Sunday, November 17, ,1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday1 November 17, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five ___________PROFILE CHRIS CHRISTIAN From Philly streets to the local literati By SARA RIMER in the eyes that was." The ex- CHRIS CHRISTIAN is a plosion was catalyzedby see- stocky, navy-blue sweat- ing whites as victims, too. I1 suited fixture at Waterman started looking at them as peo- Gym. The assorted crew of ple for the first time. It sort jocks, volleyball hacks, karate of liberated me." zealots, and flab fighters who Christian came here to earn hang out there know him as a B.A. in psychology and a mas- the "guy in the funny knit cap ters degree in urban studies. He who does eight miles a day and looks off, mystified again. "Fun- throws in a few rounds on the ny thing in Philly - any black punching bag." Last spring students that went to college Christian made himself known were sissies. So what am I do- off the track and on the stage ing here?" Christian was zap- with the successful production of ped by "the culture shock of his first play, "The Killers." blacks coming to a super mid- Christian shucked the s w e a t dle class place." His recent suit for his interview, showing ; script, "Culture Shock", w a s up instead in beige pants, a spurred by his headlong crash bold-blue, shawl-collared sweat- into "alienating" life at t h e er, and blue bandana round his university. Anger flashes across neck. But he dragged an old Christian's face when he dis- laundry bag, grinning, "I just cusses the campus mood. came from the gym." Despite Everyone's out for their own his marathon exercise binges, personal peace and affluence. Christian pats a persistent It's like everybody's closing the paunch, admitting, "I've got door" this tremendous food habit." In his thirty years, Christian A FTER WATCHING Arthur has played a whole cast of Miller's "Misfits" on TV two real-life roles. Gesturing wi t h years ago, Christian was fired the hands that throw h a r d up by Clark Gable and Marilyn punches at the bag, he sketch- Monroe to write his first play. es out a fighting past. He tough- Without a place to stay or a ed it out on the Philadelphia job, he scrawled out the script streets as a "Tioga T" gang on the diag with ease. He ex- leader, shuttled between reform plains, "Maybe I'm overconfi- schools and foster homes, and dent, but it's so damn e a s y. Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. PRESENTS GREEK NIGHT EVERY MONDAY & TUESDAY * No cover charge * Pitcher Beer 12 price * Discount on mixed drinks Fraternities, Sororities and Dormitories WELCOME! THE SCENE 341 S. Main RAVEL MICH. UNION 763-21 ONLY 3 WEEKS LEFT TO SIGN UP London at Christmas Dec. 24, 1974-Jan. 6, 1975 Only $358.61 Flight on Scheduled Airline Jets for further details contact 4 jTTRAVEL SIGN UP DEADLINE NOV. 20 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT I.D.S NOW AVAILABLE *Subiect to Government Approval SUNDAY at HILLEL 11:00 A.M.-UNDERGRAD BRUNCH 75c Lox-Bagel-Conversation Speaker: PROF. WILLIAM GAMSON Topic: "Police and Social Protest in Israel' 6 p.m.-"DELI All you can eat for $2.00 1429 HILL ST. 'I.' i ' I I won 70 out of 73 boxing match- es in Atlantic City. During his days as astreet gang honcho, he says an old skid row alcoholic and former university professor"grabbed him and told him, "Be wherel the money is." Briefly, Christ- ian found the money in other people's pockets. When the Phil- adelphia police clamped the cuffs on him for the gang wars, Christian ended up "running a cell block, called E-1." "I even- tually got the shit beat out of me for taking up for a white guy they were ganging up on,' he recalls. He pauses to em- phasize important motivation. "I've always felt for the under- dog." CHRISTIAN remembers t h e years when recognition came from "calling someone a motherfucker," saying, "I was afraid to let people know I was nice. I have a killer instinct, but a passive one at the same time -- Dr. 'Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." He appearsmystified at the schism and shakes his head. "It's so strange." Beginning to recoil from box- ing's "brutality," Christian be- came involved with children through a VISTA program in Washington, D.C. He leans back' and says, "Man, what a bang 'The Killers' just happened. When I sit down and just relate from where I've been, wow - D it's great. The spirit comes in- to the letter and it's all there." No student teching ,at BelRADUT-S leville High School, he sayst , he has come to appreciate his GR D A E varied background. "Now that ~I'm teaching in high school, I ~ANII ~ nN felfrtne toinhave ve aCAPS AND GOWNS nomadic life, almost a wild be child. Talk about a midnight must be ordered by cowboy-sh-e-e-e-it !" Christian laughs when he re- NOV. 19 veals his giant-size hang-up. "I want to save the world." He PLACE YOUR ORDER AT THE adds, "I told the Career Plan- ning and Placement Office that *cel when any job turns up in any universic l city that no one else wants, give me a call." 769-7940 TIE DRUMS out his philosophy with emphatic hand mo- tions. "You've got to build with- I in the mess. You're gonna be knocked down. It's hard." He hands over the script of CTRAVEL MICH. UNION 763-214 "Culture Shock" for comments a ui and picks up the ancient laun- dry bag, concluding as he leav- es, "I want to be writing, but' that's secondary. I want to be DOMESTIC FLIGHTS an activist, to get back into life. That's where it really is." ! SPECIAL FARES Sara Rimer is a Daily staff, writer. writr. S VE CHRISMAS-Deadline Nov. 19 NoticeNEW YORK i Notice LOS ANGELES DR SAN FRANCISCO edor Hound DALLAS All flights on scheduled American Airlines-non stop jets at 2:00 p.m1. FOR FURTHER DETAILS-CONTACT id 3 at 1:300p.m TRAVEL Buildin INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ID CARDS NOW AVAILABLE WILL BE ~NUARY 19-21 -_ )T REHEARSE OVER I SAVE $1.38 CHRISTMAS BREAK oin The Da dy Staff furthernformationall -- -- Auditioi FC The Real Ins NOVEMBER 17 ar NOVEMBER 18 2528 Friezi THE PLAY PRESENTED JA THE PLAY WILL NO THANKSGIVING OR ** PRESENTS * ** ** I. . I I w r ** __________-{ $ U P E I AVEL MICH. UNION 763-2 -NOV 1V MEDI SKI UTAH WITH SPECIAL WINTER SKI WEEK DEC. 24-31, 1974 ! SORRY, N $282.00 triple occupancy $291.oo double occupancy NCLUDES: R $uI 'EMBER 1 ANY ONE $2.00 JO COUPON IDAY 7th- IZZA ITEM S VALID ZZAll col NO a dm ncert 18, 19 advan( p. mtickets fiss ion CHACES 'at ARE