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:43 a t ty
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 63
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 16, 1974
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
U' appointments
Two new assistant deans have been announced
at the University, one in the School of Social Work
and the other in the Law School. Thomas Grilk, a
University law graduate and an associate of. a
Boston law firm, will beome the new assistant
dean and admissions officer of the law school Dec.
1. Grilk will succeed Jane Waterson Griswold, who
has held the post since June 1972. Prof. Dee Mor-
gan Kilpatrick has been named as the new assist-
ant dean in the School of Social Work. He will
serve from lan., 1975, to June 30, 1976. Kilpatrick
succeeds Dr/ Richard English, the new associate
vice-president for academic affairs. Both Grilk's
and Kilpatrick's appointments were approved by
the Regents yesterday.
No dorm din-din.
Pressing financial business forced the Regents
to break a Markley Hall dinner engagement sched-
uled for Thursday night, at least, that's what they
claim. But there's at least one rumor to the con-
trary: One source claimed that the real reason
for the cancellation was the unwillingness of retir-
ing Regent Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo) to con-
sume one of his last University meals in the Mark-
ley cafeteria. Frost House President Charlie Con-
rad confirmed that he had heard "certain things
to this effect" but maintained that he didn't "know
Brown's reasoning." Brown, however, denied the
charge. "Some other things came up, and it was
a question of priorities," said Brown, who added
that he "always enjoyed visits to the dormitories."
The coffeekatch, meanwhile, was postponed till
SGC non-attendance
One of Student Government Council's oddest idio-
syncrisies is that its membership seems to dissi-
pate with time. To wit: Last year Council began
with a full house of 39 members, but by the time
elections were held last month, membership had
dwindled to 12. The others, for the most part, had
been stricken from the roster automatically after
three consecutive sessions of absence, as decreed
in SGC regulations. And the remaining 12 were by
no means faithful attenders, either. The migra-
tion has already begun this year. At Thursday
night's SGC meeting, SGC President Carl Sand-
berg announced that Hetty Waskin had resigned-
just four weeks after her election.
Dog bites po
And for every election, there is one shaggy dog
story. This oneycomes from Royal Oak,swhere Re-
publican state house candidate James Lanni claims
a dog bite is a campaign expense. Lanni, who
lost his bid for the legislature, listed $20 to re-
place a pair of pants as a campaign expense when
he filed his spending list with the Oakland Coun-
ty clerk's office. The dog, who was not a candi-
date, bit Lanni when he was out canvissing.
Happenings ...
are topped by two plays for Saturday night.
The PTP production of "Seesaw" will be per-
formed at Power Center, and the soph show
"Damn Yankees" will be performed at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Both at 8 p.m. . . . the Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club will join the Ohio State
Men's Glee Club, one of the few times this season
we will meet congenially, to present a joint con-
cert. Concert begins at 8 p.m. in Hill Auditorium
... and a Romanian Folk Dance workshop will be
held in the Barbour Gym from 10 a.m. to noon,
and 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. A party will be held later.
Otherwise, folks, enjoy the weekend.
Ford wilt run
It's official, although not much of a surprise. The
man who assumed the nation's highest office sans
voter approval will seek the people's mandate in
the bicentennial year, '76. President Ford's an-
nouncement is expected to cut the ground from
under other Republican hopefuls and also cement
Ford's position with Congress and foreign nations.
The announcement was made yesterday through
White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen. "I guess
you've heard him say how much he enjoys being
president," said Nessen. "Yes, he intends to run
in 1976."
On the inside...
... Our weekly Happenings calendar appears on
Page 8 . . . Beth Nissen reviews this year's soph
show, "Damn Yankees," and David Weinberg re-
views the Professional Theatre Program's pro-
duction of "Red Lantern" on the Arts Page . . .
On the Editorial Page, Hadi Bozorgmanesh and
Larry Emmons write on the safety of nuclear
power . . . and the Sports Page features Brian
Deming's report on last night's hockey game in
Ford to cut anothier
9,000 workers
By AP and UPI
DETROIT -- Chrysler Corp. is considering shutting
down all its U. S. assembly plants for the month of De-
cember, sources in the auto industry said yesterday.
And Ford Motor Co. announced yesterday that it is
idling another 9,250 workers at assembly plants and other
facilities next week as the auto industry's massive cur-
rent slump continued.
