.ft rage Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November ZZ, 19 11 Page TenTHE MICHIGAN DAILY STILL .... 20% DISCOUNT on All Merchandise MANY FINE BOOKS STILL AVAILABLE:' LA ROUSE ENCYCLO- MICHELANGELO THE PEDIA OF ANIMAL LIFE: COMPLETE WORK OF PAINTER- Everythinq you always want- MARCEL DuCHAMP: ed to know about siphono- Sumptuous and complete of phores, plotvpusses, a n d The guidinc liEht of Dada. great value to the art scho- areater kudos! lar and admirer alike. $10.95 LESS 20% $24.95 LESS 20% $22.50 LESS 20% COMING SOON-THE GREATEST BOOKSTORE IN THE STATE, COUNTRY, SOLAR SYSTEM, GALAXY, NEAR SIDE OF BETELGUES... Speaker talks on assassination theories (Continued from Page 1) According to Cohen the assas- sination of John Kennedy in 1963 was a military coup ex-t ecuted by the Cowboys. Cohen claims they arranged a con- spiracy to kill the President,< and put their own Cowboy, Lyn-i don Johnson, in power. Cohen attempted to back his theory with a myriad of relatedl facts, claiming that Oswald1 couldn't have killed Kennedy, and that he was patsy, framed' by the conspirators. "OSWALD'S friends said he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, much less a moving tar- get," said Cohen. "Just before he was killed by Ruby, he yelled out to newsmen in the police station 'I'm just a patsy, II didn't kill anyone'," Cohen con- tinued. "The W a r r e n Commission made him out to be a poor con- fused communist, when he was actually working for the CIA. Even his mother said she be- lieved he was working for either, CIA or Naval intelligence," Cohen maintained. Cohen also disputes the War- ren Commission's final theory on how Kennedy was killed and former Texas Governor John Connally wounded. He called the Commission's explanation "The magic bullet theory. The report concludes that Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same bullet, a bullet Garble, marbles W~~~6 - which first went through Ken- nedy, hit Connally in the should- er, went through his shoulder then through his wrist, and fin- ally hit his knee. Then this same bullet fell out of Connally at Parkland Hospital, perfectly intact and clean." COHEN maintained that at least three people fired at the presidential limousine, forming a triangulation of fire, and it was the last shot entering from the front, not the back as the Warren Report claims, that! killed Kennedy. The famed Zapruder film, a color home movie of the assas- sination was shown to the ex- cited crowd last night, and Co-E hen claimed it supported his theories. "You can clearly see that Kennedy's head snaps! back, like you would expect if someone was hit from the front," Cohen said. Cohen went on to claim that the JFK killing was only the first in a series designed to keep the Cowboys in power. Cohen also asserted Bobby Ken- nedy's death was planned by the Cowboys because he p:sed a threat to them, and insured Nixon's election. Cohen said the attempt on Alabama Governor George Wallace's life in 1Q72 was also engineered by the Cowboys to put him out of ac- tion and guarantee Nixon's re- election. Court grants tuition refund (Continued from Page 1) University could be faced withE another demand on its precar- ious financial situiation. Administrators have budgeted ing disposition of the case. This a $1.4 million reserve fund pend- money would be used to fi- nance refund requests.C BUT THE refunds may easily exceed $1.4 million. If only 20! per cent of the 9,000 students! affected qualify for thesrefund, and if the average fee differ-I Use Dai.y Classifieds resident tuition rates gave to CARPENTER said yesterday go up." that either he or another at.r- All students who qualify for "ey would sit in at all sessons refunds will be notified as s on involving the refund requests, as litigation is over, according acisioumaingdemadeatlic to Carpenter. They will then cision making be made pubac. have three months to apply for Another possible dispute over the money, or else forfeit all the erms of the refund proced- rights in the matter.ure involves the character of righs i themater.the residency rules. Daane said It is unclear whether hear- that the new special regulations ings will be held before Uni- would be similar to zurrent res- versity officials, or whether a idency regulations. process similar to that now Those regulations, w h i ch employed by administartors to have been criticized as too determine in-state status will tough by many students, re- be used. Presently, students de- q',ire a one yearstate tesi- srnresidency submit data to dency, plus evidence of inten- siring tion to reside in Michigan on a administrators, who then make permanent basis. This evidence their decisions in closed meet- can include tax payments, car ings and with little explanation registration, ownership of prop- of