I PIRGIM REPORTS Eighty-four years of editorial freedom edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Plan seeks to cut electricity use 1 i Friday, February 22, 1974 News Phone: 7 64-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 -1 Robber baron for VP THE FOOLS on the Hill in Washing- he can run the country in the open ton, D. C. are currently probing for a change. Sir Nelson Rockefeller's background " Among the marvelous acts of phi- for something fishy. Congressional lanthropy credited to Nelson Rocke- noses are among the least sensitive feller are the following: in the world, though, and Rockefeller -$86,000 to L. Judson Morhouse, a will probably be confirmed in early Republican official in New York who December, just in time to catch the sold liquor licenses at $50,000 each un- addicting American Christmas spirit. til he was caught and convicted of As John D. Rockefeller II always told bribery. Nelson also commuted his his son Nelson: "Christmas is at the prison sentence. end of the fourth quarter". -$50,000 to Henry Kissinger a few days before he joined the Nixon ad- Rockefeller has given away so much mnsrto- money that when he travels to Wash- ministration. nonytht enver is aetWanhc The most well-known scandal dis- ington to deliver his acceptance closed by the congressional investiga- speech (the same one he's had around tion of Rockefeller is the financing since 1964), people are going to say, of the nasty Arthur Goldberg biog- "Santa Claus is coming to town." raphy. Goldberg challenged Rocky for Although nothing may smell fishy the governorship of New York in 1970. in the Congressional chambers, where The book was authored by Victor our most prominent aristocrat is be- Lasky and paid for by Nelson's gen- ing questioned, the place reeks of erous brother Laurance. Rockefeller octopus. The Rockefeller family over- at first denied knowledge of the sees a fiscal empire that is responsible book's origins, but later, in an apolo- for political and economic oppression getic telegram to Goldberg, admitted unparalleled in modern times. They that he knew of the book before it have their profit-thirsty tentacles in was released. the cookie jars of uncountable Ameri- can and foreign industries. Robber IN OTHER WORDS, our next vice barons never fade away, they just president intentionally lied to gain respectability. cover up his involvement in the af- fair. AMERICANS, in addition to serving The $50,000 gift to Kissinger be- as the cops of the world, have also comes interesting in the light of last been the pirates of the world, bleed- year's CIA-financed fascist coup in ing the underdeveloped nations of Chile. The democratically elected their natural resources. The Rocke- Marxist government began national- fellers have been right there all the izing industries in 1970. They made time, pillaging along with their "com- the mistake of taking over mines con- petitors." Draft resistance organizer trolled by the Rockefeller-dominated David Harris once said, "If you rob a C h a s e Manhattan Bank. Kis- gas station, they throw you in jail singer authorized the destabilization for 10 years. If you steal all the oil of Allende's government soon after- in Venezuela, they make you governor wards. The fascists, of course, now of New York." want to return many properties to In 1969, Nixon sent Rockefeller on their exploiters. a fact-finding tour of Latin Ameri- The man who gave "shoot the kill" ca. Do you know what "facts" he orders to the National Guard before found? Venezuela, Peru, and Chile they shot and killed four Kent State refused to host Rockefeller. The press students has recently been popularly in Brazil was forbidden to publish elected governqr of Ohio. The lieuten- critical remarks. There were fire- ant convicted of the brutal massacre bombings in Ecuador and riots in Bo- of 22 My Lai citizens is now a free livia, Columbia, and Honduras. A man after serving two and a half General Motors factory was burned years in a penthouse prison. down In Uruguay. In Argentina, nine THE MAN RESPONSIBLE for the supermarkets controlled by the Roc- slaughter of 37 inmates at Attica kefellers wer trashed. The greatest prison is about to be confirmed as tragedy occurred in the Dominican vice president. To what depths of de- Republic, where four people died in pravity must a man stoop to gain street shootings. popularity in America? Far from being the best candidate for the vice presidency, Nelson Rocke- THIS SAME MAN will soon be our feller is absolutely the worst. His con- vice president, from which post firmation will be one more blatant display of America's corruption and immorality. 