Friday, November 15, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DALLY Page' FiVe Friday, November 1 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five E I crnemci weekend Pick of the Week: The Gambler The Movies, Briarwood One of last summer's best films was Robert Altman's Cali- fornia Split, a creatively pro- duced introduction to the fran- tic life of the professional gam- bling circuit. Using an incred- ibly complex yet strikingly inno- vative sound track, Altman as- I There, he emerges out of theI water in scuba gear and, won-! der of wonders, comes upon his girlfriend, Catrine. This actiont occurs several more times un-' til he again reaches the timea of his attempted suicide and, you guessed it, succeeds. Unless you cannot find any- thing better to do with 91 min- utes of your time, do not bother seeing this film. -Cinthia L. Fox balance each other nicely, as Garbed in his casual attire do the considerable talents of of loose trousers, derby, shoes, Hepburn and Grant. And pre- and cane, Chaplin further ac- dictably, all ends well for our centuates his comic antics to heroes in the tradition of great exhibit originality and sensiti- American thrillers. Better yet, vity. Magnificent Ambersons you won't soon forget Char- ade's haunting theme. -Chris Kochmanski * * * . i The Milky Way i i sembled a remarkable portrait -* * - Cinema II, Aud. A of that physical "high" that Sun., 7, 9 comes from hitting a golden Cool Hand Luke Luis Bunuel's The Milky Way winning streak. is a surreal Pilgrim's Progress.; But what Altman did not conAnn Arbor Film Co-op Largely a satire on religion as But hatAltan id ot on Aud. 3, MLB i sider was the possibility of Fri., 7, 9:30 a man-made phenomenon and what Newton might have called on Catholic dogma in particu- an "equal but opposite high"- One of the best movies to lar, the film features two the almost masochistic pro- emerge from the year 1967 was French "pilgrims", Jean and duct of willingly taking a phe- the largely unrecognized Cool Pierre, who are on their way nomenal risk on an impossible Hand Luke. Luke deals with 'to the shrine of" the Apostle long shot and, predictably, los- an uniquely American subject, James at Santiago de Compo- ing everything, the life of the Southern chain stella in Spain. Karel Reisz uses this gamb- gang prisoner. Unlike many oth- En route they converse with Kinasoheism simtilsarityb- er pictures dealing with this some very unusual people: the ling -masochism simirty to same subject, this film avoids Marquis deSade, the Devil, the create n The Gamber whatis the familiar pitfall of this genre Virgin Mary (who appears to in many ways a more "a -the over - emphasis on vio- them sitting in a tree), Jesus, drama of the gambling life than lence at the expense of plot, and a prostitute. Californa Split. Luke is a story of a young Bunuel directed and co-au- James Caan portrays the misfit who is picked up for van- thored this film in 1970, at the flashy, shirt-always-open-at-the- dslizing parking meters. De- age of 70 He has always had a collar Axel Green, a New York spite this relatively minor love-hate relationship with the City English professor and fur- crime he is briskly whisked off Catholic Church, and is credit-. niture store heir whose entire to a correctional work-camp. ed with the flagrantly ambi- life virtually revolves complete- Paul Newman plays this valent exclamation: "Thank: ly around his bookie in the end. proud, aloof loner who endures God I'm an atheist!" nothing else matters to Axel but the taunts of inmates and the The Milky Way is an ironic betting and risk - not family, brutal treatment of the prison film, but Bunuel's probings are not professional scruples, not guards to become the acknowl- sufficiently gentle, and not over- even love. edged leader of the chain gang. Iv symbolic. Bunuel is work- Reisz's fine direction moves His eventual downfall, brought ing, I suppose, with the homily the picture along at a comfort- about by a continuous rain of able if occasionally listless unhuman abuse heaped on by wicusually acp's any pc.Unfortunately, Caan is feru4apgadofr discussion of Chaucer 's Can- pace.fearful camp guards, offers a terbury Tales that "Life is a only adequate as Green; Laur- chilling look into the humiliat- pilgrimage". But after seeingE ena Hutton, playing his lady- , ing experience of the prison The Milky Way some reevalu- friend Billie, is equally medio- camp. ation of that assertion might be cre. Jerry Fielding's score, bas- The movie is uniformly ex- nessary. ed on Mahler's First Symphony, cellent. Newman and George nece ry. --Sarah Polarek adds a suitably regal if usually Kennedy in the major roles are out of place touch to the film. unstintingly b r i 1 1 i a n t. Still, Gambler is generally a The script stays gruff and grit- Clockwork Orange better film about bookmaking tv.E than California Split. Split had A final note: many film crit- New World Film Co-op a somewhat tighter ending, I ics and a sizeable portion of the Sun., Aud. 4, MLB, 7, 9:30 suppose, but Reisz's extensive movie-going public find Cool Mon., Nat. Sci. Aud. 7, 9:30 exploration of gambling and Hand Luke a Christ allegory. With what could be one of the; masochism is often more fas- Go and see for yourself. most artistically and technically cinating and, on the larger? -George Lobsenz satisfying films in contempor- scale. more v rin.