their decisions. erty and other data. I. The Tech Nihi Thanksgiving, Sale ence is calculated to be $1, 00 over two full terms, the total is $1.8 million. Vice President for State Re- lations Richard Kennedy said. last night that Governor Mil- liken's plan to ask for a 1.5 per, cent reduction in this year's! University spending, coupled with the threat of the refunds would prompt "a lot of rethink- ing." Asked about a tuition increase, he said, "I don't think you can rule out anything at this point." Kennedy said that there' was, however," a great deal of feel- ing within the administration and the Regents againstrany further increases in tuition.' DAANE, however, raised the! spectre of a fee increase. "To the extent that everyone getsI resident tuition," he said, "thel i I ERIM delays request for county funding (Continued from Page 1) If that's how your radio or music system sounds, get rid of the turkey. Buy a better system at The Annual Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale. This I week! ii QumIntvComnponent!ateih~ie 122 East Washington St. Ann Arbor. DELI at Hillel Sunday, Nov. 24 5:30-7 p.m. Hillel 1429 Hill I i { i i i{ t ers in either a general or spe- cial election. "The resolution to authorize Industrial Development Reve- nue Bonds through direct vote in the County is fair, and may be a very helpful course of ac- tion at some later date," Brown stated in the memo. Opposition to the ERIM move has come from many sides. The Ann Arbor School Board, for instance, opposed the re-location because the new site would be tax exempt. SEVERAL ad hoc organiza- tions staged a protest prior to the board meeting, attacking ERIM's alleged war research. Previously Brown defended ERIM's work - half of which is financed by the Department of Defense - because the re- sults could be put to non-mili- tary uses. Currently ERIM employs about 440 persons and is engag- ed in operations concerning medical technology, pollution, optics, and radar. Apparently ERIM will seek either federal or state assist- ance in funding its relocation. ERIM is currently still planning to shift its operations into the city. "For the immediate future ERIM does not request any de- finitive action on the part of the Board (of commissioners); however, we hope you retain an affirmative outlook with respect to assisting ERIM when assist- ance becomes necessary," Brown told the county in his letter. 0 to l IJc1 TURKEY At this very moment, you may own a tur not realize it! You can recognize a "turkey" music syst garble it makes instead of music. It has "all1 mings" - plastic trim, trimmed price, trimm ty. If it has a tape player built-in, unfortuna is the wow and flutter. And that mini-chang ing on top is a big reason why your new rec sound like moldy oldies. -- - -_-------_----- * caarbi gar 1 key and em by the' the trim- ned quali- tely so jer roost- ords - - -.w -77 . ;t r~1- /~ Cambridge Audio 1500, KL H 3, Glenburn 2110 If it sounds like you have'a turkey on your hands, put it in cold storage and come over to Tech Hifi during our Annual Thanksgiving Sale. Listen to a quality music system, like the one' shown here. The sound is sheer pleasure. Clean and accurate, with plenty of power and bass response. Its great FM reception will add another dimension to your listening enjoyment. Save $119: Sale price $244 Kenwood 2400, TDC EMa, Garrard 42m The most notable thing about this component mu- sic system is what you don't hear. It is virtually dis- tortion-free! Everything about this system was de- signed to give you the purest sound possible. This and many other fine systems are on sale all week I at Tech Hifi. And even with a sale going like this - one, you receive all 14 Customer Satisfaction Policies, and you can use your Mastercharge or v1 Bank:Americard. ] c1 save $57: Sale price $354 ' 3 11 1 3 77 __ _ L _ __ ___-_ I . I G I . i j I ,, ! : , !i S I 1 _ T-_ _. 1 ,r < ,, , -. Probably not. All things considered you do what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one has taken your job. And you're eating regularly. But... But have you ever considered what doing your job just a little better might mean? Money. Cold hard coin of the realm. If each of us cared just a smidge more about what we do for a living, we could actually turn that inflationary spiral around. Better products, better service and better management would mean savings for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed nerves it's costing us now for repairs and inefficiency. Point two..By taking more pride in our work we'll more than likely see America regaining its strength in the competitive world trade arena. When the balance of payments swings our way again we'll all be better off economically. So you see-the only person who can really do what you do any better is you. __.--