Saturday, November 16, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY wage rive 'DAMN YANKEES' Sophs By BE rH NISSEN Damn Yankees, playing through Sa- turday at Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, is one of the better efforts of a UAC Soph Show group in the last few years. "Efforts" is a particularly appropriate description; every member of the cast can truly be credited with trying very hard, although not always with com- plete success. Audience members who remember Eric Riley's dazzling performance in last year's MUSKET production of Counterpoint were again reminded of his remarkable stage promise. Riley played the part of M'rr. Applegate/ Satan with a blackly wicked genius. Riley is a human rubber band; a more taut yet elastic human being is a rarity on the stage. His comic timing is clockwork and his impressive collection of onstage tal-' ents include tap dancing of audience oohs and aahs, a richly toned and sup- ported singing voice, and a mrvelous face with perfectly controlled features that can exaggerate any emotion into an expression that should be patented. In Damn Yankees, the devil Apple- gate transforms feeble Washington Sen- ator's fan Joe Boyd into young and handsome baseball prodigy Joe Hardy belt o in exchange for Boyd's soul. Jeff Smith does a barely passable portrayal of the arthritic Joe Boyd, although both his acting and singing are sometimes as strained as Gerber's baby food. As the metamorphosized Joe, Robert T. Howard has moments of vibrant excellence as well as embarrassingly amateur stumblings. Howard's voice started strong, but faded into bland fAltness near the show's second half. His solo "A Man doesn't know" had a genuinely high quality, but his later duet "Near to You" was wincingly off. As the temptress Lola, Jill Lynn Lindsey was sultry and convincingly, if at times stiffly, slinky. Aided greatly by some sleazy costumes, she man- aged to be really tempting in the fam- ous "Whatever Lola Wants" seduction scene. Sally Bublitz, playing the deserted wife Meg Boyd, was one performer who was cheated out of a deserved good reception. Her voice, while not espec- ially dynamic, was still lightly pretty; yet Bublitz was almost inaudible, hope- lessly drowned by a partially deaf and unbalanced orchestra. - The orchestra, conducted by Larry Iser, seemed conducted in fits of hys- teria; it sometimes sounded anemically out a thin, sometimes brassily blasting. Sometimes it whined with the strings, creating the same effect on the spine and nervous system as a handful of chalk and fingernails simultaneously screeched tortuously on a blackboard. Several scenes overcame the orches- tral failing with strong chorus p e r- formance. The male chorus blended very well in song, and was applaudably coordinated during dance scenes. A locker room song "Thought About the Game" showcased Terry Arment and Robert Neems, two very funny and competent song-and-dance men who are hopefully hooked on the stage. The female chorus had some sharp musical blending troubles and contain- ed both lithesomely graceful and fatly clumping dancers. Karyn Eskyn de- serves some commendation for her role as Gloria Thorpe, a tough and brassy reporter. Eskyn's dancing was smooth and well-timed, although h e r voice had a high altitude thinness even further diluted by the one-level dyna- mics of the orchestra. Marcia Milgrom should get the Suc- cessful Stage Maneuvers of the Year Award for the show's choreography. Several of the synchronized d a n c e movements were freshly imaginative and well-planned in coordination with vinner Mendelssohn's rather limited s t a g e space. Even the all-cast dance scenes managed to look somewhat flowing while avoiding mid-step collision and a massive tangle of dancing legs. The most blatant failings of the show were the scene changes. The stage crew seemed to suffer from se- vere, comatose and contagious stage fright. A delayed-reaction spotlight fol- lowed the singing actor around like a lost shadow; walls tottered and hung in midair; whole pieces of scenery were struggled with, put up back- wards, and crashed together. Furniture was clunked loudly backstage, and curtains were dropped instead of rais- ed, opened mid-scene, and caught on sets. Overall the stage crew demonstrated some of the most drunken, oafish, clumsy and bungle-footed stage maneu- vers ever witnessed on an Ann Arbor stage. As a subject of ridicule, the stage and scene change mistakes at least added to the general amusement of the evening. For even with the technical faults, the musical production still managed to satisfactorily entertain the audience; it left them smiling and clapping blist- ers onto the palms of their hands past the final close of the curtain. Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN That devilish Mr. Applegate! Mr. Applegate-also known by the alias "Satan" - is a devilish part of UAC's Soph Show "Damn Yankees."' Playing Applegate, Eric Riley, raises hell here in during a demonstration from the show held recently at the Pendleton Arts Center in the Union. U Players Red Lantern' forges revolutionary drama Subscribe to The Michigan Daily By DAVID WEINBERG The question that kept run- ning through my mind was: Why is it in this country that the idea of revolution, of soli- darity among the working class, of collective struggle, seems so' foreign, so, distant, so terrest'ial? Thursday night at Trueblood, the University Players opened their "proletarian drama," The Red Lantern. Originally anI opera, and then a movie, Lan-' tern was transposed into a spoken stage play by University graduate student John Carter. The result is a 90 minute drama which focuses on the lives of a Chinese "family" and members of the Communist party during the war of resis- tance against Japan in 1940. The story line centers around Li Yu-ho (Michael Raymond),' his daughter Tieh-mei (Judith Easton), and mother Granny Li (Susan Wall). Actually none of them are related by blood, but become related within the con- text of the struggle they share. Li Yu-ho receives a secret code to carry to guerrillas, but is betrayed by his comradeG Wang Lien-chu. He is threaten-' ed by the local Japanese gen- darme, Hatoyama (Kenneth Steinman) and is finally tor- tured and then alongside of his mother, killed. Tieh-mei must carry on the struggle alone, and her emergence as the new bearer of the red lantern sym- bolizes the continuation of the party. The production bears the trademark of Chinese drama in its feeling of formality and of the exotic, but the stress re- mains upon content and not upon form. Thus the sets are small and simple, music is used to connect fairly brief scenes, and monologue frequently is used to close scenes and, with the music, create tableaux. An important question to ask in approaching such a produc- tion is how one sees the charc- acters, whether as real people in a real drama or only as archytypes of the larger strug- gle. Michael Raymond and Judith befoe te sade ar se zzo~ri wretrng c- , .i BRIDGE: Failure to attack suits in right order costs contract by FRANK BELL South, with his 17 points and balanced distribution, opened one notrump, his partner rais- ed to three notrump, and West led his fourth best spade. NVUL. NORTH I! 4 2 V K Q 7 f A8532 4. J 10 4 EAST WEST 4 Q106 4 J 9 7 3 2 V A942 '1183 f Q9 *fJ1064 4.8732 .KS SOUTH V J1065 K7 4AQ96 The bidding: South West North East 1NT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: three of spades Ducking the firsts spade trick, South said "Don't worry part- ner." He won the spade return with his king and led a heart to dummy's king and East's ace. East returned his last spade, and South won his ace, pitching a diamond from the board. Declarer continued with a heart to dummy's queen and a heart back to his 10. West, who had been counting, realized that the only chance to beat the contract lay in retaining his spades, so he smoothly sluffed the five of clubs. On the fourth heart he pitched a diamond hop- ing that his partner held the diamond queen, while declarer pitched another of dummy's diamonds. Now declarer cashed the king and ace of diamonds ending in dummy and led the jack of clubs. When East played low South went into a tank and eventually played low. West won his king of clubs and claimed the rest of the tricks, setting the contract two tricks. "What could I have done partner?" South asked. "They defended well. How was I sup- posed to know that West had stiffed his king?" "Simple," his partner ex- plained, "Instead of knocking out the ace of hearts first, you should lead your seven of dia-! monds to dummy's ace and take the club finesse. If this wins, then you can knock out therace of hearts and claim nine tricks in the form of two spades, three hearts. two diamonds. and entry before the spades are set Eso weetrnarspc entry ttively, father and daughter of you must take the club finesse, the revolution, but both clearly which can only be won by the retained the sense of role of dangerous hand, it becomes figure that they represented. the first order of business." This is theatre of a sort that Note that if you win the club we're not largely used to in finesse you should immediately this country. It's political the- switch your attack to hearts in atre written by the people; sung order to assure nine tricks, nor and recited by the people. And, must you repeat the club finesse in the end, lived by them. after knocking out the heart Perhaps it's the sort of the- ace, for a sneaky West might atre we need more of in this have ducked the first club trick country, in its own form. Re- in order to retain his only entry. gardless, John Carter and the Of course if West has both the 'U' Players can only be com- club king, heart ace, and five mended for their efforts to bring spades then you must go down,1 but at least you will have given to life a critical point in yourself every possible chance." Chinese history. &1(g-MEDIATRICS presents,. Warren Beatty Faye Dunaway iBONNIE andCLD SAT. SUN. ii ( ov. 16 Nov. 17 } one hell of a musical !4/SOPH SHOW i,! .j j i r Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN ()iw of (a pair Andy Cohen and his unique twangoleum form one half of a doubly exciting pair appearing this weekend at the Ark. Spider John Koerner and his 12 string Blue Guitar fill up the other side of the bill. CELEBRATE WITH DOMINO'S 191PIZZA FAST, HOT, FREE DELIVERY Central Campus-761 -1111 Nortb Campus-769-5511 Georgetown Ma11-971-5555 This coupon good for 75c OFF. a large .pizza with at least one item EXPIRES SUN., NOV. 17, 1974 S[ P R E 5 HURRY! MUST END SOON! The most amazing outdoor adventureeverfilmedi JOSEPH E.LEVINE presents _