4 -VINCENT BADIA IM Iic~igal D*il TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Cheryl Pilate, Jeff Sports Staff Ristine, Judy Ruskin, Steve Selbst, Thom Simonian, Jim Tobin MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor EditorialBPage: Tony Duenas, Steve GEORGE HASTINGS Ross, Becky Warner, David Warren Executive Sports Editor Arts Page: David Blomquist ROGE ROSSITER .... Managing Sports Editor JOHN KAHLER......... Associate Sports Editor Photo Technician: Ken Fink *p - Y 4. rrr ' 44 r .. r , Ft". Tom' g, F ^, t. By RICHARD CONLIN THERE IS general agreement that we are facing an electric utility crisis in Michigan. However, many people look merely at the short-term crisis and ig- nore the long-term problems. If we are to avoid a continual series of crises in the future, we need a comprehensive plan for restructuring our electric utility system. The Public Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) has been working on one major part of such a plan. Six problems must be dealt with: rap- idly rising electric demand, now doub- ling every ten years; rising construc- tion costs for new production facilities, which makes electricity from new plants cost more than electricity from present units; high interest on construction capi- tal, which has severely hurt the utilities' ability to expand and forced rates up- wards; long-range limitation on energy resources, which necessitate a conser- vation strategy; environmental and health hazards of power generation, in- cluding the extreme dangers of nuclear power; and the unbearable cost burden on poor and middle-income consumers due to rising rates, caused primarily by excesive electric use by the rich. MANY PARTIAL solutions have been tried. Consumers have opposed rate in- creases. Environmentalists have opposed additional plant construction. Utilities have sought additional capital. But what we need is not partial solu- tions. We need a total package, a stra- tegy which will create solutions to all of these problems. PIRGIM has offered the state's regula- tory agency, the Public Service Com- mission, a concept which the group claims is a major step towards such a strategy: the "Lifeline" rate structure for residential electric consumers. "Lifeline" is a graduated rate sys- tem, with rising unit prices for increas- ing amounts of electricity use. lI O:V By ALAN RESNICK A TRIP TO to grocery store I e t s any consumer know just how little today's dollar will buy. Compared to prices of just two years ago, current day pricetags for food, automobiles, and ap- pliances place an almost unbearable strain on the budgets of the American people. While the overall Consumer Price In- dex has jumped sharply over the past few years, the medical care component of the index has increased at an even faster rate. In the past five years alone, physicians fees have increased almost 40 per cent, while hospital charges are approaching a level almost double those of 1969. The cold facts are that last year alone, $120 billion was spent on health care, over twice the annual figure when former President Nixon took office. While the thought may not be pleas- ant, we must face the fact that the United States is in the midst of a health care crisis. On a more optimistic note, however, a possible solution lies on the horizon, that of the Health Mainten- ance Organization (HMO). THE HMO is a medical plan in which a group of physicians provides b o t h outpatient and hospital care for mem- bers who join the plan at a fixed prepaid fee. An HMO presently being organ- ized in the Ann Arbor area, will begin operation within the next few years. Before discusing the Ann Arbor HMO in particular, the concept of the HMO should be examined further. The U.S. health industry is characterized by small and fragmented delivery units, non-competitive pricing, and inefficient incentives for both buyers and sellers of health services. The HMO, on the other hand, is an For example, the first 400 kilowatt hours of electricity per month might be priced at 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour, the nexta 400 at 3.2 cents and additional units at 3.6 cents. RESIDENTIAL USAGE has expanded faster than any other electric use. Much of this growth has powered the luxuries of the well-to-do - central air condition- ing, the fourth TV set, outdoor lighting, microwave ovens, and the like. The expansion was encouraged by elec- tric rates, which gave discounts to larg- er users in the belief that increased us- age lowered total costs. Because new generating units are now more expen- sive than older ones, such economies excessive use causes the costs to rise, and not on the poorl and on stable users of electricity, who are suffering unfair- ly from the present rate increases. All objective evidence shows that the poor are lower users of electricity. The proposal attempts to allocate costs where they belong. Furthermore, "Lifeline" will provide an economic incentive to conserve elec- tricity. By using the classic control me- chanism of higher prices, it will deter people from excessive electric use, thus helping to slow down runaway demand growth. As demand growth decreases, the util- ities will benefit, since they will no long- er require the. vast amounts of expan- 'Residential usage has expanded faster than other elec- tric use. Much of this growth has powered the luxeries of the well-to-do-central air conditioning, the fourth TV set, outdoor lighting, microwave ovens and the like. The expansion was encouraged by electric rates, which gave discounts to larger users in the belief that increased usage lowered total costs. Because new generating units are now more expensive than old ones, such economies of scale no longer exist.' :4:Y. .":':rir"...........r.:,--.a .. . .:a:.;{; .. ....:.. users of electric heat - it would be un- i -ir to penalize these people, since home heating is a necesity of life. However, ,: electric heat installations, except i7 -casual cases of necessity, would be subject to the higher rates, because electric heat is a very inefficient way of using energy. If "Lifeline" were adopted, Consum- ers Power would get all of its required revenue, but the cost burden would