university

authorizes walkout

a walkout.
While stressing that the advisory votes would Negotiations b e t w e e n the two sides ended
have no binding effect on union negotiators, Thursday night when the administration offered
AAUP President Fred Anderson did admit yes- a "final" contract proposal.

THE UNIVERSITY is offering a 13.6 per cent
pay hike over a two-year period, but is also ask-
ing that the faculty work year be increased from
the present 32 weeks to 36 weeks. The AAUP
has pushed for a 14 per cent pay increase over
one year, with no change in the work load.
See EMU, Page 2



Critics hit premier
for power misuse
TOYKO (Reuter)-Japanese Prime Minister Kakuel
Tanaka yesterday announced his decision to resign amid
a political crisis brought on by soaring inflation and
questions about his personal and public financial dealings.
Tanaka handed over a statement announcing his
decision to the four top members of Japan's ruling Lib-
eral-Democratic Party (LDP) at a 10-minute meeting at
the prime minister's official residence.
TANAKA'S resignation, along with the rest of the cabinet,
will take effect when a new Premier is chosen.
A regular meeting of the cabinet was held yesterday morning,
while LDP Secretary-General Noboru Takeshita was also meeting

West meets East
University President Robben Fleming studies the ancient Chin ese art of acupuncture while on tour in Peking. Fleming, who has
been touring China since early this month with other American educators, returns home on Sunday.

party executives to inform them
of Tanaka's intentions.
The resignation announcement
has thrown open the race for
the party leadership, with Fi-
nance Minister Masayoshi Ohira
and former Finance Minister
Takeo Fukuda regarded as the
leading contenders.
AFTER announcing his de-
cision to resign, Tanaka told
reporters he took what was for
him the unusual step of paying
homage at the Buddhist altar in
his house and then telephoned
his 83-year-old mother at Ni-
igata in northern Japan.
He said he also phoned former
Prime Minister Eisaku Sato,
whom he succeeded in July
The vice president of the
LDP, 76-year-old Etsusaburo
Shiina-who is regarded as a
possible candidate for the pre-
miership if a caretaker govern-
ment is formed-has calledda
meeting of leaders of the dif-
ferent factions. within the party.
POLITICAL sou r c e s said
party leaders will first try to
solve the leadership question
through negotiation and con-
sensus, but a party election will
be held if this fails.
A negotiated solution is ex-
pected to increase the chances
of Fukuda, 69, who resigned
from the cabinet last July and
has been a vocal critic of Ta-
naka's "big money" policies.
Tanaka defeated Fukuda for
the party leadership in the 1972
See JAPAN'S, Page 2
York Times said in this morn-
ing's editions that the United
States and the Soviet Union
have agreed to limit their of-
fensive nuclear arsenals to
fewer than 2,500 long-range
missiles and bombers each.
Under the proposed agree-
ment the United States prob-
ably would not have to make
any substantial cuts in the
strength of its current nuclear
forces but the Soviet Union
would, according to the Times

Concerned Clericals for Ac-
tion/UAW (CCFA/UAW) last
night elected a seven-person
bargaining committee to repre-
sent the union in contract talks
with the University.
T h e committee members,
along with a professional UAW
bargaining team, hope to begin
contract sessions with Univer-
sity administrators within a few
THE SEVEN new members of
the Bargaining Committee are
Otis Calvary, Judy Duhoff, Jane
Gould, Jean Jones, Deborah
Moorehead, Nancy Scarbro and
Susan Susselman. Frances In-
gram and William Schrock were
named alternates.
Jean Jones, chairwoman of
the Union's Interim Steering
Committee, said she was con-
cerned that only 200 of the 3,000
campus clericals were present
at the meeting. But sheadded,
"I know some people are hang-
ing back. People have contacted
us. Some just want more infor-
mation before they get more in-
Jones said she hopes more
clericals will show interest in
the union once a contract is
ratified. She predicted that
many clericals who are not now
paying union dues would pay
after ratification.
"IF WE BARGAIN for them
and get services rendered for
they, they will probably pay un-
ion dues," she said.
UAW International represen-
tative Curtis McGuire, who will




By AP and Reuter
Three physicians, appointed
by a court to determine if for-
mer President Richard Nixon is
physically fit to testify at the
Watergate cover-up trial, spent
two hours inside Nixon's wall-
ed, seaside estate in San Cle-
mente yesterday.
H-owever, the doctors drove
out the gates of the villa with-
out stopping to talk with re-
porters, and there was no
word on whether they had ex-
amined the former president or
determined whether he was
able to testify at the trial of
five former aides.

