editors: inside: howie brick laura Berman contributing editor: mary long Sunday mcigtzine page four-books page five-guy ludwig page in six-week review Number 10 Page Three Novemi FEATUF Reuther: The wonder r boy ets ih efa By GORDON ATCHESON win but I still feel pretty good ther says tapping the table with about it all" a fork to underscore the words.=a FOR THE PAST COUPLE of aoti l. mOnth, the "JSTO U Eof After a killing pre-election week "Later, however, I was strongly months, the John hetur pace, Reuther still looks just like linked to the labor groups which for Congress" campaign headquar- hstpe tofnehscm- hurt me in many areas." ters has eoccupied a small, two- he stepped out of one of his cam- ute ay are Sat the pagn posters - young and strik- Those areas proved to e he roHomer.aUntiinthhe mhedleiog be phe donow pslnt.Paneda ingly handsome. With bright white-collar suburbs in Wayne peyell wi e lae cur- brown eyes and ruddy cheeks, he County where Reuther wasdevas- 3DiyPf£ tains in the windows, the place exudes a healthful vitality so td log oE by oe 10,000 looks like it should stand strong that one is convinced he be- votes - approximately the marginIkgdg' an some peaceful lakefront in the longs in a Gerito commercial. ofmhis defetin e ente ditric kahy Upper Peninsula. Standing over six feet tall, Re- Without the family pullhow- trse dhghR-d But the cottage, plastered both ether is an imnosing figure. But a e Rung ckno ham inside anc out with posters and boeish face, that makes him a- Mewuln e re henis today- A bumper stkrs, has obusly pear a lot younger than his 30 out of college for less than a dec- as .t gh tm been made a center of attention. years. lends the man a naive air. ade but having ten years experti- r a Even two das after the election it Election night tempered that ence working on, organizing andpd x rioryu isn't qet. Ea ro fine abit. innocence. The returns showed running in national political cam-nd: hgn peoplet bustlingharoun d taking care Reuther that he couldn't marchfwih paigns. "Great opportunities open-in's theeomuetydutn ahpnettytfpntme, "p tohdeibecrupy of hypermn," of theperfunctory duties thatre-Rss in the area wthea retty face edaspnton easeo my name"" main after the battle. They don't and a famous name andrealistic-utheng." saysdingcareftlly. nor thinkat te sirrin ces ally expect to walk away the Fwin- sowly YEAe w Tey ceh Ahnkd b th h ss tirmringa se cd fVchsReuhtowomelp sfaredatetra cumsed.-"ee lkeon t E. . ths sm^s oetstha:hs:onmag myUqust n..y.he Reuther will give on the House ner. Until then the sting of per- autmeamt e f crsatemn. Dm..y"Photo I floor or the wise legislation he will sonal defeat had somehow avoided eur got his fr se on in G him, politics through one of those op- Execandidate Joh n Reuther and uncle Wlter Tir man lat y aIjsi', the b t ams bt portunities. As a junior strolling a tion a fn ris wl "Right w J her o ig. at duesdaybadr. oIltrintdshis i the etrit across the hilly Cornell University do again I wouldn't make the same u aniziongd fndang wigro"pis ht ow I-mhgois Ahe osinthonlonngs- gmfnrinh sinhe r- thcampus in central New York, he mistakes." The characteristic John be much better next time." Amaz- he says, again tapping Instead, as they move piles of n ecary to wi h exin s, was asked to become a co-leader of Rthertgrin, has been replaced ingly, these thoughts flow other- haven't had time to unused campaign leaflets and Reuther grew up in Detroit but the "Youn Citizens for Johnson" with a somber, reflective look. enty through John Reuther's since the campaign st multi-colored buttons and thank- moved to Ypsilanti only about 18 because the group wanted to Iden- A precocious youngster - a po- head less than 48 hours after the I won, I still woul you letters to supporters, the staff- months ago and for half that time tify more closely with labor. Since litical golden boy - learned a few first major setback in his own ca- to ..." His words trai: ers who rose and eventually fell he has been running for Congress tehehsnvreallftpl- aubelsos."'ntgigto r. the distinct impressic with Reuther try to exlain why That made hi. ggaIcarpetbagger then o gghe rrtoi- vlual e les hi'm not goie to reer e - mpglampaificet. teso mthe politics left him runoy ater a skin these eop- sTHINKING BACK, he serves up lad ace tha it happened that way. The answersto me people. And votes come Organizing in California for Rob- for their help," Reuther says quiet- several of the standard ex- for victory. Reuther aren't very pleasant to think about. much easier for a hometown boy. ert Kennedy's presidential bid in ly. "I'm going to get involved in uses for political defeat: "Esch begun looking for a js At a time when Democrats won by TIHEN THERE WAS the matter of 1968. Reuther recalls the Senator's the community during the next out spent me," "if