page one Blood! By WAYNE JOHNSON HARD CORE pornography has evolved into a really nasty stage. One San Francisco theater is yanking perverts off the street with a gem entitled Animal Lovers. Would a human female actually have intercourse with a huge male hog? Admission is a -mere $5 if you are interested. Now violence freaks are ooohing and aaahing over their latest hard core, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Since it hasn't hit Ann Arbor yet, let's try to imagine what the worst scenes are like. 1) A killer sneaks into a bedroom with Mickey Mouse wallpaper and a tiny crib in the corner. The killer grins when he sights the baby, which is less than a month old. He places the motion- less saw blade against the child's sleep- ing face. With a flick of the switch, the baby's face is instantly destroyed. 2) While her parents' limbs lay scat- tered around her, a pert, prepubescent girl is forced to perform an oral sex act on a killer. He. calmly saws off her head an instant before he comes. Guts! etty wife and kids are tied to They cry and puke as they watch il men cut off hubby's/daddy's :h by inch. Then it's their turn. Y, VERY SICK. But those mur- know they can't elude the cops . Somebody will eventually notice dy fingerprint on the Black & erversion! will be fun for the whole family when it arives. Remember, however, that reality is always stranger than fiction. H o w many fun lovers like to see these scenes on the silver screen? 1) A group of heavily armed killers invade a town and immediately begin to slaughter the citizens. A young woman runs from her house, holding her baby .... .......... I. "Very, very sick. But those murderers know they can't elude the cops. forever. Somebody will eventually notice a bloody fingerprint on the Black & Decker in the gar- age and the fun will be over.' myismmasagsseassm:5misasiasimesaga ism nasas# nsa ..:.esw:A....-....t.,...... emblem, between her legs. 3) Over a hundred people are forced into a ditch where they are executed with bullets and hand grenades. Unbe- lievably, a two year old boy climbs from the ditch. One of the leaders shoves him back into the ditch and shoots him. 4) When the murderers finally leave, the survivors begin to bury the dead. It tak'es several days to cover the 450 to 500 victims. VERY, VERY SICK. But surely these animals will be tortured and/or elimin- ated for their crimes? Well, yes and no. One man is convicted of murder but never even serves a prison sentence. It seems there was an extenuating circum- stance to the killings: none of the vic- tims spoke English. The movie ends with the convicted man walking free, seeking an obscure job in the construction field. Nobody hates him enough to try lynching him. Will Lt. William Calley see The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? His dreams pro- bably keep him amused without any fresh blood to ponder. Decker in the garage and the fun will be over. At the trial, people shout, people cry, photos of the victims are shown. Since the killers never show any evidence of remorse a lynch mob stops the trial and strings them up. Brutal, but God knows they deserved it. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre sure close for protection. The killers shoot the woman causing her to drop the child. An M16 blast destroys the baby instant- ly. 2) A teenage girl is raped repeatedly by the killers. Although she doesn't die, her sex organs have been torn apart by the cruel men. They lay her down and place a patch, with the killer's official LOCAL MOTION Funding alternative social services nI' in here, dear, packing for the United Nations World Food Conference in Rome.' Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Thursday, November 14, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Eat less or they'll starve THE PERPETUAL starvation of the people of Bengladesh was heav- ily dramatized by the straight media, the underground media, and the star- studded Concert for Bengladesh in 1972. Most peoplehave forgotten by now. This morning, Novpmber 14, 1974, the street cleaners of Dacca, the capital city of Bengladesh, picked up more than the usual refuse. The thoroughly emaciated bodies of those who starved the day before also had to be collected. Millions are starving. Sonie of them are very old, but a frightening. percentage are very young. At the World Food Conference in Rome this week, the affluent powers, particularly the most affluent, will