NIXON spokespersons were
unavailable for comment. Ask-
ed if the former president un-
derwent the physical exam, a
secretary who answered the
telephone said, "I'm not at lib-
erty to say anything about
Earlier yesterday, the medi-
cal team visited Memorial
Hospital here and studied the
medical records and X rays of
the 61-year-old Nixon, who is
suffering from phlebitis.
The physicians planned to
leave California today, and a
spokesperson for them said
they would hold an airport news

Packard Platt site
rezoned by council

THE DOCTORS said Sunday
that after they examined Nixon
they would "give a broad pic-
ture of the problem - not the
contents of the report or any
details" of the findings they will
turn over to U. S. District Court
Judge John Sirica.
Dr. Charles Hufnagel and the
other two doctors appointed by
the court went to San Clemente
after apparently deciding that a
physical exam would not cause
dangerous stress to Nixon.
They were accompanied by
Dr. Eldon Hickman, the sur-
geon who operated on Nixon
Oct. 29 to prevent blood clots
from breaking loose in Nixon's
left leg and traveling to his
heart and lungs where the clots
could be fatal.
NIXON HAS phlebitis, an in-
flammation of the veins, in his
left leg and has been hospitaliz-
ed twice since leaving office.
Meanwhile, in Washington
Sirica dismissed two Watergate-
related charges against former
Attorney General John Mitchell
and ex-domestic affairs adviser
.John Ehrlichman.
The dismissed charges con-
sist of two allegations that the
two men lied to the FBI during
its investigation of the case.
after Special Prosecutor James
Neal rested the government's
case against the five Watergate
conspiracy defendants.
The main charges against
Mitchell and Ehrlichman still
The dismissal1 of the two

cover-up, reminded the jury
that Nixon and his top aides
tried to set up the former attor-
ney general as the scapegoat
for Watergate, as tapes played
last week by the prosecution
clearly proved.
The government rested its
case after brief testimony from
Anthony Passaretti, the twenty-
eighth prosecution witness.
Passaretti, a Treasury De-
partment employe, testified that
while on assignment to the spe-
cial Watergate prosecutor's of-
fice he had compiled a chart
tracing the flow of cash from
Nixon re-election officials to
Watergate break-in defendents.
Passaretti reported that be-
tween July 1972 and March 21,
1973, a total of $429,500 was

City Council moved unani-
mously last night to rezone the
controversial P a c k a r d Platt
Plaza - an intended shopping
center site-for development of
high density apartment build-
The ordinance passed its first
reading after two years of hot
opposition from voters in the
Third and Fourth Wards. In
1973, city Republicans promised
"no Chatham shopping center
at Packard Platt" but later
voted to permit development by
the grocery chain.

That approval inspired local
citizens to form an active lob-
by group called Residents Op-
posed to Packard Platt Plaza
or Rap-3.
JUSTIFYING their change of
heart a year ago, GOP coun-
cilmembers said, "The facts
have changed."
Mayor J a m e s Stephenson
promised last week to place the
rezoning motion before council,
explaining that "the demand ft)r
housing in the city remains
high" while "the need in the
city for building ... the Pack-
ard Platt (shopping center) sate

S African survives
two-heart operation
CAPE TOWN (Reuter)-A 58-year-old man At a news conference at the hospital yes-
with two hearts in his chest was in good con- terday, Barnard described the operation as
dition yesterday after a unique operation "a quite exciting new idea."
which surgeon Christian Barnard believes may It was so simple, the 51-year-old surgeon
replace the total heart transplant he pioneered said, that "once we've got confidence, we can
seven years ago. do it wtihout a heart-lung apparatus."
In a five-hour operation at Groote Schuur
Hospital early yesterday, Barnard sewed to- AFTER THE operation, an exuberant Bar-
gether the heart of a 10-year-old girl to the nard said his patient was conscious and pro-

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