be on those who could afford it. Some 75 per cent of Consumers Power electric users would have lower rates under "Lifeline" than under the Con- sumers Power proposal, while the aver- age user (457 kilowatt hours per month) would actually pay a few pennies less per month than at present. IF THE PLAN succeeded in lowering consumption increase, it would solve many of our utility problems. Ironically, if it did not succeed, its higher rates for large users would provide the company with adequate revenue to finance ne- cessary expansion. Ultimately, everyone would benefit from this lowering of our excessive growth in energy use, because there would be adequate energy to go around without enormous price increases, without such rapid exhausting of fuel reserves, and without so much pollution caused by power plants. Of course, this would help our employment problem as industry would also benefit. Michigan has a chance to be a leader in using energy wisely. The adoption of the "Lifeline" rate structure is a neces- sity for a rational energy policy and for our economic health. Richard Conlin is a member of the PIRGIM staff who will speak at the University Monday on the ener- gy issue. Conlin ran for county commissioner in Lansing during this month's elections. of scale no longer exist. Today, increas- ing demand .that requires construction of expensive new plants raises every- one's rates. Partially in recognition of this new economic fact of life, the Public Serv- ice Commission recently required Mich- igan's utilities to shift from downward- ly graduated "incentive" rates to flat rates. PIRGIM is now proposing going a step further, adopting upwardly grad- uated "disincentive" rates, which PIR- GIM cats "Lifeline" rates. THE "LIFELINE" schedule will place the burden of rising costs on those whose sion capital which are such a problem now. While we deal with this economic problem, we will at the same time be dealing with the related problems of en- ergy conservation and environmental pollution. PIRGIM is proposing two exceptions to deal with some special problems. First, because many extremely low elec- tric users are second homes and vaca- tio i cottages, the plan retains a month- ly service charge which would prevent their owners from reaping benefits de- s' -ed for regular customers. Second, the proposal exempts present 'fable lheualth alternative? organized system of health care that promises to provide high quality phy- sician services, emergency and preven- tive treatment, and hospital services to those who have paid a fixed sum of money in advance. UNTIL RECENTLY, no one thought of health care as an industry, and it was only the profane who used terms such as health delivery system, resource al- location, and cost effectiveness. In the last few years, however, econ- omists like the University's Paul Feld- stein have pioneered the concept of us- ing economics as a means of health care analysis. The HMO may revolutionize health care for several reasons. First, it agrees to provide both physician and hospital services to its members in exchange for a fixed annual fee and thereby shares the financial risk of ill health with the consumer. Rather than paying a doctor on a fee- for-service basis( the subscriber incurs no additional costs once he or she pre- pays the HMO fee, regardless of extent or seriousness of illnesses treated. Current estimates for the local HMO put the monthly charge at $22 for an individual and approximately $60 for a family of any size. BECAUSE A lengthy hospital s t a y would not cost a subscriber any more than his prepaid fee, a sick person is a financial liability to the HMO. As a result the HMO attempts to discourage hospital stays by practicing preventive medicine. From an economic viewpoint this would appear to be far more efficient than current health care packages which provide benefits only when employes are of the job or in the hospital. By not stressing preventive medicine, conven- tional insurance programs tend to pro- mote loss of work hours. More important than the economic fac- tor is the fact that unneeded hospitali- zation does not occur as frequently under the HMO system. Unnecessary operations are less like- ly to occur in HMOs, as evidenced by statistics showing that appendectomies are about one-half as frequent and ton- silectomies one-quarter as frequent for HMO members as for Blue Crass-Blue Shield members, In addition, hospital days per 1,000 HMO members were 480 in 1970, compared to more than 900 hospital days per 1,000 members for Blue Shield members. FURTHER, THE HMO has a well-de- fined consumer group that agrees to obtain virtually all its medical care from it. Since it guarantees that ap- propriate services will be made avail- able when they are needed, this feature separates the HMO from other delivery methods. In contrast, conventional in- surance plans like Blue Cross - Blue Shield merely guarantee reimbursement for services obtained by the health consumer. Finally, unlike the current industry which thrives on consumer ignorance, the HMO enables consumers to make ra- tional decisions regarding the care they receive. Purchasing a guaranteed set of serv- ices in advance encourages consumers to assess their health maintenance needs realistically and decide whether the value of the continuous service is worth the price. Furthermore, consumers pur- chase the services when they are heal- thy and can