A t01 4 0 an D al Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, November 13, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Jerry couldn't save GOP CLOSE YOUR EYES, people, and be- gan to pray. If the words of soothsayer Jerry are true, then world peace is in jeopardy. The Congress is Democratic and "our delicately bal- anced two-party system is in some trouble." The smashing victories in both Houses of Congress by thesDemocrats have now caused Ford to work for cooperation with the Democrats when only two weeks ago he was accusing the Dens of "creating most of the problems we are faced with today." President Ford's deplorable attack on the Democrats was not only a cheap shot, but many of the aforementioned criticisms by Ford could be deemed by some as highly debatable. What is depressing about the whole thing is that while the Dems have gained a supposedly 'veto-proof' Congress, they still remain in the position of having to contend with Gerald R. Ford for the next two years as he struggles to keep world peace. BEFORE THE ELECTION, Ford's campaign tour took him through some twenty states covering approxi- mately 16,000 miles. Really sad is the fact that all this campaigning didn't really help GOP candidates as the Democrats won 48 seats in the House while losing only five, and took 4 GOP Senate seats and lost only one. President Ford has stated that he does not consider the election results a referendum on himself, but the va-- lidity of this claim must be .disputed when one searches through the re- sults of the election. The GOP leader- ship may well be in question since a nation still remembering Watergate and President Ford's controversial pardon of former President Nixon did not deem credible the predictionsdof prophet Jerry. When Ford blamed the Democrats for most of the country's problems, he must have forgotten that two of the country's major problems are in- flation and unemployment. We must close our eyes to the fact that it was former President Nixon (a Republi- can) who made up- and fought for the budget that gives billions of dol- lars in aid to a corrupt Thieu re- gime in South Vietnam, and support- ed a CIA covert operation in Chile for the benefit of ITT and other American capitalist enterprises, while cutting programs like OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity) and various other youth programs. These actions put people out of work as well as the American oil companies' 'shortage' to which no substantial Republican challenge was made. No major moves were made to keep in check the out- rageous prices that American busi- nesses are charging, driving everyone to charge higher prices which is known as inflation. JN THIS, THE 11TH consecutive elec- tion in which the Democrats have controlled the Senate, with their big- gest margin in a decade, Ford's as- sertion that he does not consider the election a referendum on himself is questionable. Perhaps he believes it, but it just may well be wishful think- ing. --CLIFFORD BROWN System-blame By BETH NISSEN WE ARE TAUGHT as little children that there are dis- tinct rights and wrongs. While the rights are sometimes re- warded simply by the absence of punishment, wrongs are us- ually punished when they are noticed. Once the wrong is com- mitted, the culprit is identified and a suitable discipline fol- lows. While there are noted ex- ceptions (devised mostly by guilty adults) the culprit is us- ually a single specific, identi- fiable human individual cap- able of being both blamed and punished. Wedging into our simplistic and linear childlike conception of black/white, right/wrong is a large and foggy gray triangle, in no aspect right, yet not black- ly wrong. In this safe area rest the wrongs for which no one takes blame or responsibility. The individuals involved in this grayish moral ozone carry nei- ther blame nor guilt for the committed action; all blame and all guilt are given to a system. Instead of being the perpetrator of the wrong, the technically guilty individuals themselves become victims of the system. The guilty individ- ual joins the slain as a blame- x less innocent caught in the ma- chinery of misfortune. rees individual LAST FRIDAY, in the legal judgment of two severe in- stances of undeniable wrong, in- dividual blame melted into be- lated system blame. The United States Army granted parole to convicted murderer Lt. William Calley. Calley had been sentenced to life imprisonment for the mur- der of some twenty-two Vietna- mese civilians in My Lai. Al- though the legal process still charges and sentences the spe- cific individual, the deaths of those Vietnamese villagers are attributed to the massive, near- ly uncontrollable and certainly non-specific military system. The hapless Calley is conven- iently personally relieved of of- ficial blame; that blame is ac- cepted by the chain-of-com- mand system of the Army. Iron- ically, in Calley's case, the sys- tem that lifted the blame from the persecuted individual was the same system that absorbed the blame into its amorphous self. And in a District court in Cleveland, a judge acquitted the eight former members of the Ohio National Guard unit accus- ed of recklessly and fatally vio- lating the civil rights of four Kent State students. WITH THE BLAME and ac- cusations lifted from the eight humans accused, the System will absorb the crushing impact of Kent State, regardless of how precisely ballistics ex- perts can trace specific deadly bullets to the exact flexed Ohio Guard finger. No number of individuals will be held ac- countable for the Kent State deaths, yet four individuals (lied ... Perhaps a few human psyches will be saved from terminal guilt and suicidal teeterings on insanity's edge