we had six more pay off the personal $ landslide proportions across the the name - the Reuther name assassination as "a frustrating two years and build up more of a weeks," and "I came across well has run up during tI country, Reuther failed to beat a - which became a double-edged thing." rapport and understanding with to those who met me personally." and in part to keep hi moderate Republican incumbent, sword during the election. As the FOUR YEARS LATER, Reuther the people. Recently I'ye come to The self-assured Reuther never the next one Andth los ameina dstict chldof icor euher wo hlp sufeeda less traumatic dis- feel like one of them . .. this is my suspects that his own image may Unquestionably ther that, even without the elusive ed found the United Auto Workers, apppintment as he w a t c h e d home now." have been part of the problem. other "Reuther for soi "Watergate effect," should be a and the nephew of the late union George McGovern, whom he serv- Munching on potato chips, Ru- Although quite charming and ganization pretty soo virtual toss-up to begin with. president Walter the youthful ed as a key planner, lose the presi- ther all but declares his candidacy outgoing on first impressions, Reu- lessons from this ca TAKING A BREAK from the te- politician anticipated picking up dency by one of the most awe- for Congress In 1976: "I'm keeping ther remains slightly distant and noted, he will play the dious work in the tiny office, the blue collar vote almost by some margins ever recorded. "But the option open," he says like a Just a bit stiff as he tries to act because that's what 3i Reuther goes next door for a beer. birthright. But his oponent Con- I probably felt defeat strongly for good politician. And he has begun like a good friend among a group is all about - handsha As he sits in the hotel lounge, sin- gressman Marvin Esch of Ann Ar- the first time on November 5," he mapping campaign strategy aimed of strangers. Successful politicians factories in the earlyr ping a Budweiser, he reflects on bor, charged him with being a tool says, finishing off the beer. "I just at victory two years from now. He must at will be chummy with any- tertaning at fundral the defeat. "The spotlight was on of a union merely trying to buy a wasn't confident and towards the mentions in passing that all his one. But Reuther just hasn't had ngt n unn me in this election and I had to seat in the House with UAW end I knew it would be a longshot voter lists - the backbone of a po- enough practice at being slick. As ngt n unn produce," Reuther says smiling money. if I won. Going through the office litical machine - have been care- a veritable babe-in-arms by politi- campaign offices. wanly. "It's now an uneraseable "The name was a major factor the past two days, I constantly fully put in a safe place. He con- cal standards, however, he will Gordo, Atcheson is a part of the record that I didn't in my winning the primary," Reu- keep thinking that if I had this to fidently points out that "the or- have plenty of time to change. editor. ber 10, 1974 RES by KEN FINK ng to relax," the fork. "I read a book arted and if dn't be able 1 off, leaving n he would opportunity has already ab in part to 5,000 debt he ie campaign Im solvent for e will be an- mething" or- n. With the mpaign duly game again ohn Reuther aking outside morning, en- sers late at eculiar little Daily night After busing: 3ORUS To top it off, 1973-74 looked like The voices from By DAN B BOSTON A YEAR AGO, Bobby Quinn fig- ured he had it pretty good, all things considered. He was making more than a de- cent wage as a mechanic and with the help of the savings his wife accumulated as a teller in the Coo- lidge Bank, the Quinns had almost completed payments on their South Boston home, a modest dwelling which has housed Quinns for eighty years. His home is quite close to the local tavern, where on Thursday nights he would drink his beer, eat his soft pretzels, and play darts with friends who dated back to grade school. the Celtics year, which Quinn con- cidered a bonus. BUT THAT WAS before last win- ter's court ordered busing to achieve racial balance. Today, Quinn, like many of his school chums, is deeply disturbed by what has happened in Boston over the last two months and their concerns could have political rami- fications beyond the narrow scope of which candidates are elected. The passions and riots of South Boston - affectionately called Southie by its inhabitants - stem- ming from the busing to and from the area challenge the notion that society can peacefully exist when two diverse segments of the popu- lation have conflicting needs. Southie has always been a com- munity within a community, a pre- dominately Irish pocket, separated from the rest of Boston by water on three sides and the Fitzgerald Expressway on the fourth. Earlier