make more rational decis- ions. THE MOST common complaint of HMO's made by its critics is that no patient-doctor relationship develops. The Ann Arbor plan, however, -eems to have adequately taken care of that com- plaint.Each individual will be assigned a health-team that will be in charge of filing his or her needs. This team wil consist of a physician and a nurse practi- tioner. Each member, on the other hand, will be cared for by a team of four members. The Ann Arbor HMO will offer serv- ices in internal medicine and ophthal- mology to begin with and plans to ex- pand its services later. The physicians will be members of the University's Hos- pital for cases needed extended hospital care. Unlike conventional plans, the HMO will offer prepaid primary care (office visits) in addition. THE MOST important thing for a pros- pective subscriber to remember is that a lower hospital rate is in no way an indication of declining quality. Stud- ies of Kaiser Permanente, an HMO in California, have shown that the quality of care offered was as good if not better than fee-for-service medical care. This is not to say that the family doc- tor is not a capable and useful instru- ment in providing health care, but for those desiring such a service, the HMO ,alternative should exist. Alan Resnick is' an economics major and a writer for the Daily's editorial page. The Daily printed an opposing view of HMOs last year by the Medical Committee for Human Rights, and we welcome any further commentary on the subject. Address submissions to the editorial director. south quad To The Daily: THIS IS in response to the letter from "An Irate Quaddie" in the October 11 Daily. I am a freshman at the Uni- versity of Michigan, living at South Quad. There is nothing "questionable" about our dorm. It may be rather plain (alhough not ugly) on the outside, but the inside is quite pleasant. It is .ertainly not filthy or unsafe. There are men and women working constantly to keep the bathrooms, hals, and other facil- ities clean and well-supplied. As for being "unsafe," I ,ev- er heard anything so ridiculous. He (simply for convenience I'll say he, but it could be either a male or female who wrote the letter) states no specific charg- es of unsafety (except lighting which is dealt with later) so how can I answer them? Letters speaks of that were hiked so dramatically? He doesn't say. If he is referring to room and board rates, doesn't he realize that those were raised for 0ll residents of all dorms? If he isn't referring to those rates, I really don't know what he could be refering to, because I have paid no other type of "rate" except for house dues, which were a whopping five dollars. THERE FOLLOWS a rebut- tal, point by point, of the "qoad- die's" specifically enumerated complaints concerning the cian- ges made at South Quad: a) The West Desk was closed because it is too expensive to maintain two desks in one dorm. Most all the other dorms (in- cluding Bursley which is larger than South Quad) have only one desk. b) The cafeterias on the west side have hours posted concern- to dining room. d) I live in The Thronson House, and our lounge has carpeting, furniture, and curtains, pius a piano. I don't know about all house lounges, but I have been in Kelsey and Huber H o u s e lounges and they were similarly equipped, with the exception of having television sets instead of pianos (Huber's TV is coljr). If his house has been deprived of their lounge furnishings he should talk to his house officers. e) I live on the seventh floor and I received a notice (from his so-called elusive building di- rector) in my mail box today stating that carpeting is to be installed on our floor on Octob- er 16. There will be some "in- conveniences" to the residents, I am sure, but that is to be expected. f) About two weeks ago, work- men installed fluorescent lights in our halls and stairways, to Daily like glass ones, althougn glass ones have the advantage of al- lowing you to see if you have any mail without unlocking your mailbox every time, as is neces- sary with metal ones. h) It is not true that we must step outside to pick up cor Sunday Dailies. They ara put in the mailboxes. The reason the Dailies were at the Est Desk during the first week or so of term was because both the Daily offices and the desk were still a little understandably dis- organized, and the Daily offices hadn't given the desk a sub- scriber list, and when the desk got the list, they were short of help. The reason I know is be- cause I called The Daily and asked at the East Desk. NEXT HE says wast siders suffer the "greatest inconven- iences" caused by these chang- es. I live on the west side and reason duty schedules are only for the nights is because staff members have homework and classes too. Next he says that the East Desk and cafeterias are staffed solely by students. Another be. There are adults at both vlaces who can either answer your questions or direct you to some- one who can. IT APPEARS that "quaddie" can never be satisfie-. If im- provements are made, he com- plains about the "inconvenienc- es," and if they are not, as he claims about carpeting and light- ing, he complains ah';ut their absence. He seems to expect not only instantaneous answers to his demands, but also totally invisible, silent workers. The real shame of this whsle affair is that there are many people who are not frim South Quad, who will read quaddie's