be confronted with a virtual ultima- tium! Reduce your consumption of meat and oil or sit back and watch the Third World starve on television. REDUCTION IN meat consumption would free vast quantities of grain, the staple, food in the diet of American cattle. Seven pounds of TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Ken Firk, C i n d y Hill, Claudia Kraus, Ann Marie Lipinski, Rob Meachum, Cheryl Pi- late, Sara Rimer, Liz Smith Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Wayne Johnson, Steve Stojic Arts Page: David Blomquist, George Lobsenz, David Weinberg. Photo Technician: Steve Kagan grain are needed to produce one pound of beef. Cutting back oil con- sumption is important because/pe- troleum products are necessary to operate farm machinery and produce fertilizer. The 500 per cent increase in" the price of oil since 1972 has forc- ed the poorer nations to severely cur- tail their purchases, much to the detriment of the already overworked farmland. Will the mostaffluent nation ac- cept the. challenge? Will its people eat less meat and buy fewer cars? Not if the food lobbyists and General Motors have anything to say about government policy. That can only be changed if the American people themselves exert enough pressure on their political leaders. But will the American people take up the chal- lenge?'Will they sacrifice to feed the starving as willingly as they sacrifice to fight wars? Are Americans really the generous internationalists they perceive themselves to be, or are they callously selfish misers of the world's wealth? The answer is shocking and depressing if a recent front page poll by the Detroit Free Press is an accur- ate barometer of current sentiments. THE QUESTION: "Would you be willing to sacrifice to feed the starving?" The answer: 40 per cent Yes, 60 per cent No. By BILL HEENAN WHILE CITY Council main- tains a tight grip on its purse strings, many of Ann Arbor's alternative social serv- ice organizations are left fight- ing for the crumbs. Isolated from the local government and alienated from each other in competitive quest for funding, these groups face eventual col- lapse if they fail to locate sup- port. The Local Motion fund-raising- cooperative - one of the broad- est community organizing ef- forts seen in recent years here - could boost the social services toward self-sufficient safety as well as provide a united front from which to deal with City Council. Financed primarily by a voluntary two per cent sales tax collected by local businesses and donations from supporting merchants, Local Motion plans to offer local organizations out- right grants or low-interest loans based on their needs. "We're not a charity, but a vehicle for social change," stresses Michael Castleman, one of Local Motion's organizer : "People who use the alterna- tive services in town have no voice in public policy, and we intend to end that isolation," he adds. According to another organiz- er, Michael McCormick, Local Motion (LH) intends to w rk itself out of existence once the city recognizes the needs of its community services. TO DATE, LM's membrshin consists of 15 individual citi- zens, 14 social service gr ps, and four businesses. The co-op's funds are disbursed according to the category the member falls into: "basic survival" which includes housing, food, healih, legal aid, and child care organ- izations receives highest pmnor- ity; second are education and advocacy (media) concerns; and the lowest priority is assigned to entertainment and transpor'ta- tion functions. Local Motion's chief benefic- iaries 'are its non-profit org.-n- izational members. To join LM, they must submit to an annual financial audit, supply the co- op with quarter-time volunteers; and govern themselves collec- tively and openly. Currently, the Free Peoples Clinic, Community Center Project, Ozone Haase, Washtenaw County Legal Aid Project, the Ann Arbor Sun, and New World Film Co-op are vot- ing members, while the People's Food Co-op, Corntree Daycare Center, Feminist Legal Serv- ices, Women's Community Cen- ter, and the Itemized Fruit and Vegetable Co-op are non-voting participants until they Oubmit financial statements. "WE SEE LM as providing a means for building up welfare services we need," says D n v e Heritier of the .Peoples Food Co-op. He hopes that the city will recognize the Food Ca-op as a public service not unlike trash collectors. Castleman does not anticipate members flying