CHRYSLER would neither confirm nor deny the report of a
planned shutdown, but an industry insider said the firm ordered
"zero" parts from suppliers for next week. That would indicate
--Doily Photos by STEVE KAGAN
Ice follies
The arrival of winter has transformed even mundane objects into freakish ice sculptures, like the bicycle at right; and has fired
the imagination of some would-be Rodin on the left. The dog obviously doesn't know talent when he sees it.
Regents move
many component plant workers w
assemblers, sources say.
A spokesperson for Chrysler
maintained, however, that "no
decision has been made" on
December layoffs. Nevertheless,
he admitted that mounting in-
ventories of unsold new cars
had reached a "critical level."
Rumors of pending shutdowns
have been swirling, throughout
the Chrysler system for two
days, according to spokesper-
sons for the United Auto Work-
Chrysler had already an-
noimced the indefinite closing
of its assembly plant at New- a
ark, Del., idling some 3,800
FORD said 'it would shut its
Rouge assembly plant at Dear-
born for one week, laying off
4,500 employes. In addition,
Ford said it was temporarily
laying off 450 white collar work-
ers at Utica, Livonia, and
Dearborn, and permanently idl-
ing 1,200 white collar workers
at other Michigan facilities.
The Ford layoffs raised the
industry's present overall fig-
ure for temporary or permanent
furloughs to nearly 100,000. A
Chrysler assembly shutdown
would affect another 113,000
Industry analysts estimate
that Chrysler's stockpile of 1975
models was 280,000 on Oct. 31-
enough to supply Chrysler deal-
ers for at least 110 days. Inven-
tory among all Big Three auto-
makers totaled some 1.6 mil-
lion units - or about 68 selling
ONE WALL Street analyst
said yesterday that inventories
are critically high at about 69
days, and at 110 days, "defi-
nitely some corrective action
has to be taken."
All U. S. auto plants shut
down between Christmas and
New Year's as specified in con-
tracts with the UAW. The first
large layoffs in the auto in-
dustry came last December,
two months after the Mideast
Oil embargo began to chip away
at sales.
UAW officials say they have
been in constant contact with
Chrysler officials, who "have
assured us no decision has been
"But it doesn't look good,"
he said.
spokesman, some workers have
said that foremen have discus-
ed the possibility of lengthy
layoffs for next month.
A meeting of UAW officers
and Chrysler Chairman Lynn
Townsend set for Monday to
discuss one Detroit plant would
probably be expanded "consid-
erably," said the UAW spokes-
will likely be laid off along with
pot penaltis
President Ford's special advis-
er on narcotics last night gave
a qualified endorsement to leg-
islation which makes possession
of marijuana a civil and not a
criminal offense.
His speech, which was clear-
ed in advance with the Presi-
dent, seemed certain to set off
a new controversy about the
way the federal and state gov-
ernments deal with widespread
use of marijuana.
DR. ROBERT DuPont, direc-
tor of the President's Special
Action Office for Drug Abuse
Prevention, pointed to an ex-
periment in Oregon where pos-
session of small quantities of
marijuana is a civil ofense sub-
ject to a fine of up to $100.
"My lawyer friends tell me
that the substitution of a non-
criminal penalty for the crimi-
nal one is in keeping with a
modern legal trend," he told a
meeting of the National Organ-
ization for the Reform of Mari-
juana Laws.
"One of the principles under-
lying this reform is that crimi-
nal sanction should be reserv-
ed for morally reprehensible
conduct and should not be dilut-
ed by application to conduct
without serious social conse-
quence," he added.
"THIS seems to me to be an
appropriate response."
But DuPont went on to quali-
fy his approval saying he would
watch the Oregon experiment to
see how it worked, whether it
had any harmful effects and
whether experiments with other
drugs would increase.
DuPont reported that 420,000
people were arrested for mari-
juana possession last year, an
increase of more than a third
over the 1972 figure and more
than double the figure four
years ago.
Incomplete medical research
on the effects of marijuana
showed that it could have some
effect on fatty areas of the
brain, reduce the body's ability
to fight infection and produce
possible genetic mutations, Du-
Pont said.
confidential student files
The University Board of Re-
gents yesterday unanimously
adopted a resolution warning
University officials a g a i n s t
purging confidential documents
from student files.
In other action, the Regents
approved a massive 13.2 per
cent faculty wage increase pro-
posal for the 1975-76 fiscal year
that will be sent to the state
legislature for approval.
THE MOVE to protect confi-
dential material came in re-
sponse to a new federal law
which would force Universities
to grant students access to
their own academic records, in-
cluding letters of recommenda-
tion and counselor comments.
Although the bill takes effect
Tuesday, the Regents' resolu-
tion denies students access to
the confidential information un-
til January.
