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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 62
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 15, 1974
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
New building plagued
Watergate non-ethics
A University psychiatrist says that the young
lawyers involved in the Watergate conspiracy may
have buried their emotions so far that they lost
all sense of their unethical behavior. Dr. Andrew
Watson, who teaches at both the Med School and
the Law School, says that a tendency in legal edu-
cation to "obscure, downgrade or actively criticize
emotional issues and reactions" may have con-
tributed to Watergate. Watson is heading a pro-
gram designed to bring legal ethics and personal
values classes into the law school curriculum.
Tree lovers
It was a scene to warm the hearts of tree lovers
everywhere: 40 people protested the "misuse" of
the Elizabeth Dean Tree Care Fund before a spe-
cial city hearing Wednesday night. Specifically,
they protested the past practice of using the funds
to replace, rather than supplement, regular city
tree programs. Dean willed $2 million to tree care
in 1964, and the interest on the money-$120,000
a year - is turned over to the city.
719 and 057...
. . . are this week's winning lottery numbers.
You qualify for a super drawing, with possible
winnings of $10,000 to $200,000, if you pulled both
numbers. Either 719 or 057 will win $25 and enable
you to enter the million dollar drawing. Second
chance winners must have both 749 and 273 to
win $5,000. Winning numbers in the Jackpot Gold
$1 drawing are 19245, 08384 and 491. Winners should
take their lucky numbers to the nearest Secretary
of State office.
Happenings ...
.. .are about average for a Friday. For those
of you determined to not to stay home today, the
Halfway Inn will present an evening of original
music in the basement of East Quad. Fee is $1;
proceeds will go to the Ann Arbor Free People's
Clinic . . . "A living Religion of Vietnam: the
study of Hoa Hao Buddhism," will be the subject
of a 3 p.m. lecture in Rackham's East Confer-
ence Room. Madame Le Thi, vice chancellor of S.
Vietnam's Hoa Hao, will speak . . . In the third
floor lobby of the Medical Science Bldg., masters
candidates will present a show of medical art
work at 2:30 p.m. . . . Emery Gulash, a noted
railroad photographer, will present his movies at
8 p.m. for the Ann Arbor Train and Trolley Watch-
ers in the basement of St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church, 306 N. Division . . . at 7:30 p.m., Career
Planning and Placement will sponsor a prelaw info
night in 1025 Angell Hall . . . the Melzarian Chor-
ale will present a program of gospel music, at 9:30
p.m. in the Markley Lounge ... Prof. John Bailey
will speak on "Ethics and Values in Education" at
a noon luncheon in the Guild House . . . and the
Professional Theatre Program will kick off its
Play-of-the-Month series with "Seesaw," at 8 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Nixon goes home
A pale, gaunt Richard 'Nixon left Long Beach
Memorial Hospital in California yesterday follow-
ing 23 days of treatment for phlebitis. The former
president will be visited soon by three doctors ap-
pointed by Judge John Sirica to decide whether
Nixon is fit to testify at the Watergate trials. Asked
if the visit would be harmful by increasing Nixon's
erratic blood pressure, Dr. John Lundgren replied
tha+ it could. "Any gamut of things could happen
-a marked raise in blood pressure. We worry
about it simply because the chance of hemorrhag-
ing is magnified in these circumstances" Mean-
while, Nixon - dressed in pajamas and robe
with his phlebitis - swollen leg propped up - was
wisked away in a limousine to his San Clemente
home, 60 miles from the hospital.
GOP shake-up
It was inevitable: last week's elections have
caused a shakedown in the Republican party. And
GOP chairwoman Mary Louise Smith promises
there will be more. Among the major changes, Ed-
die Majhe, political director of the national com-
mittee, has become the new executive director;
Norman Biship, a political field representative, has
replaced Robert Rousek as director of communi-
cations: and party co-chairman Richard Obenshain
will take over operation of the committee's state
services division from staff member Richard
Thaxton. In the future, says Smith, we can expect
a plan which includes more organization, candi-
date recruitment and money-raising. Just what
they need.
On the inside ...
..Ron Langdon discusses the perils of TV ad-
diction on the Editorial Page . . . Arts Page, of
course, will feature its traditional Friday fare,
Cinema Weekend . . . and, on the Sports Page,
Leba Hertz previews the hockey team's weekend
series against defending NCAA champs Minnesota.
On the outside..