- . A Clockwrk Or- 1 Gold Rush is one of the most enjoyable of Charlie Chaplin's movies, and his clever panto- mimes. will undoubtedly prove to be delightful entertainment. -Debby Bienstock « « Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Cinema II, Aud. A Sat., 7, 9 A Southern family torn by hypocrisy and competing pas- sions is the stuff Tennessee Williams' plays thrive on, and it is explosive stuff indeed. The raw vigor of his Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is successfully cap- tured in this 1958 film adapta- tion, while the flaws of the or- iginal (long-winded speechify- ing, high - charged confronta- tions bordering on melodrama) are masked by the terrific on- screen acting. As Brick, the alcoholic son tortured by guilt feelings over his best friend's death and their (only hinted at) homosexual attraction, Paul Newman has never been better. His perform- ance is matched by Elizabeth Taylor as Maggie the Cat, Brick's beautiful but scorned wife, and by Burl Ives as the tyrannical Big Daddy, whose 65th birthday occasions a fami- ly gathering which is hardly a celebration. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is an exhausting but engrossing dra- ma. It's a must for fans of Tennessee Williams or Newman and Taylor, and that's just about everybody. -Judy Lopatin Floating Weeds j Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud Sun., 7, 9 Yasujiro Ozu, ranked as one of the greatest directors, has a unique Japanese style, yet one that is readily accessible to an American audience. He deals with themes familiar to all: growing up, getting a job, retir- ing, facing death. Ozu is ob- viously sensitive to the compo- nents of everyday life. His film technique is interesting, char- acterized by shooting from a low angley(the viewpoint of someone sitting on a tatami mat) and clean transitions be- tween long-held shots. This particular film (with English subtitles) concerns a troupe of actors of traditional drama who are unsuccessful in a small seaside town. However, the leader of the troupe meets up with his mistress and his now grown-up son, who knows him as "Uncle". Eventually, the mistress rea- lizes that the uncle is really the father and plots her re- venge by having the troupe's ingenue seduce her son, there- by ruining him. Her plot fails. The two fall in love, the troupe disbands and the leader is dis- graced. Thus, the leader again leaves his mistress and takes to the road. All in all, this film has some- thing of interest for everyone, whether the photography, the acting or the story. Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud. Fri., 7, 9 The Magnificent Ambersons was Orson Welles' attempt to duplicate the artistic (though not commercial) success of his , masterpiece made one year ear- lier, Citizen Kane. He may well have succeeded, too - had not{ RKO's top brass sliced some{ 35 minutes of footage from his intended release print. What's left is a rather chop- py account of the decline of an aristocratic family with particu- lar attention paid to George Amberson (played surprisingly well and with deep insight by veteran cowboy Tim Holt). The supporting cast includes Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorehead, and Anne Baxter, but some of their best scenes were probably lost on the cutting room floor. Nonetheless, Welles' visual mastery outweighs the short- comings of a script that covers too much territory' and too many characters in a short 88 minute running time. Likewise, The Magnificent Ambersons' theme is too broad for what Welles presents on the screen. Chalk this 1942 drama up as a tragedy of the Hollywood sys- tem. -Chris Kochmanskl * A r * * * * Airport 1975 Day of the Dolphin Campus It's really a shame that ma- jor directors become stereotyp- ed into the level of filmmaking they most frequently associate with. Mike Nichols, most not- ably related with such socially domestic works as Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Carnal Knowledge, has, much to