by the paternal forgiveness effect of system blame. System - blame sponges the lines of blameb Ninted at the person into an indistinct and directionless blur. Yet system - blame does not give satisfactory answers to our instinctive questions of who is to be responsible for senseless and avoidable deaths. An individual can be identi- fied, tried, punished, and held personally responsible for their actions. A system cannot; it is too large, too safe from public outrage and justifiable anger. Blame is necessarily directed by humans toward specific some- ones; when diverted toward an intangible, blame cannot be as- signed. FAR ASIDE FROM a figure toward which we can direct blame, we perhaps suffer most angry frustration and bitter hopelessness when deprived of a figure who will take responsi- bility. System-blame holds no one soul publicly accountable for the abrupt and violent end System fails Kent victims WE WERE TOLD THAT justice was finally being served, we were told that the system was finally working. All one can reply to this is that they lied. By acquitting the Kent State guardsmen Judge Battisti is allowing them to get away with murder. It is unfortunate that the only stu- dents who have a vivid memory of the massacre are now graduate students. The nation's campuses were up .in arms over the unconstitutional inva- sion of Cambodia by American troops. The first few days of May, 1970 were filled with demonstrations and de- nunciations of -the action Nixon had taken. On May 4, four students were gunned down in cold blood'. America submitted to the rule of the gun that day. Like so many times in the past, the government found it easier to stifle dissent with force than TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Ken Fink, Tom Preston, Judy Ruskin, Steve Selbst, Tom Simonian, Becky Warner Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Debra Hurvitz, Steve Ross, Steve Stojic Arts Page: Ken Fink Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens TUE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Pubishers-HalSyndicate, 1074 to turn a patient ear to those who disagreed with national policy. Many times we have been told that the system takes care of its own. Every time this is said, some innocent soul replies that the law should not work that way, that this is an unfair system of justice. But it happens nonetheless. IT IS HARD to believe that killing human beings is not depriving them of constitutional rights. Judge Battisti, however, believes that it is not. Even so, there is a higher value to be considered here. Those four students were deprived of their right to live, the most important of all hu- man rights. They were cut down arbi- trarily, their only fault being that they were in the wrong place at the right time. The next time you walk across the Diag, consider a line of soldiers on the steps of the Grad Library firing randomly into the crowd as classes change. Then think of Kent State and SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. -TIM SCHICK of the lives of a handful of Asian villigers and four young stu- dents. Asked the father of a long- buried Kent State student, "Who is responsible for the death of 1y son?" While a system may mask the identity of the guilty man, that responsibility is forever welded to the soul of the one who end- ed the life of the other. rape To The Daily, FROM THE tone of Ms. Heyn's editorial concerning the judicial action taken against the rape victim, Inez Garcia, it is evident that Ms. Heyn is only concerned with adding her one cent to the already platitudinous advertising concerning women's rights. The article, The Vagaries of Justice, was an attempt to defend the use of force against force but the petty emotional- ism that was replete throughout the editorial only added to its shortcomings. First Ms. Heyn admonishes the vigilante attitude then she contradicts herself (woman's right) by concluding with the unqualified statement that ladies should "tote a rod and shoot without hesitation." Does Ms. Heyn stoy to consider that rape, like other social ills, is the result of complex behavioral, psychol- ogical and societal problems that will never be blasted out of existence? Arming the female populace will do little to stem the grow- ing tide of murders and criminal assaults in this nation. One can easily observe that even the police departments are befud- dled at their ineffectiveness in combating crime despite their annual increases in arms and personnel. GRANTED, RAPE victims re- ceive unfair treatment at the hands of local authorities and women have a right to self de- fense but to condemn rapers, potential rapers and people who look like rapers (which is ulti- mately how such things are in- terpreted) to death by tiring squad "without hesitation" could have grave repercussi ans. Per- haps instead of writing this let- ter I should have org anPied a raiding party and seized r h e offices of the Michigan Daily until, in turn, someone toting an Letters hunting To The Daily: I AM SUBMITTING this letter in response to the deplorable article written by Dave War- ren that appeared in your paper on November 9. Mr. Warren's opposition to hunting was an emotional appeal without a fac- tual basis or a knowledgeable perspective. The woods and fields are not for the use of hunters alone nor are they for the sole fascination of nature enthusiasts. All state residents have rights to state lands, and with luck will con- tinue to do so despite the ac- quisitive desires of minority in- terest groups. The facts are, that a majority of people do not have strong opinions for or against hunzing according to the latest issue of National Wildlife magazine. Un- fortunately, a "very small