A repeat performance. With cold, unstable air in
control of our weather, skies will be variably
by impractical
The University spent a mere $8.5 million
to construct the recently-opened Arts and
Architecture Building on North Campus.
The new structure has been praised as a
cheap, innovative, spacious, and highly
functional place to learn architecture.
But you couldn't prove it by the archi-
tecture experts.
THE HUGE, warehouse - like building,
which contains both the School of Archi-
tecture and Urban Planning and the Art
school, may cost enough in terms of energy
consumption to be a major financial alba-
tross for the University.
And if that isn't bad enough, students
and design experts alike are already curs-
ing the new building for its impractical,
unattractive structure.
"Architecture has to go beyond whether
a building is nice-looking," says one Archi-
tecture school design expert who asked not
to be identified. "This building inhibits
one's ability to do what you have to do.
It's important how well a building meets
the needs of its users. That's where this
building falls short."
ANOTHER faculty member who doesn't
like his new teaching environment is urban
planning Prof. Allen Feldt. "This build-
ing,' says Feldt, "is a symbol of the
sterility of modern American architec-
ture . . . it's hard to believe that an
architecture college got a building like
The new building is plagued by problems
of expense and impracticality in several
* Thanks to thousands of single-pane
windows, the cost of providing heat is twice
that of a comparably-sized structure.
r The windows-and they seem to be
everyhere-can't be opened. That means
the whole building must be air-conditioned
in the summer.
* To save money, light switches have
been installed communally, so to speak-
in faculty offices, for example, one switch
controls lighting for each group of eight
offices. That saves money on switches, but
See NEW, Page 9
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
THE MASSIVE DESIGN ROOM of the new Arts and Archi-
tecture Building has drawn numerous complaints from stu-
dents who say the lack of partitions and the high noise level
make working there difficult, The University boasts that
the room is "one of the largest single teaching spaces on
declin es
Black enrollment at the Uni-
versity has declined from 7.3
per cent of the student body a
year ago to seven per cent this
term, Opportunity Program Di-
rector George Goodman an-
nounced yesterday.
The new figures contrast
sharply with the 10 per cent
nonwhite enrollment goal set by
the Regents in 1970 as a re-
sult of the Black Action Move-
ment (BAM) strike.
GOODMAN insisted he is con-
fident the University willrevent-
ulyreach the 10 per cent
mark, but Frank "Rhodes, Vice
President for Academic Af-
fairs, admitted yesterday that
he was "very disappointed" by
this years figures. He said that
the demands were being met
"much more slowly than any-
one expected."
Associate Director of Admis-
sions Lance Erickson said, how-
ever, that the University "hasn't
established a specific deadline"
for meeting the BAM demands.
LAST YEAR Goodman said
that the University could be
"reasonably expected" to meet
the goals by 1975-76. During the
BAM strike, the Regents pro-
mised to meet the 10 per cent
figure by the fall of 1973.
In a presentation to the Re-
gents that coincided with the
10th anniversary of the Oppor-
tunity Program, Goodman yes-
terday blamed inflation and the
the movement of many blacks
into the middle income bracket
as the major causes of the de-
cline. The program was set up
to benefit low income families,
and with the movement to high-
er incomes, many blacks are
excluded from
versity financial
present system.
receiving Uni-
aid under the
The program, Goodman re-
ported, experienced its greatest
retention rate this fall, with 86
per cent of all students return-
ing. Of the 389 entering fresh-
persons in 1973, 335 returned for
their sophomore year. This
rate is slightly up from the pre-
ceding year, in which 85.4 per
cent of the 'entering freshper-
sons returned.
ADMISSION granted to mi-
nority students under the pro-
gram declined however. In fact,
the figures are the lowest since
just after the BAM strike.
There were 501 students admit-
ted under the program this fall,
compared to 573 in 1973 and
595 in 1972.
Unless the present trend to-
ward fewer minority admis-
sions is sharply revotsed next
fall, black enrollment is ,likely
to decline even further.
D unn claims '
pressured voters
in clerical election
AP Photo
VICE PRESIDENTIAL nominee Nelson Rocke feller "shoots back" at news photographers dur-
ing yesterday's Senate confirmation hearings. Rockefeller underwent a stiff grilling about his
gifts to political allies at the extended session.
For drequests quick.OK
Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lans-
ing) charged yesterday that
some University officials had
"clearly violated our position of
neutrality" during the recent
effort to unionize University
clerical workers.