attempts to integrate the neighbor- hood with Boston have not been overwhelming successes. Pride runs deep in Southie and the reaction to Federal Judge Garrity's decision has been swift and violent. "THE POLITICIANS and t h e judges and the Boston Globe don't know a fucking thing about Southie and they don't give a good goddamn about what happens here either," Quinn sputters. "I grew up in Southie. It's a great place. All my friends are here, all my kid's friends are here. Why does he hafta go down there (Roxbury, Boston's black neighborhood)? "All those liberals, protected by the river, can snout off about jus- tice and equality all they want to. They can afford it.' But they don't hafta live with it. They've got their fancy-ass neighborhood schools. "I ain't got nothing against the blacks," Quinn goes on, choosing his word more carefully now. "But if my kid has to leave Southie, he loses everything. Southie's a great place; I've never wanted to move out. But they've got to let me live like I want. If not . . ." He stops, looks clown into his beer, not cer- tain what his response will be if if busing continues. But the response of Quinn's neighbors to busing bodes ill for domestic tranquility. During the last months Southie has been the scene of the worst organized chaos in the last five years. Blacks who err by passing through the section have been hauled from cars and brutally beaten with hockey sticks, baseball bats and other implements. South Boston whites have staged massive demonstrations against previously popular leaders and have even turned against their former allies, the police. School board president and fierce opponent of busing John Kerrigan has many times accused the police of going easy on blacks. "For seven years, the cons in this town have protected the blacks at the ex- pense of the whites. Whites have been taking the brunt of police punishment," Kerrigan told a groun of stunned newsmen re- cently. A CHILL I N G ATMOSPHERE y . hangs over the city. It is per- mnated by fear, an'er. distrust, disresnect. and rehellion. There is somethinr halting about a vellow school bus hreaking over the hill early in a hayv Bocton morning acrcornnanied by helmeted polio'e- men on motorcycles in full reonlia. Fffnrts to Fool inflanmd nq5fiOn hi-ve n+pt with no snwrees. Tn fiat. thi- ore nolitinians cl oifown South Bo Italian North End, and they half- heartedly tried to prepare the city for the move. Television spots with sports stars Dave Cowens and Bob- by Orr urging acceptance of the decision and editorials asking com- pliance were the basis of the pre- school year campaign. But all the while, the politicians held out the hope that Garrity's ruling could be overturned. "Listening to them all," Quinn recalls bitterly, "you'd have t h o u g h t that this. would never happen, not in a million years." " S LONG AS there is hope for an amendment or an overturn- ing of this thing, my kid ain't goin' to school," one of Quinn's drinking partners says. With a statewide election year at hand. noliticians, eager to keep their offices, had long ago taken cognizance of the small percentage of black voters. Their words were the hallmark of mushiness - cau- tioning against violence, but never stressing that busing was indeed th law of the Commonwealth. Ronton mayor Kevin White en- tertained large political ambitions and wanted to avoid publiciled un - n'lossantniPs. Both PePnhiean novarnor Saropnnt na nemnocra tic erhllpncr r Michael Di'kakis re- frained fron fnking a rre- stand on th pnlatilo nr in parN Yfa11. OTT(TT STR A nnT,TNG took a toll. When the inevitohie violence Many don't see a way out. But Boston's school crisis has been fueled by more than fear of the breakdown of the old neigh- borhood. Good old - fashioned American racism helps. St. Louis Cardinal outfielder Reggie Smith, who played seven years for the Boston Red Sox, terms Boston the most racist city in America. "I have never been so verbally abused as I was in Boston," Smith said when he joined the Cardinals early last spring. "You expect a little on the road. You know, a couple of guys .who have had a little too much and want to beat you. "In Boston I heard more 'nig- ger's' and 'junglebunny's' than I ever did in the minors." Smith's conclusions are support- ed by other young blacks. "WHEN BUSING FIRST started," a black high school student who is bused said, "they had these jive spots on the news about volun- teer groups cleaning up our (black) schools so that the white folks could go to school. Shit, I've been going in that crap all my life and now they decide to clean it ub. "Separate but eaual reeks!" A white psychiatrist pointed out that for three weeks blacks took an enormous amount of ahue. When thev finally reacted after the first mass beating, then th e National Guard was called out. Not hefore. ston