ni- nority" to quote Warren, are ey- ing for the majorities onimon, as he did when he rebuked hunt- ing on the grounds of human and animal deaths. Regrettably, hunters have shot e a c h other. But, it is a minority of gunners at fault, known as the "slob" hunters. We have no more right to forbid hunting on this premise that we do to forbid driving to prevent deaths caus- ed by reckless and careless dri- vers. Indeed, as with driving, we need more regulations of hunting to prevent accidents. TO FORBID shooting game is unwarranted because killing ani- mals is a fact. The meats we eat aren't produced at the groc- er's, but come from ranches and are prepared at slaughterhous- es. Unfortunately, progress has played the trick of canning us into cities. It has replaced our traditional rural know-how of food getting with a distaste for the necessity of killing an ani- nal to eat it. Hunting is not the seven month 1,ina hnttle Warren cnnstrn~e to dough, and the lands their funds buy nurture a wide diversity of wildlife and plant forms. Much of this land would be unavail- able to us were it not for the interests of hunters. They have saved many acres of marshland from being filled and develop- ed. MY ARGUMENT is not to promote hunting, but to accept it. As Tom Kimball, the Execu- tive Vice President of National Wildlife Federation believes, "The hunting question is a per- sonal matter," and each person must decide for himself. Be- sides, hunters and nature en- thusiasts have similar goals, i.e., saving our wildlife for the future. There are too m a n y environmental enemies to squab- ble among ourselves. If you must write your representa- tives, as Warren suggests, don't waste his time and ours with counterproductive grievances, especially without investigating the issue beyond emotions. -Doug Woodby A Nature Lover November 9 bias To The Daily: AS A STUDENT at this uni- versity I am embarrassed by the fact that the Daily is cur supposed student newspaper. I have never cared for this paper but like so many other students on campus I am exposed to it nearly every day. However, in the past months I have been astonished by the level of trashy journalism that even the Daily is capable of. Your coverage of this mud- slinging, back-stabbing election has been a series of never end- ing surprises. Not only do you enforce your own political choic- es through selective coverage but I have been amazed by the fact that you have even stoop- ed so low as to use your paper to print cheapnshots at the noli- F Daily* Let's keep the ads off the front and the editorializing to the editorial page and give the students news. When we want to read trash and hear-say stories we'll read movie magazines and detective newspapers. Wat we need are the facts. Let us do the deciding for once. -Gary Ravit November 2 electioni I HAVE in front of me the editorial page of the November 7, 1974 Michigan Daily. Never before have I ever read a. more laughable attempt at editorial writing as the piece titled "State Dems field turkeys". Tim Schick displays an ignorance of why Sander Levin and John Reuther lost that makes me wonderwhere he lives or if he can read, To compare the "Damman scandal" with the Eaglet,)n af- fair shows a lackof understand- ing of one or both of those events. Eagleton hurt George McGovern because McGovern fumbled around and appeared to stab Eagleton in the back. Mil- liken found out what the ' facts were in the Damman case, made a decision and stood by it. He did not back Damman 1000 per cent and try to ease out by dropping hints to the press. SCHICK'S statement t h a t "Esch could hardly have won had Reuther not been a grade A gobbler" is unbelievable. The Second Congressional district is very diverse. It is almost split in half in terms of party support. It contains the Detroit white collar Republican suburbs such as Livonia and Plymouth, the liberal Ann Arbor-Washte- naw County area and the Toledo blue collar suburbs of Monroe County. The Detroit suburbs are Republican as the vote totals showed by giving Esch a 10,000 vote margin. Ann Arbor - Wash- tenaw County went for Reuther Reuther name is a great ad- vantage is also false. There are many people in this state who have an intense dislike for the U.A.W. and the Reuther family. If one is looking for reasons why Reuther lost (and he has come closer than anyone before, running against Marvin Esch) try things like a close primary victory calling for a recount that took an abnormally 1 o n g time to complete, a lack of money and lack of exposure. Finally it is very obvious that Mr. Schick has never met Jon Reuther personally. To say that the Democrats lost these two contests by run- ning tirkeys is an interesting idea. However, it doesn't sound like a hypothesis that was a pro- duct of much thought or re- search. Levin and Reuther did not lose their respective races because of any resemblance on their part to Ben Franklin's fav- orite bird. The reasoning behind the editorial in question is a joke. One can only hope that Tim Schick himself will make it through the Thanksgiving Holi- day. -Scott D. Harmsen November 7 GEO To The Daily: AS A SENIOR who will be a graduate student next year I supoort GEO's salary demands. I think that teaching fellows at this University deserve m o r e than they are presently getting. It is also time for the Univer- sity to realize that if they want to attract top notch graduate students they are eoing to have to increase the TF's stipends. A TF in chemistry now earns aonroximatelv $3400 per year, and ot of this must come tui- tion. At the University of Illi- nois a TF in chemistry earns $S0O'vear and all tuition and fees are waived both for in-state u .. 1 n f r' .. , ._. -r r. _ s" S i . I