At yesterday's Board of Re-
gents meeting, Dunn contended
that written statements distri-
buted to all University employes
by the Personnel Office were
slanted against unionization.
"IF WE were neutral, we
certainly went overboard in
pointing out the defects of the
,unions," he said. He further
argued that the Univerity must
remain unbiased in any future
Officially, the University took
no stand in last month's cler-
ical election, which resulted in
a victory for United Auto Work-
ers' (UAW) representation.
Dunn said that one letter from
the Personnel Office slammed
unionization efforts by asking
"how much influence will any
one group have with the Uni-
versity anyway?" He said that
some letters noted drawbacks
to both UAW and American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
sity vice president and chief
financial officer, said the al-
leged bias was "a matter of
personal judgement." He de-
clared that the University had
See 'U', Page 9
Rocky's nomination
PHOENIX, Ariz. (1)P - Presi-
dent Gerald Ford exhorted Con-
gress to promptly confirm Nel-
son Rockefeller as vice presi-
dent, then declared last night
he can imagine no circum-
stances that woul4 lead him to
withdraw the nomination.
Ford said "nominating Nelson
Rockefeller" was Number One
on his list of achievements dur-
ing the first 100 days of his
presidency. He scolded Con-
gress for delaying action on that
vice presidential choice.
AND FORD added that there
was "no political chicanery" in-
volved in about $2 million in
loans and gifts by Rockefeller
to former associates-an issue
that has contributed to delays
in action on the nomination.
See related story, Page 8
At a nationally broadcast
news conference, Ford also
cited as a major achievement
his plan for coping with the
Students push voter
registration reform
Students in the University's Pilot Program will kickoff a
petition drive tomorrow to place a City Charter amendment
seeking easier voter registration before the public in next April's
municipal election.
Interest in the issue was sparked when several voter regis-
tration sites on campus were planned by City Clerk Jerome Weiss
and then cancelled by City Council. Larry Moloney, Resident
Director of the Pilot Program, asserts: "The Republican Council
rather blatantly tried to keep students from registering because
economic situation, calling it
"a finely tuned program" to
deal with recession and infla-
tion at the same time.
He again spurned any turn to
wage and price controls, plug-
ged for quick congressional ac-
tion on a five per cent surtax
on middle and upper income
taxpayers, said flatly that he is
not considering an increase in
gasoline taxes, and hinted at
mandatory energy strictures if
voluntary consumption c u r b s
FORD, appearing before the
Society of Professional Journal-
ists, Sigma Delta Chi, said he
could not venture specific fore-
casts in terms of dates or fig-
ures on an improvement in the
economic situation.
He said there may yet be
some increase in unemploy-
ment, now at 6 per cent, "but
I do think that if the Congress
cooperates with me we can re-
verse that trend in 1975."
Ford fielded 21 questions from
White House correspondents,
local newsmen and delegates to
the convention.
AS FORD arrived at the ball-
room from a plush hotel outside
Phoenix where he had spent the
afternoon resting and taking a
The regional Common Cause
chapter yesterday condemned
U. S. Congressman Marvin
Esch (R-Ann Arbor) for using
a letter from the organization
in what it considers a mislead-
ing political advertisement ap-
pearing prior to the November
5 election.
In a memo sent to Esch, the
steering committee of Common
Cause in the Second Congres-
sional District chided the Con-
gressman for injuring the
group's non-partisan image
through the advertisement.
Cause staffers, the advertise-
ment, which included a letter
praising Esch from the area
director, cheated the impres-
sion that the organization en-
dorsed Esch's re-election.
Common Cause is a national
the message. Hartwell added
that Esch still stands by his
November 3 statement defend-
ing the advertisement. That
statement was issued when
Common Cause first question-
ed the ad's propriety.
At that time, Esch contended
that the advertisement in no
way damaged Common Cause's
credibility because it carried a
small disclaimer stating that
the group could not endorse
IN THE November 5 elec-
tion, Esch won a fifth consecu-
tive term in the House by de-
feating Democratic candidate
John Reuther.
The advertisement in question
first appeared in The Daily on
November 1. It featured a lau-
datory letter on Common Cause
stationary run under the head-
line: "Common Cause Says: 'A
Common Cause slams Escli ad
Congress as an advertise-
ment .. -
* "We deplore your failure to
withdraw the advertisement at