the dismay of the critics, wandered out of his field. He has entered into the world of "simplistic" entertainment, abandoning his usually complex deviations into social behavior and choosing to explore a much less disciplined arena of filmmaking. The Day of the Dolphin 3 a far cry from Nichols' previous i themes, but not from his mas- tery of filmmaking. A relative- ly simple vehicle dealing w i t h inter - species communication, Nichols has constructed an im- mensely fascinating film that serves as a much needed shot in the arm to the world Uf pop- ular entertainment. Working from a screenplay by former collaborator Buck Henry, Nichols amply displays his tech- nical and directoral capabilities. Backed by the usual excellent performance of George C. Scott, Nichols maintains control over his cast of both actors and dol- phins. The magnificantly tail- ored film is crescendoed by George Delerue's unbelievably beautiful score, one of the most superb to accompany a film in recent years. Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. Join the Daily Sports Staff -David Blomquist Spa From th es of the ious depth the scum The doub Planet E Triangle polluting ing ultima can't even Devil's cash in surroundi monly kn Triangle, coattails just out b the movi fame is V cent Price UFO, P bigger jok gimmick by some Films trie quasi - d hard to when the like chick gether. After a you'll be for reruns tian. Bet day would Cin Alain R T'Aime ( titles) res ductions a transito attempt t in this cas chine. Ho neither a ship nor it present cerning a The unb the life attempting ly killing ed by a ter" to . b their stud Through resemblin Claude 'r * *Sherlock Holmes Ann Arbor Film Co-op 7eeman Duo And. 4 MLB' State Fri., 7, 9:15 he infinitesimal reach-t Billy Wilder's The Private cosmos to the myster- Life of Sherlock Holmes offers s of the ocean comes a delightfully irreverent "in- of the junk movies. side" look at the heretofore le feature of UFO, hushed-up scandals of the leg- arth and The Devil's endary detective hero created is the current swill by A. Conan Doyle. the atmosphere, prov- Portrayed by Robert Steph- ately to be so bad you ens, Sherlock here is asatur- n laugh. nine fellow who gets his kicks Triangle attempts to sniffing cocaine and pretend- on the current hype ing he's a homosexual in order ng what is more com- to avoid the advances of a Rus- oig wathis morecm-a sian ballerina. He is, however, own as the Bermuda more severely tempted by a hoping to ride the lovely Belgian lady (Genevieve of the popular book Pg)wotrsu nhs y Charles Berlitz. But Page) who turns up on his e's single claim to doorstep with (what else) a baf- he narration by Vin- fling case for him to solve. Uncharacteristically, Holmes le Eand his sidekick Watson (Colin lanet Earth is even a Blakely) bungle the case; also ke. Rated G for either uncharacteristically, c o m i c or garbage, this muck genius Wilder bungles any sus- outfit called Centrum pense and credibility in the es to pass itself as a plot. Still, there are enough acumentary. But -it'smonks and midgets scattered keep a straight face throughout this incongruous flying saucers look caper to distract one's attention, ;en pot pie stapled to- and the whole film, while mild dose of this stuffWilder, is a stylish if light- ondyosreesbtisnstgf weight entertainment. an your knees begging-JdyLptn of My Favorite Mar- -Judy Lopatin you never thought that come.Caa -Jim Valk Charade 4 * Law School Film Series 100 Hutchins Hall e T'aimne Fri., 7, 9 Director Stanley Donen in- nema II, Aud. A variably aims his pictures at Fri., 7, 9 sophisticated audiences, a n d esnais' Je T'Aime, Je Charade is no exception. In this French, English sub- lighthearted 1963 thriller, Paris embles his other pro- and Henry Mancini's elegant in that it deals with score provide the backdrop for ry love affair and an sufficient laughs and mayhemI o recapture the past, to satisfy even the most cyni- se through a time ma- cal moviegoer. wever, the film has The plot, briefly: A recently passionate relation- widowed woman (Audrey 'Hep- a rich remembrance: burn) is hounded around Paris s a hazy theme con by a band of thugs who reason lost romance. that her husband has left her believable plot follows the $250,000 that rightfully be- of Claude who, after longs to them. Confused, she g suicide for supposed- turns to an honest - looking his girlfriend, is pick- government man (Walter Mat- "secret research cen- thau) and to handsome Cary e a guinea pig for Grant, whom she trusts but ies in time. can't explain his decidedly mys- this time machine, terious behavior. g a large brain, The humorous and gruesome eturns to the past. elements of this slick