Under the law, the University
is given 45 days to respond to
requests for confidential mater-
ial. Frank Rhodes, vice presi-
dent for academic affairs ex-
plained the Regents do not plan
to open files until the end of
the 45 day period in January
because Congress is currently
considering amendments to the
EARLIER this week, several
other universities, including
Harvard, had announced they
would purge all confidential ma-
terial from records, rather than
allow students access to them.
U.S. refuses Senators' plea
for food shipment to poor
ROME (Reuter)-The United
States has refused a request
from three Democratic senators
to send an extra one million
tons of food to famine stricken
countries, U.S. Agriculture Sec-
retary Earl Butz said yester-
President Ford had decided
that granting the request would
have pushed up grain prices,
reduced the amount of grain
available for other programs
and harmed the U.S. budget,
Butz told a press conference.
INFORMED U.S. sources said
the three Democrats-Senator
Hebert Humphrey (D-Minneso-
ta), George McGovern (D-South
Dakota) and Richard Clark (D-
Iowa)-made the request in a
cable to the White House last
Butz said yesterday he had
signed the cable as leader of
the U.S. delegation at the World
Food Conference here. But he
disassociated himself from the
telegram by saying he merely
forwarded the senators' request.
"U-fortunately this reqpest by
Conference organizers had ap-
pealed for up to 12 million tons
of grain for the Indian sub-
continent and some 30 countries
facing dramatic shortages over
the next eight months. The call
put pressure on the United
States to make a big contribu-
The three senators, who have
now left Rome, urged the dona-
tion as a gesture of American
leadership in the fight against
BUTZ yesterday charged them
with "trying to make news for
themselves," and said his coun-
try had made the biggest con-
tribution to food aid over the
last 20 years.
"While these Democratic sen-
ators have been making a lot of
noises, we have been shipping
food aid to Bangladesh. I didn't
hear the senators talk about our
agreement to send another 100,-
000 tons of food to Bangladesh
which we signed on November,"
Butz commented.
Delegation officials said Ford
See U.S., Page 2
Yesterday's Regents' resolu-
tion warns all administrative
units that "confidential mater-
ial shall not be removed from
files except in accordance with
established procedures."
However, Rhodes, said yester-
day that this policy may be re-
versed at the December Re-
gents' meeting. He stated that
the Regents will examine re-
sponses to the new law, and
reconsider their decision.
BUT RHODES said he
"knows of no one" from the
University who has destroyed
any confidential material to pre-
vent students from later view-
ing the data. He stated that he
was firmly opposed to any such
However, Literary College
(LSA) Dean Charles Morris
said yesterday that he had
"heard that several depart-
ments in LSA had destroyed
files earlier this term," primar-
ily letters of recommendation
for graduate students applying
to the divisions' graduate pro-
Morris explained that the al-
leged purging of files would
have almost certainly stopped
after a memo was later cir-
culated among University of-
ficials asking them not to de-
stroy records.
ALTHOUGH the law will go
into effect Nov. 19, Senator
James Buckley (R-N.Y.), spon-
sor of the act, plans to introduce
a compromise amendment to
the bill in the last week of No-
vember that would grant stu-
dents access to all parts of the
files except personally signed
letters of recommendation.
According to John Kwapisz,
the senator's legislative aide,
the amendment "will almost
certainly pass," but admits a
move might be made, possibly
by Senator Claiborne Pell (D-
Ford 'vulnerable'
says Post'pundt
GEO submits new
economic package
President Ford is so "politi-
cally vulnerable" that he may
eventually be forced to recon-
sider his decision to run for
election in 1976, Washington
Post political columnist David
Broder told students in a Uni-
versity contemporary affairs
course yesterday.
"Realistically, he's got to look
at that again a year from now,"
Broder asserted. "Ford is a
very confident man. But what
he explained, adding that Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass. )
may eventually be asked to re-
enter the 1976 campaign as "the
ultimate stop-Wallace candi-
The 250 students attending
Broder's early morning lecture
in Angell Hall seemed attentive
and highly interested in the tall,
grey-haired syndicated column-
ist's views on the leadership
crunch in the Ford administra-
Following the University's vir-
tual rejection of the Graduate
E m p 1 o y e s Organization's
(GEO) first economic demand
package, during negotiations
---+ + - n n ~nnt~
cent hike, and included a de-
mand for a tuition waiver. The
waiver would eliminate the
need for any graduate employe
to pay tuition during the term
of his employment. While the