the coop aftar receiving aid, but according to him, the Local Motion Constitu- tion states that organiza':ions must notify LM twormonths ie- fore leaving. Two categories of local busi- nesses comprise the co-op: Sus- taining members share yearly profits, while collecting busi- nessescharge the two per cent sales tax. According to McCor- mick, local merchants are free to use any collecting method at their disposal. Advertising the tax and adding it automatically to retail goods; r setting aside a tin can for donations sem the most popular methods. "It's tremendous, the m ) s t exciting thing _ that's ever hap- pened for counter-cultural groups in years," says C:,rla Rappaport, Local Motion's Fem- nist Federal Credit Union re- presentative. HOWEVER, Matthew Posner from Indian Summer Rast.ur- ant, a staunch supporter of LM, worries about financial account- ability: "What prevents some- one from collecting the tax and pocketing it?" he asks. Pointing at patrons beseiging his c a s h register, he wonders how to keep tabs on who pays and who does not pay the two per cent con- tribution. Most member businesses are uncertain about their role in Local Motion, and prefer to wa it and see how others do commit themselves. LB businessmen m- clude the Feminist Federal Cre- dit Union, Indian Summer Res- taurant, Applerose Natural Foods, and Rainbow Praduc- tions. Local Motion also welcmes corporate businesses - wi h about Local Motion which they view as a money-saving auirr- native to funding several s)cial services. "It's one of the prograins dearest to my \heart!" com- ments City Councilman Louis Belcher (R-Fifth Ward). He re- commends that the city ma'--h Local Motion's funds with re- venue sharing monies expected this July. "No one to my knowledge on Council has spoken against Lo- cal Motion," he added. KATHY KOZACHENKO (IRP- Second Ward) who was instru- mental in forming LM believes that Local Motion will succeed if students and Ann Arbor's mid- dle class cooperate. "Local Motion cannot afford to forget that it depends on these people, for the bulk of irs funding," she stressed. One of LM's purposes, she adds, is to educate students on the plight of the city's low income resi- dents. Based on successful . fund- raising cooperatives throug'1ivut al groups and contributing busi- nesses elect one board repre- sentative, while individual mem- bers and collecting busine ses may elect up to 25 per cent of the board. The notion for Local Motion developed when the GOP domin- ated City Council eliminated so- cial service funding in order to solve last winter's budget de- ficit. Organizations hurt by the cutbacks met with Kozaclvenko last Spring; and designed a co- operative reflecting lessons learned from the now-defunct Madison (Wisc.) Sustaining Fund which 'raised $1000 p e r month through a voluntary tax and salary checkoff plan in 1972. Yet that organization's pji- tical structure permitted fic- tionalization - tyranny of the minority - to grind operations to a halt and alienating t n e community. In addition, mem- ber representatives were lazy and rarely attended the lengthy Board meetings.- THUS LOCAL Motion's sN-s- "We're not a charity, but a vehicle for social change. People who use alternative services in this town have no voice in public policy, and we intend to change that." --Michael Castlemnan, Local Motion organizer ... ..................u ....... .......4.... ....,.......-.... ;..' . a ::.Y,: 4 :v : A........: . 4 .w"::. some reservations. "There is a strong f e l1 n g against corporations not o n- trolled by the community, and if they're exploitive - l i k e McDonald's not paying the min- imum wage - we might have some questions," explains Cas- tleihan. Individual city residents join the co-oprby donating $1 and some labor yearly. ts City officials are enthusiastic the U.S., Local Motion is a cql- lective democratic coatiion, largely based on the volunt, er labor of its members. A staff of two half-time coordinators and five committed volunteerstwill form the nucleus of fund-raising collecting, and monitoring ef- forts, and all spending decisions will be approved by a 61 per cent vote of LM's Board of Di- rectors which represents Oe various members. Organization- tem is designed, explains Mc- Cormick, to discourage its use as a political,.forum. Local Motion is a worthy en- deavor in the cooperative soirit. Hopefully, infighting and com- munity apathy"will not plague it. The co-op Board of Directors meets every Sunday at 7:30 in the William St. Community Center. . _ __ _ ___: r T-- = x 4 -.