package ary cinema, t -cwr ange returns in support of the theory that you can never get too much of a good thing. Stan- ley Kubrick's visionary film on the not too distant future thun- ders the viewer through a maze of images, boggling the mind with dazzling ironies and para- lyzing the senses through skill- ful manipulation of words and music. Following the adventures of Alex, a youth fallen victim to an immoral society, Kubrick has faithfully adapted Anthony Burgess' novel to the screen. Accompanied by a superb per- formance from Malcolm Mc- Dowell, Kubrick carefully molds his film. Building from the plastic society of an unspe- cified future to the transforma- tion of Alex into a "clockwork orange", Kubrick's film is a frightfully caustic vision of mod- ern utopia. The film fits nicely into Ku- brick's scheme of progression. With Dr. Strangelove, technolo- gy was presented as a toy of virtual madmen; in 2001, ma- chines began to function as hu- mans. Now, in Clockwork Or-, ange, humans began to func- tion as mere mechanical enti- ties. Kubrick's real genius lies in his delicate proficiency and dis- turbingly acute sense of the art of film. Exploiting the medium to the fullest, Kubrick oversees virtually every aspect of pro- duction, encompassing nearly three years in the process. -Jim Valk Gold Rush Bursley Hall Enterprises Bursley West Cafeteria Sat., 9 Charlie Chaplin's timeless per- formance in The Gold Rush truly demonstrates his natural talent in evoking laughter and his innate ability in establish- ing rapport with his audience. With his honest simplicity and artful charm he both moves his audiences and amuses them. The Gold Rush is a portrayal of Charlie Chaplin as a lone prospector, seeking gold in the Klondike in 1898. It is a por- trait of his disappointments, hopes, loneliness, and successes - experiences that stir his au- dience to compassion and ten- derness. The Movies, Briarwood It is grossly unfair to Nichols Fasten your seat belt; the dis- to disregard this film on the: aster flicks are starting to ooze grounds of its notable 'acR of in. Continuing the onslaught of substance. He has. a proven Hollywood's newly discovered track record, and this film dies gold mine, the biggest rip-off not mar it in any way. If any- yet arrives on the scene. Air- thing, it enhances his reputa- port 1975 has so little to do with tion as a versatile director who the original Airport (197') hat can successfully operate on it's embarrassing. The only more than one cinematic level. thing they have in commn is When one considers the trash that yearning for the almighty being peddled to the public these buck, mowing down good taste days, The Day of the Dolphin and cinematic quality 'n the restores one's faith in respon- process. , sible commercial filmmaking. This time the disaster takes -Jim Valk place in the air. A private plane - - collides into the cockpit of a 747, killing two and injuring one. It's up to the stewardess to land ! This week, the complex mechanisms of the' get JBL g umbo jet, unless just maybe someone can be lowered into the stereo systems cockpit and land it safely. for a song. Director Jack Smight handles the melee as if he directed it by mail. The all-star cast, designed solely as a ploy to lure unsu- j specting patrons intothe thea- tre, is the typical cross section of characters and personal dramas, from Helen Reddy as a singing nun to Linda Blair in a non-existent part as a sick kid in need of a kidney trans- plant. As expected, it's the he-man heroics of big Chuck Heston, gritting his teeth through ano- ther one-dimensional role, rescu- ing not only the plane full of people, but the stewardess atl the controls - whom he j u s t happens to be in love with. It's a lot to swallow. The folks at Briarwood could pull off a great publicity stunt, and at the same time provide a genuine service to their cus- tomers, if they would provide each patron with an air sickness bag. It would sure save the janitor one helluva mess in the morning. -Jim Valk - Make a mental note: Tech Hifi has special savings on systems with JBL components. " i tM~t iiiiEi' dt ,iilrihY MPlk 122 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor. riiii l i t A I s iI i t I I i 's E -Cinthia Fox1 . - _____ ,; - .7 516 i LIERT PRESENTS, FREDDIE -KING IN CONCERT Nov. 18 and 19-8 p.m. A~ ~ , , A- ... .-.%~ m 7V ORSON WELLES' 1949 Magnificent Ambersons After Citizen Kane, Welles chose this evocative story from Booth Tarking- ton's Pulitzer Prize winning novel of a proud aristocratic family that refuses to grow with the country and the automobile at the turn of the century. He departed from his technical experimentation to produce a subtle and lu IN