-- ..- .t9- 5' - T "' 'zF? Fe - , - r : ,.- _ : . . . . . . . . . . .._ c - .- T ". - F 7-V. T 7 1 T I . - I - . - - ExuberantCleveland Quartet gives powerful performance -VINCENT BADIA By DAVID BURHENN There are only a few great string quartets. It is difficult to bring together that combination of individual talent, musical taste, and ability to work and perform together in four dis- parate people. But the Cleveland Quartet, in a stunning concert in the Cham- ber Arts Series at Rackham last night, showed an enthusiastic audience that it indeed aspires to be one of the great quartets. The four artists, first violin- ist Donald Weilerstein, second violinist Peter Salaff, violist Martha Strongin Katz, and cell- ist Paul Katz, are perhaps the brightest stars in the constella- tion of emerging young Ameri- can quartets. Their enthusiasm for the pro- gram of Mozart, Ives, and Schu- bert was boundless and infec- tious. Artists and audience alike felt the exuberance of perform- ance and the intense fire which characterized their interpret a- tions. The first piece on last night's program was Mozart's Adagio and Fugue in C Minor, original- ly written for two pianos, and later transcribed by the com- poser for string orchestra. A work of baroque, almost Mandelian maiped- it 1nds it- self well to the string orches- tra, but perhaps less well to the string quartet. The Cleve- land, however, exposed the deli- cate writing in the work with a clearness of texture that would have been lost in a performance by a larger group. At times, the sheer physical energy of the four musicians seemed a bit strained, especial- ly at the beginning of the fugue, where the cello must belt out the subject in the lower regis- ter. But on the whole the per- formance was superb, with the rich sound of the four blending almost symphonically. But if the Mozart was su- perb, the Ives Second Quartet was the show stopper. This work by America's great insur- ance salesman-musical genius, whose centennial we celebrate this year, is a compendium of harsh atonality, musical jokes, and a 19th century version of "Name that Tune." First violinist Weilerstein per- formed a somewhat of a Leon- ard Bernstein role in giving tne audience a short lecture on the humorous intracies of the work and Ives' voliminous musical and ion-musical directions. The work has three move- ments, labeled "Discussions," "Arorument. " and "The Calo nf the Mountains." The meanings are literal, for there is a lot of musical fighting going on be- tween the four players, who represent four men arguing about some political topic. Snatches of "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," "Marching through Georgia," and "Dixie" can be heard through the dis- sonant Ives writing. The second movement is par- ticularly interesting, for. in it, the second violinist portrays a musical traditionalist, given to playing long sweet cadenzas, while the rest of the quartet angrily cuts him off with atonial chords. Ives calls this coarac- ter "Rollo Finck" and violinist Salaff played his part to a hilt. In the cadenzas, Salaff was appropriately romantic n n d even a bit decadent. The rest of the quartet also handled their devilish parts with aplomb. The final work of the evening was Franz Schubert's Quartet in D Minor, also known as the "Death of the Maiden" quartet. That famous song makes its en- trance in the slow movement as the subject for a series of gorgeous variations. In the Schubert, the Cleve- land had little problem witn the vast technical demands of the Loren De Sica Film director IeSica dies in Paris at 72, By EDWARD MAGRI Associated Press Writer ROME-Vittorio de Sica, the Italian director who chose street people to star 'in many of his films and whose stark portrayal of life won Oscars for Bicycle Thief and three other movie landmarks, died in his home in Paris on Wednesday. He was 72. The death was announced in Rome by producer Carlo Ponti. He'~ sajid De ;pica was ~in Paris Loren told, newsmen in Paris. "I can't believe it's true. There are no words to express my pain and my sorrow over this irreparable loss for the cine- ma, for Carlo Ponti and also for me. Along with Roberto Rossellini ,nd Luchino Visconti, De Sica led Italy's neorealistic wave, ushering in a new era of movie making. He described the movement as "the poetry of real life."